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This is a question Pet Names

I once knew a cat called Lenin. It got diarrhea so they renamed it Trotsky. Tell us the name of your pet - but only if you've got an amusing or interesting reason for it. Tiddles need not apply.

(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 13:33)
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Our cat was called puddles.
Because she liked sitting in puddles.

It was good when I was 5, but calling her in for dinner made me feel a right tit 10 years later.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 17:06, Reply)
My sister and her former housemates
Basically looked after the cat from next door, because the owners were pretty rotten to it. She even took it to the vet after it had a fight, and paid for the vet bills.

Eventually they asked the neighbours if they could adopt it, and they were allowed. So, what did my sister call it?


She would open the patio doors and shout "PIKEY! COME IN! WHERE ARE YOU?!" at the top of her voice.

(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 17:05, Reply)
My dogs called Lois
...hes a Hungarian Vizla and Lois sounds better than Spitz!
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:58, Reply)
i had a fish
when i was a kid which I named Michael, after the BBC weather presenter. I have always thought that it was rather witty for a 12 year-old but my parents and brother never saw the funny side. heathens
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:53, Reply)
As my parents live seperately for current sake of convieneice, we have two sets of cats.

Keo, Named after a cypriot beer, he turned out to be the stupidest smelliest fattest cat in existance. Like bagpuss but grey.
Has a thing about catching frogs and licking them.

Kilkenny, so called as we put a load of beermats on the floor and let her pick one, ie the first she sniffed, that is what it would be.
Midnight black and pure evil. Is capable of scaring off full grown foxes.

Munchkin, Named by my sister when she was about 6. A tough beast, has annoying habits of clawing legs and refusing to get up when he sits on laps.

Babylon, another Sister 6 year old special.
A little silly but not really thick.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:43, Reply)
Some people thought it odd...
...that we had a cat called George Michael's Mum. But it was the mother of another cat called George Michael, and therefore perfectly logical.

George Michael's Mum went mad and wandered off to die like some sort of cat-elephant. When George Michael's time came we buried her in the garden, where she was later dug up and eaten by foxes.

The other three cats we had at the time never recieved names.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:42, Reply)
My girlfreid hates cats, to i took to feeding all that the nabourhood could offer.
After a while i started to name them... Brenda, Jeremy, fritz and eventualy wilson. Wilson was named after Wilson Fisk, the king Pin of Crime in Spiderman/ Dare devil. The cat was called this as he was fat. So fat infact that he once got stuck in our fence and wouldn't get out until my girlfrend kicked him in the bum.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:39, Reply)
We had a stray cat adopt us!
He used to come in and steal our resident Moggy's left over food (she was a fussy little tortoiseshell).

So ravenous was the cat (a handsome silver tabby), he'd eat every scrap off her plate, and set the thing spinning like a top.

I said he was like a vacuum cleaner - so he got named J Edgar Hoover - Edgar for short. He once woke up to his name when Richie Benaud was commentating on the telly - there was a New Zealand test player called Bruce Edgar - "Edgar - bowled!".

A lovely cat, still missed by all particularly my dad (though he'd never say as much) who he'd follow with dog-like devotion around the garden.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:38, Reply)
Nelson Mandela
..was a fish I owned when I was growing up. He was black and was confined to a small tank, hence the name.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:24, Reply)
My youngest cat is called Pingu:
She is black with the odd couple of white hairs and cannot "Miaowww" but makes silly squeaking noises instead - we thought it was quite apt!

/edit: my other cat is called Mango - he cant talk properly either as he has only had Pingu to teach him. He brings us Pigeons. He is only 3 months old - I am expecting him to bring us a goat soon!
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:22, Reply)
on that subject...
My parents had a retriever they got "second hand" (I always reckoned it was a cut-n-shut - back half retriever, front half retarded thing) but it came with the name Pepe ... took months to get him to answer to something else, and even then it was pepper which is nearly as bumgay.. just standing in a field shouting "pepe" ...imagine...
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:22, Reply)
well we have a cat
and we named it Geoff, but then we discovered it was a girl. Bugger. I supoose it's okay it you spell it Jeff.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:19, Reply)
also, when we got our dog
we were wondering what to call it, i was all up for 'phlegm', short for phelgmatic, see? or that was my excuse, but my bloody sister won out with her bad pet name choices again! so i had to go down to the meadow with the dog, where all the local freaks hang out, and shout for 'FUDGE' (this was mid wales, so it weren't exactly hampstead heath, but still, you don't wanna advertise like that!)
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:17, Reply)
my older sister once got a hamster and called it Arfurr
y'know, as in R - for - Rabbit? it's a rubbish name that's been done to death, but i got me a guinea pig at the same time, and, taking the piss out of my sister's bad choice of pet names, called it guffor.
oh, and the rabbit's name got changed to 'stew' after he gnawed thru the mains lead of my megadrive.

