We voted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as B3ta's Person of the Year. Who do you have as 2010's scoundrel and why?
( , Thu 23 Dec 2010, 12:34)
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wheel a Tesco trolley down the high street full of Iraqi and Afghani child sized coffins once in a while you smug cunts!
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 4:56, 50 replies)

Ignorant of personal political persuasions and opinions on whether the British should be militarily involved in certain spheres of the world, you really are a cunt of the highest order.
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 11:24, closed)

You smug heap of shite!!!
Its not the Returning Soldiers Fault they were sent to their Deaths at the behest of the Politicos!!!
The People of Wooton Bassett are just relecting the countrys grief at the TOTAL loss of Life !!!!
You sir are a Cunt !!!!
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 17:12, closed)

How many of those residents lining the street have actually given any thought to the thousands of innocent civilians that die for every single troop we lose? If you think it's more than 'hardly any' then you are deluded.
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 17:24, closed)

the only soldiers I support are the ones that disobeyed orders when they realised how fucked up the tour was and how little regard it gave to the indiginous population, who , by the way, have very little choice about being there. And there are many who disobey. the true heroes in my opinion.After seeing the fisrt 10 mins of maimed and dismembered little afghani children, who were heroin addicts because of all the trauma they experience on a daily basis would change the publics attitude,but these reports are rare,compared to the charity drives for the poor bastards injured.then disposed of by the gov who were responsible for the shit in the first place.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the [youth] who refuse military service." Einstein
the opposite is also the case. Time to stop hero worshipping these bastards.
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 18:39, closed)

he has a perfectly valid point. The only reason the troops are kept there is so the governent don't lose face, nothing more.
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 20:28, closed)

I don't read the Daily Mail, and I don't give a tupenny fuck about your approval or lack thereof. If a person's understanding of global politics is basically 'lol solders r teh bad rofl", I feel they can be safely ignored.
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:18, closed)

that know an action will lead to the death of innocents is very valid.
I think hero worshipping only the soldiers that refused to fight when they knew exactly how little consideration was given to these innocents is also very valid.
( , Wed 29 Dec 2010, 22:00, closed)

i've been earning a wage long before your mum wiped up that cum stain and shoved it up her mif to produce you, you shitstained little fuck
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:15, closed)

i would love to shove all the whiney little armchair cunts like you in afghanistan and see how pro soldier/war you fucking are after you come back
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:20, closed)

yeah, that would certainly show me.
I note you've ninja-edited both of your posts. Does your sweaty-fisted sweary frustration prevent you from forming a whole thought in one go?
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:28, closed)

people are going to disagree with your pro war bullshit as you cheer from your armchair. get used to it you little cunt
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:32, closed)

which 'pro war bullshit'?
Honestly, I think differences of opinion are often helpful, and discourse should, in most cases, be encouraged. Yours, however, seldom (if ever) rises above the level of crude simplification, pathetic over-generalisation, and risible playground swears; you're not exactly "Question Time" material, are you?
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:38, closed)

who begins the disscusion by instead of challenging the logic of my post to instead opt for just calling me a whiney sixth former. get used to people calling you a pathetic little cunt. Im sure it isn't the first time. Muppet
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:41, closed)

there really wasn't any, besides a poorly worded sub-Donovan rant along the lines of 'oh boo hoo soldiers are all irredeemably evil and it's all their personal fault and also they eat babies honest'.
Actually, I think by comparing your understanding to that of the average sixth-former, I was doing the latter a disservice.
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 22:45, closed)

to deduct this arguement from that 1 line insult . Prat.
in your desperation to backtrack from your first insult you're now trying to convince me you had a valid objection to my post. yet you can't even fake being a smartarse very well.
If im sixth formish, as you say, going by the argumenent you've put up so far you must be fucking infant school.
go back and read the post you were replying to. When did I ever fucking say all soldiers were evil you utter tosspot.
forcing assumptions and even not reading my post correctly just makes you look a fucking prat my friend. kind of takes the shine off that self righteousness when you can't even understand the intial post you're replying to you soft shit.
my point was valid. alot of soldiers refused to fight, these are the ones that should be hero worshipped in my opinion. That was clear from the first post . you're either blind or just a thick twat. I did't say they are evil, but I do say every soldier takes responsibility for his actions, no one forces you to drop a bomb or pull a trigger when you know civilians are in danger. Given the absolute obscene fucking waste of innocent life in Afghansitan the piss poor excuse that they are just doing the right thing and following orders doesn't fucking wash in my opinion. alot of them there are aware of how wrong it is but do it because of the public support.
if we truely cared for the lives of these people putting on the uniform and more importantly for the thousands of innocents who have no choice in Iraq and Afghanistan then we have to show them our digust for their own good.
No doubt a fair percentage actually disagree with the war , but they think because of the huge public support they have an obligation to be there.
By showing our lack of support they would question their own motives more and without the support behind them may even rebel.
Even seeing how the MOD treats returning maimed soldiers is not enough to wake them up.
go on then genius, blind me with the logic of your counter arguement, or rather do what you've been doing : misread the post and invent something you say I've said and respond to that. Muppet
( , Mon 27 Dec 2010, 23:02, closed)

