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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I don't want to be in that thread,
people are arguing and it is harshing my buzz. I've actually had a pretty productive day, despite having the worse hangover ever experienced by a human(possible exaggeration). How was your day?

Alt: I went to the common with the dogs tonight, normally don't as it's really dark. I kept scaring myself thinking about how good a horror movie setting it would be, and then the dogs would jump out the bushes and scare me. When was the last time you caught yourself walking faster, or getting scared about something that really, isn't scary at all?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:14, 152 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Alright Pigsy? I left work early due to the snow.
I work in the sticks and the little country B road I have to drive along can be quite treacherous at the best of times. I ended up sideways on in the middle of the road at one point :-(
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:18, Reply)
as long as you were still moving,
pass it off as a bad ass powerslide. And don't tell them you probably pooped yourself a little.
There isn't much snow down this way, is it a true northern apocalypse?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:22, Reply)
Depends where you are.
My town of residence isn't too bad, but our estate is just a sheet of ice as it doesn't get gritted.

And I wasn't going fast enough for it to be even vaguely passed off as a powerslide. Steep hill + very sharp bend + snow on top of ice = me not going in the direction I wanted to be in when I turned the wheel.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:26, Reply)
just lie about it.
It's fine, I'll back you up.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:32, Reply)
I've brought some work home with me just in case the roads are shit again tomorrow.
..and it's off to the kitchen for me for now!
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:33, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:42, Reply)
I noes rite?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:43, Reply)
Alright son?
Booked at Eshott for the 28th & 29th Dec. you around for an afternoon beverage on the 29th?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:35, Reply)
Did I hear you were going to be in Embra this new year?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:36, Reply)
Yes. Christmas & New Year. Couple of days in Northumberland in the middle.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:37, Reply)
I'll be over that way on the 1st or 2nd
I'll wave at you.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:38, Reply)
I am going to the racing at Musselborough on the 1st and driving back on the 2nd.
Could maybe do an early evening beer on the 1st?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:42, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:44, Reply)
Sod you then.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:45, Reply)
We could meet you with Blousie since we'll be there anyway.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:46, Reply)
Good stuff.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:47, Reply)
My people will talk to your people.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:47, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:49, Reply)
Laters, I have stuff to get done.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:50, Reply)
Let my people know what's going on and I'll see what I can do.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:50, Reply)
No need to make an effort, after all, you're really quite dull.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:21, Reply)
I'll be in Fife, rather than Edinburgh.
If I stay over at DJ and Roota's, I'd be able to do night time beverages.
Otherwise, it'd be a liquid lunch. Then I'd have to get the train back over the bridge and that.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:47, Reply)

We're actually going to be in Edinburgh on New Year's Day and staying overnight avec Blousie and some IRL mates as well.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:39, Reply)
Embra Bash!!!!

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:39, Reply)
The last one was epic!!!

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:40, Reply)
The last Embra bash?
Or the Bristol bash?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:41, Reply)
The last Embra bash.
It was also our honeymoon weekend; and what better way to spend it than with 20 mongs from the internet?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:42, Reply)
I spent my honeymoon with two step kids, their partners, two grandkids, and a dog.
oh, and mr b3th was there too.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:43, Reply)
Alright Bats?
Aye, I'll be off that week so that sounds like a goer.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:37, Reply)
Splendid. I'll text you nearer the time.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:37, Reply)
Have you got my number?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:39, Reply)
Yep. You gazzed it to me a few weeks ago when this subject first came up.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:41, Reply)
So I did.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:42, Reply)
Alt: About fifteen years ago
I was walking to my parents'house from my flat, which involved walking over a large playing field, then through a wood, then a housing estate.

As I was about to enter the wood from the edge of the playing field, I saw a bloke standing in the trees at the side of the path. As far as I could see, he wasn't *doing* anything, just standing there. We made eye contact and I carrie on walking.

About a hundred yards into the woods I realised he was following me, so I panicked and legged it. He was probably alright, just walking home or something, but I convinced myself he was a psychotic rapist, and I ran all the way to the house.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:31, Reply)
FFS you were nearly 50 By that point. Surely you should have grown out of things like this by then?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:36, Reply)
You cheeky fucker, I was in my early twenties.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:37, Reply)
actually, he might just be a scamp. I used to have a dark alley down to the street I used to live. One night an old friend was behind me, and kept upping his pace as I upped mine (i didn't know it was him, and thought I was being followed) and eventually bottled it and ran off. When he told me it was him, and how funny it was, I started doing the same thing to strangers, and watch them quite often run off down the road.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:37, Reply)
I still lol at that one

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:39, Reply)
I was hoping to meet someone up on the common and see if I could scare someone today.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:39, Reply)
You are EVIL

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:40, Reply)
you should totally try it, it is fucking hilarious.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:41, Reply)
I did once but she outrun me :(

