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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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It's obviously time for a new thread
In true festive spirit, what are your top 3 Christmas tunes? Mine are "Fairytale of New York" by The Pogues and Kirsty McColl, the undisputed champ, "Christmas in Hollis" by Run DMC and "Last Christmas" by Wham!, on account of my rampaging homosexuality. "Let It Snow", by either Bing or Dino, is just outside the tryptich.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:15, 125 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
All Christmas songs are fucking wank
Hope this helps. Fairytale of New York is the least worst
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:18, Reply)
So basically, you agree with me about everything

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)
I'm split over the bumming

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
I get that a lot

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
You wish

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
My Mum doesn't have a horse
It was bummed to death
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
It's just you and me, isn't it Sporters?
We two here, left alone to discuss equestrian murder by phallic penetration until the light dims and the pale rider calls our names
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:22, Reply)
As if by magic, the b3th arrived

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:23, Reply)
It's what you all wanted.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:24, Reply)
Afternoon missy
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:25, Reply)
Damn right
You've turned our sausage-fest into a boob-heavy threesome
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:26, Reply)
One each!
I bagsie west breast
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:27, Reply)
west breast is best

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:27, Reply)
Dammit, now we have to share

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:29, Reply)
Excuse me.
Get your fucking paws off my udders, thank you very much.

They're strictly look but don't touch. Which is quite hard if we happen to be in a corridor.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:30, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:31, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:33, Reply)
*this is life*

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:35, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:36, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:37, Reply)
Another Rock n Roll Xmas by well known paedo nonce 'Gary Glitter' is my personal favourite.
Also the Wizard one and the Slade one.

If you're talking Bing, then 'Let it Snow' is an obvious one, but also 'Silver Bells'.

In other news, I am outraged on the internet about that nurse thing. That's just fucking disgusting. And they were banging on about self regulation of the press last night on QT like it was all that was ever going to be needed.

Alt: my mum doesn't have a horse. Way to rub it in, bro.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:22, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:23, Reply)
My mum never had a horse in the first place.

Sad times, Sporters, sad times.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:24, Reply)
I wonder if mummy Kroney had a pony

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:24, Reply)
and was it an only pony?

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:34, Reply)
Badly fed and a bit boney.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:37, Reply)
Bummed on Police Academy by....

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:56, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)
I just found out about this
Unbelievable, just disgusting stuff. Basically this woman took her life because of Britain's obsession with celebrity culture. Without which a) the call wouldn't have taken place and b) she wouldn't have felt like it was such a big deal. Obviously she was gullible in the first place and unbalanced but she should never have been put in that position.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:25, Reply)
Hardly worth killing herself over though

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:26, Reply)
No. Hence unbalanced.
But whoever came up with that prank call idea must feel like a fucking cunt.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:28, Reply)
You don't know what she was being put through because of her (probably innocently well-meant) actions though.
I bet her phone was ringing off the hook, she had press outside her house and her workplace, and her colleagues / bosses were giving her a hard time over it.
Also, we don't know what her mental state was to begin with. Seriously, there are days when it wouldn't take that much to tip me over the edge.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:29, Reply)
Is there any way you could make us aware which of your days these are so we know to make a special effort?

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:53, Reply)
A special effort to try to make me kill myself?
Bit harsh, alex.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:55, Reply)
Oh I'm sorry, I mistook this for mumsnet.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)
You'll be sorry when I'm sitting in KFC
screaming, flinging shit at the walls.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:02, Reply)
I will if you're sitting anywhere near me.
I'll complain to the manager.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:04, Reply)
And Aussies wot dun it.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:28, Reply)
This has turned their world upside down

