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Bored food thread.
My pal's old flatmate used to have the most insane meals ever. Completely unrelated things on a plate, like some salad, some Doritos, a couple of digestive biscuits and a yoghurt. Kind of like 'mental breakdown tapas'.

What weird shit do you like eating that most would find peculiar? My mother serves hot Kettle Chips with Christmas dinner.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:02, 266 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
My putting cheese and mustard in mash is wrong :(
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Eh? Everyone does that.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Wholegrain mustard in mash is excellent
I prefer to top it with cheese though, rather than mix them.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:06, Reply)
Is this part of your calorie-controlled diet?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:08, Reply)
My diet now mainly consists of 'don't stuff your face, you fat fuck'
Soup and a roll got boring. Lunch today was a small portion of homemade vegetable pasta, with a little bit of bacon to make it more interesting. (as in 3 slices of streaky bacon chopped up into a full casserole dish of pasta and vegetables.)
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
An old housemate at university had "one ham one jam"
for lunch every day for a year. They were sandwiches by the way.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:05, Reply)
I was hoping they were milkshakes.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:06, Reply)
I'm sorry that would have been a better story.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Let's pretend you said milkshakes.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
I'll get into the imagination circle!

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
It will make a man of you

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
A guy at Uni ued to do Pasta bake, with Cheesey crisps on top.
I always found that weird.
Otherwise i just eat fairly normal food. Soz. I'm not much use in this thread. I'm guessing this is some sort of wild revenge from earlier.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:06, Reply)
I fear the levels of wildness will be quite manageable.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
I've seen chicken dishes topped with smashed up crisps before
It worked far better than I'd expected it to.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:08, Reply)
it was also a tuna pasta bake,
and tinned tuna is proper shit.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:12, Reply)
I used to mix that with tomato and mascarpone sauce and pasta.
I rather liked it, but it fucking reeked.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
The Yanks do this.
Chicken, couple of cans of mushroom soup and a few veg. Pasta. Crisps. Spew-presto, dinner.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:16, Reply)
This wasn't hugely dissimilar an idea
Only it a homemade sauce, rather than tins of soup.

Too much fucking celery in it for my liking, though.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
1g of celery is too much celery.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
I agree.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:27, Reply)
It has its place.
1. stock
2. New Orleans grub
3. the fucking bin
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:33, Reply)
4. With cheese and port.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:34, Reply)
that doesnt sound too bad
My friends mom used to do tacos and spaghetti in a night
that seems more strange
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Hiya K, how's things going?
Is your mom alright?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
I don't eat meat.
Which is apparently very odd.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Burn the witch

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Supermarket sliced chicken and marmite rolls
They get me through festivals.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:07, Reply)
I find lager and LSD do the same for me.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:09, Reply)
I tend to restrict most of my heavier drinking to the night, as I'm usually there first and foremost to see the bands
Then I get shitfaced.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Then you are doing festivals wrong.
Mind you festivals have been doing festivals wrong for about 20 years.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:12, Reply)
If you say so
Best festival I've been to was in 2011, mind.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Back in the day, eh?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Did I ever tell you about the Treworgey Tree Fayre of July 1989?
By which I mean, how many times have a mentioned it this week alone?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:16, Reply)
Too fucking many.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:38, Reply)
There are one or two decent ones around now.
But since they increased the security levels and improved perimeter fencing at most of them, it is not worth recommending any to you.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
The end.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Been having a Hawkwind day today.
On Space Ritual at the moment.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
Warrior on the Edge of Time is my favourite LP of theirs I think.
Hard to choose though, the remaster of Doremi Fasol Latido is amazing.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:25, Reply)
Warrior on the Edge of Time doesn't appear to be on Spotify
Doremi Fasol Latido is though, so I'll have that next.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:32, Reply)
Warrior was on a different label from the others
The did a load of 180g reissues which I couldn't afford but not Warrior for that reason. I would have found the money for that one.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:34, Reply)
Yeah, been looking around at some - there is not much below £25.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:35, Reply)
Any festival that has security and fences is for queers.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
my girlfriend does what she calls 'fusion cooking'
Pilau rice, springs rolls and a pizza? Fuck off, love
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:08, Reply)
Oh dear.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:10, Reply)
That's not cooking, that's putting ready meals in the microwave.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
she's a spastic who can't cook
If I knock up a bit of pasta she thinks I'm a wizard
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Despite the fact that she's the one with the sleeve

