Flying saucers. Big Cats. Men in Black. Satan walking the Earth. Derek Acorah, also walking the Earth...
Tell us your stories of the supernatural. WoooOOOooOO!
suggestion by Kaol
( , Thu 3 Jul 2008, 10:03)
This question is now closed.

A few years ago I was going through a hellish breakup with my partner of 13 years and spending a lot of time away from home (just staying over at friends, anything to keep away from home and not have to confront what was happening).
After a few months to add to my difficult time, my friend and confident throughout this period died suddenly of a brain embolism at the age of 36 - I was pretty much devastated.
A couple of nights after her death I was at a mutual friend's house, drinking alcohol and trying to make sense of the world. It got late so he asked me if I wanted to stay rather than go home, so of course I agreed and kipped down on the living room floor. He retired to his bedroom with his girlfriend.
At about 3am I was woken by 2 sharp taps on my shoulder and I looked over expecting to see my mate, but there wasn't anyone there. I looked around a bit thinking he was playing a trick on me and hiding, but the room was empty. Figuring I had just dreamt it, I turned over to go back to sleep - and felt them again - 2 sharp taps on my right shoulder. This time I really started feeling scared and sat up, looking for anyone in the room. It remained empty though.
I turned over again onto my stomach and lay there, heart pounding, waiting to get to sleep. I got 3 sharp jabs between my shoulderblades.
I just lay there, eyes like dinnerplates not knowing what to do.
I softly said "stop it, I'm frightened". I lay there for a while and nothing else happened and I eventually fell asleep.
The next morning I spoke to my mate and girlfriend about it and they looked horrified.
I spent a while trying to make sense of it all and could only imagine if it *was* something "supernatural" then it was my dead friend, telling me (as she always did) to get up and go home and sort out my life.
Whether it was you or not Karen, I did do it and thank you for being there when I needed you most.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 20:59, Reply)

As I've mentioned, my mate Eddie has an odd sort of connection to the "other side" (ooooOOOOoooh). It's not like he's constantly shrouded in mist or anything, but on occasion he sees things. On one such occasion, I was present. It was, without doubt, the strangest night of my life.
Eddie's mum's friend, Lynne, had recently lost her partner, and as we had became friendly with his brother, John, we took him out for a drink to try to cheer him up a little. When the pub closed, we went back to Lynne's house. She was there with John's parents, and I will remember that night for the rest of my days.
The lights were flickering. The cd they had playing kept jumping. The door to the cd cabinet kept opening and closing on it's own. There were several heavy thuds from upstairs. Lynne, who was understandably fairly drunk, sat in the middle of the floor with a big grin and kept saying "that's him! he's speaking to us!" All the while, Eddie kept jumping and looking over his shoulder..... he later told me something kept prodding him in the back.
I was shitting myself.
When we left, Eddie looked at the ground and said "he is NOT happy" Having just been in there with him, I didn't ask what he meant.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 20:38, 3 replies)

I've been camping for the weekend, which was unfortunate after reading all the posts for this QotW, but while we were away we got talking about wierd experiences and I remembered the following:
I work in a pub, so naturally often finish quite late at night. If town is particularly busy when I arrive for my shift, I can't park by the pub and instead park in a carpark about 500 yards from the pub, down an alleyway next to the church.
On the night in question I had had to lock up as the boss was away. All went well, I kicked out the dregs at about 12:30am and was done by about 1am.
Now the town I live in is pretty nice ('til the end of July when I move to Reading), lots of old buidings, very low crime, and due to the astronomical house prices, very few chavs etc. So I felt pretty safe walking back to my car.
Off I trotted, down the road and through the alleyway to the car park. There was no-one around, and only a few other cars left parked well away from mine.
I got to my car, unlocked it, got in, locked the doors after me, and then proceeded to faff with Ipod, tabs etc.
I'd been sat in my car about 20 seconds when I felt what I can only describe as an almighty shove on the back of the car. The car actually rocked. I immediately looked in the mirrors, but didn't see anything, I turned and looked all around me, there was no-one around. At this point I was properly scared: I started the car and drove away, stopping only when I got to the exit to have another look around. Nothing.
I honestly have no idea to this day what could have caused that feeling. I hadn't been drinking. The car was parked in the middle of the carpark, away from all other cars, bushes, walls, general places to hide. I hadn't seen another soul on the walk to the car. I'd heard no footsteps either approaching the car or running away.
I even went so far as to drive round to the taxi rank, where there were lots of poeple around, to get out of my car and check the boot.
Looking back, that feeling of the shove on the back of the car is as clear to me now as it was then. Maybe there is some kind of explanation, but I honestly can't think what it might be.
I try not to park there anymore.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 20:36, 6 replies)

