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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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How're you today?
I'm sitting in my office, which is upside-down. My boss is trying to spruce it up a bit but failing miserably :(
But I've still got my bounce on!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 7:53, Reply)

Maybe one day I'll get used to having to get up early every day...
But not today.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 7:59, Reply)

I'm fine today. I made mini carrot cakes last night so I've brought some in for the temp this morning. I hope I don't poison her.
*joins in with the bouncing*
Edit: Yay fuzzy! *cuddles*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 7:59, Reply)

It doesn't get any easier.
For over 4 years now I've been in a job where I need to be at my desk at 7am, and every day I have to drag myself out of the house by my fingertips.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:01, Reply)

*bounces summore*
Where ya been lady?
Edit: Mr Nong Mr Duck. I also have to be at work for seven and I never have a problem getting up in the morning... mostly cos I'm sensible these days and get to bed early enough *is sad*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:03, Reply)

Whenever I say that, it reminds me of the bell at the beginning of Baggy Trousers.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:08, Reply)

Who wants to make me a cup of tea then?
*is lazy*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:23, Reply)

Bounces and huggles are making it easier to be awake :)
(Plus the tea I am drinking).
No3L, I've been working! And my car broke and I had to stay at my mum's. Having done just over a week in the new job, I can emphatically state that it is better than my old one. More mad little old ladies, more drugs, what's not to like...?
EDIT: Lusty, you can have some of mine :)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:26, Reply)

therefore my kettle has an easy life.
*pours our old water*
*scrapes out mould*
*fills with fresh water*
*boils kettle*
Just have to wait a few mins for the water to boil, Lusty. Still OK for that cuppa?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:26, Reply)

Just waiting for my house mate to get his arse in gear, then I'll walk to work. It's a miserable day.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:29, Reply)

but I'm not sure you've got all of the mould out of the kettle so I might just have a sip of fuzzy's.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:31, Reply)

that your job is going well fuzzy. Are you dispensing? Do you get to meet all the local 'characters?'
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:36, Reply)

And I won't be if I don't haul ass!
See you later, have nice days everyone! :)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:40, Reply)

He's so modest and so, so wise.
'Follow your dreams...nothing is impossible'
He also looks good in a pair of leather trousers.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 8:59, Reply)

I'm a bit annoyed... I was in the middle of writing a finely crafted email about an important project and my phone crashed. Fucking pissy Sony Ericsson piece of shit.
I don't mean it really *strokes phone*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:01, Reply)

Hello again. I'm in work now, and have inadvertently performed an important scientific experiment on the walk here.
Shaving your head with lovely mint and tea tree original source shaving gel means that your poor head freezes when you step outside.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:02, Reply)

Thought I would stop in and say hello before I go for a 7 hour essay-finishing-off session. Sounds pretty fun, I think you'll agree.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:04, Reply)

The Flatley is my hero, when I was at school I alienated myself from all the girls by doing a massive impromptu Lord of the Dance performance for them, on top of the picnic bench where they were having lunch.
*spirit of the dances*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:05, Reply)

Fuck, I hate mornings. Glad to hear the new job's going well fuzzy!
Today I will mostly be playing Tribal Wars, as it beats doing work.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:07, Reply)

What have you deduced from this experiment?
I would never shave my head, well I say that but if it carries on falling out I may just have to to stop myself looking like Jean-Luc Picard.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:07, Reply)

One of my contact lenses is being annoying today. I'd take it out but it's the "bad eye" and I can't see much out of it! My boss just asked if I was winking at him...
Lab I can throw a bucket of warm water over you if you like to melt your icehead :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:08, Reply)

I feel a bit odd this morning.
And I'm driving to Cumbria at 12 :|
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:09, Reply)

my only entry so far for this week's QOTW.
No doubt I'll get round to writing some more after Thursday.
It's not really that good. I just thought I'd pimp it anyway.
*whores self*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)

If you river danced on my picnic table I would have loved it. I would have probably shared my quavers with you and let you have a sip of my UmBongo.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)

I read that as meaning you were driving to Cumbria at 12:1, like you were giving odds on yourself getting there or something.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:11, Reply)

Yes, today I do contain essential oils ;)
Herr Dok, shaving one's head can be annoying, but also calming. I have just realised i've missed a bit just by my mo. I'll stab any colleague who points this out.
TGB, thanks, but now i'm at work my head's beginning to warm up.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:12, Reply)

Considering what I got up to last night :(
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:13, Reply)

I was washing my bollocks with the stuff the other morning and the shower went off, I had to huddle in the corner of the shower cubicle for about 5 minutes with burning nuts until it came back on. TMI? Almost certainly...
Dok - mine's falling out as well, although not in a conventional receding hairline way, it seems to be vanishing from the back first! May have to start shaving mine again after years of long/longish hair.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:14, Reply)

*dances a dainty tango with a pineapple, a guava and a mango*
and quavers? You're too ace for words Mrs Wanderlust, please marry me immediately.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:15, Reply)

I use the body wash stuff as well, I know the pain of which you speak!
TGB, shit off!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:15, Reply)

I've a brother ho shaves his head regularly, I really couldn't do it, too much hassle. God I can hardly get the enthusiasm to shave my beard!
Sam, that sucks man. I've been receeding since I was 16 though, so you would of thought I'd have gotten used to it by now.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:18, Reply)

I alternate between the mint one and the chili & capsicum one, depending on whether I want hot tingling or cold tingling.
*tries to think up jokes about one eyed badgers, but it's too early in the morning*
Dok yeah it qualifies as alopecia technically I think, I can't be arsed to shave every day though as it's hassle - I used to wet shave it every day but can't be fucked to do that any more!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:19, Reply)

That's Miss Wanderlust, we're not married yet.
I really want some UmBongo now. I haven't had it for agggggeeesssss.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:20, Reply)

I've got the mint one at home.. However it doesn't really work in the winter as the cold tingling makes me extremely cold...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:22, Reply)

a tingly feeling, wash your face with a grapefruit.
It's interesting...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:23, Reply)

Fuck every day I could never do that, my skin wouldn't take it and probably just fall off. I'm lucky it I shave one every 6 months, and then only for special occasions.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:24, Reply)

I'll pop down to sainsbury's in a minute, we'll have all the Um Bongo, quavers, monster munch, space raiders, and McCowan's chewy toffee bars you can handle, before you even know it.
EDIT All you lucky bastards talking about going bald, quit whinging! My hair is getting thicker every day, and it's spreading, pretty soon I'll resemble a cross between Bill Oddie and Robin Williams
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:25, Reply)