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
i LOL'd
he must spend hours trying to find his tiny little cock in that echoing batcave
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Last time I shagged her Lord Lucan rode out of her gunt on Shergar.
Put me right off my stroke. Well, that and her face. And her breath.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:24, Reply)
where's he gone anyway?
crying with the force of these zings?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:32, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:34, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:35, Reply)

fusion Iceland freezer aisle
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:11, Reply)
No wonder she's going to die of cancer.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:12, Reply)
that's not funny man, her sister in law died of cancer on friday
And her next door neighbour died on sunday.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Sorry Craig David

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Craig David is the grim reaper?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Ha ha ha

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
This is almost as funny as Chris Hune's son.
I hope her sister in laws daughter sent her text messages calling her a fat prick before she died.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
you put the " " around the wrong bit
you meant "girlfriend"
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Mayo on peanut butter on toast. Or ketchup.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:12, Reply)
You freak.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:13, Reply)
Garlic mayo even better.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:14, Reply)
Peanut butter & cucumber sandwiches are excellent.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:16, Reply)
Cheddar, cucumber and marmite
sandwich of kings
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
I'm not that bothered by marmite. Soz.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)

marmite. Soz. Monty pestering me for sex, as he normally can't get it up.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
He pesters you too? Unlucky.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
I reckon you can add marmite to most things.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Certainly your mum tastes better with it.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Cucumber with marmite?
Hmm, I am intrigued.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
That's disgusting.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
I hear ya brah

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
are you pregnant?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Due any day by the looks of him.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
You fat cunt.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Nothing that odd anymore
As one of those Student types though (many years ago now) my housemate and I used to do lots of various stews.

It seems to be something particular to my uni (and I could be wrong but noone else I have spoken to had this) that the students union had tins of EU labeled food that you could get for free, mixed veg, stewing steak etc.

It looked fucking horrible but with a bit of prep you could rattle up decent pies and stews
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:15, Reply)
My gran used to go and collect hers
and then make meat pies and give them to her neighbours as she didn't want to eat that shit herself.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:17, Reply)
Nice to know
That I am not mad and that these tins used to exist.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
My brother used to live out of skips in his 20s.
Pot luck unlabelled tins were par for the course: is it soup? Rice pudding? Dog food? ONLY ONE WAY TO FIND OUT...
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
open it?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
No, find a drug dealer, make him eat it, ask him, then chop his head off.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
With the lid.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
And people say you're an imbecile!

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
I don't understand how the Poles can eat some of the things they do for breakfast.
Raw radish, gerkin and pomegranate salad anyone?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
they just send you this for a laugh

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
ditto india
(not that i've been)

some of the things that are great as a starter for dinner i am reliably informed would be served up for breakfast over there.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Nothing better
than a bit of curry for breakfast...
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:24, Reply)
these are like big lumps of carb

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
pawa for breakfast
is a treat for the gods
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:39, Reply)
I like raw radish with butter and salt.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:23, Reply)
This is a recipe in Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Veg Everyday book
I get the feeling he was padding it out by this point.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)
His dad did press for The Who.
That's my sole HF-W fact.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:54, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:59, Reply)
take radish
cover in butter
add salt
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:58, Reply)
That was pretty much it, yes.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:03, Reply)
I was criticised by Stunned the other day for having marmite and honey in the same sandwich.
And now I learn that he puts mayonnaise on peanut butter.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)
In fairness you are both disgusting freaks.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
This is fair.
But I still like the combined tastes of marmite and honey.
It worked when I was a teenager and it still works when I am stoned today.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:26, Reply)
I like the sound of this
sweet and sour, pikey style.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:39, Reply)
This guy gets it.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:47, Reply)
nothing now, unless you consider being veggie odd, which a lot of you cunts do
but as a student, i ate things like bread with salt and herbs sprinkled on it, or rice with butter stirred through it, if i'd run out of money that week.