On the whole, I'm sceptical about the paranormal, aliens, that sort of stuff. I tend to agree with people like Richard Dawkins and Derren Brown. Firstly, let me discount all the stuff which happened when you're six. When you are a kid you'll believe any old shit.
So you woke up at 3am? The exact same time your third cousin died... How many times do you wake in the middle of the night and nothing extraordinary happens at all? Folk misremember stuff all the time. I'm sorry, but it's true. So you worked yourself up into some state for one reason or another, be it a bit of drink or going along with 'the flow' and you get a bit freaked out by the Oujia board. Well that's a cocking surprise.
I've never seen a photograph of a UFO that hasn't been explained by either being a fake, a slightly blurry bird, or a chance glimpse of a test flight of a new plane. Sure, there are loads of stories... but they're just stories. Passed down from father to son, brother to brother. Myths. Somewhere down the line, someone is often telling porkies.
When I'm alone, somewhere symbolic (be it a secluded old Tudor house, or my Grandfather's old home) I can't help but feel another presence. I'm certain it's my mind playing tricks and my reasoning for this is because it feels so comforting that there is something else there. There isn't. Sorry, but there isn't. I know that isn't what this QOTW is about. Everyone wants something weird, so here it is.
I used to travel to work in Norwich and stay overnight in an old hotel. It was a somewhat lonely existence and I often took to the bottle of an evening (see above, re: drink).
Once night, I had a little too much and awoke unable to get any further sleep. The chap in the room directly above was snoring heavily, and it was all rather off putting. I shifted uncomfortably in my bed and accidentally kncoked the wall: taptap
I waited in silence for the inevitable annoyed groan of someone getting up groaning about being woken up and going to the loo. It didn't happen. Instead, they replied, taptaptap
This went on for a few hours. We built up a rudimentary system of communicating, none of it meaning very much at all, but it was a way to pass the hours. Taptap... Tap... Taptaptap... Taptap
It was only in the morning when I got up and went outside did I notice and remember that my room didn't adjoin any others on that side, but obviously over the years the building had been renovated and an adjacent room had been removed.
So was I talking with a ghost from many years previous, desperate to get in touch, or just the local tramp? You decide.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 20:30, 1 reply)

some of which are my own. I have seen several odd things, but not nearly as much as my best mate Eddie.
Eddie was a twin, as is his dad. However, his twin died before he was born and he was never told about him. Not until he told his mum about the dream he kept having about a mirror following him aroun, that is.
He doesn't like talking about the odd things he's seen throughout his life, and has told me that at one time he thought he must be insane because he kept seeing ghosts. He's certainly told me a few things that are rather frightening, such as the time his young son was screaming in his cot. On going in to see what was wrong, he saw two figures standing over his son who was hysterical with fear. He grabbed him and fled the room, but when he looked back, the figures were gone. He's told me lots of things like this and, knowing him as I do, I believe him.
The weird events have lessened as he's got older (I was present at one, but I'll put that in an answer of it's own) but they all seemed to begin the day he died.
Yes. He died. He was involved in an accident which resulted in a large part of his bike being jammed through his face, just below his left eye. He found himself wandering around the park where he'd been playing on his bike, unsure of what had happened. He went over to the sand pit that he had attempted to jump over on his bike a few minutes earlier and, there in the sand, he saw himself laying covered in blood. He fainted and awoke in hospital.
His mum had a medium visit her a few years back and on seeing him, she said "oh! I see you've crossed over before!"
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 20:13, Reply)