It's fucking rubbish.
If I had more money, I'd buy grapefruits, cut 'em in half and use 'em to stub my cigarettes out on. Then throw 'em away.
That's how much I hate 'em.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:25, Reply)

badger would be even more angry and would unleash a world of pain on anyone who crossed her!
I saw a fox in my garden the other day but he knew a badger would easily take him so he ran away.
*looks mean*
*tries to stop winking*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:26, Reply)

Get me some too, Bert. Please!
Shame the factory in Stenhousemuir has closed though. "Coo toffee" has never been the same since.
(so called around here because it has a picture of a Highland 'coo' on it)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:26, Reply)

But it would have no depth perception!
I would amuse myself by throwing things for it to try and catch and hilariously miss by miles in the style of my mate R, who is almost blind in one eye. Never ending fun for all the family.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:27, Reply)

One eyed badger would have poor depth persception and so probably not be able to get the attack in the right place!
Mirning Badger *AWESOME HUGS* will make the eye better.
EDIT Damn Sam got there first
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:28, Reply)

is a horribly bitter fruit. But my gran used to have half a grapefruit every morning. She lived until she was nearly 90.
She also used to eat a lot of chips, and too much salt.
Make of that what you will.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)

Not had that since I were a wee lad! I'm also now craving Irn Bru bars, they were awesome.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)

You're my hairy hero. I have a feeling we're going to be very happy together.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:29, Reply)

I usually have a glass of grapefruit juice in the morning, mainly to wake me up rather than an actual liking for the stuff though.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:30, Reply)

Morning folks! Got my fingers crossed that today is better than yesterday. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep at my desk though so I'm not sure how well it'll go.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:31, Reply)

perception is just fine *sulks*
I've applied for 4 jobs already this morning. How productive of me!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:32, Reply)

Eh? Was that directed at me? I'm a scotsman, born and bred (for a few years, then moved down to Surrey where I learned to be civilised and lost the accent). I loved McCowan's toffee, it was the ace-est.
Lusty, you're going to have to break the news to al, he'll be devastated.
EDIT @TGB I'm not looking for a job, but the agencies I signed up with when I was have suddenly started offering me positions, would you like details?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:37, Reply)

I think Jim meant that my gran was Scottish, as she ate too many salty chips.
Which indeed she was. As are all of my immediate family.
And since when has Surrey been civilised, Bert?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:38, Reply)

and must be punished!
Irn Bru Bars? They sound all of the lully, but I've spent too much time "Down South" and have never had them.
EDIT Bert, you're a Scot? Surrey is not civilised I live there!
Yay Badger, what jobs?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:39, Reply)

The love of my life, whisked away by that hairy devil, Burt Monkeysex :(
EDIT: Mr. K, I lived in Surrey for three years, so... It's been civilised for about four years now.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)

I'm on the way to work slightly hungover after a heavy night.
We've got some bosses over from the US so were out last night.
How are you all my fine offtopicers?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:40, Reply)

I've lived down saff all my life and I've eaten an irn bru bar many times.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:41, Reply)

I'm Welsh (well, sort of), which is better than English, north or south. Or Scots. Fact.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)

Surrey is the most civilised place on earth, if only because 99% of the population are over 60. You should see the town where I live, it's full of old people shambling about like zombies.
It's truly terrifying.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)

Anything! But mainly admin stuff. I am having to change my parameters somewhat, slightly less money and a little further to travel but I am still only applying to stuff that I think I would enjoy doing.
I have had some truly awful temp jobs before, going somewhere you really hate is rubbish. I think the worse one was at an abortion clinic. I am "pro-choice" and all that malarkey but seeing streams of teenage girls come in and out was somewhat depressing.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:42, Reply)

I've got a job coming up soon if that helps.
I'm heading in a London direction at the end of next week, and I'm in need of a travelling companion.
Payment will be in alcoholic beverages.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:43, Reply)

I am at home cos my foot's to sore to walk on.
*feels sorry for self*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:43, Reply)

Are lully indeed. Tingly, tangy, chewy and awesome!
And I love grapefruit...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:44, Reply)

am I not travelling with you then anyways? I promise not to get all emotional and start crying about how shit everything is :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:45, Reply)

I must just have missed them then Captain.
EDIT Drixy, feel the power of the *AWESOME HUGS*. Your foot will now get better, I HAVE COMMANDED IT!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:45, Reply)

setting up a company in Surrey selling Zimmer frames, stairlifts and electric wheelchairs would be a good idea?
As well as a clothing company with such offerings as pink knitted cardigans and piss-resistant underpants.
Or maybe the underpants market's already saturated...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)

Is that best ever?
I'm a bit of a mongrel me, 1 German grandparent, 2 Scottish, 1 English (Norman descent), English and American Passport.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)

I haven't had one of those in ages.
Welcome to hangover land Kaol, come have coffee and neurofen.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)

In that case then you get the job.
If you get all emotional and start crying, it's just a sign that I haven't paid you enough alcohol :)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:47, Reply)

I burned out my neurofen receptors a long time ago though, so I stick with paracetomol.
I get to drive a van for most of today, so lots of smoking and rocking out :D
EDIT: And perving. Obviously. It's a white van.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:50, Reply)

a white van, Kaol? With a copy of the Sun jammed between the dashboard and the windscreen?
You'll enjoy driving that!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)

Good call.
There's no alcholic beverage that can't be improved with an extra dash of rohypnol.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:51, Reply)

I promise I won't cry in front of you :p
Duckie let me know when and where and I will be there! Please don't rohypnol me though
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:52, Reply)

what time will be catching it :O
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:54, Reply)

White vans are all the awesome. I had to go and fetch an engine and gearbox the other day, so took one of the amusing 200PS Transits from the work fleet.
Obviously it would have been rude not to switch the TC off and go doughnutting around the car park ;)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:55, Reply)

after 1pm if that's of any use to anyone.
EDIT: I'm fresh out of rohypnol unfortunately, so it depends entirely whether I can obtain additional supplies before the end of next week.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:55, Reply)

But there's a nasty rumour that I might be getting the Luton...
That fuckin' thing doesn't like going over 45 mph...
*hopes for Transit*
EDIT: Rohypnol? I might know a guy...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 9:57, Reply)

