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It's the weekend you cunts
and I'm working. No valentine for me as he's far far away, another galaxy and all that...so bollocks to valentines day.

Here's your weekend thread fuckers
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 8:47, 159 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Wake up you bastards
I'm bored and want someone to play with
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:17, Reply)
I'm awake, and have been since 5am! Fucking work, gah...
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:25, Reply)
Morning Bentalls
How's it going?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:31, Reply)
morning becky and bentalls
there are hugging monkeys on my desk. I feel a bit sick.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:32, Reply)
That sounds a bit vomit inducing HLT
burn them?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:36, Reply)
morning all
It's going extremely slowly, thanks for asking! I had a real scare on my way into work this morning, and as a result, am still very shaky - which apparently isn't alleviated by coffee and cigarettes! Who knew?!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:37, Reply)
What happened?
oh and hot tea with a slice of cake.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:38, Reply)
Black ice
A corner, and a big van... I honestly still do not know how the holy hell we missed each other. Poor bloke was as white as a sheet - as was I, no doubt!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:40, Reply)
tell all bentalls
good idea bex.

*burns revolting hugging monkeys*

edit@bentalls - oooh, not good.
deep breaths and vodka will sort you out (although it's a bit early)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:42, Reply)
A big stiff one
would have gone down quite well...


*edit* Did anyone else read that as 'bums' the revolting monkeys?? Just me?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:44, Reply)
Morning all
It's a fine morning here*

Are we all well and relaxed in here?

*This is based solely on the fact that I'm still in bed, not weather or anything.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:52, Reply)
well, now I have
but then I am slightly hungover

edit: Hello Mr OfDeath, long time no see, how goes it?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:52, Reply)
Long time indeed m'dear tulip
Things aren't going too badly, just pretty busy.

How's life in the arts?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 9:57, Reply)
good good
Life in the arts is, well, arty, thanks.

why do you want to build an jet engine?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:06, Reply)
Is the real question not
Why would I not want to build a jet engine?

Then I shall build a large wing and attempt to fly. It may not go too well.

Has everyone else wandered off?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:15, Reply)
no, I'm still here
do you know how to build a jet engine PoD?

And if you do try to fly can I come and watch?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:23, Reply)
I know the basics of it
So how hard could it really be? Not that hard I don't think.

And you certainly can. I think it would definitely be a noteworthy event, and would definitely be recorded for future generations to learn from.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:26, Reply)
fair enough
I shall indeed be present and take notes and photos and everything.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:34, Reply)

*Puts kettle on*

Anyone still around?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:43, Reply)
Morning All!
How are we today.

My face still hurts:(

*noms painkillers and anti-biotics*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:49, Reply)
ooh, more people to play with
hello mr grandad and mr keloid

it's been a while, so have some imaginary b3ta cake

*hand round cake*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:54, Reply)
*ensnuggles hlt*
Yup, been a while since the B3ta cake has been handed round.

But then I'm never on through the day any more. Cos it got blocked at work and I got hauled over the coals:S
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:56, Reply)
oh noes
how crap is that

it's obviously gods way of telling you to get a new job where they let you play on b3ta all day

phwoar, it's good b3tacake this, isn't it

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:58, Reply)
I must say
I'm not really around much through the day either - tend to stick to lunchtimes.

Anyhoo, got a day of writing and sending wedding invites today, and possibly cooking my speciality dish later. Assuming that Sweary Jr is well enough to stay with his grandparents.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 10:58, Reply)
ooh, what's your speciality dish DG?
I think I'm getting fed either cassoulet or lasagne tonight

And definitely either stinky toffee pudding or trifle

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:01, Reply)
@ DG
I could get on through a proxy, just not worth the risk. No bonus or pay-rise or nowt for me this year:(

Ah well, I shall be meeting my new godson today so that makes me happy:)


I know, especially for the reasons above too!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:01, Reply)
Speciality dish
is baked sea bream stuffed with brie, spinach and spring onions. All of the nom.