I was born at midnight during a lunar eclipse. My poor mother was very put out when all the nurses went off to see the eclipse and neglected her.
A fat lot of good this mysteriousness has ever brought me, but there you go.
Apparently I'm supposed to be able to hear the hounds of Gabriel chasing the damned across the sky, but never experienced that either.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 19:58, Reply)

there was this one time, when I was very young, I was returning home from school absolutely knackered and I walked through the front door.
Sitting on the bottom step of the stairs, as vivid as everything around him, was my dad taking off a pair of boots. He shouldn't have been there, he wasn't with us anymore, but I was for a split second so happy to see him. I told my mum and she told me that I couldn't possibly have seen him as he wasn't with us.
Well, the reason he wasn't with us at home is because he was still at work - it was a weekday, and he only wore his boots on weekends when going out in winter.
It's looking back on this, after my last story, that I came to realisation that (for me at least) most of these encounters with spirits and the likes are usually the result of a change of perception due to sleep deprivation, or the consumption of some mind-altering substance or other and also the susceptible nature of your mind to environments such as the dark mainly due to a natural fear of being eaten by a big fuck off wolf or some such.
This is just based off experiences for me, seeing my dad when he was away, but sure as hell alive (when I was tired), and seeing some bloke plunging a knife into my chest (when I was tired) and some other minor occurrences which gave me the creeps. I'm not speaking for the rest of you, just me.
b3ta.com/questions/unexplained/post192152 other story for context
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 19:31, Reply)

A few things stick in my memory:
A silver bowl-shaped thing flying really fast through the sky; UFO or just talented crockery?
Driving through the woods near my house at night once when a jogger dressed in black jogging by the side of the road disappeared when the headlights shone directly on him; freaked me out somewhat.
An old couple that my family knew in our village; after the old lady died, her husband continued living there, and objects such as pictures, photographs in frames, ornaments etc would energetically eject themselves from the walls, mantlepiece and table. I witnessed a picture suddenly fly off the wall and land several metres away on the floor - put the shit right up me, that did.
At a friend's house they had on the wall outside his room a print of the famous painting 'The Haywain' in an old frame - from time to time a ghostly face would turn up in the painting, as if submerged in the water - it would be there briefly sometimes, then would disappear again the next time you looked at it. Bloody odd that was. Especially after watching Buffy in a darkened house on our own.
Freaky shizzle!
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 19:22, 1 reply)

TMAce can tell EXACTLY where the loading screens on Half-Life 2 are! It's uncanny!
Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that he's played four times and he's definately not playing it now...
EDIT: TMAce says it's at least seven times, he's lost count! :P
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 19:22, Reply)

Long time reader, first time poster etc.etc.
A few years back now, back in the long haired days of my youth i was taking a walk across the large wooded hill near my parents house in rural Gloucestershire (atopped rather unrurally with a swish golf-course where Hugh Grant plays apparently, but I digress), as i walked out onto the open space of the golf course I met myself coming the other way.
Now at first i just though it was some chap with similar build, similar gait to his walk etc...until i realised he had a similar face..in fact, exactly similar. The only difference being he had short hair, instead of the waist-length hair i had at the time.
He was arm in arm with a gorgeous red-head and he winked, HE WINKED, at me as he passed as if to say 'sorry fella.'
Some legends state that if you see your double you're going to die, but I'm still here for now, and I've never met the red-head if it was indeed my future self.
Now it may have been just a bloke who looked exactly like me and nothing weird or supernatural, but it freaked me out a bit.
Apologies for length, its my first time and what I lack in skill, i more than make up for with enthusiasm.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 18:16, 5 replies)