drinking probably more odd: a double vodka. on the rocks. with a straw. and a diet coke ON THE SIDE. with another straw. god help you if you mix them. god help you.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:18, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:19, Reply)
vodka and coke taste rank together
but other mixers are too sugary and you feel sick after more than one. this is not mental. it is sense-al.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
He's not al
and it's not sense.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
there is no way that cranberry or Orange juice are sweeter than diet coke

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Cranberry and vodka is good
but gin and tonic is best.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:24, Reply)
there is a lot of sugar in fruit juice
i love fresh orange but after more than a glass i would be sick.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:25, Reply)
I woukld suggest tonic then

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:27, Reply)
Me too.
I can drink pints of g&t all night long, no wukkas.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:29, Reply)
tonic tastes like a tramp's arse
hope this helps to clarify
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
You are exceptionally strange.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:31, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:35, Reply)
Exceptionally wrong as well.
I fucking love quinine, me.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:35, Reply)
what do you mean, "as well" ?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:37, Reply)
Your lovely lady "humph"?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:38, Reply)
oh you bad boy
i'll be singing that throughout my meeting now :(
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:44, Reply)
Coke is the worst mixer in the world.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:23, Reply)
I thought that was Monty?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)
Why did you think that?
I got paid to do it for about 15 years you dolt.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)

Coke Plumdozer
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)
You're a bit mental, aren't you?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:20, Reply)
vodka and coke taste rank together
but other mixers are too sugary and you feel sick after more than one. this is not mental. it is sense-al.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
He's also not al
and it's not sense.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Any spirits with coke = wrong

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:23, Reply)
I heard coke gave you loads of spirit.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:24, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:26, Reply)
Any spirits + any fizzy pop = wrong
Just to be clear
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:25, Reply)
Unless you regard soda/tonic as fizzy pop.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:29, Reply)
Clarification appreciated
But only a fucktard would think of tonic or soda water as pop
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:42, Reply)
I don't drink vodka, so I couldn't tell you, am afraid
I learned that vodka doesn't like me the hard way, drank the majority of a 70cl bottle when I was 16, and barely drank. Spent the day vomiting.

Paintballing the next day was not an enjoyable experience.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:24, Reply)
That's not exactly proof that vodka doesn't like you is it?
It's proof that drinking a bottle of a 40% spirit will give you a nasty case of alcohol poisoning.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:31, Reply)
i did exactly the same with some ropey 90% proof gin my friend brought back from manila
still can't bear the smell of it, and it's about 20 years since i spent that 48 hours chucking up
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:33, Reply)
I'm the same with brandy. Even just the smell makes me want to chunder.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:35, Reply)

brandy mirrors.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:37, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:00, Reply)
This is very true
Put me off it though, and I've found that I still don't like it, whereas I'm rather fond of whiskey and ginger.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:34, Reply)
...if you're a poof.
I can bash a bottle of cognac in a day no problem
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:38, Reply)
And fat. And northern. And ginger.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:21, Reply)
hey hey hey
what has AA ever done to you?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:22, Reply)
Hey Swipe
did you feel a bit dirty when TRL told you how nice you looked in your facebook photos?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:23, Reply)
i had to pay him a LOT of money for those endorsements
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:25, Reply)
They were a bit creepy.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:26, Reply)
edit: got it, Resident Loon
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
the worst are the complete randoms who try and add you
no idea why, but i seem to attract an awful lot of turkish teenagers

distressingly horny turkish teenagers
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:31, Reply)
That is weird.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)
My ex used to make up stuffing mix with hot water, leave it to stand for 5 minutes then eat it
She also used to dissolve oxo cubes in water and drink them. I pretended to like both of these things because she was fucking great in bed.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:23, Reply)
I bet sshe was northern