Beekers, you're right - not worth the risk.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:06, Reply)
Ooh, that sounds well nom

Aw BK, that's a bit harsh of them

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:07, Reply)
Sounds lovely DG
My new speciality dish is Azerbaijani lamb pafir.

So very, very nom.

In other news I'm reading The True History of the Kelly Gang by Peter Carey and it's very, very good indeed.

*enjoys tulip hugs*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:08, Reply)
recipes please
I need to expand me repertoire!

I can pay you in hugs and/or homemade pizza.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:11, Reply)
God, I'm getting hungry now. i hope I do get to make it, as I haven't cooked it for a couple of years.

As for book news, I've just picked up the latest Brookmyre, 'A Snowball in Hell' but haven't started reading it yet. If it's anywhere as good as his last one, I'll be a very happy bunny.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:11, Reply)
Ey up yer buggers
My master plan is to spend most of the day in front of the computer in a near trance-like state then put some keks on around 6 and pick up pie and chips and a bottle of wine and then do the trance-like state again until bedtime.

How 'bout you lot?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:12, Reply)
Ning all
and boo. I am trying to go bankrupt and the internets won't let me.

On the upside, I'm not at work.

*proffers cherry flapjack*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:13, Reply)
@ tulip
Can't I have both?


Lamb Azerbaijani Pafir.

Brown off 600g of diced lamb then add two chopped medium onions with teaspoon of cumin and saffron (or turmeric if you're skint)

Add 1 cup of long grain or risotto rice with 300ml of chicken or lamb stock and around half a mug of pomegranate juice. I ususally bung in some tomato paste as well.

Add apricots or prunes, halved, and a liberal handful or two of raisins.

Leave to simmer till the rice has plumped and most of the stock has been absorbed. It should take 20-25 minutes so add more water, stock or pomegranate juice.

Season with salt and pepper and garnish with some mint.

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:17, Reply)
Sounds heavenly. What kind of pie?

edit@BK - thanks!

I think I shall make that in my tagine!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:17, Reply)
@ Davros
I have got that yet, but Attack of the Unsinkable Rubber Ducks was his best yet.

Such a good book.


Hello Fuzzy! Been a while!
You still off the smokes?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:18, Reply)
Stuffed sea bream
You need: 1 sea bream (you can use red snapper or sea bass, but I find bream to be best), cleaned and about 550g in weight.

25g butter

large bunch of watercress (not spinach as I said earlier - told you it had been a while)

50g spring onions, finely chopped.

175g brie, rinded and roughly chopped.

Place fish in shallow ovenproof dish. Melt butter in frying pan, add the watercress and most of the onions. fry gently until softened - about 2 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in the brie. Season, and spoon 2 thirds of the mixture into the cavity of the fish. Spread the remainder over the fish to cover completely.

Bake in oven for 30 minutes at 220C / gas mark 6, then place under hot grill four about 4 minutes or until browned. Sprinkle with remaining chopped onion.

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:19, Reply)
your's sounds nice as well. Fancy a swap? I'll meet you in Middlesbrough, as it's roughly half way.

Hello Fuzzy and L-i-C.

*edited for mis-naming. bloody hangover, I can't see straight*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:21, Reply)
@ DG
Oh god, not Middlesbrough!

Lived there for six years and haven't been back since I left in '04 despite numerous invitations.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:23, Reply)
thanks chaps!


Not sure how to do the homemade pizza over the tinterwebs. Unless I just send you the recipe.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:24, Reply)
Fair point
Although I do have a good friend there.

Right, I'm hitting the shower to try and shake off this fog in my head. Laters.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:25, Reply)
@ tulip
Yes, do that!

*enjoys hugs*

Later DG!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:26, Reply)
Yes I am still off the smokes. Go me. I really really really want one right now... :(

I shall go and make a cup of tea instead, I haven't had one yet this morning. I might be less grumpy when I have :)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:28, Reply)
@ Fuzzy!
Yay! Me too.