When me and my brother were young, my Mum and Dad would try to get us interested in the history of our country so we could appreciate where we came from.
While on holiday in Cornwall (I think), we visited an old stately home and went on the guided tour. The tour reached the basement which had banks down from ground level to let in natural light in some rooms, and in others walls of rock from which the house was hewn.
I stopped to look at something in a glass case with Mum, while my brother and Dad went off with the tour out of earshot. As soon as I reached the doorway of the next room, I froze, seeing blood splattered on the walls and this incredibly intense dangerous feeling pushing me back. A voice in my head not my own threatened to kill me if I didn't run away. So of course, I burst out crying and legged it.
Turns out, a couple of hundred years ago, the Lord of the manor butchered his wife in that room. It's one of my earliest memories!
Other ghostly things have been - seeing an old couple in a car who magically disappeared, a weird shape in a cottage I used to live in, and best of all...
Alright, I was stoned, but walking back at 3am through the English Civil War village I used to live in, I heard a horse coming towards me. I thought that maybe my mate's mum who owned the stables had had a row with her dad and had gone for a ride. Looking down the road, I saw the horse's arse disappear into the shadows of the trees. I could still hear the hooves. But then I stopped and realised it must be going through parked cars.
When it emerged, it was transparent, and riding it was a Roundhead on horseback that faded as it approached the streetlight. At the same pace it would have passed me, an almighty shiver came over me.
Once again, I legged it.
Also, the pub I used to work in was haunted too. We all got used to him in the end and just said hello whenever he walked past.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 17:29, Reply)

When I was about 15 I was begrudgly dragged on a family trip to the Black Country Living Museum. For those of you not from the Midlands, its basically a Victorian 'street' with real shops and stuff from many moons ago. It also has people dressed up and going around pretending to be chimney sweeps etc.
Anywho... I was off ahead of my family and went down an alley that led to a small bakery in a yard. The yard was completely closed off and the only exit was where I was standing. I looked into the bakery window and there were 2 women in victorian costume baking bread, flour was all over the work surfaces and they were kneading away. They looked up and smiled at me and beckoned me to come in, so I turned around for a split second and shouted down the alley to my parents to come and see the people baking. I turned back and they were gone! Also the bread, flour and rolling pins were gone as well, all that was left was empty work surfaces. I freaked out LOADS and kinda ran off...thinking I was crazy. A few hours later we were back in the same place and there was a museum bloke in there and I asked him if they baked bread and stuff in there, to which he replied they couldn't do actual baking etc in there as health and safety prevented them using the old worksurfaces etc.
The thing was I wasn't overly scared at the time, the women looked really friendly, yet to this day I can't explain how 2 women and all their baking equipment disappeared into thin air!
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 16:32, Reply)

can turn the tv on and off with no visible means of doing so. Believe me I have tested this under controlled conditions and have no idea how he does this.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 15:38, 3 replies)