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:29, Reply)
Elisabeth Murdoch and random nurse all in one week.
Sad times.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:34, Reply)
Oh what!
I was all excited there, I thought one of Ruperts kids had been horribly murdered, or even just died of a preventable illness. But no, it's someone I've never heard of.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:47, Reply)
His mam died.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:58, Reply)
Hmmm, it's a bit sad, but it's not the worst thing that could have happened to him.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)
I'm arguing about this on gonz's facebook now.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:31, Reply)
FUcks sake, it's the /talk lot on their high horses over this
And pulling the "I didn't mean that" argument only three comments in too.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:45, Reply)
*I wouldn't generally mind this, because they're shit
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:53, Reply)
Oh for fucks sake I give up.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:17, Reply)
And it looks like she had two children.
That'll be their xmas sorted, then.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:35, Reply)
They have clearly been bad.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:36, Reply)
Now I feel bad for chuckling at that.
No Santa for me this year...
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:39, Reply)
What do orphans get for christmas?

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:52, Reply)
oh man

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:53, Reply)
we need a depressing non-joke joke thread
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)
"this woman took her life because of Britain's obsession with celebrity culture"
Okay, firstly, there is no evidence that this was the reason, she could have had underlying issues, or she might have had an aneurysm for all we know.

secondly, the people making the prank call were Australians broadcasting only to Australia, so it's hardly symptomatic of "Britain's obsession with celebrity culture" is it?
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:42, Reply)
I blame Joe Mangel, the flamin' galah.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:43, Reply)
I have to admit I haven't done the research on this latter point
To be honest, anyone who takes an Australian seriously has it coming.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)
Noel must feel like such a dick right now.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:46, Reply)
A racist dick, to boot.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:48, Reply)
It's such a racist dick it doesn't like going inside because it's too dark.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:51, Reply)
There's so many facets to this whole situation I don't even know who to blame.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:54, Reply)
The girl who decided to commit suicide.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:56, Reply)
THe people on QT appeared mainly to be in foavour of statutory regulation, there was only that cunt from the FT against it and he couldn't produce a decent argument.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:43, Reply)
He was a tool.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:56, Reply)
Have you seen the Harry & Paul questiontime sketch?
It's actually brilliant.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:01, Reply)
I've found some of their recent stuff to be hilarious

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:07, Reply)
This is it
And yeah, they've obviously got some new writers rather than their own stuff.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:17, Reply)
I dislike the huge majority, yet I'm fond of 'A Spaceman Came Travelling'
Which is odd.

Alt: No.

Favourite christmas films are Die Hard and Love Actually.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:38, Reply)
Die Hard is the daddy of all Christmas films
It beats It's A Wonderful Life into a close second due to the latter's appalling lack of explosions and uses of the word "motherfucker"
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:45, Reply)
Trading Places. FFS.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)
^this, also.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:00, Reply)

^this, also YEAH.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:04, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:07, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:08, Reply)
I have the 'Christmas' album by Low, it's my favourite Christmas album by default.
Apart from that, I hate Xmas songs, with the exception of 'Rock n' Roll Christmas', due to the hilarity of the lyrics.

And my favourite festive films are Scrooged, The Shining and Muppet Christmas Carol.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:38, Reply)
The Phil Spector Xmas album is good.
It's still good since the last time this q was asked, way back in a few days ago.

Alt: done. OK now what?
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:42, Reply)
Now we specify our favourite carols, mine is 'Ding Dong Merrily on High'
Because of the HILARITY of singing 'PATELS are ringing'.

am i doin it rite?
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)
Also: SP

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:44, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:45, Reply)
Ooooh, I forgot that one.
That is, in fact, a fabulous album.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:48, Reply)
I just remembered I have that Johnny Cash Christmas album.
I'm a huge fan of him.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:49, Reply)
Just like to say that anyone mentioning that fucking NIN cover at this juncture
will get a punch in the fucken heid.

Thanks x
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:50, Reply)
I'm very unlikely to.
I don't particularly rate it. It's not the best cover he did, and it's not even the best track on that album. I prefer the NIN original.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:52, Reply)
I rather liked it.
A bit better than the original, not Cash's best song but still a good one.

you are both welcome.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:44, Reply)
don't let Monty hear that.
But no, not Cash's best work and not even his best cover.