I'll have racked up 1000 hours tomorrow. 42 days:D

Not that I'm counting or anything

I'm going to have more tea:D
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:30, Reply)
bye Davros!
right, pizza

2oz butter
8oz flour
1 chopped onion
1 teaspoon of baking powder
a teaspoon of mustard powder (if you're that way inclined)
about a handful of grated cheese
a dash of mixed herbs
2 eggs
bit of milk

all mixed up together to make a lully ball o' scone dough.

Knead it for a bit but not much.

scatter some flour on a baking sheet then flatten it out to form your base. the thickness can be up to you.

then squirt equal amounts of tomato puree and tomato ketchup on the base and spread it all over with a spoon.

add your choice of toppings

add the cheese last, I always use millions.

bake for about 30-40 mins at 200c.


edit: officially feeds four,
unofficially feeds one slightly hungry person and one ravenous hollow legged person who shall remain nameless not looking at anyone ie YOU Beekers!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:40, Reply)
As a creature of habit I almost always go Chicken & Mushroom, but I won't decide until the last second for added excitement.

Yes, I am one of those people who can go into the same place they've been a thousand times, look at a menu with the same 4 choices of pie, and go "Errrm...."
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:42, Reply)
Mmm Pizza
I used to do home-made pizza. I only made the base once, seemed to be taking it a bit too seriously. I mostly used the ready made bases.

What cheese do you use? I've been recommended a combination of mozzarella for texture, parmigiano reggiano for flavour and provolone as a bit of both. It's not cheap but it doesn't half show in the eating.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:46, Reply)
Mmm. Chicken and mushroom pie.
the bakers down the road does lasagne pie. it's almost the best thing ever.

edit re cheese. usually a mixture of mozzarella and mature cheddar with some parmy if I have it and occasionally goat.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:46, Reply)
@ tulip
I'm a growing boy, wehat can I say?

It was all nom though; you're a legend!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:50, Reply)
How is everyone?

I feel *terrible*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:57, Reply)
@ BK
Thank you!


You did it justice, I must admit.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 11:59, Reply)
Ooh goats cheese
When I was a kid I hated cheese, now the stronger flavour the better.

Still not going anywhere near blue cheese though. It's rotten.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:01, Reply)
What's up Zap?
*manly comforting hug*

You're more than welcome Lady Tulip!


Oh no, blue cheese is win!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:02, Reply)
Is it self-inflicted Zap?
Blue cheese is brilliant. It's so tasty. And it's BLUE! Blue food!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:05, Reply)
Why is car insurance such a pain in the arse?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:07, Reply)
@ tulip
You're right!

It's like smurfs for vegetarians!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:07, Reply)
Last night
was my birthday so I decided to celebrate in style... I feel horrible today
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:08, Reply)
Happy unbirthday today Zap
Smurfs for vegetarians *snorts* I like that!

Also, I did a linky, please validate me (and I apologise for scaring you).
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:12, Reply)
happy belated birthday Zap!
*birthday snogs*

did you get up to all the mischief?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:13, Reply)
I'm slumped in bed with my laptop, the league of gentlemen on dvd, and my bin for puke.

How can today get any better?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:13, Reply)
@ Fuzzy
What. The. Fuck?

That's really very disturbing!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:15, Reply)
I was considering sending someone a valentine this year but decided against it in the end coz I reckon it would have been like throwing a spanner in the works.

Anyway, congratulation BK and Fuzzy for giving up t3h white cylinders.

EDIT: Happy belated birthday O la la la de Zap.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:35, Reply)
'lo spakka!
Aw, why couldn't you send me a valentine!

*has no valentines*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:40, Reply)
'hi Tulip
* has no Valentines either *

* gives Tulip a special Valentine's hug *

Anyway, was up until bout 3am trying to compose a valentine's message, but either lack of inspiration (or presence of counter-inspiration) or tiredness got in the way.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:48, Reply)

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:49, Reply)
thanks LiC!

