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Money Saving Expert
Poor old AA's got himself into deep shit with an eye-watering £7.80 of debt. Help him out with some handy hints on how to drag himself back from the precipice of payday loans, East End leg-breakers and ultimately debtors' prison and the hangman's noose. Pass on your best scrimping tips - and also advise against certain measures which just don't work.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:39, 153 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Don't buy crackers from the bargain shelf.
They're all broken :o(
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:41, Reply)
Don't waste money on prophylactics
be a nerdy fat internet shut in and never get laid.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:42, Reply)
They just launched the ultimate birth control thing a couple of days ago.
It's called the 'Ex Box' or something?

Guaranteed, no chance of impregnating a woman ever.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:44, Reply)
You know all about Ex Boxing don't you?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:45, Reply)
It's a fair cop zing guv

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:46, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:48, Reply)
Save £££££s!!!!
use fucking contraception
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:43, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:44, Reply)
I *think* he might know that wheeze already

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:45, Reply)
Don't invest in Japanese shares LOL

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:45, Reply)
Is this like one of them advice things for a friend of a friend things
I've got your number Mr Boyce
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:46, Reply)
Like when you tell your mum you're just looking after that bag of jazzmags 'for a friend'

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:46, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:49, Reply)
Or holding on to a packet of cigarettes "for a friend".

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:49, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:50, Reply)
Or hiding that child's mutilated body in your loft and having nightly sex with it 'for a friend'

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57, Reply)
used teabags can be used as refreshing sanitary towels
just wring out a couple of old earl grey and stick them in your gusset
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:47, Reply)
even easier
take whole newspaper, fold double, trace round sanitary towel, cut round through all layers, sellotape to gusset.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:51, Reply)
I'm sure he could even find used ones for free, and carefully handwash them back to an acceptable state

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:54, Reply)
Bit of bleach, they come up like new

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:55, Reply)
and just how much is bleach?
No wonder you are skint
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:56, Reply)
Nah I get for free from the bogs of pubs - that and so much more besides

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57, Reply)
So bumming then?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)
Basically, yes.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)
and once they're done they pop a pound coin in and everyone is happy

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Become a rent boy
and you might be able to pay more that just your rent
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:50, Reply)
I'll have a tenners worth.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:52, Reply)
You're even more of a deviant than I'd thought.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:01, Reply)
He ought to consolidate all his problems into one easy-to-manage package.
Can I recommend heroin?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:52, Reply)
Come on, Tangers.
This is serious.

We are talking about around £900!
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:53, Reply)
Oh that's easy, he just needs to put aside a tenner a day
For a nice bag of brown.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:55, Reply)
He should kill himself.
That way he won't need to spend money on food, rent, clothes, gadgets, prostitutes, cigarettes or anything else.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:53, Reply)
AA, not SSG

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:58, Reply)
start clicking things you lazy fucks.
The popular page is shit.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:54, Reply)
Not sure this helps AA tbh

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:54, Reply)
It's like he don't even care about AA

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Large dog shits squashed and reshaped make convincing beefburgers

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:54, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:54, Reply)
Getting bored of dog shit burgers?
Try cat shit instead for a bit of variety.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:55, Reply)
They're no Wendy Burgers.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57, Reply)
Wendys is lush.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)
We need more finanical details of his current repayments

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:55, Reply)
He's got an arranged overdraft and a single credit card.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57, Reply)
If only you could balance transfer a credit card to a 0% one
or even take out a £1,000 loan over 2 years
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57, Reply)
That's what I'd do.
£1,200 would be 50 quid a month. Cancel the ability to go overdrawn and give the card to your Mam.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:59, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)
You mean he should bury it?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:03, Reply)
is his mum a womble?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:04, Reply)
If 'womble' is another word for 'corpse' then yes, yes she is.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Then quit uni and get a job?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:02, Reply)
join the french foreign legion you say?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:04, Reply)
Do both.
As people have been doing for years.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:04, Reply)
i'm not allowed a credit card
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:06, Reply)
You dont fucking need one!

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:06, Reply)
of course i do
preferably a platinum one
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Everything was in my name at my old house
Meaning that every missed payment hit me, and helping to completely bugger my credit rating. Otherwise, I'd go for something like this.

That, plus a gym lying to me (said I had a 2 month cooling off period, contract only offered one, should have read it properly), means that most places won't look at me.

Aware that this could have all been avoided in advance by my not being a spastic.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:18, Reply)
Don't buy expensive 'ribbed' condoms, just buy an ordinary one and slip a handful of frozen peas inside it before you put it on.
Also, an empty cigar tube with a couple of wasps in makes an inexpensive vibrator.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:57, Reply)
Don't "waste" money going on a date.
Get your Mum to dress up in her sauciest knicks and make your Dad watch while you pole her little pink sixpence.

Hey presto!
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:02, Reply)
Who amongst us can honestly say they've not done this?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:04, Reply)

Dad other Mum
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
There are 2 London Bashes this weekend and some of you fuckers are signed up for them.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:58, Reply)
Can I come please?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:01, Reply)
I am going to my country Estate in Easy Sussex this weekend.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Least difficult of all the counties

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Instead of throwing out vegetable peels, why not make them into a nourishing soup your vegan friends will ADORE

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:00, Reply)
When shall I come over?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:01, Reply)
Seriously man you're welcome any time
I know up to and including one vegetarian recipe
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:01, Reply)
I'll bring Trivial Pursuit.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:03, Reply)
And steaks.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
have you ever tried cooked potato?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
I did once but the potato was accidentally a sausage and then oh no :(

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Instead of chucking out the afterbirth, take it home and dry it out to make a dog toy your hound will ADORE

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:01, Reply)
Instead of using bum paper, simply steal post-its from work and use them instead. The sticky material will hoover up your bum eggs in a manner you will ADORE

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:03, Reply)
You're the only one taking this seriously

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:04, Reply)
I dunno why they all hate AA
I just want to see people out of debt
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
I like AA.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Heartless, just heartless
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:08, Reply)
I am tutting like a demon here

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:09, Reply)
Tut up a storm
Tsk like a madman
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
One of the bashes is a benefit gig for AA.
There's even a bring and buy sale.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:10, Reply)
Ahm oot.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
of the closet

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
I was having adventures in Narnia!

