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Morning all.
Ooohhh look at me, on top of Kaol.

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 7:55, 385 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Just where everyone wants to be :)
Morning miss... Early doors today! How're you?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:00, Reply)
hello No3L
I'm a teeny bit hungover sleepy. But other that that I'm grand.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:02, Reply)
'ningles to you all
It's a fine, wet day here, and I managed to put my duvet on top of my toast, so it is now covered in jam. What a good start to the day.

Are we well?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:03, Reply)
morning PoD
You've made me want jam on toast now :(
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:07, Reply)
I'm tired but good. Steadily putting together a masterplan involving a massive hitch-hike, book and charity launch.

I think I might wear myself out before long!

On the upside I have home-made leek and potato soup for brunch :)

What're you guys up to today?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:07, Reply)
Sorry 'lusty
I would send you some if the internet worked like that, but that's how my last router died.

Plans for today: In lectures for first half of day, working on a group essay for second half of day, and then in the magical third half of the day I will be coming home, collapsing on my bed and doing more work. Fun.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:10, Reply)
I'm going to see my friend this evening.
She had a baby a few months ago and I haven't been round to see her yet.
I have a feeling I'm going to get a bit broody!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:11, Reply)
I constantly get broody round my friends kids
and I'm a bloke :)

PoD... this doesn't sound like classical studenty behaviour to me!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:22, Reply)
I'm sure if the bub starts crying
or throws up or does something else babyish that isn't sitting there keeping quiet and looking cute, i'll snap out of it.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:32, Reply)
Yeah I get that too
But I find if the kid is generally good I'm usually very patient. If they're a little shit I tend to lose my temper. But I'm always consistent :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:40, Reply)
Mr Nong all
No3l - based on what he says on here, Penguin seems to be the hardest working student ever, he's always doing work!

RIP Mitch Mitchell, just read that he'd died on my BBC news ticker thing. Superb drummer.

Haha, did anyone just hear the soundbites of geeks on Radio 1 news talking about the new Warcraft release?

'I'd kill everyone in this queue if that's what I had to do to get the game'

*goes to make first cup of tea of the day*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:41, Reply)
@ Lusty
Don't torture yourself!

We got broody enough seeing the cute kids round Kirkstall Abbey the other week!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:41, Reply)
all, hope everyone is ok this fine morning!

Saw my GF last night after she's been away for 3 weeks, was all good!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:42, Reply)
Well that's the entire Experience sadly passed on now.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:44, Reply)
Morning all...
It's rather odd, finding out two married co-workers are shagging. Each other. But bloody funny when you keep dropping the word "carpark" into the conversation.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:44, Reply)
Ning nong sam, BK, karma (edit: and pb)
That sounds mildly racist. Hmm.

Come on eleven o'clock... I want soup!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:45, Reply)
So so glad I'm not paying for breakfast in this place, £20 for a croissant and cheese anyone?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:46, Reply)
Morning No3l, PB, Karma and Ethel
@ PB
Carpark eh?

That's not subtle on their part.

*speaks from humiliating experience*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:48, Reply)
That cheese
better be laced with gold, delivered by kittens wearing diamond-encrusted booties, and taste like the sun.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:49, Reply)
Morning all!
I had ANOTHER b3ta dream last night, this one involved Lusty, Beekers the Pickle and me.
We were at the beach, and we had pie.
Then the room of the hotel we were staying in flooded.

In other news, I go to pick up my car today AND I'm going to a sweet shop. What a good day.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:49, Reply)
Yeah BK, tis a shame
Although I suppose if they were still alive they'd have reformed for a shit money making reunion tour by now.

I'm a bit of a Hendrix nut so have put the Experience on today to commemorate... (not my exceptionally rare vinyl version sadly, yet to install a turntable in the office)

Edit: Nong Ethel, where the hell are you eating? And why are you eating cheese with a croissant?

What car are you getting Aunty Lucy?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:50, Reply)
@ BK
Oh really? It's even funnier, considering we have photos. Blackmail suggestions anyone?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:51, Reply)
Yo BK and friends

Nope, the croissant was burnt and the cheese was the consistancy of Darylea, but tasted like Emmental.

All in all, very weird.

Edit: Sam

I'm in Copenhagen staying at a well known hotel on the canal front.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:51, Reply)
@ Lucy
Was I drunk?

Then it would have some basis in reality:)

Think I'll bang some Jimi on when I get home myself.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:52, Reply)
You clearly have to put them on the company intranet/staff room noticeboard/whatever equivalent you have!

Not exactly blackmail but public humiliation is sometimes better...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:53, Reply)
*cuddles lucy*
Apart from the flooding, that sounds like a pretty fine dream to me! Were we all sharing a hotel room? Were we feeding each other pie? What kind of pie was it?
Should I carry on asking questions?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:53, Reply)
It's a 206. And it's green.

And that is the extent of my car knowledge.

But I'm happy as it's a step up from Mr VPs 106 which we are going to sell and he's going to buy me lots of precious jewellery and sweeties with the profits.

some of the above statement may contain fantasy
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:54, Reply)
It was amazing. It was beef pie (as that's what I had for lunch yesterday and it clearly had a lasting effect on me) and we frolicked in the sea and we were all in the same room until it flooded.
OOoh and then I got a parcel from Mr VP and one of the judges from Strictly Come Dancing was there too.

Some people have odd, twisted dreams, that one just seemed to have some of my favourite things all in one place with a bit of flooding.

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:57, Reply)
Nah, we can't do that
Wouldn't be professional. Hmmm...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 8:57, Reply)
@ Lucy
I want that dream!
I'm always up for a frolic:D
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:01, Reply)
I now want to go have a paddle in the sea and nom a pie! It might be a bit cold at this time of year though and I appear to be pieless :(
So, when I get home tonight I shall stand in the bath, have a slice of toast and think of you!

EDIT@ PB Do they know you know? You could always just leave a picture of them at it in one of their desk draws and watch them squirm when they find it.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:02, Reply)
@ WL
That's an odd thought to have on a Thursday morning. I wonder... what will the new question be?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:07, Reply)
Put the pics
on an FTP server and then give them the access to some 'porn'?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:07, Reply)
Do it! That'd be great.
hooray for frolicking.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)
Send a copy to everyone (including yourself)
in the internal mail?

I want a pie now, I'm even wearing a t shirt proclaiming my love for them and I don't have any! *sads*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:09, Reply)
Morning All
I'm just leaving home on route to the nasty evil BBC this morning. What are you fine folks up to today?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)
@ WL
One knows that we know, however both are unaware of the photos. The man who took them is considering ideas as well. I'm thinking beer money for six months might be an idea.


@ Bill

I'd love to work for the BBC. As like a producer or something, despite everyone I know at work being of the opinion that I have a very good Radio 4 voice.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)
Isn't pie great?
Really? I flipping love pie, sweet or savoury.