Growing up I lived in a theme park/zoo/holiday camp type place in yorkshire for a good few years in my teens. My mother held a number of jobs there over the time frame and when she left to go and manage a hotel in york (also haunted, but I didn't get to wittness anything there (she claims to have seen the ghost of henry the 8th mind) I stayed on at this cretins resort for a few years as it did tend to be quite a fun place to work.
One summer I was there, i'd slid into a sound tech's job which more or less just involved looking after the house sound systems across the 5 or 6 bar complexs we had as well as looking after any of the shite acts that got booked. Truth be told it acturly involved me sitting at the bar and drinking most the time and it wasn't a bad way to past the summer.
Now i've a few weird storys and my memory just got triggered by another post futher down below involving a mysterious smashing glass. In our case the was 2 of us behind the bar and another sat in front of it, with the manager in the cellor out back. The 3 of us were sat there argueing the toss over somthing or nothing but we were all facing each other with maybe a foot between us. Mid conversation a pint glass dropped between us from midair. The celling above us was all of about 9ft and the was nowhere it could have come from. Needless to say we were stunned, and resorted to a few swift drinks to calm our nerves (any excuse really) but i've still no idea where that came from.
A far better story through in another bar in the same place. Now this bar was in a old converted mansion house on the grounds. It's surposedly quite a haunted building anyhow but I wasn't really aware of this at the time. Well when I say that, it's not quite true. A few years before my mam had spent a season managing it and the's one story that's quite well known dateing back to the 18th centery I think. The grounds have a rather large lake that had been manmade by slaves at somepoint in Englands murkier past. The lady of the house had, had a rather illicit affair with one of these aforementioned slaves which was discovered and the guy in question was strung up from the chandaler in the entry hall way. Anyhow on a said date each year surposedly blood drips from it, and my mam claims to have wittnessed this, so I know a little bit about it's history but the's loads more I never bothered to research.
Anyhow fast forward a few years and I'd been running a party for the end of season for all the regulers which had gone ahead fine. End of the night I retire to the bar with a few of the other staff and we have a couple of drinks. It's only about 1am at this point, and we decide to head down to the central bar to meet the rest of the staff and get newted properly.
Now i'll try and descibe the place. We're sat a long saloon style bar. Behind the bar is all the sprits and normal bar display tack with mirrors from waist height to celling (make a mental note of that, i'm comeing back to it). Opersite the bar is a few tables and a saloon swing door out to the main drinking area and pool tables. At the end of one end of the bar is a wall and the other end another set of swing doors. Out of those doors to the right is a set of toilets in front a load of old games/fruit machines and beyond that the main doors.
So 5 of us sat at the bar. We've checked the building and noone's here but us. Keith the manager is sat with us and decides to go lock up. Now to describe keith i'd say maybe 6ft 5in lanky but toned build, and upto maybe a year or so before a amature kickboxer who was looking to turn pro, before a rather nasty bike accident messed up his right leg.
To put it bluntly, not the sort of man to scare with ease.
Anyhow he walked out the bar, turned right checked the toilets and locked them all up.
None of us had moved.
He walks back out into the section with the games machines and switchs them all off, before heading out of the front doors to lock the porch doors on the other side.
Whilst he's in the porch reception area we (him included) hear one of the arcade machines switch itself back on. The machine was a old pole postion machine (this was the early '90's and yes even at that date it was a decade out of date) and as it did the whole checking rom boot screen it let out a series of beeps that were surpose to sound like the tone's you hear when the lights go green in motorraceing. So he storms back through and shouts at us in the bar and asks us who the smart arse is.
None of us had moved.
So we do a quick sweep of the building and the's noone in there. He walks back into the arcade area and removes the plug from the socket before joining us back in the bar. We sit there downing the last of our drinks only to hear the machine switch itself back on again.
None of us moved.
Well we looked at each other and shoved a rather reluctent Keith back through the door. He took one look at the now switched on machine turned round and came stright back through again. We decided that the best option here were to leave. Quickly via the celler (the door was behind the bar).
So we did. We left and alarmed the building as we took the back door rather quickly out of there. It was only as we stood outside we realised we'd alarmed it but left the keys on the table in the bar area. Now we still thought it was someone messing about at this point so the tactic we deemed best was sit it out a few mins and have a smoke to calm down, and wait to see if the alarms triggered. The chances we thought were that it was some kid dicking about, and which ever PIR sensor went off would indicate where the little dick was hideing.
It was only after we'd made it through half a 10 deck each the realisation was that A. it wasn't going to go off and B. Someone would have to go and get the keys to lock up.
Needless to say Keith being in charge was despatched back in and we choose to watch the door in case someone tried to run out (heh).
So in he goes. Turns the alarm off and walks in through the celler and into the bar. The keys are about 10 ft down the bar at the far end by the wall. So he turns left and starts walking down the bar. Except he only makes it a few steps when something catchs his eye. He turns and notices the second set of swing doors which are faceing him are swinging a little. Odd. He shouts out, and nothing comes back. He turned round to face down the bar towards the keys and this time something catchs his eye in the mirror behind the bar.
He stares into it, to see a lady dressed in white (A tad cliched i know, but i'm not the one who was in the bar) stood by the swing doors. He spins round and the's noone there.
This was the point he turned heel and ran out the door and past the four of us stood outside and did one.
We stood there gobsmacked for a moment and lent through the door and set the alarm again, before shutting (not locking) the door and going home. We did however on our way back pop into another one of the bars to find another duty manager to go up and lock up there place. He himself went in, looked around to find no one there, and simply collected the keys and headed back to Keiths empty flat where he posted them with a note, saying they needed a chat in the morning.
That chat never acturly happened. Keith simply walked into the site managers office at 9am threw his keys down and left the company!
Now reading up a few years later the spirit has supposedly been seen a few times over the years, and ment to be the ghost of the lady of the house, who's illicit lover was strung up. The's a couple of other stories i've heard involving her, but it's the only time i've been involved in any of it. Needless to say I never worked in that building alone again!
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 15:25, 3 replies)

