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To believe anyone thinks they can 'win' on the internet?
It's not as if I'm dealing with reasonable people, is it.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 8:16, 2 replies)

It's back for more punishment. Maybe we can get both threads past the hundred posts mark.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 8:40, closed)

He's got a whole drawer full of them. Leather straps, rubber balls, amyl-nitrite-soaked silk, the full set.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 9:44, closed)

...you're wrong if there is a single person using the internet who thinks they're winning an argument.
...whereas I'm wrong if there isn't a single person using the internet who thinks they're winning an argument.
On which would you put your money?
Also, in the title of your original post, you appear to have (with some hyperbole) called this a "battle of wits". And yet, no-one (especially not you) is trying to win this battle?
Are you telling us, that you didn't start this whole new thread, about a battle of wits, in order to try to win it?
If that IS what you're telling us, then I will nod slowly in agreement, and I promise not to scratch my chin ironically.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 13:57, closed)

It's like you put a lot of thought into that reply.
Was it worth it?
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 16:02, closed)

Illogical shit, and how to rebut it, usually just jumps out instantly.
The only time required is to formulate unambiguous sentences such that lowest 5 percentile morons can still understand them.
Probably not.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 16:32, closed)

Before you pat yourself on the back, this post isn't the reference to the battle of wits - so you got that one wrong before we even start.
This isn't a social network for me (unlike some). I don't have "50 friends on Facebook from this site" so I have nothing to win - or lose - whatever happens. I just switch to another tab on my browser and you're all forgotten.
Some, however, have certainly invested much of their life building up a presence here and are known to each other. My total of around 20 minutes of typing in the past few days hardly counts as any investment at all.
Oh, and by the way, you can't apply logical arguments here, seeing as any of my logical arguments have been met with silence or, in most cases, childish insults. You have to look at both sides before you can draw conclusions, but you haven't, so doesn't say much for your reasoning power, does it?
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 18:21, closed)

To deal with your fallacious reasoning point by point:
1# The OP of this thread is entitled "I got tangle up in a battle of wits where the opponent was only half prepared..."
The body of the OP of this thread links to, presumably, the "battle of wits" that you were trapped in, but which you claim you were not trying to win.
2# "I have nothing to win or lose because I don't care enough"
Simply not caring that you've lost doesn't mean you haven't lost. Lack of investment in an outcome does not change that outcome. You appear to be willfully mistaking the concept of "personal loss" which is your own subjective opinion, and about which no-one here cares, and "argument loss" which is what we were all talking about.
3# "Some people here have spent a lot of time here, [I'm inferring this next clause] so they've got something to lose"
Well, maybe they have. But regardless of what they MAY lose, none of them has lost the argument. Again... personal loss, and argument loss: different.
4# "You can't use logic here, because I tried it once, failed, and everyone either ignored me or insulted me."
But I can use logical arguments here:
1) Because logic remains correct, regardless of opinion
2) You've been so monumentally rubbish that your arguments can be crushed with only the most paltry amount of consideration.
3) I'm not you, so haven't marked myself out for excessive ridicule (ok, bring it on now, guys)
Incidentally, I get ignored quite a lot when demolishing, point-by-point, inadequates like yourself, because frankly it isn't very funny, and serves only as an exercise in making myself feel superior at the expense of someone else (you). I do it anyway because sometimes QOTW gets very slow, and the best entertainment to be had from it is picking on some deserving idiot (like yourself) and having at them for the fuck of it.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 20:45, closed)

Besides that guy needs to be aware he's on the wrong side of the Dunning-Kruger gap.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 21:12, closed)

And you're putting a lot of effort (or typing a lot at least) into trying to prove a point. Unfortunately you got a few things wrong. Again.
Apart from not actually addressing some of my comments, you seem to be under the illusion there there is an argument going on in this thread. Obviously, and often by their own admission, many of the posts are just personal insults. You may think that's an argument, but with your flawed logic, anything is possible I suppose.
The initial supposition in point 4 invalidates the rest of the argument pretty much as you're applying opinion to set the state to which you apply logic.
I have to give it to you though, you are the only person to actually answer with anything more intelligent and original than "Your mum".
Shame it's not much more intelligent though.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 7:50, closed)

And paying enough attention to then comment on the grammar?
Feels a bit creepy you stalking me like this.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 8:13, closed)

Amazingly for someone who is apparently above the age of 5, you proved it by attempting to argue that there isn't. Any further attempt to deny this will count as barefaced lies.
Anyway, I have enumerated your failings, and pretty much addressed all the points you made, in order. You claim I'm incorrect but don't even have the common decency to provide evidence in support... you simply contradict, with no supporting evidence or reasoning, yet you treat your statements like facts. So, you're at around the middle of the argument pyramid. Which means that you're not outrageously awful, in the grand scheme of things, but you could definitely use some serious improvement.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 10:24, closed)