Any time is good for me!
Kaol I'll lock myself in my room and cry :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:01, Reply)

told me she was being hassled by a man in a white van, whistling at her and shouting things. When she turned to tell him to fuck off, it was my dad, winding her up.
At least, I think he was winding her up. *hopes*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:03, Reply)

I'm actually SO tired I can't even comprehend anything that's happening more than a foot away from me.
How are you you though Deary?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:12, Reply)

*feels better*
There is a job for 3 days a week (Mon - Wed) 21 hours total and it pays 14k!
I could top up my hours as and when with other jobs then and have long weekends if I am feeling lazy :p Which I normally am.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:15, Reply)

I'm a bit rubbish this morning, last night I ended up being a drug dealer for the evening, and drinking rather too much afterwards. Some "product sampling" may have been involved...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:16, Reply)

morning all.
Did you know that only one in ten people have income protection.
That's just one of the many thrilling facts to have come out of the project I am working on.
Shoot me now, please, I can't face this.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:17, Reply)

I slipped on the bottom step going in to the tube station. How can such a minor slip have caused such a major
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:18, Reply)

Sorry to hear you're tired!
Don't you just hate it when that happens, tiredness I mean!
EDIT Hi Scarpe, how's it going?
Drixy, that's almost how I broke my foot! If it's stil too painfull to walk on in a couple of days get to a doctor to get it checked!
And no I can't check it for you, I'm not a doctor, I'm a Doktor!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:18, Reply)

The beard is coming on very well now - you'd be proud TGB.
That job sounds awesome.
That's more than I currently get for a 40hr week.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:20, Reply)

is bloody expensive. Which is why most people don't have it.
Basically it's an insurance policy which pays out if you lose your job, effectively paying you an income to cover your mortgage, bills, etc.
Only it's fuck all use to folk like me on fixed term contracts.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:20, Reply)

So you pay money, to get money back?
Wouldn't it make more sense just to save up the money that you'd otherwise be paying to the income protection people?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:22, Reply)

I can't wait to see the beard! *glees*
Yeah it does sound a dream job and only 3 applicants so far which was a shock as all the rest were way in the double figures. Maybe as it is technically part time it has scared people off
Fecking people.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:23, Reply)

Yes, it would. But people don't do that.
But I'm one of the nine too.
Oh god, this is so dull.
I watched 'Teeth' last night, for some reason it made me think of you. That's just weird.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:23, Reply)

Because, doing the risk analysis, the chances are you'll pay more money in than you'll ever get out. All insurance is like that of course, but for something like income protection, you're as well just to put some money aside into a high interest savings account (if you can find one!) and keep hold of it.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:24, Reply)

I've not seen "Teeth", but I know what it's about.
WHY THE FUCK did it make you think of me? :(
EDIT: Mr. K, thank you for confirming my correctness.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:25, Reply)

Dunno, it just seemed like the sort of film you might review for some reason.
I'll save you the effort though.
My review of 'Teeth': It's shit.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:26, Reply)

That does sound like a pretty good job! What does it involve?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:27, Reply)

I will! I was going to go to UCH today, but it's too sore. I might go there tomorrow and get them to look at it.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:29, Reply)

Teeth isn't that bad, I've seen a hell of a lot worse. I enjoyed it.
It did remind me of several people that I know though, but none on here.
EDIT Drixy do it, it's the right thing to do.
What me giving good advice? Never ;)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:33, Reply)

Finance admin. They have an in-house system though so they will have to train people up on it and I can pretend I know what they are talking about.
*evil glees*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:37, Reply)

I'm all stressed and require cuddles!
*whores self shamelessly*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)

She's just made me a coffee and now we're going to have a bit of cake.
nom nom nom
*hugs bk*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:38, Reply)

Sorry to hear you're stressed dude :(
TGB, go for that job! Where is it based?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)

To be honest, i don't know why I watched it. I knew it wasn't my kind of film. I haven't really enjoyed a horror film of any type in years.
Can't suspend my disbelief enough I don't think.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:40, Reply)

*wishes he had one, and gets up to make a brew whilst grumbling*
*passes BK a destressing brew, and hugs*
Speaking of awful films, I watched Shoot Em Up the other night. One of the worst and one of the best films I've ever seen, at the same time.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:41, Reply)

Oh, scarpe!
How I wish you were coming to the 28th-bash...
Hmm... That sounds creepy.
I just wanna laugh at you when you get drunk :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)

To be fair, it's more motivated stress rather than sobbing into my coffee and rocking backwards and forwards like something out of ...Cuckoo's Nest.
Cheers Sam!
Shoot 'Em Up is fuckign ace. It knows exactly what it is; mindless entertainment. It's hilarious:D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:42, Reply)

*squishy hugs*
Lab I think it's Warwick.
I watched xXx the other day it was quite enjoyable. Maybe as I wasn't expecting anything :p
I tend to watch crazy Asian horror that freaks me out. The remakes are always shit though.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:44, Reply)

For some reason I don't mind being called Pickleface. Spottyface is more accurate this morning though:(
Asian horror for the win.
The end of Gozu where the little woman gives birth to a fully-grown man is absolutely jaw-dropping!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:46, Reply)

I was stoned, and asked my mate to put on something 'with lots of mindless violence, explosions and car chases'
It was exactly what I wanted! At least 50% of the people in the room hated it and whinged all the way through though. I do like my gritty subtitled foreign films but there's a time and a place...
The only possible improvement would have been for Monica Belluci to get her knockers out properly!
I then made myself even more unpopular by forcing everyone to watch Transporter 2, I love a good shit film.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:46, Reply)

Have you seen Guard Post?
It's a bit different, but ace.
Oh and R-Point!
EDIT Kaol Host is fantastic.
Hi Boss.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)

Have you had the necessary jabs and do you have the required protective gear?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)

Currently working my way through Pedro Almodovar's back catalogue at the moment.
Last night I watched Dark Habits; a load of nuns selling smack to keep their convent open. It was not bad.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:48, Reply)

is www.imdb.com/title/tt0244870/
Yes spirals invade a small town and start hunting down the locals. There is a weird bit where two people turn into giant snails and I think some gets trapped in a washing machine and is all twisted up and evil. Weird but strangely compelling.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:49, Reply)

to watch with people who haven't seen it before.
Don't tell them it's a horror film, watch them concentrate on this weird drama for an hour or so then watch their face as it suddenly switches up to dismembered bodies in sacks!
Edit: BK, I heart Pedro Almodovar.
TGB, I think I've seen that film! Rings bells anyway...
I'm going to have a Scorsese session tonight I think, I got a box set for my birthday and even though I've got seven or eight on DVD already the box set contains five I haven't got, and I haven't seen three of those, win!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:49, Reply)

