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the one we had when I was a child was something of a rocket scientist amongst budgies. but still, in the grand scheme of things, not very bright. however, budgies are as curious as they are stupid, and this is not a great combination.
joey wasn't allowed in the kitchen, but my brother and I used to sneak it in there because it was so funny dancing around all the shiny things and thinking there were other budgies hiding in the toaster and the kettle. then one day its beady eyes fell on the tall spaghetti jar. and its entire tiny life purpose became dedicated to solving the mystery: what was in the jar? (it was a glass jar. clearly it was spaghetti.)
joey flew up to the top of the jar and managed to gain purchase on the lip. it spent ages trying to heave off the wooden lid, probably equivalent to me trying to haul the cover off a well. then my mother came in and joey was banished instantly. this was repeated over several weekend, until eventually joey's persistence paid off. the vanquished enemy lay on the kitchen floor, with the triumphant joey perched on the lip of the jar, cocking its head to peer down at it like parrots do.
unfortunately for joey, its irresponsible 6 and 8 year old owners had fucked off. so when the inevitable happened, and joey fell in the jar, we weren't around to rescue it. it must have spent at least an hour squashed up in a glass tube, beak and tail mashed against the glass, wondering what the fuck was going on.
eventually someone came in and rescued it, and the freed prisoner flew around the kitchen in happy relief. then, on its second circuit, its beady eye once more alighted on the spaghetti jar.
in the end, we had to get rid of the jar, as my mother got sick of having a jar of spaghetti that we could never eat.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 8:30, 29 replies)

or did your mum just not like spaghetti?
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 9:24, closed)

for a while we had spaghetti in a different pot in the cupboard and a jar of useless spaghetti that you couldn't eat because a stupid budgie had spent hours squashed on top of it.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 9:30, closed)

sweaty internet virgin upset on the internet no youn no YOUN haha dun trolled a troll lol upset
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 10:11, closed)

"^ upset ^"
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 10:21, closed)

unless you're my friend peter, and you don't bother.
and your cat digs it up 2 days later and brings it back in.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 10:28, closed)

which would invariably be dug up and devoured by a fox, the following evening.
Foxes are much better than cats.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 11:23, closed)

cats are much better at avoiding being savaged by packs of posh hounds.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 13:46, closed)

hospitals clean the instruments that they use to operate on people by putting them in boiling water for 10 minutes, so a budgies arse on your raw spaghetti shouldn't really be any barrier to eating it.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 12:37, closed)

Marks and Spencer, double-irradiated, Melopsittacus undulatus birdshit.
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 13:44, closed)

Fuck the food hygiene law, he'd say, wrap the thing up and mark it down. The customers are going to boil the stuff anyway.
Oh, so all the dirt and other shit that's got into the bag just magically vanishes when placed into boiling water? was my normal reply.
Top tip: NEVER buy marked down frozen food unless it's clearly a short date issue
( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 19:55, closed)

if your surgeons use instruments "boiled in water for 10 minutes". They get pressure-steamed or irradiated, not run through a fucking dishwasher.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 1:02, closed)

nobody cooks spaghetti in an autoclave, so it wouldn't have made sense.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 8:52, closed)

cover every base.
I think the only solution is to feed the budgie to the cat, then microwave the cat.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 8:28, closed)

and a budgie's arse
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 13:46, closed)

( , Tue 4 Mar 2014, 19:52, closed)

for always breaking the spaghetti before she cooked it.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 1:16, closed)

a kebab.
So don't give me your tales of deprivation.
( , Wed 5 Mar 2014, 14:22, closed)

I was 17 or 18, and I carried it home and fed it to the dog. I might have been drunk enough to buy it, I wasn't daft enough to eat if.
( , Thu 6 Mar 2014, 9:17, closed)
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