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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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because the LHC won't be the death of the earth.
So come in and revel in your existence!

In honour of today's events (and thanks to the Resident Loon):
Click here for topical cartoon.
Image removed to be nice to people with slow connections.
( , Wed 10 Sep 2008, 8:23, 266 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

He lives with his mum and repeats himself.
( , Wed 10 Sep 2008, 0:09, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I heard it was soon.
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 23:03, 18 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 22:53, 6 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I am four hours into what is supposed to be a six hour job, and I've managed to get about an hour and a half of actual work done, meaning I'm probably not going to get home until 4 or even 5am. This is due to various processes falling over in our company's crappy payroll system, which is so complicated and unstable that it requires an IT bod to run it, plus two specialists on call in case of problems.
I am having problems tonight. All of them. I often have the mickey taken out of me at work for having all the crap payroll nights, but this one really takes the piss.
Cheer me up with your tales of shitty luck or I might just hurl myself off the balcony.
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 22:26, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Don't do the washing up after 3 beers and a bottle of red wine.
One punctured hand and 3 stitches.....and numerous jokes about not being allowed knives of any kind. (refer to January's boning knife incident)
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 19:28, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

As you know, the Large Hadron Collider is scheduled to be switched on tomorrow. There's a miniscule chance that something may go catastrophically wrong and a black hole will be created that sucks the Earth into one supercompressed lump of matter. This of course will mean that the World, along with b3ta and the b3tans will cease to exist. So what better way to spend the last evening ever by partying away in this Home Sweet Home thread like it's 1999.
Length? 27km.

( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 18:31, 265 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Do not attempt to climb over an 8 feet high corrugrated iron fence in a pair of Converse and a shortish dress. That way lies purple thighs:

(I got over the fence though. But I can't sit with my legs crossed now. Not that I spend much time with my legs together, let's face it.)
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 12:58, 34 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

There is nothing quite like the sound of your gearbox being chewed up and deposited on the road behind you as your on the way to work, in the rain.
Why do cars never ever ever break down on a nice warm sunny day?
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 12:35, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

You guys seem much friendlier than /talk.
Can anyone explain this 'Home Sweet Home' business?
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 10:03, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

To you all on this rainy Tuesday.
Grab a shotgun, a human shield and wait for Special Forces to storm the building.

( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 9:00, 276 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

joy of joys
maybe see you later
also, I'm pleased to see that Monkey Rapture is coming back.
Some of you won't be able to read that^
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 8:25, 2 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I sometimes want to check back to see if a posting that I've replied to has had further replies, but I'm buggered if I can think of an easy way to find postings to which I've replied
Half of them are made when I've been drinking, so I don't always remember when I've replied either. The search facility shows me my own postings and replies, but not the thread in which they were posted. Clicking on the icon just produces a page full of [blank].
Some of you seem to notice replies almost immediately. How do you clever buggers do it? Witchcraft? RSS?
Do tell!
( , Tue 9 Sep 2008, 0:33, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Going to Dublin for 5 days for my wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. Anybody got any travel tips? What to see? What to avoid? I like old buildings and beer (but not Guinness). Mr Whiskers can't hold his drink and is a fussy eater but will happily tag along behind me whilst I ogle sash windows.
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 20:51, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Hello? Rather quiet on here tonight isn't it?
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 20:39, 108 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

And have just been offered a mighty £13k a year deal for my current job.
Just wondering how to tell the cunt to fuck off and die....
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 20:14, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Can we please have a B3ta podcast, please?
If I could work and b3ta similtaneously b3ta, I would be far more productive, and probably rich by now.
Instead, I'm a tramp who begs for money to buy bread, but I have lots of jokes and funny stories to tell!
Or least stop making it so good, so I can tear myself away from my PC with more ease....
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 15:29, Reply)

Some that you've already seen, but others that I had not...
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 13:53, Reply)

Dear B3ta,
Please find enclosed one chapter of the book project, entitled:
Chapter Seven: Partically Perfect in Every Way
In which we meet a brilliant physicist, and the most elusive particle is finally discovered.
Yours faithfully,
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 13:12, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

argh. so i went to a party at the weekend and was very very very drunk. was introduced to a girl who just happens to be a current colleague of the BEDSHITTER!!! did i smile politely and carry on talking about civilised things, as befitting someone who genuinely doesn't give a fuck and hasn't thought about or contacted the guy for 2 years, including ignoring his phone calls and texts?
or, when she told me he got married 2 weeks ago, did i bellow "MARRIED? MARRIED? I CAN'T BELIEVE EVEN SOMEONE AS DESPERATE AS THAT BORING LITTLE GERMAN BITCH WENT THROUGH WITH IT WHEN HE'S SUCH A FUCKING INCONTINENT COCKEND" and spew out an exceedingly unprofessional rant about him being a cokehead and a woman-beater and an alcoholic and how he deserves to die?
booze is an evil, evil thing. i feel like such a prize twat now! help!!
( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 11:47, 23 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

So come inside and discuss your woes, joys or whatever else.
I've pinched clendrix's sign, because I like it.

( , Mon 8 Sep 2008, 8:21, 259 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I'm at heathrow airport on my way to India for my 1 year transfer! WOO!
How is everyone doing now?
( , Sun 7 Sep 2008, 20:38, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

The installation is officially wank.
I checked out the "custom" installation option which had such an appalling UI that it took me several minutes to figure out exactly what it was on about.
It also lacked a back button to allow me to go back and choose the "upgrade" install which wasn't really explained at all either.
/hates microsoft
( , Sun 7 Sep 2008, 16:24, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

You can all stop worrying.
So... I had an exciting day of rain, recording and an epic race against the clock to get a new bass string before the shop shut.

( , Sat 6 Sep 2008, 22:09, 59 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Any b3tans around here tonight?
Any decent places to eat/visit/would recommend for a day out in the city/surrounds tomorrow?
Serves me right for going on holiday and not bothering to plan!
( , Sat 6 Sep 2008, 17:44, 9 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

you will be pleased to hear that I've just had the first shower in my
Verdict: hot, powerful and stylish
there seem to be no leaks.
I am pleased.
( , Sat 6 Sep 2008, 16:51, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
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