You must have seen 'Crank' then?
I still can't believe I took my girlfriend to see that. I'm surprised she still lets me choose films sometimes.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:49, Reply)

I know BK's seen it, but Intacto is fucking wicked.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:49, Reply)

but due to the impressive size of his, er, image, I shall just leave this here instead.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)

Without clicking the link, that'll be Uzumaki then! That bit where the guy's eyes start distending and spinning in his head is well fucked. Think it's the squelchy noises!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:50, Reply)

Lets me pick films to see.
They have no taste!
EDIT Badger I want to see that, I may have to get it next month!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:52, Reply)

A blatant rip off of Speed, but then I thought that was a good film as well...!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:52, Reply)

Intacto is brilliant, the blindfolded sprint through the trees is worth a view on its own.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)

Sam, Audition is great. Apart from the bit with the needles and the eyes *shudders*
The original Ring trilogy is awesome too. The beginning of the second one with the flash of the camera on the skull and it goes all distorted is brilliant.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:53, Reply)

Crank II is coming out next year. (I have no idea how they are going to explain away the ending)
And I love Speed too. Who doesn't?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)

Anyway, back to work.
I'll catch whoever's on around lunchtime!
Thanks for teh huggles folks:D
*blows kisses*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:54, Reply)

I fucking hate it, and almost everything the twat Keanu Reeves has been in!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:56, Reply)

Was very, very strange...
I did like Intacto, think my sister stole my copy though.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:57, Reply)

We can no longer be associated, as the implication of what you said is that you hate Bill & Ted and I can't allow that to stand.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:57, Reply)

else is an awesome film? Top Gun!
Yeah, most awesome *glares at Lab*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:57, Reply)

I even have the shades... (not real ones sadly)
And for years my answer machine message said 'Talk to me Goose'
Keanu Reeves has the acting ability of a wet lettuce but has been in some good films...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:59, Reply)

Bill and Ted, The Matrix, and Rivers Edge are fantastic!
They are the only one I'll rate as any good.
EDIT Gods Top Gun is so much a pile o shite!
EDIT 2 True Sam, but I still only saw Dracula for Winona Ryder!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 10:59, Reply)

I thought you were supposed to know about films :P
The Matrix is overrated.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:02, Reply)

I didn't like it, it's a good enough movie just not for me.
Now Road House with Patrick Swayze is awesome.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:04, Reply)

at least Sam has good taste in films. *hi-fives*
I was reminded of Irréversible earlier when someone mentioned Monica Bellucci. That film made me awe and retch at the same time.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:04, Reply)

You are forgiven.
Although I'm with Sam on Point Break, it's the nuts.
But your love of Road House is good enough for me too.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:05, Reply)

I vow to never watch that film. I have no interest in it whatsoever.
Irreversible was good, but made people walk out.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:09, Reply)

If you were going to be at the bash on nthe 28th I'd buy you a pint!
I must admit I've lapsed in my movies recently, the last 'new' one I saw was [Rec], and that was great, but I'm not holding out much hope for the Yank remake!
EDIT Irreversible, again not seen it yet, but mean to.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:10, Reply)

Was superb!! The first horror movie i've seen in a world that really took me :D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:11, Reply)

You could almost see it happening somewhere.
It was done so well.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:12, Reply)

aka Quarantine, gives away the very ending of the film.
I mean, what the fuck?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:12, Reply)

Good morning!!
Today's offering is banana bread... I've not made it yet, but shall in a couple of hours - everyone want a slice??
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)

I know, what a pointless waste of time!
Hi Psyche, thanks for the offer, but no ta, I don't like the taste.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:13, Reply)

I think I read somewhere that was because they put a weird frequency on the first bit of the soundtrack? Something that makes people feel quite
That and anal rape of course.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)

Oh, fuck yes!
But I'm leaving to drive for six hours at 12...
I'll be back tomorrow afternoon... :(
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:15, Reply)

There's always the December bash for the pint.
@Kaol: I hadn't seen the trailer, so you just gave away the ending. Bastard.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:16, Reply)

The anal rape scene was brutal, but the fire extinguisher bit was really graphic!
The crazy camera spinning probably set off people's motion sickness as well.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:19, Reply)

I just came in to see what was going on and noticed there seems to be talk of anal rape.
I think I might come back later.
*thinks of happy things*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:23, Reply)

I'm not in a hurry to see that film again.
Although I did like how the DVD case opens the wrong way
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:23, Reply)

Nice things...
I'm gonna be driving a van through the Lake District this afternoon, gonna be pretty!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:26, Reply)

*hugs* Don't worry it's only movie talk.
Weird audio on movies, a bit like the first Resident Evil then, but it didn't work well on the DVD.
EDIT Scarpe there is that, why are you not coming to this one though?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:26, Reply)

So didn't notice the DVD box. That's a nice touch.
Come back Lusty! We were talking about fillums!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:27, Reply)

Want some company? You can leave me up there if you want, I'm already wishing I hadn't come back yesterday.
Ho hum. Better do some of this thrilling work. I'll leave you with another taste of what my day is going to be like: 11% of adults don't know what percentage of their current income they will need to be able to live comfortably in retiremnt.
Seriously, someone put me out of my misery.
Edit: @Dok - I'm leaving town on Friday night to go to a wedding on Saturday.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:29, Reply)

I'm surprised you didn't hear about the film when it was realeased. It did generate a fair bit of press!
Erm.. so kittens... they're fluffeh no?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:29, Reply)

What kind of "company"?
To be fair, I'm gonna assume that you don't want me to bum you silly in a layby...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:31, Reply)

*hi fives TGB for her film taste, although admittedly a bit late cos I went for a joint break out the back*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:36, Reply)

It rings a bell, but there are certain things I try to ignore.
I don't have a problem with people talking about fillums with horrible bits in btw. It just made me feel a bit sicky thinking about it so I've decided to think of fluffehness instead.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:41, Reply)

*hands lusty something fluffy and a cuppa and some cake*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:42, Reply)

Is 'pickles' a euphemism for some body parts?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:43, Reply)

How's the new car?
Edit: Kaol, you speak to your auntie like that? It's a term of endearment for small children (the rest of us)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:44, Reply)