If pressed, I'm not sure what my favourite pie is. I couldn't choose. As long as it's not banana pie or fish pie I'm good to go.

Oh, but banoffee however can kiss my ass. I hate banoffee. It should be banished from the pie world.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:12, Reply)
PB...the new question will be this one...

...if you click it hard enough :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:12, Reply)
I'd sacrifice the chances of profiting from the blackmail
for the opportunity of public humiliation, as I said above. I am a bastard though.

Do you work for the BBC Bill?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:12, Reply)
Fuck beer
money, get them to pay your mortgage for six months and then release the photos anyway.

Edit: No3l, considering the roasting we give some people on here for stealing stuff and generally being cunts, having a question about what stuff you've nicked from a pub is a little hypocritical to be honest. A pub is someone's livelihood.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:14, Reply)
I would contend
that what's commonly known as banoffee pie, is not a pie. A pie has to have a top.

The Merkins have some strange ideas on this front...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:14, Reply)
I agree. I feel a bit happier knowing that it's not technically a pie.

Thank you for saving my good mood.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:17, Reply)
Morning all :)
Jim you gitface you coming to London on the 28th?

I think I am going to call everyone [something]face today. Bk you are Pickleface
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:17, Reply)
Ooh what am I, Badgerface?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:18, Reply)
*hugs TGB*
And hello to you too!

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:21, Reply)
I'm just waiting to hear if I'm going to Cumbria or not...

I stayed up too late working on Kaol Black, if it does indeed turn out that I've gotta drive for twelve hours...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:21, Reply)
Noel you are Numberface :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:22, Reply)
I don't know. Is Duck going?

I was asleep when you texted me last night, I might be having a gaming weekend this Sat...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:22, Reply)
*pokes badgerface*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:23, Reply)
Morning all!
I am sleepytired today, and not looking forward to getting up at 5am in order to get a train down to Kingston tomorrow :(

*wishes he'd brought a duvet to work*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:24, Reply)
Kaol you are going to be knifeyface
I'll let you off gitface, yes Duck and Lab are going it is a fun day out for all the Leam (and surrounding areas) b3tans

Hi Pineappleface!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:24, Reply)
Which face am I then?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:26, Reply)
I didn't say I wasn't coming on Sat!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:26, Reply)
I want a face name!
Morning all newcomers and sleepyheads!
*distributes hot beverages in an Aunt-like fashion*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:26, Reply)
*gladly takes the hot drink*
Thanks Aunt Lucy!

TGB, I got your text last night but forgot to reply. I think I can manage a lunch time drink then!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:28, Reply)
Well you didn't say you were coming either!
Piston you can be....sunglassesface

and Lucy you are sweetieface :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)
I hear ya about stealing stuff. Just thought it'd give us some great stories.

I didn't see anyone giving TGB hassle for stealing a metal bucket of condiments?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)
I love it.

Thanks TGB! You can be lushface!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)
Not anymore Sam
I used to work for a spin off company until recently.

The beeb are a client of the new company I work for though so I still end up heading back to TVC about once a month.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)
Well numberface
that is because I have a lovable charm that means I am exempt from getting told off about my drunken shenanigans

*waves madly at baconface*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:30, Reply)
I'd tell you off.

*goes back to sleep on desk*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:31, Reply)
Hmmm... must be due to my CSI Birmingham impression in that photo on my profile, I guess.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:32, Reply)
Indeed Badgerface
*hands out various sauces*

Surely everyone's thought it a good idea to nick something while under the influence...?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:33, Reply)
*Waves madly back*
I just had a double sausage and egg mcmuffin, normally I have a hard time choosing between sausage or bacon but today it was easy, remember kids canabalisim is wrong!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:34, Reply)
Tell me off if you want Knifeyface,
I'll make sure the porch is nice and cold for your stay :p

And I couldn't think of anything else sorry sunglassesface
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:34, Reply)
No. 31
I've done some bad things while drunk.
Stealing a flashy light from the police, next to the scene of a murder was one of them...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:35, Reply)
Drunken Steals
I've only ever swiped a couple of shotglasses when drunk.

Unfortunately, they had had sambuca in, and when I pocketed them, so sticky evil sambuca dripped onto my phone, thus buggering it up.

Swift karma.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:35, Reply)
Can I have a face name please badgerface?
I'm feeling left out...

*takes hot drink from Lucy* Cheers!

I'd have to abstain from a drunken theft QOTW as in my younger more drunken days I was prosecuted a few times as a result of several such occasions... It's not big and it's not clever! (although it can be extremely funny...)

Ah right Bill, I'm just trying to get a job there at the moment is all!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
Oi Lab!

New comic :p

EDIT: Sam, it's not "scrumping" when you're stealing cars...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
Aww don't feel left out
But you are going to be pieface :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:36, Reply)
I've done some bad things while drunk too.
There was this girl... Gemma...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:38, Reply)
I'm not saying it's not funny, or that it couldn't give us a ripe crop of stories (I too have pinched some things from bars); regarding that bloke last week who admitted to breaking into cars and pinching the stuff inside, we tore him apart for that, and yet congratulated Sam on her wanton, but charming thievery!

I suppose I'm commenting on the duplicity of man.

And woman.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)
Pieface is good!
Kaol - I've never stolen a car, pissed or otherwise.

Parts of cars, temporary traffic lights, streetlight lamps and a dumper truck once, yes. But never cars.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)
last night, while pondering my shit life, I cheered myself right up...
by thinking 'Oh well. At least I am prepared for a zombie invasion.' I am as well. got water and soup and a rolling pin in the loft.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)
Ah... No31!

I shouldn't've set that up for you...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)
Bar theft!
The best I've seen was from Revolutions in Soho, they do paddles of shots so we'd ordered 24.

After drinking the shots we all looked at eachother thinking the same thing, "I want that"

Donna proceeds to pick up the paddle holding all 24 empty glasses and tipped it into her bag!

I think it gets the award as second best bar steal!

I'm getting on the tube now so I'll catch you lovely people later.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:41, Reply)
Pub theft. Just a collection of pint glasses, maybe a general theft qotw would be better. "Your best ever steal" perhaps. If that's the case, an aeroplane flight would be my answer.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)
Good morning everyone.
I have bugger all to do today.

And I haven't been broody since 1995. Thank God!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)
What kind of soup is it? I love the mental image of you hitting zombies with a rolling pin, can of red stripe in your other hand...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:43, Reply)
lol piston
My ex flatmate recently got nicked for defrauding a large airline he worked for of £25k worth of air miles... apparently he'd been flying his friends and family business class round the globe, and unsurprisingly got caught. He is a twat though, I fell out with him a long time ago. Lived with him for nearly a year without speaking!