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:12, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
It's not personal T'ban, it's just no one ever wants to buy any of your interestingly shaped potatoes.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)
agh I can't even do oirish in text, fuck's sake
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:15, Reply)
It's no joking matter yet these wags insist on mockery

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)

What's the best way to buy a car.
I want a Diesel Focus Estate, but the dealerships are too expensive. Where do I get decent used cars from?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:05, Reply)
Subscribe to Auto Trader and search on non-trade.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:06, Reply)
I've just looked on the website, it appears I don't have to subscribe to be able to search for things.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:08, Reply)
Are car supermarkets a terrible place to look?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:09, Reply)
OK if you are a cash buyer and you get the car checked by the AA.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:10, Reply)
How do you do that?
Do I have to book the AA to come and look at it?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
Yep. They charge more if you are not a member.
Always a good idea to be a member if you have the cash. You have kids right? Membership is the person, not the car.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)
We get RAC membership with our bank account
Do they do it too?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:16, Reply)
Is that how he is supplementing his income to pay off his debts?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:12, Reply)
one of my dad's mates runs a really good dealership
but it's up north. does it have to be local?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:07, Reply)
Will he deliver it to me?
If not, then yes it has to be local.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:08, Reply)
i'm guessing not
but i can ask. that and if he has any focuses in at the moment.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:12, Reply)
Thanks for the offer, but I don't think I'd buy an vehicle I haven't seen, even if he's your dads mate and he's well kosher and shit.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)
well that's why i asked if it had to be local
only a total fuckwit would do that.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)
So your question was merely a clever ruse to see if I would out myself as a total fuckwit?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:20, Reply)
you've got dad's mate's dealership spunk written all over your face.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:08, Reply)
it says
"nearly new"
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)
'one careful boner'

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:20, Reply)
"Very low mingage"

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:24, Reply)
"Good little rimmer"

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:29, Reply)
steal a part a day

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:08, Reply)
Get a copy of 'Fascinating Monthy'
The car ads are usually just after the shaving section.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:08, Reply)
Are you a subscriber to "Idiot Monthly"!!!!!????!!!!!!!??????

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:10, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:14, Reply)
loving this sub-thread

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)
If only it were that easy
Dealership-expensive, but can go back if it goes wrong.

Everything else, buyer beware, and take a friend in the know with you if you aren't.

Ex-motability cars are good value if you can find one, although they tend to be base spec.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:10, Reply)
This is the problem. I know fuck all about cars
and I don't know anyone who does. So I'm really loathe to go somewhere I can't take the car back and shout at someone if it breaks down.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:12, Reply)
Oh Kroney does.
But he's rather shy when it comes to talking about it. Not for Kroney the interminable posts about tyre brands and steering wheel types. No no - he's more the taciturn, brooding French type.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)
What sort of price you looking at?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:20, Reply)
about 6-7 Grand. I might go as high as 8-9.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Try Arnold Clark website
do ex-fleet and motability etc, will also get cars from other branches delivered to your local one iirc.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:26, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:39, Reply)
1) The AA do a car check for about £80 full ins and outs
2) I answered this in the previous thread cockweasle
3) autotrader is your friend
4) lots of dirty diesel focuses on there from a few hundred quid
5) lists get fucking annoying after a while
6) set your budget and get the lowest mileage car you can
7) with reference to 6 age isn't as important
8) if it looks poorly taken care of avoid
9) don't buy a car in the rain as the water makes them look shiny
10) lists are still fucking annoying
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:25, Reply)
Durr your parents buy cars for you
That's how it works right?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:11, Reply)
I thought you and swipe were two different people?

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:12, Reply)
I just tuck and stick on a red mop

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:16, Reply)
I let my cock dangle low and stick on a red mop
Happy now?
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:17, Reply)
i had to buy my own car
bloody selfish dad
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Motor auctions.
If you can find out where your local police l/bailiffs auction off impounded cars, and when, you can get a fucking bargain.
Also, take someone who knows cars, most motor auctions give you some time to take the car out and still return it with no charge. My local one gives you an hour. Got my brother a proper bargain.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:14, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Look at ex-forces vehicle auctions
Not only will they be low millage but will have full service history and have a wide range of ex-police/fire/hospital and military veicles and also they normally go very cheap.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:15, Reply)
There's one going in Woolwich

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:20, Reply)

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:21, Reply)
lol & click

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:33, Reply)
It is hailstoning
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:13, Reply)
No it isn't.

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:14, Reply)
It's well sunny

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:15, Reply)
Typical lying northerner FFS

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:19, Reply)
Stopped now

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:20, Reply)
Course it has.
Yeah I've got 4' of snow and a gold rainbow here.

Oh it's stopped now.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:33, Reply)
Here too

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:30, Reply)
Just been accepted to run the Great North Run
Time for some training I think
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:22, Reply)
You could team up with Battered if he is still doing it

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:24, Reply)
Not any more, I dont think

(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:24, Reply)
Pay attention
He's been working on a long-winded lie about 'breaking his foot' for ages now.
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:32, Reply)
Well I think we have managed to help out AA here
(, Thu 23 May 2013, 14:33, Reply)

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