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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Quick question
Does anyone know of or use another site where you post stories and anecdotes rather like QOTW?

I'm not staging a mass exodus, just curious to find out if QOTW is unique.

BTW - Not Thread stomping either -
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:36, 192 replies, latest was 14 years ago)
Did you have a good weekend?
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:38, Reply)
Yes thanks
Lovely to see people, you were missed.
By me.
No one else missed you.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:41, Reply)
I'm not surprised in the slightest.
I saw berk the next day anyway, Davros probably can't remember who I am because he's old and all, and the rest of them all hate me.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:43, Reply)
How true.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:46, Reply)
It's a shame really
because if they didn't hate me, I would have invited them all to my summer BBQ. But they do. So I didn't.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:50, Reply)
Save me some bacon explosion, I'll be there, running buddie.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 17:38, Reply)
I wuv u.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:51, Reply)
Fanks BeeGeeBee!
I wuv woo too.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:52, Reply)
Okay, so BGB and I missed you
That was it.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:59, Reply)
I was watching the Foo fighters,
I didn't miss anyone.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:00, Reply)
Any good?
I do like Dave Grohl, he seems like a good chap
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:01, Reply)
Yeah excellent gig. Made great by the people I was with and the whole build up
Massive set as well, over 2 hours long.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:05, Reply)
Good stuff
I much prefer their older stuff though
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:06, Reply)
They did loads
but I do think their new album is their best yet.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:12, Reply)
you are wrong

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:12, Reply)
You are right

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:14, Reply)
Have you listened to their new album?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:14, Reply)

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:14, Reply)
I've listened to every album of theirs when it comes out in the hope that it will be as good as The Colour and the Shape, and I am left feeling disappointed.

I'm not saying it's bad, it's just not as good as the early stuff. Too formualaic.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:15, Reply)
It's like having a drunk father; you pray he'll come through the door sober and not beat you
but deep down, you know that it is inevitable
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:22, Reply)
that is mildly disturbing

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:23, Reply)
when it wasn't all the same song released over and over again?
they are going down the AC/DC and Quo route I think.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:12, Reply)
See also RHCP

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:14, Reply)
they've steadily declined
reached a peak with Blood Sugar Sex Magik, One Hot Minute was great, and things have been going downhill ever since.

Best advert for staying on the smack that I've ever seen.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:15, Reply)
I like Californication, since then, meh
but teh odd good song
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:22, Reply)
their popularity is baffling
same with Radiohead and Muse.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:45, Reply)
the popularity of all three is far more understandable than that of Coldplay and U2
and The Strokes and many others.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:18, Reply)
with Coldplay and U2 it's simple
they play music that's anthemic and not that challenging coupled with lyrics that have the kind of vague universality you find in a horoscope.

The Strokes I don't know.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:22, Reply)
and I think you're a collosal lycra-wearing cunt
Before it gets too fluffy around here.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:01, Reply)
Not that I'm aware of, I'm afraid
It's a real shame how up and down QOTW is these days. The last 2 weeks have been pretty good for the most part.

I know most people blame the beakering that goes on for being the downfall, but I don't think it is. I think it's down to the shitwits who insist on calling everyone liars, and being knobbish.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:40, Reply)
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:41, Reply)
Interesting though that it's the only well known place for people to post what is essentially flash-fiction
And it's not Literary stuff either.

Good grief, if I carry on like this I'll be writing a PhD on B3ta....*gulp*
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:42, Reply)

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:41, Reply)
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:41, Reply)
I thought it was Toplad?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:43, Reply)
+o +er
You love them.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:14, Reply)
I just can't get enough of dancing in the moonlight.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:16, Reply)
Or his rhino-head

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:18, Reply)
Has anyone told you how sexy you sound with a west-country accent?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:18, Reply)
Was the Cadbury bunny oo-arr?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:24, Reply)
just a little bit.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:43, Reply)
They're all very very short
But, interesting, nonetheless. Ta.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:43, Reply)
It's like like a back slapping contest at a cunt convention.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:46, Reply)
I imagine it must be like being stuck at a family gathering of JMG.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:47, Reply)
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:47, Reply)

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:43, Reply)
Bit like Truelad
in as much as it's rather a one-trick pony.
Again, interesting though. Thanks.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:45, Reply)
just don't read the comments
I had to block myself from reading it because the people are such fucking idiots.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:49, Reply)
I suspect it's all written by sixth formers.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 14:52, Reply)
Truelad posters need to be shot.
I've seen quite a few stories on there which are pretty much tantamount to rape.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:17, Reply)
I love the word tantamount