I once received a police caution for 'stealing' a broken set of shelves out of a skip outside someone's house.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:44, Reply)
Just saw that I've been called pineapple face...
Thanks TGB...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)
You could say you were the inspiration for this whole faceday. You should be proud of your part in the wondrous joy that is faceday! *glees*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:49, Reply)
I have a mate called Pineapple Head
so nice to meet a pineapple face as well!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)
The Face Day Muse
I think I'm honoured. Not sure though.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:53, Reply)
Regarding the flight
It was related to my accidentally joining a cult when I was 18. They paid for my flight home on the tacit understanding I wouldn't contact the media. Hehe... course I contacted the bloody papers, not like I signed anything, right?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:54, Reply)
Is your sig a Ross Noble reference or is that just coincedence?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:55, Reply)
Stealing stuff...
I wasn't a very nice person a few years ago.
Drug problem = no money
No money = badness

But I'm lovely now, I won't mug you.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:56, Reply)
the soup is somerfield basic cream of tomato
I know, that if the world ends, I should at least treat myself to a Taste The Difference Type soup, but, well. Thinking about it, what the hell is cream of tomato. You never see that phrase anywhere else, do you? Nor Cockaleakie.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 9:58, Reply)
It's a pure coincidence :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:01, Reply)
I'm happy to inform you, you have the pleasure of my company today, I don't have to drive to Cumbria.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:05, Reply)
There's an osprey been spotted about fifteen miles down the road.

I wonder if I'm sad enough to go see if I can spot it...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:08, Reply)
Numberface my money is on "yes!"
Charles I always wonder about oxtail soup. Surely oxtail doesn't taste of anything good!?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:09, Reply)
No point, they'll all be gone in a couple of hundred years, anyway.


Also, oxtail is delicious meat, if not a little greasy.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:10, Reply)
Being in Danmark
I have just had several Danish pastries *glees*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:12, Reply)
Probably TGB :)
Hey, what're you saying?!

Admittedly, I saw a sparrowhawk take a sparrow right outside my window a couple of weeks ago and got really excited.

What a life I lead!

Edit: Kaol, remember that bird I couldn't identify? It was a Jay... a pair have taken up residence now :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:12, Reply)
Ethel you can be danishface then
Really? Is there much meat on an oxtail?

Numberface I had somekind of hawk thing eating a pigeon in my garden a while back. In made a massive fucking mess. I was not impressed
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:13, Reply)
I once read a really old copy
of Victor for boys, it had an episode of 'Tough of the Track' in it, and that featured an Osprey. That's about the extent of my Avian knowledge.

It also had an allied fighter pilot called Enzo in it who died while screaming 'AAIIIIEEE!'.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:15, Reply)
I went out for a smoke last night
After finishing my comic.

There was something in a tree in out garden.

So, I walked over to it, fully expecting to have my face ripped off by some demon-beast.

It was a sleepy pheasant.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:15, Reply)
Ospreys are interesting birds
I can see red kites out of my window nearly every day, that's pretty cool!

Can see a pair of buzzards now but no kites.

Kaol - I reduced a pheasant to its component molecules this summer, using a chain mower on the back of a tractor. Quite gory! (it was hiding under a tree I was mowing round, I'm not some sadistic bastard trying to invent a new motorised form of hunting)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:16, Reply)
I once mistook a small, grey pheasant for a raptor like the little ones in Jurassic Park 3.

I'm full of really dull trivia today.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Argh Terror Pheasant!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Has anyone here
Seen the film, A Short Film About Killing? or A Short Film About Love? I'm looking at an offer on World Cinema, it's 3 DVDs for 15quid, and I've found 2 that I want, now I need to choose the third.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Yeys! Danishface it is
How art thou Badgerfeatures?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Hey Bert
hehe for some reason this makes me miniglee

mini glees!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:19, Reply)
That was likely to be a partridge...

No. 31, I'm glad to hear that! Jays are lovely!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:19, Reply)
Can't see that picture KGBface
What is it?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:20, Reply)
It is a gif of a sickman running with scissors.

And I am good thanks Danishface :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:21, Reply)
I've discovered yet another new sport
Baiting members of the Westboro Baptist Church...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:24, Reply)
*staggers in*
halp, halp, I've just been old-ladied to death!

they were so sweet but so worried! leaning over me at the box office smelling of lavender and haranguing me for reserved seats and orchestra reservations!

*noms coffee*

how are we all today anyway?

is it morning?

*rubs eyes*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:24, Reply)
Are they the God Hates Fags lot?
Bloody inbred scumbags...

I found this yesterday, quite scary..

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:25, Reply)
Morning HLT!
Sounds like quite an experience!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)
Anyone had a serious dilemma, which
should be easy to solve with logical application of common sense but is incredibly difficult to make the decision?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)
ooh yay its HLT
Shimmyface sounds so wrong though...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)
Morning HLT!
jimface - more details needed...!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:28, Reply)
That's where you need a nice honest, straight talking friend to help you.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)
Getting up, every morning, for work.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)
'lo Lab!
er, shimmyface, miss badger?


@ Sam-i-am - hello, hello, we've not met!
*shakes hands*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)
*puts hand up*
ooh ooh pick me I am straight talking and take no prisoners *does king fu moves*

Piston are you going to Rotating Wobbly Hat's do on Saturday? I think I may pop along, it would actually be rude for me not to
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:30, Reply)
Howdy everyone!

I'm struggling to stay awake today.

How are we all? On the topic of birds above, my cat recently caught a pigeon (and killed it without leaving a mark on it) and a teeny baby blue-tit (alive & rescued by RSPB).

TGB, whats MY facename please?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:31, Reply)
I am calling everyone [something]face today.

Don't cry it's meant in an affectionate way :p

I will think of something better for you though :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:32, Reply)
you know you've been here too long when you nearly say "good morning, b3ta!" when you answer the phone...

/near misses.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:32, Reply)
Death by old ladies sounds like a nice way to go, especially if your an old man.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:33, Reply)
I think you should be Chileface, Colonel
*shakes HLT's hand*

I'm new here, sort of. Well, newer than you anyway I think!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)
death by young ladies is better if you're an old man?

Or any man?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)
Hey Colonel S
You can be stubbleface *rubs stubble, glees*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)
To be fair,
If I was an old man, I'd prefer death by young ladies...

EDIT: Dammit! Ten points, stubbleface.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:34, Reply)

*eyes closed*


I like it! Thanks TGB!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:36, Reply)
Back to birds
When running a festival this summer, some fucked people brought a baby bird that had fallen out of its nest over to the production office. It was very young but huge with a big beak, we thought it was a baby buzzard or a hawk.

Sadly the RSPB said unless we could put it back under the nest it had presumably fallen out of, it'd die. And the fucked people couldn't remember where they found it. Why can't people just leave nature alone? It died a day or two later despite our efforts to look after it :(
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:36, Reply)
yes, but I AM a lady
I'd much rather be manned to death.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:36, Reply)
That would indeed be the WBC lot
It seems posting pictures of Fred Phelps in *ahem* compromising positions does indeed get them into something of a lather. Hehehehe.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:37, Reply)
*Mans HLT to death*

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:37, Reply)
aw, that's sad
birds are nice. especially baby ones.

except pigeons.

they can all fuck off.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)
You have dribbled on my shoes!

