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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Hospital stories
Definitely hospital stories. Fun, and reveals little known facts about people.... my poor bro had to go in when he ran into the end of a sofa and hurt his pee-pee. He was 3 and had to have major surgery.
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 15:12, Reply)
What's your favourite useless fact?
Things like "Zebras like black and white stripes. If they are painted on a wall, any local zebra will stand next to it."
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 14:44, Reply)
Short List Of Ideas
Don't have the time to read 20 pages of responses, so I'm sorry if I accidentally steal someones idea...

* What's been your biggest workplace blunder?
I can only imagine how many of these would be, "lost the company half a million"...

* What did you take the blame for?
Was it noble and did you get revenge on the snotty little kid that put the blame on you...

* My Most Embarrasing Secret.
'nuff said - let the hummus commence...

* "I've been driving in my car..."
Motoring stories; be they car games you played as a child or unfortunate service station incidents...

* How Clean Is Your House?
Jumping on the latest televisual bandwagon. Some nice stories to be had regarding blocked toilets and dead rats I'm sure...

* Practical Jokes
What was your best practical joke, or what sick, sadistic little cockmonkey tried to play one on you...

* Skool Daze
What was the nastiest thing you did to a teacher - we made one cry, one almost resign and two requested that they not take us the following year; oooh...and something about locking them out of the classroom - ahh! The memories...
(, Mon 12 Jul 2004, 13:29, Reply)
im thinking.....
that we should maybe all run around with pants on our heads shouting "we love b3ta" until we are blue in the face and have cold privates.... or maybe just some random kitten throwing contest with large ammounts of alcoholic beverages and various forms of mind altering drugs
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 19:28, Reply)
Celebrity Head-punching
Ooh, ooh! I want to beat up Gwynyth Paltrow. I hate her.
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 18:09, Reply)
Will b3ta ever put up another question?
Contentious, self-reflexive and post-modern.

You 'eard!
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 13:18, Reply)
Where has Rob gone on holiday...
...hence no question of the week?


Or celebrities you would like to fight- mine would be Jamie Oliver. My housemate has some irrational ones like Steve Ryder, Alice Beer and even Parkinson!
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 13:01, Reply)
How about 'Wierdest Job Interview Experience'.
I know that I managed to feint in a job interview.

I still got the job over people who actually managed to stay concious throughout theirs.

Also, a friend of mine once had an interview just after his appendix operation. He asked the interviewer if he could remove his trousers, cos they were hurting his operation scar. They let him sit there in his pants for the duration. He also got the job!
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 11:36, Reply)
The question should be:
"Why is there not a new question of the week?"
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 8:56, Reply)
I miss the QotW
Suggestions are...

Caught by the Fuzz?
Caught by Parents?

Unoriginal but I would imagine would see some interesting answers.
(, Fri 9 Jul 2004, 8:24, Reply)
What's the best wind-up you ever played on your siblings?
Due to his weird hair - all I used to have to do was call my little bro Ronald Reagan and he'd flip. I'd wait. And wait. And wait and then say "My fellow Americans..." with one hand held forward ala RIP Ronnie.

Many a scrap started that way.

Then he outgrew me by two foot and I got my just desserts.

*Wipes nostalgic tear from eye*

It's nothing, just a bit of dust. Really.
(, Thu 8 Jul 2004, 16:25, Reply)
Question of the week
the clues in the name...
(, Thu 8 Jul 2004, 12:47, Reply)
Question of the weeks and weeks....
What did you do in work that time the "question of the week" dragged on for what seemed like an eternity!
(, Thu 8 Jul 2004, 9:02, Reply)
Tell us the weirdest thing you've ever been asked and your response.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2004, 15:25, Reply)
I once got chased
by a herd of Llama after inadvertently tresspassing on a Llama farm.
The llama farmer was very kind and called them off before offering us a cup of tea (he even had biscuits).
All this happened during a walking/hitchhiking/camping holiday that went wrong.
I want to know other peoples holiday animal stories. Especcially ones ending in goring or extreme humiliation.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2004, 15:24, Reply)
"I can resist anything but temptation" said Oscar Wilde, who was once a famous gayer.

Has giving in to temptation ever got you into trouble? Let us know. . .
(, Wed 7 Jul 2004, 14:59, Reply)
pub quiz names
I'm bored of our quiz team name in our local every Tuesday. I want a new one. I've run out of inspiration.. And if I hear 'Norfolk and Chance' once more, I might go and cut my bollocks off, just cos it's something new.

Ok maybe not, but here are a few that I've heard which almost amused me...

Whale Oil Beef Hooked
If You See Kay
My wife can't fight, but you should see her box.
The Feeky Chuckers

Any suggestions?
(, Wed 7 Jul 2004, 14:18, Reply)
The question of the week.
The question of the week is how many people are fedup of logging onto the site to be asked what the question of the week should be.
(, Wed 7 Jul 2004, 9:12, Reply)
inappropriate use of the comic sans font
i hate it. with a passion.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 13:50, Reply)
I know... how about asking a question Weekly... instead of NOT asking anything at random periods....
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 12:44, Reply)
New question please
Text messages that have gone to the wrong person


Prank calls, made or received...
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 12:37, Reply)
Just an idea.. .. .
ever woken up in the wrong place?
we wnat to know how and where it happened.
(, Tue 6 Jul 2004, 12:04, Reply)
Farily obvious, probably unoriginal but...
Under what circumstances did you lose your virginity?
(, Mon 5 Jul 2004, 23:09, Reply)
Have you ever
had an urge to do something you might regret to a flatmate
(, Mon 5 Jul 2004, 21:32, Reply)
Have you ever been asked to suggest something...
... only for your suggestions to go unheard?

Please, for the love of Bod, put a question up!
(, Mon 5 Jul 2004, 15:25, Reply)
with ex-partners close ones..
You know, weird parents, cunt brothers, twisted friends...
(, Mon 5 Jul 2004, 12:10, Reply)
Ever been on a disastrous date?
I once dated a girl who blessed my cigarettes with holy water.

At least I hope it was holy water. She had a small plastic spray bottle and did so to "save my soul".

We hadn't even ordered a starter at this point.

Anyone else been caught off guard on a first date?
(, Mon 5 Jul 2004, 10:25, Reply)
What is Your Most Blonde Moment...*
...I have lots. I am reasonably intelligent but manage to ruin that perception with half-assed comments at least once a day. Let's share our shame of making gits out of ourselves.

*No offence, really, to our light-haired pals
(, Sun 4 Jul 2004, 14:02, Reply)
Most soul-destroying job. Like spending 12 hours a day in a refrigerated salad factory (they have now branched out into stir-fries...oof the excitement) during the heighth of UK summer squeezing bags of salad to check if the seals were airtight. With no gloves. I couldn't feel my arm, never mind the smegging bag. Or pushing out cardboard cutouts for advertising mortgages and coco pops.
Mebee it dosn't meet the criteria, but I reckon that it will make us feel a sight better about the crock o'shite that we call a living now.
Or the power of peer pressure. I made a mentally-challenged childhood friend eat mud after convincing her it was a roast with mash and gravy. She puked and cried. But she was the chef.
(, Fri 2 Jul 2004, 23:45, Reply)
or chips?
(, Fri 2 Jul 2004, 1:42, Reply)

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