Chill out a bit.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 9:00, closed)

what a post full of sense Mr Fireman :D
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 13:15, closed)

I like you and your convictions, don't let the little gobshites get you down fella
( , Wed 29 Dec 2010, 21:51, closed)

but the fact that as a society there are so many so easily led into supporting the actions of those that we would condemn if a different coloured flag was being waved about does tend to depress me somewhat :(
( , Thu 30 Dec 2010, 5:55, closed)

better a cunt that a gobshite :)
do fuck off, there's a good chap
( , Wed 29 Dec 2010, 21:43, closed)

far too much to read.
I suspect 'fuck off, you cunting muppet' just about covers it.
( , Wed 29 Dec 2010, 10:36, closed)

Actually, Rory Lyon's less stylish alter ego
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 1:43, closed)

Edit: Hello SLVA, what are you doing down here by yourself?
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 9:59, closed)

it's totally the soldier's fault that they're fighting a pointless war. I'd hold them responsible for the Taliban using children as human shields, too. The stupid underfunded, underequipped and clearly undervalued cunts.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 11:51, closed)

It's the propensity for the coalition forces to lob area effecting weapons (bombs and missiles) into places that clearly are likely to contain civilians that kill the civilians.
A Taliban hiding in a school does not make a school a legitimate or legal target. The troops in another generation may have rounded up the population of a village and executed them, we just drop a thousand pound bomb on it and claim the deaths were accidental.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 12:47, closed)

just thought I'd make the point that the Taliban are a bunch of spastic shitcunts. We've been dropping ordnance on civilians for a few generations now, not sure it's a particularly new development...as for this Danny the fireman chap, he's been quite happy to quote from people who treated the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as gospel, so I'm entirely unsure why he's quoting from a Jew now. Some consistency of standpoint, no matter how deluded, might be useful. Doubt it'll be forthcoming.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 13:20, closed)

( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 14:28, closed)

badly written unattributable conspiracy theory {{Citation needed}}.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 15:13, closed)

is 'the protocols of zion'? probably best i find out considering i'm being accused of quoting them/it eh?
just out of interst what have I said to make you thing Im quoting this zion bullshit?
( , Wed 29 Dec 2010, 21:46, closed)

I'm from Wootton Bassett. Nice to meet you all!!
Just thought I'd point out. All the people you see on the streets of my home town are in fact out-of-towners. Weirdo tourists come here just to say they were here. Along with all the families and friends of the fellars in the boxes. What started out as a quiet dignified, vigil held by the local Royal British Legion, has snowballed into this ugly media curcus. Sorry about that, but it really isn't the people of my home town. We can't stand all this. Not even the old boys of the RBL do it now. Other ones from al over the country take it in turns. We don't want it anymore and have petitioned for the route to go elsewhere, but alas, you the good people of britain won't allow it.
Just so you know like.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 13:04, closed)

i suggest that to redress the balance you might start doing some parades for all the heroic people who die deep sea fishing to bring us our fish fingers and Admiral's pies....that's a more dangerous industry, and less of a political nightmare

or perhaps fire fighters
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 13:23, closed)

is a far worthier cause IMO as they're here saving lives here rather than being ordered abroad to, erm, well I don't know TBH.
( , Tue 28 Dec 2010, 16:59, closed)

And I love fishing. And fishermen. And I do feel sad when my own kind die just to get a bit of hallibut on my plate. I'll put it to the local council that they somehow drive the funereral cars of died-at-sea fishermen though the town. We'd go out and line the streets for those fellars. We'll leave the squaddies to the not-so-local muppets.
( , Wed 29 Dec 2010, 19:25, closed)

i have decided to support the window cleaners. Apparently that's an extremely high risk industry too. I think we should all support the bringers of light to our darkened living rooms...even if a few of them may be a bit on the pervy side 0.0
( , Thu 30 Dec 2010, 6:05, closed)

window cleaners!
They give without thought, so that we can . . . er . . . see out of the window.
( , Thu 30 Dec 2010, 8:25, closed)

The idea that "The People of Wooton Bassett" could be the b3ta villain of the year fills me with joy.
( , Thu 30 Dec 2010, 9:59, closed)
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