I was at the pub last night after a fulfilling day spent making witty observations and drinking cider with my peers,when suddenly everything went black and the next thing i knew i was lying on top of my bed at home.What forces could move a man over a distance of an imperial mile leaving him with no memory of the journey and prevent him taking off his trousers before going to bed?Watch the skies people.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 14:38, 3 replies)

Hong Kong has a lot of ghosts - a lot of British and Canadian soldiers were tortured and killed here - my old secondary school's field is built upon an old internment camp for POWs. There was a lot of fierce fighting, especially in the new territories and Kowloon.
In any case - I once went on one of these hikey things with a couple of friends once in the new territories - up Tai Mo Shan, down Tai Mo Shan and camping out in tents up there. Fun.
On the walk up - we were all chatting about this, that and the other, what we thought of the new Doctor Who, whether or not HK was worse than San Francisco etc etc.
Then we somehow got onto the topic of the second world war, and how we pretty much got pwnt during it.
And then we moved onto other things. We eventually made camp - and we were fucking bushed so we pretty much went straight off to sleep after some dinner.
I woke up at some time late and very dark, desperately needing a slash - so desperate in fact - that I forgot my torch and couldn't find the public lavvy - so I went off in what I thought was abut the right direction - only to find a large bush.
Which was when I decided that I needed to piss NOW - so I undid my fly and let loose into he bush - only to hear the unique sound of urine hitting leather - I was pissing on my boots. I only had enough time to realize that I wasn't wearing any boots when the bush swore very loudly in a Canadian accent.
I fucked off quickly, I can tell you - all the way back to the tent and into the sleeping bag.
Early the next morning I told the others what had transpired the night before - and we all agreed that we should go back and apologize to the Canadian hiker.
Only there wasn't any Canadian hikers. No hikers at all in fact - the bush I had pissed on was there - but on the edge of the clearing - and there was no evidence of anyone else being there during the night - only my footprints in the ground - and we had been the only people camping in that particular clearing.
The fright of having been shouted at by a long dead Commonwealth soldier in the night was offset by the fact that I had taken a piss on the ghost of a Winnipeg Grenadier.
I mean honestly - how often do you hear that?
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 13:23, 2 replies)

I think it was Dogz or something like that, hadn't used it in a while and the bit on the box with the serial number had worn away completely. So when it came to typing it in, I had a complete guess. It worked. I thought "that was weird", so I uninstalled it and tried doing the same thing again. It didn't work.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 13:13, Reply)

and I saw something totally amazing and unexplainable, but when I'd sobered up it was all gone.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 12:23, Reply)