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:20, Reply)
A place filled with beakering and lies?
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:01, Reply)
Dont think I've ever read it

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:07, Reply)
It's a bunch of whining teenagers.
Like a lot of the internet.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:08, Reply)
I think they should turn it off in the evenings and weekends
They could play the national anthem before shut down
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:12, Reply)
The internet should be illegal to the under eighteens.
So should the world.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:23, Reply)
Good plan
It always makes me laugh when people suggest under 18s should be allowed to vote, far too many people are allowed to vote as it is
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:27, Reply)
You ought to be able to prove you have a decent grasp of what the issues actually are
before you're allowed to vote in any given election/referendum. Too many people turn up with no fucking idea about what they're actually voting for.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:29, Reply)
Daily Mail Letters page

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:07, Reply)
I'm going to a pub quiz tonight, what name shall my team have
I don't know them well, so all jizz/quiz options will be disregarded
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:41, Reply)
Trivia Newton John

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:44, Reply)
Norfolk in chance.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:44, Reply)
Very old Jeff, you are the pun king, I know you can do better!

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:46, Reply)
Very good!

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:45, Reply)
Talk of TNJ
Lets Get Quizzical, Quizzical!
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:57, Reply)
"When I get home I'm going to shove this microphone right up myself"

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:45, Reply)
Why do i have a microphone?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:46, Reply)
The person reading the team names will have

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:47, Reply)
it's a pub quiz, not stadium quiz...

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:48, Reply)
Even little pub quizzes have mics

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:48, Reply)
Mine doesn't, well the question master does, but he doesn't share

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:50, Reply)
That's what he means!

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:50, Reply)

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:53, Reply)
You're an idiot.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:05, Reply)
The people at my quiz always make their team names things they want me to say

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:48, Reply)
Are they rude things?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:50, Reply)
I had a scratch from the hairdressers clippers once and one teamname was "Look at the spammy on the back of my neck".
It was a scratch.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:54, Reply)
A Fish Called Haddock

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:48, Reply)
First Plaice

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:49, Reply)
For Cods Sake

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:49, Reply)
Piano Tuna

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:50, Reply)
just for the halibut

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:51, Reply)

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:55, Reply)
Quiz-teama Aguilera
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:49, Reply)
My old fave is love Don't Trivia Anymore

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:49, Reply)
Or the old classic...
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:54, Reply)
Are you making fun of me?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:55, Reply)
I'm just being a Quizzee Rascal

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:55, Reply)
The Len Fairclough Swimming Club

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:52, Reply)
How about MOAR CAYKE?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:52, Reply)
What is it with you and Len Fairclough?

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:53, Reply)
I had to google him
turns out he's not even real!
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:54, Reply)
I'll bet you liked what you read though, eh Apey.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:56, Reply)
Len the lorry-driver

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:57, Reply)
He was cheating on Rita.
Can you believe that? It's no wonder she rarely sings these days.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:58, Reply)
He got his comeuppance though

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:59, Reply)
He died Roota.
He died.

Imagine how Rita must have been feeling.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:00, Reply)
All those unanswered questions

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:07, Reply)
He was a wrong 'un.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:08, Reply)
Poor Rita doesn't have much luck with the fellas
cf Alan Bradley
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:00, Reply)
I reckon she has been fucking Norris for years.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:01, Reply)
Kurt Cobain's Colourful Carpet.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:57, Reply)
Quiz Akabusi
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:57, Reply)
Dame Quiz Taylor

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:58, Reply)
Quiztopher Biggins.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:59, Reply)
Sir Laurence O'Trivia

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 15:59, Reply)
Quiz Quiztofferson

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:01, Reply)
Pub quizzes are shit.
as are all the lolwakki team names.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:01, Reply)
Well sometimes you might win a prize for a shit pun so it's worth towing the line.
You miserable arl bastit
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:06, Reply)
Yay for five pound bottles of vinegary house wine

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:13, Reply)
I got a very good bewk once

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:26, Reply)
Or I.M.T.D.S. for short.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:04, Reply)
I will need a translation please

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:10, Reply)
Read it out letter by letter.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:14, Reply)

"uantum mechanics, also known as quantum physics or quantum theory, is a branch of physics providing a mathematical description of the dual particle-like and wave-like behavior and interaction of matter and energy. Quantum mechanics describes the time evolution of physical systems via a mathematical structure called the wave function. The wave function encapsulates the probability that the system is to be found in a given state at a given time. Quantum mechanics also allows one to calculate the effect on the system of making measurements of properties of the system by defining the effect of those measurements on the wave function. This leads to the well-known uncertainty principle as well as the enduring debate over the role of the experimenter, epitomised in the Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment."
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:06, Reply)
We have a physisit on our team...