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:43, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:44, Reply)

hilarious unpleasant iyou're a woman on your own. Some cunt did something similar to my wife recently. Don't underestimate the level of upset...
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:44, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:45, Reply)
Not as much as if he caught her

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:47, Reply)
i know it's horrid,
i won't do it anymore.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:52, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:53, Reply)
Battered might be upset if i accidentally scare his wife.
And he has enough to deal with without me getting all up in his wife.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:54, Reply)
i imagine it's more than her does

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:58, Reply)
Or 'he does', even.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:00, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:08, Reply)
alright ladies?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:36, Reply)
Eve's Windy
I can't remember the last time I got scared, I hope I had nothing to with your loss of buzz.
Did you cure your hangover with bacon?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:37, Reply)
Mcdonalds breakfast, 3 pints of soda water, coronation chicken sandwich, half a can of lager. Done.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:38, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:39, Reply)
I'm back on the drink now though mind, put some wine in the dinner, and once the bottle was open...
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:41, Reply)
After the 20 teams of zombie's last night.....
I bet you can’t be scared
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:46, Reply)
I ain't a big wine drinker, but I love "chocolate ruby" from Marks'n'sparks, in fact, I'll have some for desert

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:54, Reply)
wine beer

bottle crate
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:03, Reply)
Alright Piggsy?
I don't mind a bit of argue if there is some whit in there, but one cunts gone full on caps-lock and the other is just biting bate. I love a bit of debate, mindless or not, but that was two dull cunts on a message board swinging their dicks about. One hides behind a keyboard being all creepy getting personal info while shouting 'public domain', and the other is just rising to the bate whilst accidently telling us that he writes fanfic about his wife.

That sounds alright that, what dogs you got? Dogs in autermn rocks.

I'm well into Pearl Barley at the moment, I don't see why people don't use it more, its like a cross between lentals and rice. I wonder if thats what Sugar Puffs are made out of.

Can I throw in an alt? I'm trying to think up a really simple mobile phone app so I can learn some new stuff, but am drawing a blank, all my ideas involve sever interactions and shit like that.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:53, Reply)
Oh, as for scared,
I moved offices to Elephant and Castle and it totally sucks for many many reasons, there are two dead scary bits where I can use the underpath or go through this round-a-bout with a quite seculded area. Eaither way, the area gives me the shits.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:56, Reply)
I'll be honest gonzo,
I don't know anything about mobile phone app stuff. Sorry.
I've got a Chihuahua and a chihuahua cross whippet.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:56, Reply)
I conclude you are either bent or pussy whipped.
get a real dog, bitch.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:57, Reply)
We've got a Staffy.
She's daft as a brush.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:58, Reply)
I have heard she's excellent.
my lurcher is properly psychotic.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:59, Reply)
She's monged off her tits at the moment.
She's been to the vets, so we had to get her some ACP otherwise she goes scatty.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:00, Reply)
fuck off.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:59, Reply)
chiwhahas were bred to go down rat/rodent holes and kill shit
don't you listen windee
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:02, Reply)
two of the best dogs I've ever been around,
never need to put them on a lead, will happily keep up on my run, could give a shit about other dogs. Just because some vacuous idiots treat a certain breed like toys instead of dogs, doesn't make them bad dogs. In the same way that not all pitbulls are child killers.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:07, Reply)
Dogs are ace, no matter what they are.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:10, Reply)
The only dogs I like are hot dogs with onions brown sauce and mustard

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:13, Reply)
That's not dogs,
that's pigs' testicles.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:14, Reply)
excuse me,
I'm still here you know.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:16, Reply)
But are your testicles?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:18, Reply)
yeah baby.
I'm a fully functioning pig.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:19, Reply)
I think it's a play on words
Like the dogs bollocks? AMIRITE??????
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:19, Reply)
Why did no one tell me this before?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:17, Reply)
I honestly would have never have guessed you had that kind of dog.
Nah' man, you don't need to know about making apps, just general ideas of what you'd find useful.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:03, Reply)
Gonz think on your feet, what App.,,,,,,,,,,,,
Would be useful/life enriching or just fun to have when you can answer that KAPOW
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:06, Reply)
I don't think I'd buy any app that severed anything

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 19:56, Reply)
i have just eaten for the first time in 9 hours : (``
But i have beer and wine and will be drinking ALL DAY tomorrow and moaningb all day on Friday
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:01, Reply)
That'll make a nice change for you : )

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:03, Reply)
i'm going to moan at you mainly
how was wednesday B3thy? Mine was shit, not quite fucking shit, but deffo shit
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:04, Reply)
Better than yesterday.
Visit to oncologist went well, migraine now seems to have abated, and I have a couple of interesting job leads.