*gives special valentine's hug to spakka*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:50, Reply)
Oh god
I feel awful...
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 12:57, Reply)
@O la la la de Zap
Come close to where me and Tulip are giving eachother Valentine's hugs and let our warm glow radiate on to you.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 13:01, Reply)
Woo hoo
I'm never drinking again... ever.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 13:16, Reply)
Hello all
Sorry I haven't been around much of late, family tends to get in the way of things. The upside is now I know how to fit washing machines, disconnect cookers and other manly stuff. Oh, and paint like a demon. How are we all?


Aaaaaaaaaaaaand it seems I've killed the thread. Bugger.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 13:23, Reply)
* resurrects thread *
Hello PB. As for how I'm doing, see a couple of posts above.

Perhaps we should create a "QOTW OT thread-b0rkers" badge.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 13:37, Reply)
I'm too busy doing precisely bugger all to do it though. After two weeks of being on the go this is quite pleasant.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 13:42, Reply)
I know what you mean
Since the new year, I've constantly had a pile of things to do but have been putting most of them off until the last minute and then doing them all in a rush while thinking about the rest of my todo-list.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:01, Reply)
A thread borkers badge would be excellent.
I would display it with pride.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:20, Reply)
I've just spilled bran-flakes everywhere! I'm telling you. This just isn't my day!

@DG|: I could do a thread-b0rkers badge once I get round to installing Gimp on my laptop.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:26, Reply)
can I join
the thread borkers group?

I dont have any groups here :(
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:46, Reply)
Greetings VeeCee
Have you ever b0rked a thread before?

But if you want to join a group, you can join the thread-bonkers group coz we're all completely bonkerlicious!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:51, Reply)
'Ello Vampers
The thread borkers club is an institution that involves lengthy silences, tumbleweed and a hat.

If you post on HSH and receive no response within 10 minutes, you are officially a thread borker.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:54, Reply)
there must be some somewhere.

come on. spill the beans.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 14:58, Reply)
Jade Goody's got months to live

So fucking what? Nobody made a fuss when my mum was diagnosed with the big C. Although, she never porned herself on a scabby reality show either.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:01, Reply)
Any particular gossip you had in mind?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:02, Reply)
she knows about us, spakka...
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:05, Reply)
nothing in particular, spakka
and certainly not any sleb gossip either.

although I do feel sorry for Jade Goody's kids.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:06, Reply)
It'll be really shit for them, agreed. But I don't see why it should be news.


You any closer to getting a venue for April, tulip? We're off to Edinburgh on Thursday afternoon, staying overnight. I can't wait.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:08, Reply)
@TLiC: Shhh! The others still don't know.

@Tulip: I didn't even know JG had kids, but then again, I don't care whether or not her crotch produced any fruit anyways.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:11, Reply)
er, um, er, oh shit
I'm exploring several options!

edit@spakka - I'm not sure I'd call it fruit....
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:23, Reply)
You know what?
I'm thinking a nap would be pretty nice right about now.

I should get to bed earlier.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:28, Reply)
Perhaps 'fast-food' is a better term.

Anyway, about sorting out a venue, bear in mind half the signees usually drop-out anyway.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:30, Reply)
In other news
I'm wondering whether I should go to this tonight.

EDIT: @TLiC: Have a good nap.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:33, Reply)
@ spak
go on, you know you want to.

or you could be really anarchic and not go.

that'll show them.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:34, Reply)
I've always wondered about speed dating
But I'm guessing the process would be a bit repetetive, or sadly reminiscent of the conveyor belt from the Generation Game.

On the face of it all, I'd rather date a b3tan I think. B3tan speed dating- now there's an idea.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:43, Reply)
At the moment, the signs are indicating that I will be going.