When I next come to Manchester I am getting drunk and going for some full on stubble rubbing!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)
You should be careful what you wish for...

EDIT: Get out of my mind, Col. S!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)
*espies shiny glint of steel behind Kaol's back*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:39, Reply)
The Usual Suspects
Worth watching?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:39, Reply)
I wouldn't mind
Being womanned to death. Just not right now though.

LvP, FUCK YES it's worth watching. Don't read up about it, don't ask anything about it, just pick it up and enjoy it.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
No, it's shit. Spacey is Keyser Soze. The end.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
Full on stubble rubbing sounds rather rude.

Or is it just my filthy mind.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
the usual suspects. So yes yes yes!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
Lucy, yes!
Tulip, my dear, I'm afraid that's just my watch...
*smiles sweetly*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)
I knew that from all the flipping references and jokes there are made about it. Just wondered if it was worth buying for 3.99.
Might just get a special edition of Dumbo instead.
Edit - OR I could buy it for Mr VP for christmas as I know he doesn't have it and then watch it.
hmmm, sneaky.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:41, Reply)
I am quite shocked you just did that!

And I did think it was rude sounding after I wrote it but couldn't be bothered to change it BGB
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:41, Reply)
@ Kaol
Oh. It is shiny though!

@Lucy - Bert is right.

@ Bert - you are right. Hello btw. *smooshes*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)
Dumbo is 99%
acer than The Usual Suspects.

/has big ears, so was ALWAYS called Dumbo as a kid


EDIT Hiya Tulips! How's you?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)
It was quite a funny festival on the nature front
The other highlight of the weekend was the following conversation I had with some more fucked people:

*bloke grabs my arm*
'Excuse me mate, what the fuck's that over there?'
*something rustling in undergrowth, then a roe deer comes out*
'Oh it's just a deer mate, there's a few round the site' (there were, and they're a bastard to keep out cos they can jump so high)
'Nah mate, that's a dog or something isn't it? Aren't deers supposed to be massive, with like, big horns on their head?'
'Nope, you can get small ones as well, this is a roe deer'
'Are you sure it's not a baby one? Or a deer crossed with a dog? Or is it a dog?'
*bloke gets scared look on his face and walks off mumbling something about genetic modification. Then stacks it about 10 yards from me*

I'm not sure he would have known anything about deers if he was sober, to be honest...

Edit: The Usual Suspects is worth watching even if you know the ending, I reckon.

From Dusk Til Dawn is another great one to watch with someone who hasn't seen it before...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)
*wipes TGB's shoes*

When ARE you next coming to Mank-chester? There's some lovely Xmas market until Christmas which need to be visited for their Bratwurst/beer goodness.

BTW: The beard is coming along nicely - just getting to the itchy stage so all the scratching you can offer is welcomed!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)
Hey Colonel S!
My beard is at the itchy stage too, looks not too paedo-ish though.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:45, Reply)
I see all the usuals are here.
Do we never do any work?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:45, Reply)
Ohhh my beardy sense was tingling
and then clendrix showed up!
Double yays!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:46, Reply)
The Usual Suspects
It's a great film, even if you know the ending.

That said, I think it's pretty cuntish to spoil any book/film/game for others.

Edit: My chin beard is now about an inch long! It gives me great pleasure.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:46, Reply)
Hi clendrix! I consider it a failed day if I'm forced to do more than 20 minutes of work
I've already fulfilled my quota today so will be spending the rest of the day on here.

Why are you a queen?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:47, Reply)
Nice work BK
Keep it up! I'm hoping for about 1.5 inches by Xmas eve. I am considering losing the moustache though, it itches like buggery and I've got a constant red face from rubbing it.

Would I look weird with a full beard but no 'tache?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:47, Reply)
@ Queenie C
No, that's why the country's all broken.

@Bert - I's tops ta! How is you?

*scratches all itchy beards in immediate reach*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:47, Reply)
I'm not going to
Cumbria today, your Majesty!


I'm going next week, instead.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:47, Reply)
I'm a queen
because it suits my regal air.

And someone died.

Lusty - you're ace, you are.

Kaol! Hurrah! What's a queen without her king?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)
I dunno stubbleface
Hopefully sometime next month maybe?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:49, Reply)
*huggles tulip*
Morning you!

I think I may try and keep it right up to the Xmas Eve beard-off deadline! My face will be a red mess underneath it by then though.

*flexes at Queen Clenders*
Your Majesty!

*puts coat over puddle*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)
Have you really done twenty minutes of work already? I'm very impressed. I haven't even looked at the hideousness that is my e-mails.

Oh Beekers, how simply gallant of you! Really, this is all most lovely. I expected a plethora of gay jokes and anti-royal sentiment. How loyal you all are.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)
Yeah, there was some sort of emergency or something
I had to install some things on some computers. Not impressed at having to do work before I've had enough caffeine to get my brain firing on all cylinders.

So I'm on strike for the rest of the day, although hopefully my new AV gear for the boardroom will arrive and I can play with that, that's not strictly work.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:51, Reply)
I'm off to buy some trousers and some sweeties and then pick up my car!
Oh i'm so excited! See you all later!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)
It's a hard job being Royalty
As I'm sure you'll find.

*drinks coffee*

*scratches beard-attempt*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)
*bows to Clendrix*
Awight Queenie. I imagine you being Queen and renaming the country to Beardtopia

Bye Sweetieface!!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:55, Reply)
Can I be a lord of Beardtopia?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:56, Reply)

Last full day at work til Tuesday for me. Hooray and huzzah.

Also, in the context of our Queen Drixie, I found out on the news last night that The 'real' Queen and The Greek were in the building next door to mine yesterday (I work in the building that shares a courtyard with The Princes Trust)

This does explain the big flash cars that were here.

And people accuse me of being unobservant. Pah.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:56, Reply)
My god it's busy in here this morning
TGB - Sorry I didn't reply to your text last night. I was otherwise occupied ;)

Afraid I'm in Stafford all day on Saturday, so it's unlikely that petrolface will be able to put in a pub appearance. I'm pretty free next week mind...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:58, Reply)
Oh yes!
With royalty comes power.

Beardtopia sounds like a great place to live. Lord Santiago of Beardtopia will have freedom to do as he pleases and men will have their facial beards* available for stroking at all times.

*No pretending there are beards elsewhere...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:58, Reply)
*bows low*
Good Morning Queeny!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 10:59, Reply)
Would it be possible to have a male, beardy equivalent of a harem?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:00, Reply)
*waves at Lusty*
Your comment about being on top of me made me laugh this morning.
I don't normally laugh before ten, so good work!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:00, Reply)
I'll let you off then Duckie
And next weekend a strange man is coming to visit Leam again
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)
I made a funny.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:03, Reply)

I'm a lord now.