Please tell me what the "Argument" here is then, that started all these posts. Go on. One fact I stated, that someone tried to counterpoint.
Seeing as most of the posts are personal insults, supposition or plain bollocks, I think you'll fail.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 7:09, closed)

n. an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
Are you now saying that you entirely agree with everything I have said, or would you say your view is diverging and/or opposite? Either you entirely agree with me (that you're a total fucking idiot), OR you disagree and there is an argument.
Choose wisely, dickface.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 11:38, closed)

Let me explain, you've missed the point I've been trying to help you with here.
Most "views" here have merely been insults. If you're basing your view of someone on one post, or even replies to meaningless insults and deliberate misunderstandings, then your original view is very much on shaky ground, and you'd be the 'fucking idiot' as you put it.
You certainly can't claim Shambo et al have been even trying to put a serious view across. By their own admission they aren't trying to do that.
It wouldn't say this is an exchange of views at all - more like mud slinging to get a rise form someone. There is a difference you clearly have missed, and your desperation to be taken seriously then results to insults from yourself.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:05, closed)

Do you agree with me?
Three choices here:
1) You agree; you are an idiot, this is concluded with you being an idiot.
2) You disagree; you don't think you're an idiot, therefore we're having an argument. Therefore you're an idiot.
3) You continue replying, using verbal chicanery, making reference to stuff Shambo said as though it in some way undermines what I'm saying, then strut about declaring "I'm not having any arguments with anyone" in order to continue the argument. Which makes you an idiot.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:19, closed)

Imagine how many colleagues you could have creeped over in that time.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:34, closed)

Mere minutes of my life over a few days.
And getting you upset can hardly be called 'wasted'.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:39, closed)

You seem keen to keep telling me yourself.
Like a bit of shit on my shoe, I can't can't get rid of you.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:48, closed)

Is it actually possible to argue with someone whose standard response to any post is ^upset? If it isn't how can you lose the argument? just saying
edit and no i don't mean you
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 11:44, closed)

It might not be possible to win.
It might not be very productive or meaningful.
You almost certainly will look like a berk.
But it's still an argument, and thus it is still possible to argue.
Fuck man, if you happen to be insane enough that you think a tree is talking to you, and you decide to verbally disagree with it, then it is entirely possible to argue with an inanimate object.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 13:23, closed)

You cry that everyone is insulting you with predicatble memes, yet to the one person who deigned to treat you like a human being (rather than an inappropriate puddle of watered-down piss) you proudly regurgitate the same insults.
You've lowered your own (already pitiful) standards to the point that every single insult you've leveled at your detractors is now applicable to yourself. You yourself have provided a mountain of evidence of your own idiocy, your willingness to sacrifice your own (already pitiful) principles, and your basic inability to read and comprehend very simple chains of logic.
In short, you've not only provided the final nail in your own coffin, you've most graciously beveled the corners, sanded it down, and triple coated it in varnish. My work here is finished.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 11:44, closed)

But everybody's work was done as soon as he told the interweb that he pervs over his female colleagues in the lift. Everything else is just pointless filler to ensure this goes on his
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 12:17, closed)

...but the fun bit isn't when the dam cracks... it's when the flood waters devastate everything down stream.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 12:25, closed)

True, you are the only person to give the slightest hint of a reasoned argument, even though there wasn't actually an argument to begin with.
Glad you saw the irony in reply to a post much in the same way everyone else here does. Your insight is amazing.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 13:48, closed)

Either way you're a twat.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:06, closed)

For you to deteriorate to just slinging insults like the rest of them.
I expected something better.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:10, closed)

You haven't even attempted to raise your game, so why should I continue to explain, in painfully obvious detail, stuff that you're willfully choosing not to understand, or which you're incapable of understanding?
It can't be dumbed down further for you.
So, yeah, it is an insult, but it's not one of those meaningless "Hur hur, you're upset on the internet!" insults made by people who are trolling for the sake of trolling...
It is an "Oh dear, this guy is never going to stop being thick." insult made by someone who has actually tried to communicate meaningfully with another and genuinely discovered them to be impenetrably dense.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:12, closed)

But, I have to admit, you're the only one to reply with posts that sound like someone with an I.Q. higher than their shoe size. (Apart from the insults, obviously).
Edit : I do apologize for one or two deliberate misunderstandings just to get a rise out of you though. Isn't that what everyone does here for fun?
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:17, closed)

I don't think it's constructive to judge him for lack of intelligence when we can just point and sneer at the self-confessed creepy office perv.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:32, closed)

Teasing internet virgins, homosexual banter, admitting sexual perversions...
Oh I see, only YOU can joke about things. It all becomes clear now.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:37, closed)

Wherever you think you've managed to drag these threads, it's always going to come back to the fact that you're a creepy office perv and we're not. That makes us better than you. That's why we're mocking you. Endlessly. Without mercy or remorse.
Filthy little lift perv.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:42, closed)

I assume that's why I've attracted so much attention from you.
Sorry to burst your spunk bubble, but perv, no, not really. You of all people should understand exaggeration of events for comic effect.
Maybe I should have said "I saw a pretty girl in the lift and was happy to be in her presence, even for only a minute". Not as comical though and probably still open to deliberate misinterpretation.
You filthy little internet stalker, you.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 14:47, closed)
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