My mother died a little while ago from a brain tumor.
The night/early morning she died there was a thunderstorm. The strange thing is that at around 3AM there was the first flash of lightning but it wasn't accompanied by any thunder...
The next morning when i found out what had happened my dad told me that the doctors said her time of death was approximately....
No shit.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 11:52, 3 replies)

I did an appraisal on a property the opther day and today I had the meeting with the owners to do my presentation thingy.....
and they agreed! My first listing!
What could be more unexplainable than that?
(despite the fact that I did REALLY work my arse off, but that's never seemed to matter before)
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 9:35, 2 replies)

have a nosey
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 9:10, 1 reply)

A few years ago, whilst living in Lincoln as a student, there was a period where clocks in films we watched would show the same time as the actual time at the point we were watching. It started with The Karate Kid I believe and happened again with about 10 other films over a year or so. Coincedence I guess, but weird.
ALso, I was once house sitting for a friend and he said, "You'll need to know the alarm code, it's..." and I finshed with, "6458?" He looked shocked and asked how I knew, but it was a total guess, a shot in the dark, and the number has no relelvance to either of us or anything.
Another time, the father of a friend of mine came home all excited and asked his son, "You'll never guess what I saw this morning!" His son shrugged and said, "I dunno? A kestrel chasing a sparrowhawk?" His dad went white and asked if he'd been followed as that was exactly what he'd seen, but I'd been with his son all day and we'd been nowhere near his dad and the birds - it was a completely random guess, and neither bird is common round here. I still put it down to some kind of involuntary mind reading or something.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 8:32, 1 reply)

To be honest iv been party to a lot of wierd shit in my life , most of it unexplainable but this last year really stands out.
My mums side of the family is from scotland and i was back in the northern hemisphere for my cousins wedding on the shores of loch lomond.
Things started out wierd when we were attacked by a ghost in a pub in falkirk before going to the wedding. I was with a friend of mine who was my partner for the weekend.
It was a friday afternoon crowd in the pub , around 3pm when we went in and sat down by the windows. We had ordered some food and were waiting for it to arrive. the next thing that happened is still unexplained .
A wine glass dropped and shattered no the windowledge next to where were sat, it just exploded. The whole pub froze and turned in our direction.
I turned and looked up thinking " Some wanker has thrown a glass from the mezanine floor" but there was no opening , just solid a ceiling. The strange thing was the way the glass broke it appeared to drop straight down not like someone had thrown it. It was if someone had reached through the floor and hurled it down such was the force. We were stunned and shocked.
One of the staff came over to clean up the mess looking as confused as us. My friend said to her jokingly " It must be the ghost in here because i cant work out where the glass came from"
"Um we do have a ghost and its allways something to do with glasses"
Of all the people in the pub nobody saw the glass get thrown or where it came from . The security cameras saw nothing , only everyone suddenly turning our way.
The staff told us that the pub had a ghost who liked to move glasses around , putting some on a table after closing up to be discovered the next day that sort of thing. But nothing mallicious untill that day.
I spoke to someone else who told me that the site where the pub was used to be a prision many years ago .
30 or so people in a pub and nothing was seen??
Spooky stuff but more was to happen over the next couple of days .....
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 6:51, 5 replies)