As for being anarchic, do you think "The Revolution" may have already happened but we're just not aware of it?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:44, Reply)
Now that's an idea.

Any particular b3tan?


@Spak - yes, you must go, then you can tell us sad types all about it and we can live through you whilst sitting alone and eating jaffa cakes.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:46, Reply)
I've never been speed-dating before, let alone anarcho-speed-dating. I'm not really sure if speed-dating is my thing or not , but there's always a time to rty everything.

b3tan speed-dating? Isn't that what the bashes are for? Perhaps Rob et al. should set up a b3ta-dating part of the site.

EDIT: @PB: Be careful, you've just activated Tulip's gossip-sniffer.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:48, Reply)
Spak, I don't think Rob would want to do that
The internet would probably eat itself or something. Besides, geek dating sites already exist. I know because I was terribly bored one day. However, moving on. Tulip, I don't have any b3tans in mind, and if I were to say I fancied a b3tan of the lady variety I would probably be laughed at. A lot.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:50, Reply)
hey, there's nowt wrong with us lady-b3tans you know
we wouldn't laugh.

we'd laugh if you said Bert though.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:51, Reply)
Never said there was
However, I still don't have anyone in mind. Besides, my relationships have all tended to happen rather than with me noticing some lady and pursuing them like some kind of long-lost lovelorn puppy.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:53, Reply)
fair enough
although the thought of you as some sort of long-lost puppy has made me giggle. a bit.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:54, Reply)
@PB: IS that an Internet-dating site specially for geeks? I've tried an Internet dating site or two in the past, and have met a total of five women off them in the real world. Sadly, none of these encounters blossomed into a relationship.

As for fancying lady b3tans, I wouldn't worry about being laughed at. Just look at PJM & Chickenlady and the other two couples who met through QOTW. However, I wouldn't recommending mentioning which ones you fancy on the HSH threads.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:58, Reply)
it appears to have changed into a "if we like b3tans" thread.

Well if I were straight I know who I'd like. :D
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 15:58, Reply)
two other couples?
who them then?

@VC - come on, fess up, you can't just tease us like that you little minx
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:00, Reply)
my lips are sealed.

what about you Tulip? fancy any of the b3tards here?

EDIT: one is DG and Tourettes - they're getting married soon.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:02, Reply)
ooh, wouldn't you like to know
seriously, darling, all of them.

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:03, Reply)
Speaking of gossip
You know when I said that last night, I had an aborted attempt to send a Valentine's? Well, last night I had a dream in which I had taken a train into central London, but had forgotten to get off, so the train went back to where it came from. The train was not due to stop for some time so that delayed me getting into London, but just as the train was about to reach the first station, I thought I could reverse the train by stopping a playing walkman and changing the side of the tape that was playing? Is this an omen (BTW: I've forgotten the rest of the dream)?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:04, Reply)
Maybe you should tell them. You might just talk them into getting a sex-change.

EDIT: @VeeCee: I did not count DG & (.)(.) coz they met before they joined QOTW. The other two have since split up so I decided not to mention who they were in public.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:06, Reply)
I thought DG and Tourettes were together prior to them being on QOTW

But I could be wrong. Probably am wrong. Usually am wrong.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:07, Reply)
oh tulip I know the feeling.....

/sighs happily and dreams of the favourites....
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:08, Reply)
Probably more a desire I think Spak
The wish to go back and do things differently. But, no regrets. And Spak, there are loads of geek dating sites. Just have a google. And Tulip, thanks for the compliment. I don't have anyone specific in mind, but as with any ladies I date I like them to have pin-sharp minds, a good sense of humour, and being nice looking is of course welcomed. As opposed to the dull complainutwunt that my landlord seems to be dating. But, so it goes.

*settles back to watch bsg*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:08, Reply)
* bags first go on Tulip *
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:10, Reply)
what do you mean, "bags first go on Tulip"
you didn't ask or anything!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:13, Reply)
We've been together 6 years, so well prior to joining b3ta. I'm pretty sure Legless met Missus Legless here though.

