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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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What are you getting Frog for his birthday?
Alt: Do you like a lot of fuss over your birthday? Is it still very much your special day?
Or are you so old now that you'd prefer no-one mentioned it?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:25, 196 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
I'm getting him another copy of my record because the new one won't be finished in time.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:28, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:35, Reply)
Don't get to excited, he will eventually finish it

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:36, Reply)
No I meant another copy of the old one, I played the other one so much it's worn out !!!

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:38, Reply)
Playing Frisbee with it doesn't count

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:42, Reply)
I'm really not sure a pint at some stage in the future I guess.
I fall into the later category and have been a miserable fucker about my Birthday since I hit my mid thirties
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:30, Reply)
I will be giving him a bunch of fives.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:30, Reply)
Can you not do those all year round??

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:31, Reply)
A week long celebration?
that's some going
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:32, Reply)
Lol Stunned isn't allowed to wee standing up
Is your missus German or summat?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:32, Reply)
I don't mind a sit down or 'luxury' piss as I like to call it. I want the choice to be my own though.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:34, Reply)
Oh yeah, sometimes it is necessary, but I feel you never quite get it all out that way

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:54, Reply)
^prostate cancer^

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:56, Reply)
God really fucked up the design of the male piss tubes didn't he? What a cunt.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:58, Reply)
I like it if I'm not sure if I'm brewing a fart or about to shit myself
Sit down means not only that I'm safe if it's the latter, but the former is really loud and echoey. So it's a win-win.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:01, Reply)
Or if you're pissed

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:03, Reply)
what... the.......

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:03, Reply)
Come on you've met Lighty, one day you may actually be that old

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:04, Reply)
i'm meeting mrs lighty soon
this can only end well... mwa ha ha ha ha.........
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:08, Reply)
Better take a puncture repair kit with you, just in case she goes down on him.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:13, Reply)
Lighty should work in IT
Not even a Computer would go down on him
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:14, Reply)
I do

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:21, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:26, Reply)
It taken ages for Lighty to find find that special someone* don't you go and ruin it for him
*well OK just someone then
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:13, Reply)
My special anyone

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:21, Reply)
it's not me
it's frog and boyce and stunned...
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:21, Reply)
I may have reached the age where I need more fibre

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:21, Reply)
No a Hotelier

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:34, Reply)
when is it?
It's mine this month too.
I don't really celebrate much anymore tbh. 33 is a shit age to celebrate.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:31, Reply)
Thursday. I'm going to be 34 !!!

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:42, Reply)
Aww have a good one!
You're a whole year older than me!
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:48, Reply)
But I look younger.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:49, Reply)
+ slimmer

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:50, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:50, Reply)
Errrrrrrmmmm OK you do have more hair than him then?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:53, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:55, Reply)
well yeah
bigger head = more hair
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:59, Reply)
Im not too sure he looks younger either tbh

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:08, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:12, Reply)
33 is one of the best ages in the 30's
as you get to say it in a really bad Irish accent
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:30, Reply)
I take a couple of days off and get wasted. It's tradition.
I don't even buy my twin brother a present so some interweb chubbyfucker ain't getting nowt
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:32, Reply)
Whoa, there are 2 of you?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:48, Reply)
fucking hell
the world just got a little darker
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:49, Reply)
there are three of us
My baby brother is basically a clone.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:52, Reply)
Your parents must have really fucking hated the world.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:17, Reply)
I think they just liked fucking.
My mum was a proper babe.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:34, Reply)
I might get me one of those smart tellys.
Alt: Yes I want lots of attention and stuff because I'm needy and bent. I don't know how I will feel when I'm as old as you.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:32, Reply)
Just get a chromecast or something. Cheaper than a whole new telly

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:39, Reply)
shut up jay we definitely need a new smart 3d one so shut up

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:40, Reply)
(she's paying)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:49, Reply)
No such luck

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:50, Reply)
priorities for the house
new kitchen
new flooring/carpets
new curtains
new beds
new sofa
new bookshelves
new fitted furniture for the budgie's room

new tv
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:50, Reply)
Congrats on your new birthday curtains Snake!

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:53, Reply)
he's getting a second budgie
limey, to go with lemmy........
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:53, Reply)
I hope she's sticking to her pink theme

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:54, Reply)
the flat isn't pink
just silly accessories, like headphones and radios. the flat is tastefully cream and white (which some people say is "boring").
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:59, Reply)
You should totes get more pink stuff

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:02, Reply)
i did
my aunt trawls yorkshire for pink stuff at christmas. this year, i got:

pink biscuit jar
pink and white kitchen towels
pink mats

last year i got:

pink whisk
pink measuring jug
pink grater

bless her, she tries so so hard.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:03, Reply)
My mother has bought me a few oil paintings over the years, I'm not a massive fan of them but have to put them up whenever she comes to visit.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:06, Reply)
my todmorden market special measuring jug cracked when i put boiling water in it...