When I was a wee nipper, about 10, I was personally introduced to the idea of a Vengeful God. Let me explain.
My dad had made an enormous batch of home-brew beer and I decided that I just had to sample some of that hoppy goodness. So I stole two bottles (big old Tizer bottles, about a litre as I recall) but I needed somewhere safe to drink it so I set off, on my bike, to the local graveyard. It was always dead quiet there (snarrf) and I knew some out of the way spots where I wouldn't be disturbed.
So there I was, holed up underneath a tree, swigging away on this home brew.It was bloody awful. Kind of like pop - but not nice.Fizzy but no sweet taste. But I was Geordie and this was my heritage so I carried on drinking until I'd finished both bottles.
I didn't feel very well. I think the homebrew was off. I felt sick and my head was spinning. This was instant-illness-in-a-bottle.
Head for home. That's what I had to do. Get home.
The sky was darkening now as a summer storm was moving in and being in the middle of a graveyard where it goes from sunny to dark with thunder muttering in the distance didn't do much for my head.
Oh God. I was in a graveyard drinking. Sacrilege. And I was drinking stolen beer. Another deadly sin. God was sure to strike me down.
I was starting to panic now and jumped on my bike and started for home as fast as my little legs could pedal. The storm broke and the rain was hammering down. Lightening was cracking through the air and the thunder rolled. I was cacking it - God was coming to get me.
Then, God reached down from heaven and zapped me. The fucking front wheel of my bike came off.
The forks dug into the tarmac and I was catapulted through the air, turning a somersault as I did. I landed on the tarmac and rolled a few times before fetching up against a gravestone where I cracked my head. I bounced to my feet, abandoned my bike, and legged it for home crying my eyes out. At any second I was expecting a lightening bolt to fry me on the spot.
Well I made it safely but spent the next few hours curled on my bed sobbing my heart out.
Biggest fright of my life.
Don't mess with the big guy.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 6:08, 3 replies)

When I was 19 I went through a bit of a rough time. I went to a tarot card reader. It was a spur of the moment decision - I was walking past, saw the shopfront, wandered in.
This was a long time ago so I cant recall much of what was said, but one thing in particular stands out. She told me I was going to have lots of arguments with my father. I pointed out to her that my father had died a couple of months ago (hence the rough time I mentioned earlier). So, without missing a beat she told me the arguments would happen in my dreams.
Er, yeah, nice recovery...
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 5:50, Reply)

that if there are ghosts, they've seen you wank?
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 4:22, 5 replies)

I used to know a bloke called Jimmy who had a constant stream of the most attractive girls i have ever seen. Every time i met him he would introduce me to another one of his conquests.
Admittedly he was very charming and very funny
He was ginger
Someone please explain this to me - it goes against all playground rules
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 2:54, 3 replies)

one day, my cousin called at my mum's house to speak to her. nobody was home, however, except me. i invited beth-for that is her name-to join me for a coffee and wait till my mother got home. having nothing better to do, beth agreed.
we sat in the kitchen for a while, talking quietly. we didn't need to raise our voices, there was no t.v or music on.
suddenly, we heard raised voices in the hallway. "that'll be them" said beth, meaning my parents. "i'm not sure," i replied, "sounds like two men to me."
i got up from my seat and opened the door to the hall.
there was nobody there.
no people, no men, not even somebody at the door.
but i could still hear their voices.
"who is it?" called beth. "nobody" i replied. "bollocks! i can hear them! who is it?" she asked again. "i think you'd better come out here, quick." i answered. muttering complaints, beth followed me out into the hallway.
"there's nobody here!" she said. i just nodded, utterly freaked out by this point. "where are the voices coming from?" she asked. "i don't know, you tell me!" i said. "maybe it's someone outside. come to the front door with me." she wasn't going to that door without me to hold her hand, so i went.
halfway down the hall, we seemed to walk into what i can only describe as a bubble of sound. we could hear two male voices very clearly, but we couldn't understand what they were saying. it wasn't a foreign language they were speaking, it was definitely english, but it was as if we weren't being allowed to understand them. we took another few steps and it was like we were standing directly between these two hidden talkers, the meat in a sandwich of gibberish.
this was too much for both of us, so we fled back to the kitchen, white as sheets.
before long, my parents came home. we told them what had happened, but they laughed and refused to believe that we weren't telling jokes. to this day i don't know where those voices came from. but i did look into the history of my parents' house. it was built on the site of an old public bath house, used mostly by men who were sick of tin baths in front of the fire. it may have been the voices of two of these men we heard, but i guess we'll just never know.
( , Sun 6 Jul 2008, 1:52, Reply)
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