All except Queen Clendrix must give me a shilling's B3ta tax per day in order to keep the big, bad bullies away.

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:04, Reply)
There's a man goin' 'round takin' names.
An' he decides who to free and who to blame. Everybody won't be treated all the same. There'll be a golden ladder reaching down. When the man comes around.

The hairs on your arm will stand up.
At the terror in each sip and in each sup.
For you partake of that last offered cup,
Or disappear into the potter's ground.
When the man comes around.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:05, Reply)
I just had a thought
Isn't The Queen visiting The Prince's Trust a bit like having your Mum come to check up on you at work?

As Morrisey once nearly said, that boy needs to cut some apron strings.

Edit: @Kaol. LOVE that song. Love love love.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
What a lovely bow! You're a charming young man. You can take care of the Royal Potatoes.*

*Stop that immediately, you lot.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
@ colonel
I am but a poor tulip and have no ready cash.

Do you accept other methods of payment?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
*moves away from Kaol*
Stubbleface do I have to pay because I still don't have another job lined up and I am a bit skint *looks sad*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
I think I'm gonna have to shave the beard...
It was part of flirtytiem with Cute Waitrose girl yesterday.

I just saw her again and she said 'No shave?' and I said 'No haircut?' and we both giggled like schoolkids.

I guess you had to be there.

Six weeks of beardy growth... is it worth shaving it for a chance to go out with a real live woman?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)
HLT - see me after class, I'll find a way for you to pay.

Edit: You too TGB. I'll think of something you both can do together...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:07, Reply)
I will take the unusual step of replying, 'Yes.'

But then you must make her see the error of her ways and grow it back :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:08, Reply)
No. 31
I say go for it.

Scarpe, I'm glad, it's an awesome song!
Also, check your emails :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:09, Reply)
She doesn't like beards? Next you will say she doesn't find Maddie jokes funny and we will have lost you forever
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:09, Reply)
Yes, yes it is! Shave it off, ask her out, report back ;)

Queen Clendrix, I am honoured to be granted with such a lofty position! I shall endeavour to care for and nurture the Royal Potatoes like they were my own flesh and blood. I shall toil endlessly, come rain or shine, to provide the perfection you so rightly deserve.

*bows low with flourish*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
@ Colonel
Yes all right then.

*hitches school skirt up*

*undoes buttons*

*whispers at badger and giggles*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)
Labs! You are truly lovely!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:11, Reply)
I'm just going for a cold shower...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:12, Reply)
Pineappleface you're such a suck up.
*listens to HLT*


I think he'd like that
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)
*giggles more*
Ooh I bet he would!

what's my facename? I want a facename! please!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)
Morning all
I'm back from a shopping trip and I have a game.

I'm sitting at home now. How are you all this morning?

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:14, Reply)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)
You can be cakeyface if you like?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)
Wasn't expecting that - it's been a while since that sort of thing was volunteerd to me!

I was thinking more along the route of '600 lines each', or '6 laps of the playground'.

*fwaps underneath desk...*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)
*catches HLT*
Hi Shimmies-in-Pants, how are you today?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:16, Reply)
Hello Dok!
I bet I can guess which game ;)

TGB, I'm not sucking up! It's called being a courteous, respectful gentleman.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:16, Reply)
You'd be right Lab
And the Special edition as well!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:17, Reply)
I don't know if she likes beards or not.
Not sure if that'd be a good way of asking her out?

'Do you like beards?'


I think I'll just shave it. It seems to be an unspoken part of the deal. Of course, this could all just be fantasy and she's just being polite *shrugs*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)
When he says 'six laps of the playground' I think he's talking in euphamisms
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:18, Reply)
Ooo, nicely done Sir! I just got the standard edition, I got the collector's edition of TBC, but have only used the pet and the mousemat, so couldn't justify paying a chunk more cash to get the same again.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:19, Reply)
@ badgerface
That will do quite nicely, thank you!


@ Colonel... well, you may think that if you wish. I was just going to use my feminine wiles to wriggle out of lines/detention/sports etc...

edit@ dok - I'm all of teh shiny today thanksyou! how are you?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:19, Reply)
I got it cheap, so I wasn't goint to pass it up. With TBC I got the Special, and like you only used the mousemat and pet.

Edit Shimmies, I'm all smilie this morning so things are good. Whay are you all Shiny?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:20, Reply)
Pineappleface I think
you're in lurrrve with the Queen! *dances about pointing and singing*

pineappleface and Queenie sitting in a tree

Stubbleface you have dribbled on my shoes again! I knew I shouldn't have left them under your desk
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:20, Reply)
Morning Dok!
Some police fails for you all...

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:23, Reply)
It's not love, it's respect and knowing one's place!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:23, Reply)
Yes, that's right.
We can sit in a tree together and maintain a high level of respect, thankyouverymuch.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:24, Reply)
Those are fantastic!

Can I have a facename please Badger?

EDIT Yeah right Drixy!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:26, Reply)
Thread Killer

Ooops, I did it again!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:33, Reply)
You can trust Clendrix
With young men.

She has very gentle hands.

EDIT: Dok: New comic: www.b3ta.com/questions/offtopic/post301618
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:33, Reply)
Yeah I saw that, I like the monster, as you said it is cool!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:34, Reply)
Gentle hands!
Ha! I do...wonder who gets to experience them next...?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:37, Reply)
Hi Drixy
You good today?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)
You can be Holyface *sticks finger in hole*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:39, Reply)
Hello Dok
I am thank you. And how are you? Have you expanded?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:39, Reply)
I have no idea...

In other news, my comic has inspired me to carry a can of petrol with me at all times.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:40, Reply)
Oh dear!
*hides Foxy*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:41, Reply)
He He Holyface!
Nice one.

Drixy, I'm expanding as we speak, and I can haz a pet!

EDIT Drixy, Foxy?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:42, Reply)
It's a cat
An evil cat.
But quite cool, as cats go.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:46, Reply)
Well, watch that Lich King. You know what he's like.*

*Pretends to be down with the kids

She's not evil! She's...feisty. She loves Kaol.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:47, Reply)
Lich King?
It's all about the Death Knights, the Lv.80 cap and the PvP arenas.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:48, Reply)
Oh the cat!
Drixy, you don't need to pretent, you are down on with the kids!

EDIT Kaol, is there something that you want to tell us?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:48, Reply)
Er, yes.
*shuffles off*

DOK - that's terrible. Stop it.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:49, Reply)
What about Dok?

Never played it.
But I'm aware of the new one from the BBC article :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:51, Reply)
Glad to hear that you've never played it, it will eat all of your spare time if you let it!

But Drixy, you love it!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:53, Reply)
Going down on kids.