First go on Tulip.........?
Tulip and I are ring buddies ;o)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:13, Reply)


how are you darling?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:14, Reply)
lock your doors and windows .... hur hur hur

EDIT: Hi tourettes!!!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:14, Reply)
Hullo lovelies!
*pounces on HLT*

*licks Vampyrecat's face*

*associates HLT with beer*

*doesn't have any beer*

Is it too early to start on the wine?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:18, Reply)
Greeting Miss (.)(.)
@Tulip: Oh sorry, how rude of me. I didn't realise your ringpiece buddy was here.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:19, Reply)
/opens a bottle of house red and white nicked from work and shares around

Drink up bitches!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:19, Reply)
*snogs spak*
VC, I'm convinced!

*scampers off for box of red wine from Aldi*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:21, Reply)
you have class.
I love it. /grins.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:23, Reply)
Ooooh a pounces! I scored a pounces from my ring buddy!

*pounces back*

*pounces on VC just for good measure*

No it's never too early for wine!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:24, Reply)
* pours bottle of virtual wine down throat *
* Snogs Tourette's *

* did not entirely swallow my wine so Tourette's gets to drink some of my virtual wine *

I hope they have real beer at this anarcho-speed-dating event tonight, coz I missed my Friday night drinks last night :-(
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:24, Reply)
*loves being pounced upon*

HLT - you're gorgeous you really are but my missus might get jealous if she catches us like this..... :P
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:27, Reply)
Even classier wine...
We must've polished off the aldi wine last night. This box is Asda's smart price Seth Efrican red.


*licks wine from spak's chin*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:28, Reply)
aw, thanks VC
you're a proper poppet and everything.

by "jealous" I'm going to presume you mean "really turned on" and then carry on pouncing you anyway.

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:29, Reply)
I've just noticed your board sig - from whence did that come? ;o)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:30, Reply)
* rolls all over Tulip, Tourette's and VeeCee while dribbling wine everywhere *

This wine is making things slippery. Me likes!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:31, Reply)
well that may be true!

And Tourettes - I'm drinking nothing. I had too much midori and too much vodka last night. but feel free to drink the shriaz and sauv blanc I pinched from the coolrooms at work earlier!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:31, Reply)
ooh, you're all covered in wine.

here, let me clean you up.

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:32, Reply)
Thanks VC!
*passes a Lidl's baby wipe to spak & Tulip*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:35, Reply)
* enjoys being licked *

Your tongue-action is so vigorous that it's causing drops of wine to fly off everywhere!

@Tourette's: It came from my imagination, although it was mentioned in Thursday night's HSH thread.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:36, Reply)
Thanks Tourettes
*cleans self*

Why do you associate me with beer, btw?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:41, Reply)
I'm off to bed poptarts
I have a date in all of..... 5 hours.
and I haven't slept since yesterday morning.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:48, Reply)
*waves goodnight to VC*
Why, since meeting you in Leeds HLT! CDC Christmas decorations + beery surroundings :o)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:51, Reply)
It's a shame I didn't get to meet you guys
Still, Edinburgh awaits...


Incidentally, which pub is it happening in? I need to book accommodation...

/Edit II

Having noticed that Halfy has dropped out (he was supposed to be giving me a lift), can I get a lift from anyone else?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:53, Reply)
DG has gone hunting with his spear for fish for tonight's dinner
I'm supposed to be sorting out wedding invitations to post. This involves copious cutting & sticking - my second favourite activity after colouring-in ;o) Should really go and knock a few off....

I'll be back before long.

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:56, Reply)
Oh dear God
The innuendo just gets worse.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 16:59, Reply)
Only 8 weeks 'til the Edinbash!


As we're in Northumberland, we can't help you with a lift. Fingers crossed for your transport pet!

my 12 year old son is more mature than I am. Innuendo ftw!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:00, Reply)
Bye VeeCee
Have fun on your date.