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:26, Reply)
Lived in Englefield Green
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:28, Reply)
I met Piers Brosnan in a pub in Englefield Green once.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:29, Reply)
Did he take you to his basement and do loads of experiments on you?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
Yes. He was very gentle though.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
I've eaten a bowl of stuffing before.
I miss bongs.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:27, Reply)
I had a bong with a guy from work, who is still a big smoker,
almost fucking killed me. I'm ticking to nice, relaxing thai on my patio with the newspaper, none of this depth charge shit, my brain nearly fell out.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:31, Reply)
I have to say a nice bit of thai or some decent hash is more to my tastes at this point in my life.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:39, Reply)
I've seen a guy do this,
it was weird.
This thread is weird. I'm going somewhere else.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:29, Reply)
Have some nice, comforting cat biscuits :)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:30, Reply)
alright bender

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:31, Reply)
Not really.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:38, Reply)
or did you mean to deny the bender bit?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:43, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:32, Reply)
An oxo cube dissolved is similar to Bovril, just beef stock.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:36, Reply)
Thanks, Lokesy!

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:37, Reply)
Emvee's getting upset again - see replies, though you'll have to log out
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:37, Reply)
You're only linking this cos you dun a funny

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:40, Reply)
No. Shambles has done the best response.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:40, Reply)
Mine's not too bad either.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:45, Reply)
Even if you do say so yourself.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:47, Reply)
False modesty is worse than bragging.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:50, Reply)
Yes. And to be fair it was a good post, as is Stunned's response.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:50, Reply)
I just wish he'd take me off 2.0
The efforts I have to go to to call him a cunt are really quite tiresome.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:52, Reply)
And the stupid thing is he does the same to see what you've said and to respond.
The fucking Deacon.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:53, Reply)
and the stupidity of 2.0 is laid bare for all to see

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:54, Reply)
I really like the guy.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:00, Reply)
He's superb.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:10, Reply)
Tastes OK, warms you up on a cold day, etc
think there's a fair bit of MSG in them though.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:39, Reply)
Can't think of a combination that anyone might consider strange
When I was a kid, cheese & chocolate (while delicious) seemed very unusual, but now it's commonplace.
What I'm trying to say is, EVERYTHING has been done. EVERYTHING EVER.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:46, Reply)
I have a Crunchie smeared with dairyleqa after every meal

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:52, Reply)
Is it commonplace though?
I've never heard of it, Hatty old stick.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:53, Reply)
Apparently so
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:55, Reply)
that looks wortng to me

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:56, Reply)
A lot of what you say looks wortng to me.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:00, Reply)
They tried to headhunt me once.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:57, Reply)
They were a client of mine when I had my own business.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:58, Reply)
They tried to headhunt monty once.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:59, Reply)
Was this after Treworgey Tree Fayre of July 1989?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:00, Reply)
About twenty years later, yes.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:02, Reply)
Were you aware at the time that they used to be a client of Battered's when he had his own business?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:05, Reply)
Were you aware that they tried to headhunt me once?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:06, Reply)
I was not aware that they tried to headhunt you once.
I wonder if anyone else here has ever had any dealings with them.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:14, Reply)
They were a client of battered once.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:00, Reply)
Would you say that chocolate cheesecake kind of counts?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:01, Reply)
I knew a bloke that they tried to headhunt.
And another that had them as a client.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:01, Reply)
I'm not being funny about your mates or anything, Stunned
But they sound like a right pair of cunts.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:02, Reply)
They really are.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:03, Reply)
You're right.
You aren't being funny.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:04, Reply)
and not for the first time, i blame the lack of protein in his diet and therefore brain

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:05, Reply)
wrong brain

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:13, Reply)
I've eaten both chocolate and cheese in a hotel setting.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:07, Reply)
Have you ever tried to headhunt Monty or been a client of Battered, when he had his own business?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:08, Reply)
at 5am?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:09, Reply)
Well, i don't know what Battered does, so it is possible, as for head hunting monty,
well, let's just say that sort of information stays between me and him.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:12, Reply)
Fingers kids when he's pissed.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:35, Reply)
I suppose chocolate cheesecake kind of counts.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:56, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:56, Reply)
"mental breakdown tapas"
is an excellent combination of words.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 14:58, Reply)
why thank you Vaginismus, thank you indeed

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:15, Reply)
Mr Mash
Proper shit food, but packed with milk, butter and cheese FUCKING marvellous stuff

I had rhubarb served with beef once in Holland which worked excellently. The poached pears served with pork the next day, no so well.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:03, Reply)
apple pork works...