I don't think that's me...

Is anyone else here?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:54, Reply)
It depends on what you calss as kids really
Almost installed now!

EDIT And anybody over 18 is fair game!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:56, Reply)
I have plenty of other things eating up my free time!

Like Fallout...

I don't play well with others...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:56, Reply)
do I Kaol.

I've been playing a bit of Devil May Cry 4 and Resistance:Fall of Man recently!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:58, Reply)
I have an awesome sandwich
My housemate put my lunch up for me yesterday. I knew I kept him around for a reason...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:58, Reply)
What is the awesome sammich?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 11:59, Reply)
But others play well with you :)

I'M BORED! I think it might be smoke-and-coffee time.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:01, Reply)
chicken, cheese and onion.
nom nom nom nom
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:01, Reply)
I heard that the new one is awesome.

I also heard that the new FarCry is a bit shite.

EDIT: Clendrix - not at computer games they don't... Co-op stuff is fine, I had a nice play on Gears Of War with Lab when I was in Leam. But these online MMORPGs... I hate 'em.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:02, Reply)
is it anything like
the half pint of awesome?

EDIT:*Keeps posting late and making no sense*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:03, Reply)
well I don't play computer games ;)

At least you're still there, Colonel.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:05, Reply)
I'm still here,
but not all there...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
You never make sense. Also as places don't sell cherry coke I think it must have been JD, cherry corkys and coke. I may order that later and see....

I have to go out tonight it's Fit Will's birthday and he will cry if I am not there as it isn't really a party without me*

*or something/
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:06, Reply)
and that's why you've become a member of OT with no problem.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:07, Reply)
I'm looking forward to the resistance, and I've still to get Bioshock.

Badger, that sandwich sounds lully. I've just eaten a bacon and cheese sandwich myself.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:13, Reply)
Brainwashed by B3ta
I'm typing up some notes I made at a seminar to go towards a report I am writing.

Where I can't remember what point my shorthand was trying to make, I just found myself typing it up word for word and then typing (RIS?) after it.

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:13, Reply)

Get Fallout, it's better!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:14, Reply)
Is it Out
on the PS3, I can't remember.

Right my game has installed, so I'll be popping back in every now and then to see how things are going.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:18, Reply)
I'm pretty sure it is.
And it'll look lovely!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:20, Reply)
everything looks lovely on the PS3 LOL.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:24, Reply)
I think I will leave this
exciting conversation and go for a smoke... I hope I don't miss anything too riveting 0_o
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:24, Reply)
Hello again all
Just had me lunch, so here I am to waste the working hours away ;)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:27, Reply)
Whatever you do
don't get Quantum of Solace on any platform.

It's fucking terrible.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:30, Reply)
Movie tie-in games often are
There are a couple of exceptions, the most notable being Golden Eye, but I believe that came out after the movie.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:33, Reply)
Of course it is!
Computer games based on films are quick-and-nasty attempts at cash-ins.

They rush 'em, they're often buggy as fuck, and... Just... Rubbish.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:34, Reply)
This one was developed at Treyarch
at the same time as CoD:WaW.

I wonder which got the best staff?!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)
I heard that the product placement in the game is worse than it is in the film!

Although I like the film.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:39, Reply)
Film = mediocre pish
Game = terrible pish.

Product placement in the game is terrible. As are the controls, cover mechanic, character models, multiplayer, grenade logistics, guns, quicktime events (RARRRGH) and jumping.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:41, Reply)
iRobot has
to have the most blatant and extreme amount of product placement ever. I was shocked it wasn't called iPodRobot
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:41, Reply)
The new Bond film was ok, better than Casino Royale. What I didn't like was the 45 minutes of damn adverts before, most of which showed footage from the film we were about to see!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:45, Reply)
Sorry, TGB, but you're wrong...
Blade Trinity. Or Blade 3. Or whatever you wanna call it.

THAT has the worst product placement I've ever seen.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:46, Reply)
Blade Trinity
All I remember from that was Ryan Reynolds.

*drifts off to a happy place*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:47, Reply)
Blade Trinity does have glaring Apple product placement in it.

I still enjoyed the film though, mostly for Ryan Reynolds, but not in the same way as TGB.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:49, Reply)
Blade Trinity just screams "MACBOOK PRO AND IPOD" into my brain, over and over again.

Also, if anyone cares/missed it, my review of Bond:

Going to likely see Max Payne tomorrow night.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:49, Reply)
I know you
secretly love Ryan Pineappleface. It's ok, you can admit it :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:55, Reply)
Iron Man
has some pretty obvious product placement in, much to my chagrin.

Still, I bloody love that film, so who gives a toss :D
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 12:57, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:09, Reply)
*hugs everyone*

*dances in pickleface fashion*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:13, Reply)
hey pickleface *hugs*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:16, Reply)

*commits e-suicide*

Edit: Oh fuck, not again.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:17, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:22, Reply)
*hugs badgerface*
*dances again*

I'm in a dancey, fidgety mood today.
Damn this sedentary job:(
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:23, Reply)
face me up
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:25, Reply)
Afternoon everyone
I finished at the BBC then went and stopped off for a coffee at my old work next door and said hi to everyone.

After that I had a wander around the new Westfield shopping center then I suddenly realised it was nearly 1 o'clock and I should probably go into the office so here I am.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:30, Reply)
Woo PPD!
You can be sexyface ;)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:30, Reply)
*smiles lots* you spoil me x
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:31, Reply)
You can buy me a drink later
to even it out :p

Woo baconface is back!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:33, Reply)
Hello PPD!
I think TGB was very kind to you there...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:34, Reply)
Is it wrong
that I want to lick Baconface's face?
*feels dirty*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)
I agree - the obvious one could have been so much worse...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)
A pint of ppd
love is what i'll give you! (but a pint of cider for ciderface will also be provided)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:37, Reply)
licking Baconface's face couldn't ever be wrong!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)
Labs what would you suggest is better
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)
Hello Baconface
and hi to you Duckie(face?)!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:39, Reply)
*hugs PPD*
this is why you get a nice name. Don't listen to pineappleface he is just jealous.

Petrolface chose his own name but is is quite apt so I'll let you keep it.

Clendrix are you not Queenly anymore?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:39, Reply)
I'm not sure
Is it wrong that I'd probably let you!

Edit: Hi Pickleface!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:40, Reply)
I can think of Poleface, which isn't flattering in the slightest, and therefore not suitable.

Horseyface is even worse.

Sexyface is, I guess, the most fitting of anything I can think of.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:40, Reply)
Where's clenders' Queenly title gone
*removes coat from puddle*

You'll just have to get your feet wet:P

You can still have a *flex* though:D
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:43, Reply)
*spies lusty*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:43, Reply)
I decided I'd had enough fun being Queen.
Besides, I always get teh fear when I change names, because that evil bastard Kaol immediately tries to steal me.