But I still prefer the Nine Inch Nails original.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:46, Reply)
Most NIN stuff, good though it is, reminds me of being young and stupid and emotionally fucked up
Now that I am old and stupid and emotionally fucked up I don't like to listen to it. March of the Pigs and Head Hike a Hole are still fun though, in a nostalgic way. Pretty Hate Machine is painful.

go one then, which cover did you like best?
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:50, Reply)
I See a Darkness
If You Could Read my Mind
Redemption Song
Bird on a Wire
Wichita Lineman
The Mercy Seat
I Won't Back Down
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:54, Reply)
A good selection.
I didn't know he'd done redemption song, love the original so shall check it out.

off home now, bye.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:58, Reply)
see you later bbz

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:59, Reply)

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:43, Reply)
A Spaceman Came Travelling
Christmas Wrapping
Fairytale of New York
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:45, Reply)
Apart from Fairytale of NY
I have a guilty liking for "Don't Let The Bells End" by The Darkness. No idea why, just do.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 16:59, Reply)
Because you're a bell(s)end?

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:03, Reply)
oh i like the darkness one, too
I don't care who knows it
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:04, Reply)
That is a great song.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:05, Reply)
I think it's a decent stab at an Xmas tune and the overblown Brian May style solo is hilarious.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:05, Reply)
They do a great song called "How Dare You Call This Love" about noncing.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:10, Reply)
He's an amusing fellow.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
I like Black Shuck
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:15, Reply)
It truly don't.
Their new album is actually pretty decent in that it doesn't have the obvious joke songs. I'm sure Monty will berate me for some reason but they are a good band and have written some really excellent stuff.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:16, Reply)
I didn't know they had a new album
I might look it up
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:18, Reply)
They are playing in London next March, do you want to come with me for my birthday?

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:20, Reply)
Because you're a rampaging homosexual?
That's it, isn't it.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:10, Reply)
Stop trying to groom me.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:13, Reply)
As if I have a choice.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:17, Reply)
It's the legs, isn't it?

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:19, Reply)
Radio 4 now is a hilarious talk about gay marriage.
Evangelical christian: This is an attack on all religious peoples freedoms!
Quaker: We want to be able to let gays marry.
Evangelical christian: The vast majority of religions don't like it!
Quaker: But if you get your way won't you be attacking our religious freedom.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:21, Reply)
Quakers seem quite a sensible bunch
(apart from the old 'believing in a God in the face of overwhelming probability that there isn't one and no evidence suggesting there is' thing)
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:23, Reply)
They're a bit "group-hug" but they're a nice sort.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:26, Reply)
Quite so.
My dad's wife is a Unitarian and they seem OK too.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:31, Reply)
Even I can see the Religious Society of Friends are a lovely bunch...
and I'm a disestablishmentarian secularist.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:53, Reply)
The mistake the Quaker is making is expecting an evangelist to listen to reason.

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:23, Reply)
Fuck it I'm going to go home and drink cognac in a shitty mood and then go to bed.
See ya.
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:43, Reply)
Top 5
1- "Fairytale of New York" by The Pouges and Kirsty MacColl
2- "I Believe In Father Christmas" by Emerson, Lake, and Palmer
3-"Ring Out Solstice Bells" by Jethro Tull
4- "In Dulci Jubilo" Mike Oldfield
5- "War Is Over" by John and Yoko
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 17:51, Reply)
HELLO is this working?
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 19:05, Reply)
needs a new thread, mate
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 19:18, Reply)
Go for it

(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 19:26, Reply)
*sucks air in through teeth*
not sure I've got the part, mate. Might take weeks to come from the supplier
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 19:27, Reply)
HOW MUCH!!!!!!
*edit* I'm off for a hot bath, Catch you later
(, Fri 7 Dec 2012, 19:30, Reply)

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