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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Ho ho!
What japes!
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:09, 104 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
popular page this if you agree.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:11, Reply)
But it's precisely this sort of response that makes it funny, see?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:14, Reply)
[mod edit] please keep the all caps to a minimum, we've had complaints.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:16, Reply)
from you, you moaning mary

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:20, Reply)
fucking mods.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:21, Reply)
Mod Cunts more like!

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:33, Reply)
You called?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:39, Reply)
don't be silly
people like cunts
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:40, Reply)
Then why does nobody like you?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:49, Reply)
I'm universally popular

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:51, Reply)
I'm fairly confident you're not.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:52, Reply)
How could you be?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:53, Reply)
I said Mod not shitmod

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:47, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:51, Reply)
^ upset
RT if you agree!
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:19, Reply)
^^won a leopard

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:21, Reply)

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(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:22, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:11, Reply)
I said shut it down and you did. Good boy, you're learning.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:16, Reply)
Will you be as happy when your populol posts disappear?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:20, Reply)
why would they?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:20, Reply)
Surely if the thread no longer exists, then all the posts go too?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:22, Reply)
maybe if the site wasn't written by sparrow-brained virgins

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:23, Reply)
I didnt write this site
you take that back
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:39, Reply)
I screen shot and print out the proof m8

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:21, Reply)
the only thing the populol page measures these days
is how many accounts people have. poor old populol, alas we knew him well.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:38, Reply)
wrong, i have one account (since rache1swipe got b&)
one *B*R*I*L*L*I*A*N*T* account adored by *nearly* everyone, gutted loser
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:40, Reply)
Want me to unban it for you?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:44, Reply)
no thanks m8, i've learnt my lesson, leave it in the past where it belongs

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:46, Reply)
I can ban all your accounts if that helps?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:46, Reply)
you couldn't ban yourself from scratching your own balls

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:47, Reply)
uh-oh! now you're in trouble

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:49, Reply)
Yeh! Imma banning her next!

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:56, Reply)
why would he want to?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:50, Reply)
so he slows down the spread of leprosy to his fingertips?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:54, Reply)
Carefull bitchtits, I've banned people for less.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:57, Reply)
I don't think that's how leprosy works but I don't know enough about it to dispute it.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:57, Reply)
it's a pretty safe bet given that she's wrong about everything

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:00, Reply)
here we go again
another area of wholly imaginary expertise coming up from dr bullshit.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:01, Reply)
knowing more than you doesn't make somebody an expert
it just makes them a functioning adult
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:03, Reply)
why don't you brag some more about doing drugs and booze in your 50's
mr functioning adult?
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:05, Reply)

your the
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:29, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:42, Reply)
Hey, no shit it's my ass. I got a big problem down here. Just shut it down. Shut it down now!

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:51, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:24, Reply)
Guff on me and tell me I'm worthless

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:25, Reply)
you, sir
are a bounder and a cad and a scoundrel of the very first water
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:37, Reply)
Beefy has led me astray.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:42, Reply)
that's stunned's excuse. and do you want to end up like him? well? DO YOU?
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:46, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:48, Reply)
Christ, man, have a bit of dignity

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:49, Reply)
Yous are all bastards.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:50, Reply)
Hooray one of the good ones is here finally

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:51, Reply)
You knows it.

So, how are you? Did Swipe put out this weekend?

Did Monty?
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:53, Reply)
he's not interested in me when he has his boytoys round

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:54, Reply)
*you* didn't, but Monty obviously did.

It's the love that dares not speak its repulsive, deviant name.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:55, Reply)
i'm fine just about, they did in a manner of speaking, what i'm saying here is that i got to watch :(

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:57, Reply)
wish i hadn't wrote this now

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:58, Reply)
feel sick

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:58, Reply)
could be worse
at least nobody was wearing a bumbag
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:02, Reply)
did you think montys bird was a bit on the young side?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:03, Reply)
i thought she had the measure of him alright

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:05, Reply)
hi b3ff

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:54, Reply)
Yur (t)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 15:56, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:10, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:16, Reply)
Hello everybody
My working day has been very shit, and other people who are meant to make my job easier have been shit.

Just thought I would share
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:28, Reply)
god what is this, your blog??

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:29, Reply)
just having a little moan is that ok?

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:30, Reply)
ooh baby

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:30, Reply)
shut up you pranny

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:37, Reply)
No you shut up
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 16:45, Reply)

acde efghmmnnn nooooor rsttu
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:00, Reply)
"And then Trigger makes a face."
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:02, Reply)
Pillock, wazzock or wally....
When did you last issue an 80s style dissin'?
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:03, Reply)
get real, saddo

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:03, Reply)
Shove yer deely boppers up your arse
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:06, Reply)
^ spazmo

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:04, Reply)
^ not meeting Dozer for an insult.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:07, Reply)
stunned's loss m8

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:08, Reply)
Innit blood.
Nice weekend in York, or meeting a twat.

Bet he agonised over that decision.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:08, Reply)
read this about 2 minutes ago
still sniggering
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:09, Reply)
well quite.
It was a romantic weekend away in a picturesque medieval city. Don't think his Mrs would have been too impressed.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:11, Reply)
i don't think anyone would have been

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:11, Reply)
least of all me

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:13, Reply)
Are you saying Mrs Stunned doesn't like romantic weekends away in picturesque medieval cities?
Sounds like you've got some explaining to Mr Stunned to do here.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:14, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:23, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:09, Reply)
Aww man, 80's insults were skill.

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:05, Reply)
And as easy as ABC

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:05, Reply)
niggly niggly
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:06, Reply)
wicked awesome radical
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:07, Reply)
justine miliband y/n

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:26, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:29, Reply)
you keep saying this, bet you're gay

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:32, Reply)
sian williams y/n

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:36, Reply)
oh fucking hell, I went to a dark place writing that the other day
don't make me go back
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:38, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:38, Reply)
i'd rather do her than ed

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:33, Reply)
couldn't you just imagine he's a slim sylvester stallone?
he's had the same wonky lower lip thing going on in photos this week
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:34, Reply)
he makes my flesh crawl. i'd rather staple myself together.
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:38, Reply)

(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:39, Reply)
I'm glad you've clarified
not that it makes it better
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:39, Reply)
What a load of fucking shit.
Can we have a muff guff thread please?
(, Tue 5 May 2015, 17:39, Reply)

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