What's your most treasured possession? What would you rescue from a fire (be it for sentimental or purely financial reasons)?
My Great-Uncle left me his visitors book which along with boring people like the Queen and Harold Wilson has Spike Milligan's signature in it. It's all loopy.
Either that or my Grandfather's swords.
( , Thu 8 May 2008, 12:38)
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Does anyone else feel proud of the B3TA username??
I have a name reffering to ass kissing which makes me feel proud..............Fuck me i need to grow up
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 14:58, 52 replies)

I registered my account so I could post my first ever QOTW answer. "Now, what sort of person would do something like that?" thought I. Hence the origin of my b3ta username.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:15, closed)

What does yours mean?
I'm proud of mine. I like being Chickenlady, it makes me feel like a superhero.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:19, closed)

Thought of at the spur of the moment and apt is soooo many ways. I can't imagine being anybody else.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:24, closed)

Do do you grab a handfull of feathers from your out-stretched chest and pluck them off to reveal you've got a 'Superman' costume underneath while a narrator shouts "It's Superchicken!!!" with an echoy voice in the background? Or instead of a 'Superman' costume, do you put on a leather jacket and sunglasses when turning into a superhero?
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:27, closed)

describes my name and where I was born. So it's like a mini autobiography.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:27, closed)

I feel it is mostly descriptive. Sort of.
Did consider a self-knighthood though.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:27, closed)

Mine's a pun on my secondary school and the boys therein - or 'boyce'....
It was inspired by one of those lunatic moments of singing to oneself - to the tune of Janet Jackson's 'Nasty'.
All together now
"Monty, Monty Boyce...all you Monty Boyce"
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:32, closed)

If you take all of the letters of the alphabet, remove every one that is a multiple of 5, then 3.
Convert each letter to a number, sequentially, times by Pi, then subtract 3, and convert back into letters, you get my name.
Take the numbers from my name, multiple by 12, divide by Pi again, convert the numbers to ASCII letters, and you get K A O L.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:32, closed)

It's not my original name, but it's a better fit for me, I think...
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:33, closed)

I lift up my feathery skirts, flap my wings and take off into the skies to go and fight grammar crime wherever it can be found.
I like to think I'm a female poultry version of DangerMouse.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:38, closed)

actually comes from two things...
I used to have chickens.
And, in the film, In the Cut with Mark Ruffalo (cor!) and Meg Ryan (meh). Ruffalo (after having removed all his and Ryan's clothes and kissed her bottom, admits to have been shown the ropes, ladywise, by a wonderful older woman - Chickenlady.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:40, closed)

I'm confused.
So you sexed up Meg Ryan's bottom with a chicken?
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:42, closed)

so have you been teaching younger men the merits of bottom loving?
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:44, closed)

Dangermouse never investigated any crimes against grammar. That's Chickenlady who does that.
I've never sexed Meg Ryan's bum. As nice as I'm sure it is, I have no desire to go near Meg Ryan or her bum.
I have also never taught Mark Ruffalo anything about ladies bums (sadly).
I have been known to educate younger men on all sorts of things.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:50, closed)

Good to get that all cleared up.
Not the answers I was looking for, but good none the less.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 15:55, closed)

Ew, you always get over-excited, don't you?
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:05, closed)

I'm not the one that ruined the cake, or whose sink may or may not be on fire.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:07, closed)

But I can't remember how or why it came about.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:12, closed)

I know fine well it was you that ruined the cake (*angry glare*), I just wanted to point out that it wasn't me.
I in no way meant to deprive you of that moment of glory.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:14, closed)

I would hate to think that people were not aware that it was I that ejaculated into a firm victoria sponge.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:15, closed)

and more importantly is a name i coined to suggest all things furtive pervy and lewd in our infantile little office
seems fitting for me
*it's derived from the word sperm
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:35, closed)

A German girl i was once dating said
*adopt strong German accent
"Kiss me where i poo yah!"
During a rather intimate moment. I was quite taken a back. Then I laughed until i cried. Ever since then it seems a fitting name.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:40, closed)

Its a mixture of my actual name and a guy from Streetfighter.
Now I'm off to run up and down the corridor at work pretending to be Raul Julia flying on magnets while yelling "Game Ovah" at anyone I accidentally bump into.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 16:50, closed)

I am afraid to say that i didnt.
I was laughing far too much.
Although i swear to god her chocolate ring puckered up when she said it!!
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 17:12, closed)

I'd just read Monstrous Regiment when I joined b3ta and my favourite character was the vampire who's replaced blood with coffee - Maladicta; it was fitting as I was a first-year who'd replaced sleep with coffee to write essays and go out and get pissed. As much as my inner Latin geek says it should be Maledicta, meaning 'cursed feminine thing', I still like it. Plus I am, and always have been, a bit of a goth.
My subtitle, however, will mean nothing to anyone unless they've watched Elfen Lied.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 17:14, closed)

( , Mon 12 May 2008, 17:20, closed)

happens to be the KGB Colonel who brainwashes James Bond into trying to kill M in The Man With The Golden Gun. I was then (and still am) an avid reader of the works of Fleming when I first used this name about nine years ago...
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 17:23, closed)

I am so-called because Purple Jessop was the name of the first jazz quartet I was in. Everyone left, except me, which obviously means that I am Purple Jessop personified.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 17:53, closed)