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:05, Reply)
I've never heard of this
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:07, Reply)
You want to know another weird, unheard of combo?
Sausages, right - with mashed potato!!!!!
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:09, Reply)
I might have that tonight...
with some onion gravy and peas and English mustard
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:11, Reply)
I shit out something yesterday which looked, smelt and burned like Colemans
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:12, Reply)
i don't get it

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:16, Reply)
The coalmans?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:25, Reply)
Here's a new one for you
Get this

Bacon - you know, like from a pig


Eggs - from a motherfucking chicken!

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:11, Reply)
Alright 'Heston' that'll do

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:13, Reply)
I thought it was a blumen good recipe

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:13, Reply)
You can fuck off with that sort of punning

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:34, Reply)
Another one
Sausages in yorkshire pudding, the locals call it frog in a pit, or something?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:12, Reply)
It'll never catch on

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:12, Reply)
Kroney puts the lotion on it's skin

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:13, Reply)
hot kettle chips? are you sure?
It's just that your mum told me she only ever gives her partner a bloody good stuffing
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:05, Reply)
I don't get this.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:06, Reply)
Something about meat substitute, I think.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:07, Reply)
Did you not go round for Christmas lunch?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:13, Reply)
He went round to tip the velvet.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:14, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:15, Reply)
in the OP you said your mum does hot kettle chips at christmas
I'm suggesting she fists your ladydad.

Also, I just saw all the mean things everyone said about me up there^ :'(
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:14, Reply)
Ignore the bastards, Quints.
Next they'll be trying to headhunt you or make you a client.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:16, Reply)
or worst of all, asking me to meet them in a pub to box my ears

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:16, Reply)
Worst of all the pubs.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:23, Reply)
soz q, soz.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:17, Reply)
"Kettle Chips" is slang for a fat lezza

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:17, Reply)
how does that work naked ape?
Think it through before posting in future
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:20, Reply)
he says his mu m "does" hot kettle chips

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:24, Reply)
going at it "like a dog on hot chips"
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:27, Reply)
Where does that come from?
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:33, Reply)
Click for the expression 'ladydad'

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:19, Reply)
I liked that too
Just picture him introducing his mrs for the first time, 'wanderlust, this is my mum, and this is my ladydad'
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:21, Reply)
I wish I'd had the wit to do that :o(

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:25, Reply)
If my mum ever turns fishmonger
I'm going to do exactly this.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:30, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:26, Reply)
As usual, food thread wins the day.
You fat cunts are repulsive, you really are.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:20, Reply)
I just didn't want you to feel sad, so i posted a lot.
well, a bit.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:22, Reply)
I feel sad

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:24, Reply)
are you sad becuase you often get lost in your girlfriends cavernous vagina hole for days at a time?

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:26, Reply)
*dramatic pause*

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:27, Reply)
I've just eaten a biscuit.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:23, Reply)
I just had a massive manshit.
It looked like a big pile of bangers and mash.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:24, Reply)
Poor Sophia and Zac

FFS. They should be made to eat what they're given or go hungry.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:24, Reply)
Emvee would lego fuck him into submission.

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:27, Reply)
QOTW suggestion
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:29, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:30, Reply)
is there a rise in allergys and stuff,
or is it just more people being idiots?
We seem to have a lot more people these days ordering food and having a list of shit they can't eat.

edit: I read some of the comments.It is a terribly stupid blog.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:30, Reply)
"I've got a wheat intolerance"
"I'm allergic to garlic"
"Please take your foot off my throat"

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:34, Reply)
Is it genuine allergy or just dislike?
Genuine allergy means you come out in hives and/or die if you eat it.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:34, Reply)
Idiots, most likely
Some people are genuinely intolerant to foodstuffs but I bet at least 80% of people "allergic" to something actually aren't
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:35, Reply)
There is a distinction between an intolerance and an allergy
But as you say, idiots.
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:37, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:37, Reply)
Its people being idiots WP
Its the latest thing you see, what with how precious (actually I am going to stop the rant there I very nearly hit full on parent hating)
(, Tue 5 Feb 2013, 15:37, Reply)

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