I've gotta go to Manchester on the way :|
Manchester was on my list of "places to never go".
Anyway, I'll be back tomorrow evening or something.
EDIT: Sam, what? I'm confused!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:44, Reply)

How are you today?
And goodbye Kaol, hope the trip's ok!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:46, Reply)

if any of your body parts look like a pickle I recommend a trip to the doctor
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:46, Reply)

The car is magnifique with the only tiny hitch being that the cigarette lighter doesn't work. This wouldn't bother me but I need my Sat Nav to get out of London. But I played the GetOutOf LondonBeforeTheSatNavBatteryDies game yesterday and it went quite well.
Hello everyone else! I hope you're all ok!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:49, Reply)

Lucy is official b3ta auntie to all of us, dispensing hugs, reading bedtime stories and calling us pickle..
Manchester is alright, it will be raining though because it always is.
Edit: Lucy - checked the fuse? French cars are famed for their, erm, interesting electrics.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:49, Reply)

have you checked the fuse? Failing that is it probably just a loose wire. Did you get a new CD player for it?
Oh and hi :p Car stuff got me a little too excited there *oily glees*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:51, Reply)

Am I official B3ta Aunty? That's ace! Everyone have a hug and a sweetie.
I have found the fuses in the car but it doesn't come with a manual so I need to do some online investigation and then get Mr VP to do it.
I did indeed get a CD player and a friend fitted it for me. I was going to do it myself but he wanted to see if he could still do it. So I let him.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:55, Reply)

If it's not the fuse or a loose wire I'd probably just botch it by splitting the 12V feed to something else, there's plenty of them in the car. I
Probably easier than troubleshooting Peugeot electrics...
Did it come with any sort of warranty?
Lucy - get a Haynes manual for it. Or pull all the fuses out of the box one by one and continuity test them, then replace any that are blown! There might also be a hidden fuse box in the engine bay or somewhere with more fuses in it, not sure on a 206 but it wouldn't surprise me, seen it on quite a few cars.
*takes sweet*
Edit 2: 200, yay!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 11:55, Reply)

Usually the fuse box cover has a little legend on it detailing which fuses serve which circuits. It would be unusual for the cigarette lighter socket to have its own circuit, so check to see if everything else is working and if you find something that's not, chances are it's the same fuse.
Or just get Mr VP to do it!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:01, Reply)

Mr VP has said he'll treat me to a manual for it.
Who said romance is dead.
In other news, Presidents Of The United States of America are going to be back in Britain next year! Specifically in the Astoria if Facebook iLike is anything to go by.
How exciting! I'm going to get tickets, they are one of the best bands I've ever seen live.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:01, Reply)

I haven't heard any Presidents since, ooo, Peaches came out in the charts!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:08, Reply)

I got all excited then because I thought you said the United States of America. I doubt they're touring though.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:10, Reply)

They just keep getting better and better! I've seen them twice now and they are super ace.
Last time they were supported by an insane Japanese punk band called Electric Eel Shock. If you ever get a chance to go and see them, do it. I can guarantee it won't be like any other band you've seen.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:10, Reply)

*has a bit of a love of mental Japanese bands*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:11, Reply)

Peaches come from a can they were put there by a man
In a factory downtown
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:11, Reply)

As were Dunebuggy and We're Not Gonna Make It (going from memory)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:13, Reply)

Ooh I'm excited. I should probably stop talking about getting tickets and just get some tickets.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:19, Reply)

I've been away, but now I'm back!
Today is dragging along, it feels like three rather than half twelve, and I'm feeling a bit MEH.
I just want to go home and get away from the folks in my office.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:22, Reply)

Why don't people just come out and say "sorry we don't want you" rather than just not saying anything. It's rude and annoying. I like to know where I stand.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:34, Reply)

That is a nightmare. I'm still getting rejections from things I applied to months ago.
Which is a nice long way of kicking me in the teeth!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)

I wish people would say that as well, and when they do tell you it tends to be after you already know in yourself anyway.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:38, Reply)

It also applies to individuals as well as companies!
*adds to long list of why she doesn't like people*
I think I need hugs :(
Also the Sainsbury job page (yes I am applying to work at Sainsburys woo) is stupid you can only apply for one position, then you have to wait to see if you get accepted. Why can't I just apply for all the jobs! Then they can offer me the one with the most hours :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:44, Reply)

The job that I'd seen and was going to apply for seems to have been filled. That'll teach me to be crap at getting things done when I'm feeling depressed. *sigh*
My life seems to be full of vicious circles at the moment. Perhaps I'm so mad that I can draw a perfect circle free hand!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:48, Reply)

With me it's not so much people , I've also been looking for a new job, and get nothing except reject slips!
I'm in a job and that's why I don't say anything, but it's still getting me down.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:49, Reply)

*hugs TGB*
*hugs Cap'n V*
*hugs the Dok*
Everybody seems to be having a poopy day today.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:51, Reply)

Hopefully I'll be able to be a bit energetic tonight and get lots of things done. I may fail, I may not, I may just end up playing world of warcraft instead. Who knows.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:53, Reply)

I think I needed that.
But at least some people are happy.
So Badger, how about some more jokes like yesterday?
EDIT Yup I can still walk, but at the moment I want to walk right out of here, and if I do I don't think I'll have a job come Monday!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:53, Reply)

Dok it is always shit looking for a new job. It has kind of hit me that I have 2 1/2 days left :S
I've applied for about 15 jobs overall and heard nothing from any of them. A "no" would have been preferable.
I am now deciding whether it makes more sense to apply for an early shift 0500 - 1000, which is less hours but means I can attend interviews and stuff in the day or a night shift 2300 - 0700 which obviously pays more but means I will be dead in the day and as it is Fri/Sat night any small chance of a social life is out the window. Argh!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:55, Reply)

Maybe they've been inundated with applicants and just need bit more time. You never know.
I'd choose the early shift, I've done nights and it kills everything. At least with earlies you can get out and about to do things that need to be done.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 12:59, Reply)

I agree with doc. Do the early shift, it's not a permanent job and you'll need to be at your best for other interviews.
Yes it's less money but you're going to have to cut back whatever. It sounds to me like the better option.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:01, Reply)

This made me officelol
A man is in a hotel lobby. He wants to ask the clerk a question. As he turns to go to the front desk, he accidentally bumps into a woman beside him and, as he does, his elbow goes into her breast.
They are both quite startled. The man turns to her and says, "Ma'am, if your heart is as soft as your breast, I know you'll forgive me."
She replies, "if your penis is as hard as your elbow, I'm in room 436."
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:01, Reply)