I loathe my name, but unfortunately it's apt. I had a big old handlebar moustache and "yes, yes, I grew it myself" just happened to be the most common words to leave my lips at the time.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 17:57, closed)

I knew the origin of your name when I first saw it, having recently read that same book.
Even now I tease my girlfriend about always having half an onion in the refrigerator.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 18:05, closed)

It's one of Pratchett's best, I think... darker than most of his books, but nonetheless brilliant.
Also, my scary German teacher once chased me around school when I was doing my A-levels with that 'Laeck mich im Arsch' thing, he mistakenly thought I was interested in Goethe and his grandma's correspondence relating to that phrase...
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 18:37, closed)

i fucking knew it! i knew that's where you got your name from! i've read that book about 4 times so far, i may have to start reading it again tonight. :)
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 19:04, closed)

This may be a bit long (stop it! Now!)
My username was, in part, inspired by daytime TV advertising. How the hell does Davros, creator of the Daleks, have anything to do with advertising, you may ask. Well, he doesn't - not directly anyway.
A few years ago, I was off work - can't remember why, I was either on leave, sick, or skiving. Tourette's had the telly on mid-morning, and I was rapidly transfixed by the sheer banality of some of the adverts. One in particular had me giggling. It was an ad for a mobility chair. Not an electric wheelchair - oh no. This was a proper armchair, that moved its occupant around the living room at the flick of a switch. It had directional control and everything - a marvel to behold. The fact that the occupant would be well and truly fucked if they wanted to nip into the kitchen for a brew, being that the armchair was patently wider than the average doorframe had obviously escaped the manufacturers notice, but an interesting concept nonetheless.
Demonstrating this miracle of lazy bastard armchair technology was a Thora Hird looky-likey, beaming proudly as her chair whizzed her around her living room as she tried to locate her reading glasses. "Fuck me", said I, "she's looks like Davros' Granny in that thing".
Fast forward a couple of years, and I found myself finally registering on b3ta (more with the intent of tracking down Legless, having drifted out of contact). On being asked for a username, my drunken mind meandered back to that advert. "I can't be Davros' Granny, 'cos I'm a bloke" I reasoned (and yes, I know BobFossil and Bob Todd are of the female persuasion, but I've got age old Northern traditions to uphold here), and so Davros' Granddad was born.
On reflection, had my mind not been addled with wine that night, I might have gone for Hugh Jardon instead, but I forgot about that momentarily...
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 20:23, closed)

at my pack of fags. How I wish I'd had more in the way of imagination.
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 20:36, closed)

When we first met Legless, his original nickname for me was "Finbar" (as in "Saunders and his double entendres").
That only lasted a couple of weeks, then he branded me Tourettes.
That is because i swear a lot because i like swearing because swearing is rude and funny.
Since my sole purpose of signing up to b3ta originally was to keep in touch with Legless, it was a no-brainer.
Then I got chatting with all you lovely b3tans and got hooked :o)
( , Mon 12 May 2008, 20:59, closed)

Captain Placid is aname given to me by some training partners (Aikido). I have the face and physical demeanour of a psycho yet my friends all consider me to be a patient and calm individual. I once thought of a cartoon strip where a heavily tattooed loonball skinhead turns into his alter ego, Captain Placid, an elbow-patched, corduroy-wearing ex-hippy counsellor type, always attempting to negotiate a fair outcome for all. Of course, he always got his head kicked in by the nutjobs he had to deal with.
It never took off due to my complete inability to draw and the fact it wasn't very funny.
Ah well.
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 9:07, closed)

I was looking for something in the vein of 'Attila the Stockbroker' but less fascistic and less middle-class.
I guess it places me in a pretty specific era and geographical location and, I trust, gives something of the flavour of the man: a one-time revolutionary stuck in a boring office job.
I think I'll get me one of those 'Que' tee-shirts - or better still, commission a real Che Grimsdale one.
Viva la revolucion...and make another pot of tea.
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 11:07, closed)

I guess it suits me. Femail, on the porky side and occaisionally a bit of a diva. Oh, and my bf looks a bit like a frog....
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 11:33, closed)

They had travelled the length of France in a hire car on what was probably a great holiday.
It was a trip I should have attended but work prevented it and I was forced to stay behind.
Upon their return I endured literally minutes of tales about their expedition, with only one thing actually sticking:
Gunter The Munter Hunter.
It came to the fore again during a later voyage to Munich (which I managed to go on)... after that; I nicked it.
( , Tue 13 May 2008, 14:03, closed)

First day of 6th form I meet a new mate, end up chatting about all sorts of shit.
Can't remember how the conversation came round to it, but talk turned to religion, or the mocking of it.
He said "If I could be arsed, I'd become the new antichrist"
My response "So you're a theist then?"
"Nah, i'm agnostic really"
I laughed for about the next ten minutes, and so my username was born!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 10:09, closed)

Says all you need to know about me, really.
I am actually small and hairless.
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 10:48, closed)

I want to shorten my username to Emmy but someone else has registered it. :/
Edit: Awesome - took inspiration from Kiss.me.where.I.poo and it worked!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 11:09, closed)

I have long since referred to myself as 'Devil in Tights', but really couldn't fathom why for the longest time.
Then I realised - it's an homage to an episode of the TV Comedy LEGEND that is Bottom. More specifically, Rik Mayall in the Episode 'Terror'.
Go seek!
( , Wed 14 May 2008, 14:38, closed)
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