*licks Baconface's face*
*runs away*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:45, Reply)
labs you are cruel!
*belly laughing *
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:46, Reply)
So, I'm no longer in charge of the maintaining the potatoes?

PPD: How can I be cruel, when I say that my other two suggestions are not suitable? :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:47, Reply)
That tickles!
*Giggles like a schoolgirl*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:48, Reply)
'noon all!
I'll come and say hi now you've stopped talking about games.

Thought it was nearly going home time, then looked at my watch.


Edit - I'm not joining in faceday cos I don't want to be Pigface.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:50, Reply)
I have to admit
that Horseyface was the obvious one that sprung to my mind, but that's neither very nice nor accurate.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:51, Reply)
Hey Piggy
Yeah over three hours left :(

Lab say you are going in an hour and an half and I will cunt you in the fuck *scowls*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:54, Reply)
cider I admire your abuse
of labs
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:55, Reply)
hello TGB
Is there any way I could have a facename? Pretty please.

*feels left out*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:56, Reply)
I don't need to say anything.

Remember though, I have to be on a train at 6am tomorrow morning...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 13:56, Reply)
I've noticed something
The following picture:

Really annoys WBC morons...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:00, Reply)
sucks to be you pineappleface
Lusty I just keep thinking facenom for you as Pickleface always says that!

Piggy you can be something non pig related :p Like... fluffehface :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:00, Reply)
I've just made an absolute mess of my desk
while making a new hole in my belt. Also just so you know a Stanley knife and a ratchet screwdriver are not the ideal tools for this job!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:02, Reply)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:04, Reply)
Did you get too podgy for your belt? :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:08, Reply)
Quite the opposite
I've lost about 3/4 of a stone in the last 6 weeks, it was getting too loose on the tightest hole.

It was loose enough that an evil woman barging past me onto the tube last night knocked my ipod off it's belt clip and onto the track! The nice people from the underground helped me retrieve it safe and undamaged though so all is good.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:15, Reply)
I was going to say
beard face, but like Lab said, things like that just aren't appropriate...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:16, Reply)
Belt clip?
Pockets baconface!

I did think beardface too Jim but thought better of it :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:21, Reply)
*creeps in*

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:23, Reply)
I don't recall
PPD having a beard.

Actually, that would explain the facial rash I contracted from the last time she hugged me...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:24, Reply)
Afternoonings folks
How are we all today? I've installed ubuntu on my laptop and in the throws of getting to grips with it. So far though I like =]
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:27, Reply)
Nah, that's something else...
Something else very different...

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:27, Reply)
TGB - Belt Clip
I've got a case a bit similar to this one www.contourcase.com/showcase/showcaseclassic/# which has a clip on the back to attach to my belt like so: www.contourcase.com/_images/products/showcase_cls_detail_lg3.jpg
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:32, Reply)
physio this morning at the hospital...checked in with the receptionist...after 40 minutes of waiting the receptionist calls me over and confesses under her breath that she had forgotten to book me in as 'arrived' on her system and that i had to come back next week..£3.00 parking charge and a wasted hour...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:40, Reply)
Did you punch her in the womb?

You should have.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:41, Reply)
Afternoon all
I'm back from my interview.
Just waiting on the phone call now!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:51, Reply)
Good Luck!
I'm off for a late lunch with my fingers crossed for you!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:52, Reply)
Hello Mrs LiaB!
Best of luck :D
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:54, Reply)
you will always be in charge of potato-related activities, as far as I'm concerned.

Sorry for the delayed response - had to charge across to the nearest hospital in a smoking-related emergency.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:54, Reply)
Is everything ok Clendrix?!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:56, Reply)
No because i'm nice labs
and I was feeling exceptionally complacent so I told her not to worry and disappeared to pay my car parking charge...i'm now feeling narked that I let her get away so lightly, but she was really lovely and old, so she got me. Crap!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 14:57, Reply)
It is now...
there was a stray b3tan roaming around on the street outside the hospital having a smoke and I decided he needed to be accompanied. It was a mercy dash.

*feels a bit bad about alarming her Potato Boy*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:00, Reply)
That's a relief! I think you're a saint for rushing to their aid so selflessly!

PPD, old women are wily and should never be trusted...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:01, Reply)
I'm good!
And if he would only step out of the lurker shadows and back me up on that, I'd be happy.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:02, Reply)
Hello again!
I'm back! And avec voiture! (that spelling might be completely wrong, I have never studied French properly. In fact, thinking about it, I should have written it in a language I CAN speak, hmmm).

I had cheese on toast just now. It was yummy.
How is everyone? Missed me?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:04, Reply)
I know, I've read snow white and been to see 'santa' with my mum..
i should have known better, but it was really early and i didn't want her to have a shit start to her day...

I wish someone would make a b3ta dash to save me from the gloom of HGHQ
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:05, Reply)
Oh shit,
I'm watching Jeremy Kyle.
There are some fighting Geordies on there now.

This one lass who used to be married to a fucktard. The story has got round to how many kids he's managed to create.
The ex-wife has just said, "I didn't have any, you knocked them out of us".

Good Lord.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:05, Reply)
Hi everybody
I'm taking a break from my game, so I thought I'd come and see you lovely lot.

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:06, Reply)
*steps out of shadows*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:07, Reply)
Hey Mrs L
Good luck on the job front

Hey Sweetieface!

PPD I would but it's far away and I am lazy. And stuck in work. And hungry.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:09, Reply)
TGB! or lushface!
Do you know anything about radio codes for cars? I've got my new car but the bastard radio is locked. I'll need some form of music as I'm driving to Brighton on Friday, back to London on Sunday and then London to Wiltshire on Monday.
Helpface me someone!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:11, Reply)
TGB I have a plumer in my shower...
...he looks like the blonde guy from the green wing...*chuckle*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:12, Reply)
Mrs Bin
How's the job hunting going?

Badger, have you had any luck on that front yet?

Hi again Kaol, yup, I'll have to have a look for Fallout, but I'd never play a Film Tie-in game!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:13, Reply)
try taking it out, sometimes if you are lucky they will have the code wrote on the back, failing that if you get the serial number (I think) there are a lot of forums who can look it up for you.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:15, Reply)
Welcome back LvP and Dok!
Sorry LvP, I know nothing about radio codes :( When I bought my car I had the stereo replaced the following day!

So Dok, what do you think of it so far?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:15, Reply)
It's the crappy tape/radio that came with the car though, will that still work? I might just say bollocks to it and buy a new one from someone. But then I'll need to pay more to get someone to fit it!
Decisions decisions.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
Well Dok
I've had an interview today, so I'm sat here waiting for the phone to ring.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)
Not been to Northrend yet, just finishing up some stuff. I'll be heading over in a bit.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:18, Reply)
*excites* Good one Mrs Bin
I can feel it in my water, something goods going to happen!