Earlies are for the win. You can still do stuff in the afternoon.
I too have worked nights in a previous life, and it royally fucks up EVERYTHING.
LVP - I'm not having a poopy day. I'm full of glees. *proffers a handful of glees for the taking*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:03, Reply)

Good one. I wish I could remember good jokes, the ones I remember are crap, and should never be repeated!
I just hope I'm felling good on bash day, otherwise we'll all be crying into our pints.
*takes glee*
Thanks Ducky, I shall use it spairingly.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:06, Reply)

Hugs and booze?
Wait til next Friday, there shall be plenty then I would imagine:D
*glees at thought of next friday*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:12, Reply)

Beer and hugs, are all of great for getting somebody into a good mood.
But I'll still need to smoke every now and again.
EDIT Yup Boss, roll on next Friday! *waits*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:13, Reply)

Going to take next Friday off so I can get down for the early stages!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:16, Reply)

is that it's payday for me the day before.
*prepares for another night in the gutter*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:17, Reply)

I aim to be there as early as I can, but I can't get the day off. I expect I'll be there about 6 or 7ish :)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:18, Reply)

A Jewish man moves into a Catholic neighborhood. Every Friday, the Catholics go crazy because, while they're morosely eating fish, the Jew is outside barbecuing steaks. So the Catholics work on the Jew to convert him. Finally, by threats and pleading, the Catholics succeed. They take the Jew to a priest who sprinkles holy water on the Jew and intones:
"Born a Jew -- Raised a Jew -- Now a Catholic."
The Catholics are ecstatic. No more delicious, but maddening smells every Friday evening. But the next Friday evening, the scent of barbecue wafts through the neighborhood. The Catholics all rush to the Jew's house to remind him of his new diet.
They see him standing over the cooking steak. He is sprinkling water on the meat and saying:
"Born a cow -- Raised a cow -- Now a fish."
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:18, Reply)

I thought I could come next friday but one of Mr VP's friends is having a surprise party that he said we'd go to.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:19, Reply)

Oh noes!
That's a shame, would have been ace to see you again:(
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:22, Reply)

I know! It's rubbish. And I don't even want to go to the stupid party. But I have to as Mr VP is coming back to Wiltshire for it and otherwise I won't see him.
It seems like I'll never meet everyone!
Edit - Lab, it's so sad isn't it.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:24, Reply)

It's payday for me as well so I think we'd better bring duvets and sleeping bags so we all don't get too cold in the gutter.
Well Boss and Lab I'll be in the pub at as close to half four as I can, It's not hat far away from my work, I'm thinking about quarter to five!
Boo Lucy, that's not good enough, you'll never meet us now! ;)
Keep going Badger, make me laugh some more please.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:26, Reply)

I tried making him but he's booked him blimmin train tickets now.
Silly boy.
I'll be applying for London based jobs in the new year so I might pick a weekend and organise my own bash. If I organise it then I have to go.
There will be sweets aplenty.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)

Well, OK...but Wookiee has frightened me with tales of your sleeping bags.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:29, Reply)

I shall head straight to the pub as soon as I get into London :D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:30, Reply)

on pain of hugs, you had better!
But I don't have that one any more Drixy, I don't get on well with sleeping bags, so I'll bring a large duvet.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:31, Reply)

Think I shall too. If I aim for a 4pm arrival at King's X then should tie in quite nicely if I can find the place.
Oxford Circus roughly isn't it?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:32, Reply)

The venue has changed, probably due to the size of the attending crowd ;)
Looks easy enough to get to though.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:35, Reply)

No way I'm working a full day if you lot are starting early. I'm gonna get there asap.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:35, Reply)

if anyone gets the chance to see Presidents of the USA then do it. They are awesome live and their last 3 albums have been fucking brilliant.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)

It should only take about half an hour from Kings Cross, walking that is, assuming you don't get molested by any hookers on the way.
Or if you take the tube it's;
King's Cross St.Pancras Underground Station
Take the Hammersmith & City Line towards Baker Street
or Circle Line towards Baker Street
or Metropolitan Line towards Uxbridge
and it's two stops, and a short walk down the road.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)

It's about that Ducky.
It's a total piece if piss Boss, I'll be walking because my work is about half way between Kings Cross and the pub.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:46, Reply)

I'll walk from there then, anything to keep out of the tube!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:48, Reply)

But isn't The Horse & Groom smaller than The Yorkshire?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:51, Reply)

"Drop everything, this has to be done today!"
It turns out to be mail merging a spreadsheet of her (personal) Christmas card recipients' addresses onto (company) labels (using company printer and ink), so she doesn't have to write them out by hand.
However, I'm far too busy playing internet games and posting on here, so I will do my best to avoid it til the end of the week, after which I'm on holiday for a week, so hopefully it won't get done at all. Who the fuck do these people think they are?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:53, Reply)

Ah, I didn't know that. I've only been a couple of times.
Mind you, I didn't know the Yorkshire had an upstairs either until the other day when I saw a sign saying 'upstairs bar closed for refurbushment'.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:54, Reply)

Lusty was in recently and they said the Grey gets absolutely rammed on a Friday so this one is just round the corner and has the upstairs room:D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:54, Reply)

Ah, yes, of course, I forgot it was a Friday. She's right, it's a nightmare on Fridays.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:55, Reply)

do you not like the tube?
I liek to ride the tube. *insert your own cock joke here*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 13:57, Reply)

*cheap innuendo glees*
My bro went to see them the other month. He said they were awesome, and played Earth Vs... in its entirity!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:00, Reply)

I have never even heard of The Wildhearts.
I'm going to see Carter The Unstoppable Sex Machine next on Friday though.
Me = Down with the kids.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:01, Reply)

I couldn't get tickets to see the Earth Vs gig :(
I have seen them 16 times though, and they're still one of the best live bands i've seen.
Edit: Scarpe, some of my friends are seeing Carter as well. One is seeing Carter on friday, then going to Damnation on Saturday!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:01, Reply)

there's only two bands I haven't heard of XD
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:08, Reply)

Wouldn't pay to go and see any of them though!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:08, Reply)

Tha Wildhearts have been around since the early 90's!
A friend of mine back in the day used to follow Carter around the country, along with his groupie friend, known only as 'Flangey Ange':D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:08, Reply)