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:08, Reply)
Sounds a bit shit

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:11, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:56, Reply)
why does the telly depend on any of those things?
You're just a terrible mum
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:55, Reply)
because the one we have is absolutely fine
and doesn't need replacing.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:58, Reply)
are you a 1950s grandmother?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:35, Reply)
Yeah but we will actually get the telly as I'm in charge of that.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:57, Reply)

the telly some magic beans
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:59, Reply)
tellies are dead cheap these days anyway, you big gay scrooge

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:52, Reply)
it's my birthday this week as well

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:35, Reply)
not even your mum cares

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:36, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:37, Reply)
Any January date past the 9th is for pricks.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:36, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:38, Reply)
This thread is about popular poster Frog, not you.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:52, Reply)
Now you've hurt his feelings and he's stopped posting

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:10, Reply)
Half a tin of quality street and some out of date pate. Oh and some crackers and a bottle of slimline tonic and some cheap Tesco coke that no-one in this house will ever drink
Does he like Bridget Jones? My cheap Aunt got me a copy from Poundland (the big yellow 'replay guaranteed' sticker was a dead giveaway)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:38, Reply)
I bet you aren't a real princess like what Jason is.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:47, Reply)
Crown it, bitch.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:49, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 14:50, Reply)
Headphones: A Buyers guide.
By A. Bollockhead.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:14, Reply)
Captain Placid likes Pinknoise Testing Headphones Chat

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:17, Reply)
should i buy them, yes or no?
are they pink, yes or no?

there's your only key question.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:17, Reply)
which one?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:19, Reply)
What about "Do they match my bling bling bowling shoes"?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:20, Reply)
i have never gotten fewer than 4 compliments on those shoes every time i have worn them
put that in your beige anorak and smoke it
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:22, Reply)
I could actually wear a beige anorak and make it look cool

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:27, Reply)
^immune to sarcasm^

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:36, Reply)
yeah....................... we've all seen the qotw pics of you
i'd rather smear bonzo's birthday turd all over myself than wear anything you think looks good
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:47, Reply)
All the evidence suggests that you're a raging coprophiliac.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:49, Reply)
Urban myth, more's the pity.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:51, Reply)
The simple solution here is
Get some tips from OMR then when my special prezzie arrive simply keep that one for yourself and swap out one of your own for swipey, after all she has written that she would prefer that
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:53, Reply)
not gonna do that but thanks for your gift m8

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:56, Reply)
I think she's just afraid of what you'd think.
Buy her a glass coffee table and let nature take its course.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:57, Reply)
Got one, I lie under it every day but still nothing.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:00, Reply)
even if i were
it would be a better look than a grey beard in a cagoule. fact.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:51, Reply)
I don't have a grey beard or own a single kagoul
Are you going into one of those tragic fantasy whimper phases again, pet?
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:55, Reply)
probably a cute little jumper

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:32, Reply)
i fucking love a new jumper, me
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:32, Reply)
I am going to post him a special turd I am brewing it at the moment
Alt: Just have a few drinks and chill out, I do always take the day off work though
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:45, Reply)
I have never worked on my birthday.
The one time it looked as though I was going to have to work the shift from hell on a birthday I walked out of the job the day before.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:48, Reply)
I just book the day off
seems easier than quitting a job
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:53, Reply)
Now he tells me

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:54, Reply)
Hindsight is always easy

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:56, Reply)
YM is always easy.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:57, Reply)
Alright Ched calm down

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:00, Reply)
That's what YM said.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:04, Reply)
I though she said "Oi, I almost dropped a chip then"

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:18, Reply)
+ is it in yet?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:54, Reply)
Mr Hanky etc......
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:49, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 15:51, Reply)
I'd get him a kebab.
And I would let him choose what salad he had with it.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:11, Reply)
it's important to have the right selection of vegetables to throw into the gutter

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:14, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:15, Reply)
I always eat my kebab salad.
This guy eats the packaging.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:46, Reply)
that first line is DEFFO gay slang

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:52, Reply)
Surely it would be more fitting to a heterosexual?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:53, Reply)
the second line is more your style

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:55, Reply)
I've got him 3 wishes.
Alt: I like it to be marked with the respect it deserves.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:52, Reply)
we saw a bent little dog yesterday
and both of us said, "it's a windy pig dog!"
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:59, Reply)
well, I'm just glad to be in your thoughts.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:00, Reply)

oughts ighs

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:03, Reply)
i can't get meaty to talk about anything else.
i want this one(the black and white scruff, not the terrible poodle).

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:06, Reply)
Them Harvey adds are great

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:16, Reply)
I thought most of em had gay dogs
B3th and Sporters included
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:02, Reply)
I've got a black pussy

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:04, Reply)
So did Stunned once

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:04, Reply)
I've made a bit too much spag bol, he can have some of that.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 16:56, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:05, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:12, Reply)
Sound as a pound Chompster, how was your Christmas?

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:12, Reply)
It was ok thanks, food was good, not too bothered about the rest of the razzmataz

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:13, Reply)
Well I'm glad you're back on board

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:14, Reply)
You're not the only one.
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:18, Reply)
40 Tears

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:22, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:10, Reply)

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:11, Reply)
I hope the populol page doesn't fill up with references to this unseemly bit of internet history

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:16, Reply)
I'll make threatening phonecalls to his workplace, that's always a nice surprise.

(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:14, Reply)
I bet you can clamp the phone on one side of your face really easily so you can have one hand for dailing and the other for...............
......Whoops my bad
(, Mon 5 Jan 2015, 17:18, Reply)

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