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:10, Reply)
I hate the idea of wave particle duality.
It's bollocks, it's much easier to say a photon acts like a photon, we have two mathmatical models that sort of work for it, one pretend it's a particle, two pretend it's a wave.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:10, Reply)
I like breasts

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:12, Reply)
yeah but if you want to make predictions
you have to pick a model to base them on.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:14, Reply)
That's a practical implication,
it's not something that should be worked into the description at the beginning. I think it just confuses and I think it's the sort of thing that should be taught fairly early in school.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:18, Reply)
it would be nice to have a tidy definition but there isn't one
and I think that it's also important to teach people early on that in the many cases there is no right answer, or more confusingly, several correct answers depending on the situation.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:28, Reply)
All right then Dr. Feynman,
how do you propose to solve the Schrödinger equations for atomic and molecular systems without taking this duality into account? You'll get bonus points if you can reconcile your models with experimental data.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:20, Reply)
No rush, in your own time.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:23, Reply)
I'd do it with some breasts

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:25, Reply)
I'd do it with your mums breasts
and then I'd spunk in her eyes.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:26, Reply)
You use that as a technique to solve the problem.
I don't think it's necessary to use it to describe a particle. You don't describe anything else in the physical world by the maths you use to predict it's behaviour.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:28, Reply)
I asked the question in the wrong way.
What I should have said was: how could you explain the behaviour of matter at the atomic or molecular level without using a wave-like model? A wave-like model that approximates particle-like behaviour more and more closely as you scale it up.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:30, Reply)
That's fair enough for describing behaviour.
I just don't like the metaphores and little thought experiments that go with all the descriptions of the sub atomic. An electon is not like a coin that has to flip twice to get back where it started, it's an electron, these are it's properties that's how it should be taught.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:37, Reply)
Problem is, if you wanted to give a full explanation without any hand-waving, you'd have to go into the hard mathematics.
But I agree that the metaphors and explanations most non-scientific folk are familiar with are clumsy and ambiguous.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:49, Reply)

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:25, Reply)
I don't have an opinion on Holyoaks

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:29, Reply)
You should
my opinion is that it's gone downhill more than usual recently. The current pregnancy storyline is particularly dire.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:32, Reply)
*puts hand on stomach for a few seconds* OH MY GOD, SHE IS LOOSING THE BABY !!!!!!!!!!
Had me proper lol.

Brendan is the only thing good in 'oaks at the moment.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:44, Reply)
This burn got on the popular page
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 23:08, Reply)
I like term "quantum mechanics"
sounds manly, like it's there to get shit done, rather than being a noncey theory.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:22, Reply)
It's like QOTW circa 2008/2009, but even more ignorant, verbose and pretentious.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:03, Reply)
I have no relevant information to impart
but I saw all the cool kids hanging out here and I wanted to join in.

*joins in*
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:34, Reply)
sympathy reply

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:37, Reply)
Why don't they like me, Kroney? Why am I not one of the cool kids?
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:38, Reply)
It's the scabies.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:39, Reply)
It's because you're HOT!

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:39, Reply)
I am today. It's fucking baking here.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:41, Reply)
It's called summer.
Go to the beach.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:42, Reply)
The beach is full of chavs and pikeys.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:43, Reply)

the beach BRISTOL
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:44, Reply)
Fuck no.
That's full of Jeff.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:45, Reply)
Well go and get yourself an ice-cream and sit in the garden.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:44, Reply)
Or 'have a Solero and shut the fuck up'.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:51, Reply)
Garlic bread.

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:52, Reply)
My amnesic aunty remembered that as "Sugar in tea?"
"SUGAR?? In TEA???" and was repeating it over and over, wondering why nobody (herself included) was finding it funny.
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:55, Reply)
This is now my summer time response to all whingers!

(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:56, Reply)
I say that or
"Is it The Change?"
(, Mon 4 Jul 2011, 16:59, Reply)

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