What? Baker St?
Badger, as somebody who uses the tube every day I can assure you that the tube is crap, but I love it!
EDIT That sound a bit bad when I see it on the screen.
I saw Marilyn Manson a few years ago, the best thing about the gig was Dita Von Teese, and the support Peaches!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:10, Reply)

I am booking tickets for Spamalot and I've found a website that has tickets with a face value of 60.00 each going for 39.50 but it doesn't specify where the seats are.
Do you think they are the 60.00 seats and on offer or are they going to be restricted vision?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:10, Reply)

How late you going to be in Leeds then?
Me and Lusty and my bro getting drunk at my house on Saturday!
Taint and Shels for the win!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:11, Reply)

Well, 92-95 was my Oasis period (I was in Manchester when Supersonic came out, it was difficult not to get caught up in the fervour).
Then I discovered E and Sankys Soap/Home/Pollen and lost track of anything that didn't go 'Beep'.
And after that...well, lets just say that my music taste took an unexpected turn and save me the shame of talking about it any further.
Still, I'm surprised that I haven't even heard the name before.
Edit: Baker Street is where you change from the pink line to the brown line.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:13, Reply)

A man comes home early from work one day to find his best mate in bed with his wife.
Overcome by anger, he stabs him to death.
The wife, shaking her head, looks at him and says, "Keep that up and, pretty soon, you'll have no friends left!"
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:13, Reply)

At Baker Street you can change from the Hammersmith & City line (pink) to the Bakerloo line, which is coloured brown on the tube map.
'Noon all.
EDIT - Too slow, damn you Scarpe.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:14, Reply)

I'd want to know where the seats are first, but then again there are a lot of places that do cheap theatre tickets now.
Badger with these jokes you are spoiling us. ;)
I love them really, they brighten up my day in a crap office.
EDIT Hi Wookie, how's tricks?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:17, Reply)

What time does it start?
Myself and Lusty shall be in town to meet my bro off the train but can get in at any time:D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:19, Reply)

Alcohol killed my ex wife.
I came home pissed and shot the bitch:D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:21, Reply)

I'm getting in all of a tizzy trying to choose which site to get my tickets from and which seats would be best for us.
help me.
where's HLT when I need her theatrical advice?!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:25, Reply)

I'd choose seats in a different theatre.
(sorry, that's no help, but I really didn't think a great deal of Spamalot)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:26, Reply)

at 4, but I'll be around in Leeds from about midday I think :D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:26, Reply)

You are just a heathen, and shall now not get that pint!
Oh and if anybody is interested for my birthday next year (see http://www.b3ta.com/calendar/event/16693) I would like Dita Von Teese.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:28, Reply)

But they have to be spamalot, it's a christmas present!
I'm being unusually indecisive today. Normally this wouldn't be a problem at all.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:31, Reply)

has just lost an entire folder in my inbox! I have no idea where the heck it's got to!
Come back folder!!!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:33, Reply)

In that case, if it's still at the same theatre (the one on Charring Cross road at the end of Old Compton Street? Next to The Spice of Life?) I remember it being a very tall, thin theatre, and we were right at the back. Could see well enough, but not good if you don't like heights.
@Dok. Sorry, but it just felt like a pointless rehash of the best bits of various python films where I'd seen all the good old bits many times and the new bits were shown up by their lack of quality in comparison.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:34, Reply)

That's what it's meant to be though.
Aw you can still get a pint, it would be churlish of me not to get you one.
Badger how can they lose an entire folder, is your inbox that big?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:36, Reply)

Restore it from the backup, surely?
(sanctimonious IT department answer)
Edit: wild guess, are you in Outlook and have Mail view selected at the bottom left instead of Folder List? Catches quite a few people out...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:37, Reply)

just busy and tired. And my internets at home are giving me grief.
You in the pub tonight?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:37, Reply)

Yeah, I guess. I'd just hoped for more.
I'm hard to please comedy wise I think.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:39, Reply)

Tonight? Oh S.C. no I can't make tonight sorry.
Scarpe, I know I liked it but normally I don't do comedy well, I've not got the right sense of humour.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:42, Reply)

What? You're not going? WTF - are you pretending to have a life?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:43, Reply)

My inbox is huuuuuge because I have a different folder for company and then a different subfolder for each site.
She had managed to not only drag it to a different company folder but as she double clicks had changed the folder name to "Westbrook" which was actually the surname she was looking for.
How this happened I do not know *shakes head sadly*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:45, Reply)

People who double click when there's no need!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:46, Reply)

Contrary to popular belief I have a life, it's not very exciting, but it's a life none the less.
Yay for the finding Badger. Now remember to delete your inbox completely when you leave on Friday.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:50, Reply)

clicks on the drop down menus on the toolbar to open the sub menus. I have told him he doesn't need to do this about 372 times. I have now given up.
He does it on the start menu too :(
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:51, Reply)

One of my pet peeves.
Homeless people by a cash point. Surely their lot in life would lead them down a pessimistic route, not the blind optimism it takes to stand by a cash point looking tragic on the off-chance some rich person will pass him a note?
300! Woop!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:53, Reply)

Oh yes I do, I don't always succeed.
Have you sorted your foot yet! *glare*
I will be out twice next week though!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:55, Reply)

Spent 15 minutes wrestling with the eurostar website, having it crash constantly, only to find that all the prices to Liege are ridiculously expensive!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 14:57, Reply)

Actually, it's a lot better just having rested it. I'm going to see how it goes tomorrow - I've hurt it before because it's a weak and treacherous piece of shit (not literally), just not this badly.
But I promise to go to the big, minty hospital if it gives me any more trouble (or, failing that, ask Kaol to chop it off and replace it with a a wheel).
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:00, Reply)

you going to Leige? *noses* Bring me back some cheap cigarettes!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:01, Reply)

I want to get my tattoo finished, and the artist is based in Liege.
I've found flights from Heathrow are MUCH cheaper, just have to wait and see when the guy is free to inflict more pain on me!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:02, Reply)

You make sure you do, I want you to be able to come out and play.
Lab, that site is crap, I can't remember the last time I got it to work properly.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:02, Reply)

I know you did want to do that I just couldn't remember where the guy was.
I smoke B&H silver *grins*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:06, Reply)

200 red Luckies, and 200 Marlboro shites
Thankyouplease :P
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:14, Reply)

Pain is good for the body and mind, and can also be used in a number of good ways.
And I smoke whateever I get. Thanks.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:15, Reply)