*edit - i meant rabbit! goddammit! rabbit!
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:14, Reply)
My dog is called
Herman, when we got him we couldn't figure out what breed he was as he made up of quite few different breeds etc. So we decided to name him after Herman Munster. Then we noticed he had black square of hair under his nose, just like Hitler so it became herman the german.

Whenever he is naughty my g/f calls him Hitler his ears drop and he immeadiatley looks guilty, although it does raise a few eyebrows in public.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:14, Reply)
Sad really
One of our cats is called Koshka (it being Russian for cat) but a friend misheard and decided that she was called Cost-co. Much wholesale-cheap-shoppery-comedy ensues to this day. Having said that you can the call the cat what the f*ck you like so long as you have food, she'll still come..
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:12, Reply)
My cat has lots of names
Depending on the situation's:

Cat has a shit in house - called Bastard
Cat is having a play and going mad - called stupid
Cat wants food (even though its already got some) - called fuck off
Cat wakes you up - called You little fucker

Strange thing is, he seems to understand...
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:10, Reply)
talking of made up names
my brother had a toy elephant (nearly a pet) called phihuntus
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 16:03, Reply)
Long time lurker
We got a kitten years ago that was quite grey + shiney, almost silver! So she was cutely named Lucy Locket.
Upon taking her to the vet to have her tubes cut it was discovered Lucy was a boy (the usual story) and so a new name had to be thunk. Hence he was labelled Lucifer (the fallen angel).

Fast forward a few years and Lucifer (child of evil) has grown into his name, he is big, lean, has a mouth like a sabretooth's and likes to hunt, kill and eat wild adult rabbits whole.

Oh, and we live on a farm so plenty of oppurtunities for funny namings. Orphaned lambs came in groups so had related names such as Muffet, Tuffet and Spiderman. Cows must have cute names like Buttercup and Duchess, Duchess had a daughter whom we named after a spoilt pretentious premadonna cousin of ours, Princess. One of the Buttercups, as there were several, had horns and pinned spiderman to a wooden partition wall with one horn above and one below. She became Tellie, a cutesy version of William Tell.

BTW, Duchess and Princess are scared of Lucifer (the dark one) and he can herd them despite being about 0.1% of their mass.

Oh yeah, Scrumpy (the dog) comes from the west country. She's a little bit slow and sometimes chews on straw. I'm not kidding.

One of my sisters insanely called her kitten Mishka. I'm not sure if I'm even spelling it right because it's not a real word. What the hell is a mishka? What was the reasoning behind this? Who knows, it's insane! At least Hamlet (the cockeral) had a history and some sort of cultural reference. There was reasoning behind his name (he had some sort of war with other chickens, I forget the details). But my sister had to donate her contribution, Mishka. When asked why she said "I dunno, it looks like a mishka"

EDIT: I forgot our original feline. Queen Tabitha II. No explanation available.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:59, Reply)
after reading a post below about the porn star names
pets name + mothers maiden name.

mine is

smelly glover.

i'm a niche market film actor.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:59, Reply)
Not quite a pet
But I do call my kettle Tarka...

... Because it's a water 'otter
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:55, Reply)
my friends sisters pet rat was called
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:55, Reply)
my buddy's tortoise was named
after the famous yehudi menuhin

maybe because they looked alike.. i dunno..

(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:51, Reply)
we had
a cat called Splat, which promptly got run over and died, and my step-gran (it IS a relation) had a cat called 'Nigger' which was apparently ripped apart by some dogs from down the road.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:49, Reply)
vrooooom miaowwwwww....
my husband and i have a white kitten called juan-pablo after juan-pablo montoya, the forumla one driver. apparently it was either the kitten or our first born son, and as the kitten would never have to go to school and get beaten up, it got the name.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:49, Reply)
I have a dog.
His name is Geoff Leppard.

Makes me laugh.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:48, Reply)
My fish...
...are called Up, Down, Left and Right depending on where they are in the tank at the time.

Unfortunately one of them died (Down, it sunk to the bottom), so I got another fish which my wife called Matilda. Damn woman has no idea about symmetry.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:37, Reply)
A friend's Uncle
had a cat named Number Six With Rice.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:36, Reply)
A friend of mine had a hamster called Bus, due to it looking like a double decker (it really was so chunky it was practically a cube) and four geckos, three called Byron Stingely and one called Moog because of the weird noises it made.
(, Wed 25 Feb 2004, 15:36, Reply)

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