EDIT, I have just found the Bad News Bear that I bought ages ago.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:19, Reply)
Ooh Mrs LiaB
You have all my good luck vibes floating your way. If you don't want them, or they start to obscure your vision, just waft them away.

Lab - I'm starting to think that's what I'll have to do too. I'd actually go a bit mental if I couldn't have music in my car.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:22, Reply)
I completely agree, I have to have music in my car. Not the radio though, has to be MY music :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:23, Reply)
a new cd player would be super easy to fit.

I'll do it for some smokes and cake :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:26, Reply)
Even I've put a new CD/radio in a car, it's easy, but then that's as far as I've gone with cars.

Bikes on the other hand, I've taken them appaer and put them back together again, but I still don't have one. *sad*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:30, Reply)
How easy is super easy? If I lived near you then I'd be round in a flash with cake and smokes!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:31, Reply)
You would need to buy

The cd player
A plug that converts the standard Peugeot stuff to the brand of CD player you have
And possibly a surround depending on what size audioness is in there now.

Then it is literally a case of plug, plug, slot done!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:38, Reply)
I just looked at an online video. It really is plug slot plug done isn't it!

Where would I be able to get the adaptory plug type lead things?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:41, Reply)
or similar type motoring shops in your area :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:45, Reply)
This is
most excellent. I'm bloody well going to fit it myself and add it to my list of Things I Have Done That I Didn't Think I Could Do.

I love that list.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:46, Reply)
We just had our H&S inspection from a huge scary man (in fact, considering his name, I'm beginning to see a H&S pattern).

He opened a random door to discover a terrible scene of corroded electrics and strip lighting hanging from the ceiling. The walls were stained with old water patterns and there was rusty machinery scattered around. All it needed was a masked man with a chainsaw in the background.

I just stood and laughed behind my hand.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:47, Reply)
One last question TGB
How do I know whether I'll need a surround?
Once you've answered this I promise I'll stop asking annoying and boring questions.
*smiles in a winning fashion*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:49, Reply)
Was he called
Kaol too?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:50, Reply)
If you have a motorworld
near you I'd recommend that. I got a CD player with aux imput on the front (to plug mp3 players into) for about 75squid :)

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:51, Reply)
yes. Yes, he was.

*sobs gently*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:52, Reply)
That sounds amazing. I've never heard of that but imagine it's a massive building full of shiny shiny chrome things, and smells like petrol.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:53, Reply)
If you have an Aldi's near you, don't laugh, but I have several friends who have bought a pretty decent cd/mp3/wma/usb stick/aux in player for £50.

They come with a 3yr warranty too I think.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:54, Reply)
In Suburbia
"Where's a policeman when you need one / To blame the colour TV?"
What sense does that make? Non!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:54, Reply)
haha no worries Lucy
Well if the unit you are taking out is the same size as the one you are putting in then you won't. Some cars though have massive radio units, like my Fiesta did so you buy a surround to just block off the excess space.

If that makes sense :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:54, Reply)
Good call. We do indeed have an Aldi (and a Lidl, Tesco, Asda and Sainburys - we have a lot of supermarkets for one small town). I might check that out too. Aceness, thank you!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:56, Reply)
"Well if the unit you are taking out is the same size as the one you are putting in then you won't"
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 15:59, Reply)

*does little dance*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:03, Reply)
I don't know why you are laughing Kaol
that is a poifect logic stat'ment guv'nor
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:03, Reply)
Congrats Mrs L
*breaks out champagne*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:05, Reply)
Congratulations, my finger crossing obviously paid off! ;-)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:06, Reply)
Big congrats to Mrs LiaB!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:06, Reply)
*raises eyebrow*

*congratu-hug-lates Mrs. Bin*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
Yey go liab!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:07, Reply)
Mrs Bin!
That's bloody great news! Well done, you.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:09, Reply)
Somebody say something.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:18, Reply)

(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:19, Reply)
Mrs Bin

And jubilations
I want the world to know i'm happy as can be.

Great news
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:19, Reply)
Thanks Bill, you bacony treat.
Dok, how goes the quest?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:21, Reply)
I want a new QOTW!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:30, Reply)
I think I
have been bored for about 2 weeks now
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:36, Reply)
Thank you all
Champagne is in the fridge.

I'll hand it out later.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:38, Reply)
Too many people doing the same thing!

Badger, is that not why you come here?

Hi Bill of the bacon, how's tricks?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:39, Reply)
I'm good
Cursing the americans but that's normal for my afternoons, other than that all good.

How's yourself?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:40, Reply)
I can't, I've gotta drive.

*laughs more*

Ah what the hell, a couple won't hurt!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:41, Reply)
What a terrible shame you can't just run around slaying them.

If I could slay random RPGers, I would have an account by now. Brilliant.

Erm, Kaol...you sound a bit drunk already, tbh.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:43, Reply)
Yeah it is Dok
and to see all you lovely people as well obviously.

But I get bored in between replies and when refreshing still :p
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:43, Reply)
I'm getting pissed off playing my game!

Drixy, if you play on a PVP server you can do just that, kill people that get in your way. Oh I've got a picture of a Barren, windswept hill, but no suitable picture of me, so You'll have to take one at the next bash!

Badger, I tend to be doing a couple of other things at the same time, but yeah sometimes it is a bit slow.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:47, Reply)
I will take a suitable picture.

Really? I can just kill people?
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:52, Reply)
Time for me to head home before the Americans call and try to send me somewhere.

Later everyone
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:56, Reply)
Hell yeah Drixy
But in RL you need a good alibi.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:56, Reply)
Bye Bacon Boy!

Dok - or someone to do it for me :)
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 16:57, Reply)
The thing with MMORPGs
Is that there'll always be some sad-case 15-year-old who'll kick your arse.

This is because of several factors:
I have a job.
I have a social life.
I don't spend every waking hour of my live playing a computer game.

They might be better at the game than I am, but I win at life.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:00, Reply)
It depends on who you want dead!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:00, Reply)
there's quite a list.

Everything in its own time.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:01, Reply)
You got that right!

I enjoy coming on here and talking to 'real' people, and meeting them in pubs!
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:03, Reply)
A mate of mine used to have a massive thing for GuildWars...
He didn't work, and played it all day, every day.
The only time he went out for anything other than essentials was when he came to see me.

He's a lot better now though.

Turned out he was one of the best players in Europe though.
At the end of the day, that's not really a life skill though.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:06, Reply)
It's all gone quiet, so I have taken the liberty of starting a new evening thread and dousing this one in petrol.

*throws lit match*
*loses eyebrows*
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:32, Reply)
i finally actually left the office this time
After a phonecall arranging my lie in client site visit tomorrow morning!

In other news the tube is abnormally quiet tonight.
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:33, Reply)
the smell of cooking bacon...
(, Thu 13 Nov 2008, 17:34, Reply)

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