Bye Tourette's
Have fun knocking one off.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:00, Reply)
I shall announce the venue in a big announcing way when I confirm it
Ah yes the beer and Leeds and the christmas tree and the CDC and everything!

that was a good weekend...
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:01, Reply)
Aye that it was
Although I still cringe when I think of that taxi driver...

And having checked train ticket prices, coming out at £40, isn't too bad at all. I'll get those booked next Monday, unless anyone can make me a better offer in the meantime.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:03, Reply)
Speaking of train-ticket prices.
For me, a return would cost about £105 for that weekend, but had the bash been on a different weekend, it could have been as little as £33. Booking train-tickets is as much fun as being circumcised by woodpeckers!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:12, Reply)
I'm back, briefly
Piston, you may want to try this:


Haymarket Travelodge £55 for the night - it's about a mile from the city centre, but you'd need to get a wriggle on as it's almost full, it being Easter weekend and all.

We've stayed there before - perfectly adequate, and but a short walk from Haymarket rail station.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:26, Reply)
I have to go now.
See you laters. But in the meantime, here's my Valentine's-themed post for the QOTW. Enjoy
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:26, Reply)
*returns covered in white sticky stuff*

It's clagging all over me knuckles :-S

*watches tumbleweed*

*scruffles around for thread-killer hat*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 17:51, Reply)
I suspect the rugby match might have something to do with it being so quiet.
Thanks for having a look mind... but I am still worried about kilts. I have very very knobbly knees you see.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:08, Reply)
Thanks for reminding me Piston! Let's hope we poss Italy...er, I mean Wales. Actually, not being at all patriotic, I'd rather see Wales win.

*crosses fingers but not legs*

Hmmmmm, kilts. Tis not your knees about which to worry, but the lady b3tans with mirrored shoes ;o)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:13, Reply)
Oh dear God...
I can't have the ladies leaving snail trails on furniture now! I think I might stick to trousers.

Oh yes, and I designed this just now:

(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:25, Reply)
Drove in London traffic for the first time ever today and it was a bitch. Especially as I had no clue where I was going.

I made it out alive though - today is all victory.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:33, Reply)
Evening folks
I've had a hard day of sitting in cars and napping. It's surprising how much it takes it out of you.

Who wants to come and make me a cupof tea then?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:43, Reply)
And according to the commentator, one of the players just flicked his ball....

*sniggers in the manner of Mutley*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:44, Reply)
I make shit tea. How about a glass of wine instead?
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:51, Reply)
Ohhhh yes please.
Don't worry with the glass though, the bottle and a straw should be fine.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:52, Reply)
*passes EXTRA LONG straw to lusty*
Cheers petal!
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:56, Reply)
A straw??
Just glug it out of the bottle like real men.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 18:58, Reply)
Cheers sweary one!
@PB I'm not a man though. I'm a lady female which means I can drink wine through a straw if I wish.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 19:00, Reply)
tis a big box of wine what I profer.
There is no orifice in which to insert such an implement.
By all means though, suck away!

How about I hold it diagonally and let it dribble down your throat...........? ;o)
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 19:06, Reply)
Ah yes
I forget that with sites like this, most of the time leading me to assume most of of the members are 45 year old truckers from Ipswich called Dave.
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 19:06, Reply)
Ohhh look Tourettes
The box is hard in your hands. I'll just sit here and open wide while you pour that tasty liquid into my mouth.

nom nom nom
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 19:20, Reply)
*aims for lusty's mouth*

*realises is crap shot*

*tries again*

Open wide Lusty! Here it comes!

*dribbles all over Lusty's chin*
(, Sat 14 Feb 2009, 19:35, Reply)
Anyone still up
I'm drunk and have only the ramiins of my kebab for comp[any.

PS. Boo to speed dating! Yay to getting drunk!
(, Sun 15 Feb 2009, 1:23, Reply)

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