I'm surprised Mrs Ape is letting you loose two weeks on teh trot.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:06, Reply)
work innit, free pass!
next week Christmas party \o/
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:08, Reply)
still, I'd get a mate to 'check in on her' while you're out
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:09, Reply)
By 'check in on her'
You really mean put a dreamy smile smile on her face that Nakers hasn't for a while?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:11, Reply)
I meant 'call round and catch her tonsils-deep in the postman'.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:13, Reply)
Is that a eupimism?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:13, Reply)
Maybe I should have said
find the postman balls-deep in mrs Ape.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:15, Reply)
Or the letters have been delivered repetedly in the last half hour

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:18, Reply)
what are you insinuating about Postman Patricia?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:18, Reply)
You being racist to the black and white cat?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:20, Reply)
Had to walk home as a crash on the M62 brought everything west of Leeds to a standstill. Which was fun.
It's getting ridiculous, this is the third week in a row this has happened.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:20, Reply)
Fucking Taliban

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:21, Reply)
just set up a little house under your desk.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:23, Reply)
*Probs only Monty will get this*
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:25, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:25, Reply)
because I is 'well down' with the hip hop scene.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:25, Reply)
I thought I was being *well down wiv da kids*
when I got my £7.99 MP3ish player from Aldi last year, and I was like TOTES dangling my ear buds man \o/
Then DG said, "No pet, you're more like a kid with Down's..."
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:33, Reply)
Yeah, but, to be fair...
He could have said that without the earbuds.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:35, Reply)
True :D
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:36, Reply)
*smooshes back*
How's you, chick?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:37, Reply)
Aye, canny thanks :)
Was reading up there ^ about an RV in Embra on new year's day \o/
Will totes look forward to this! You alright bonny lass?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:41, Reply)
Not bad, ta
apart from the THREE (count 'em) cold sores that have appeared since yesterday : (
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:42, Reply)
Have you tried swearing at the fuckers?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:44, Reply)
all fucking day.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:54, Reply)
Feck I leave for a few Mins.
And everyone knows Crushgroove?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:34, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:37, Reply)
When I moved here three years ago I thought, "Excellent, now I only live five miles from work, getting there and back should be a doddle!"
How very naive.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:25, Reply)
That's what Bilbo thought.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:27, Reply)
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:35, Reply)
Not without a tetanus shot, anyway.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:35, Reply)
Not without a 12 gauge full of shot

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:37, Reply)
I have relatives in leeds,
I fell down the stairs in their guesthouse and broke my leg.

Windy Pig. Aged 25 and a half
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:36, Reply)
I am in Leeds tomorrow and Friday.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:40, Reply)
say hi to uncle Jimmy if you see him.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:41, Reply)
Not in Roundhay this time. Need a recommendation for a good curry house though.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:42, Reply)
Should he ask Uncle Jimmy
for one of his 'special cuddles'?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:43, Reply)
different uncle jimmy,
my uncle jimmy has a dog with 3 legs.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:47, Reply)
How does it smell

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:49, Reply)
How does he smell?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:49, Reply)
Too slow

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:50, Reply)
What's the smell of too slow?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:51, Reply)
Better than you smell

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:54, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:57, Reply)
how does it smell?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:50, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:53, Reply)
I like Leeds.
Made a pink glittery CDC for the Christmas tree in The Scarborough a couple of years ago (was meeting Beekers when he lived there) and didn't get chucked out. Nommy real ale in there too :o)
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:43, Reply)
i never really saw any of leeds,
just went to the big guest house jimmy owned, hung out in the grounds. There was this really cool all natural outdoor church.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:46, Reply)
I've mostly just seen the pubs - just read "outdoor" as "odour" :-P
Was this *uncle* Jimmy perchance?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:57, Reply)
Ah, the Scarborough.
Pretty much guaranteed to be standing room only after 2 o'clock, whatever day of the week it is.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:03, Reply)
There's always plenty of room
in the bike shed though ;o)
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:07, Reply)
Where would you recommend in Leeds for curry?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:43, Reply)
somewhere run by indians is usually best

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:47, Reply)
Shut up.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:48, Reply)
i'm gonna click i like this.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:50, Reply)
unlike others here I never wanted you to float away
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:55, Reply)
Don't know, I don't know much of Leeds.
I know a couple round the Bradford/Dewsbury areas (30 minutes' drive on clear roads) if that's any good for you?
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 20:58, Reply)
I once knew a kettle from Bradford.
I told him I had no experience of the place, needless to say he said he was in his element.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:04, Reply)
Baddum -tish!
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:08, Reply)
*Doffs cap*

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:13, Reply)
None of us fancy driving. Thanks though.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:19, Reply)

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:17, Reply)
Maybe not.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:20, Reply)
Hey Jeffrey.
I saw this earlier. You should totally get one.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:22, Reply)
Needs more Kammy.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:23, Reply)
You and b3th both seem uncertain.
I hope it's something trivial, like football, that it hangs on.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:24, Reply)
I was just trying to be mysterious.
But not really doing a very good job of it.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:26, Reply)
*does wavy hand gesture*
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:20, Reply)
Yeah not bad.
I have beer and music and am easily pleased.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:22, Reply)

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