And I've gone for a Saturday Matinee so we have plenty of time to get drunk afterwards.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:17, Reply)

I don't like pain, i'm not someone who gets the whole pleasure/pain thing.
That being said, I love tattoos. I can put up with the pain if i'm getting some incredible art at the end of it.
Edit: Ignores all those demanding cigarettes, because they smell :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:21, Reply)

the sweet shop in Covent Garden Lucy?
Might have closed now, it's ages since I've been there. My mate's housemate worked there. Sells loads of interesting foreign sweets!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:21, Reply)

Oooh no I don't. I found quite a good sweet shop in Soho. I can normally sniff out confectionery from quite a way away.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:24, Reply)

Is that Cyber Candy?
I love Cyber Candy. There's one in Brighton where I regularly stock up on A&W Root Beer in the summer.
£5 for a two litre bottle is disgusting, but I do it anyway.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:25, Reply)

*collapses on Lab*
Please bring me cigarettes, they are the only thing in life that never let me down
*cries more*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:27, Reply)

It's the bodies way of telling you something is wrong! or right Anyhoo tattoo pain is dependant on where the tattoo os placed, mine didn't hurt, but then again I've been told I have a very high pain threshold. Though I don't think so!
Boo on the no smokes!
EDIT Surely Badger B3ta doesn't let you down!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:27, Reply)

I've found the following areas really quite painful for tattoos:
* Around the ankle
* Inner wrist
* A random area just under the upper arm
Very very sharp pain! I can cope with the dull throbbing pain though.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:33, Reply)

I'd never get one in any of those place, but I can see how they would be painful.
Ouch, just thinking about it.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:34, Reply)

When I get my sleeve finished, I'll have to endure a lot of sensitive skin being needled :S
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:38, Reply)

does hurt like a mofo.
*boreds* I should really do some work...
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:40, Reply)

Think of all the lollipops you'll get to have whilst getting it done.
When I got mine done the (beautiful and french) tattoo artist just handed me a massive jar of sweets and told me to help myself.
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:40, Reply)

I wish you luck, and hope that it's not too painful.
Oh I forgot to tell everybody, I dyed my hair on Sunday, deep purple, well black really with a purple shine.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:41, Reply)

Yep, that's the one - I'd forgotten what it was called but just Googled it. Lucy, you have to go there!!
@ Lab - we smell, or the cigarettes do? If you don't smoke you should consider it your duty to bring some back for everyone else :D
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:41, Reply)

Oh bollocks, I was in Brighton AND London this weekend! What a missed opportunity!
I'm on the website now. People, if you're looking for ideas for presents for me then this is the place.
Well here and wherever a pint glass with Christian Bale's face is.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:45, Reply)

Cigarettes smell :p
I'll take my standard tattoo survival kit of PSP, Lucozade and sweets. Hopefully that'll keep me going.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:46, Reply)

I also did my beard!
Photos you demand! Then photos you shall have!
Sometime, soonish, maybe.
If not you'll see it next week!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:51, Reply)

I'm off to the gym to fight the flab.
Speak to you all later!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:56, Reply)

I smell lovely.
My housemate's persuading me to join a gym/spa outside of Stratford. I'm going for a free guest visit soon, it looks lavish.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:58, Reply)

*looks for low fat sweets for Lucy's xmas present*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 15:59, Reply)

Don't work too hard in the gym.
Why do I always get a strange feeling whe Badger glees at me? What's she planning folks, help me out here.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:01, Reply)

*looks innocent* Have another bad joke...
Three aspiring psychiatrists, from three different universities, were attending their first class on emotional extremes.
'Just to establish some parameters,' said the professor to the student from Oxford University, 'What is the opposite of joy?'
'Sorrow' said the student.
'And the opposite of depression?' he asked the young lady from Cambridge.
'Elation' she said.
'And you, sir' he said to the student from Trinity College Dublin,
'How about the opposite of woe?'.
The student replied, 'I believe dat would be 'giddy up'.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:06, Reply)

How can I believe your innocence when you tell me jokes like that.
My office is full so I can't even lol properly.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:08, Reply)

Today is a rubbish day. Will tomorrow be better? Answers on a postcard please!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:10, Reply)

Because I really have to do work then!
I am going to make some tea now though. Anyone want one?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:17, Reply)

Not bad now, really bad earlier.
No ta Badger, I'm just about to leave and go home. It's a long journey and I don't want to pee myself.
Well I'm off, I'll see people who are on tonight, later.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:20, Reply)

I hope you like strong tea cuz that's how I make it :p
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:29, Reply)

That's how it should be drunk! Much obliged to you.
*goes to fetch carrot cake*
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:32, Reply)

We had a big naked orgy with lots of whipped cream. Then however someone got hit in the crotch with a football.
We all laughed. Then we got dressed and started drinking tea and eating cake
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:48, Reply)

says "weir-wolf" instead of werewolf. It is annoying.
Clendrix was making the men get her ice for her foot and I think she licked some cream off someones beard!
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:53, Reply)

But then I wandered off and made some tea.
Still pure and sweet.
Badger! You naughty thing.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 16:53, Reply)

Not naughty I am lovely and sweet and innocent.
Why is everyone laughing?
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 17:00, Reply)

Hello hello hello. Won't be on here long - just hiding from the boss's missus's kid. Urgh.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 17:52, Reply)

Hang on a minute (why do I never read any preceeding posts before I pop on?) There were orgies with whipped cream?
Why didn't you share?? Not the orgies, the whipped cream. I could do with a good old blob of whipped cream right now.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 17:54, Reply)

Did everyone go home?
Well in that case I shall write a story...
The adventures of Rafe the wonder dog... an his hero alias - Swift Windy!!
With a fart that can kill at forty paces
(ps this is a factual story) (Swift Windy was when we went to a fancy dress party) (I was she-ra - he my trusty steed - with silver wings)
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 18:14, Reply)

Once upon a time Swift Windy decided that he'd get ill.
The illness meant that - although he looked ok he kept coughing so had to be given lots of honey to make him feel better....
I'm a bit bored now.
Anyway, Rafe the wonder dog is driving me nuts coz he can't go out coz of his being contagious - so I can't get away at the weekend, so we're both getting quite tetchy in quarantine.
I may end up playing hide and seek with him in the house later.
I think I may be losing the plot.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 18:20, Reply)

The evening thread is here. Cast your vote thusly.
( , Tue 18 Nov 2008, 18:34, Reply)
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