Talking with a friend yesterday about school dinners, she suddenly said, "We had to march into the dining room behind the School Band... except on Thursdays." Since all of us were now staring, she qualified this with, "...on Thursdays there was no wind section. It was a tradition."
What weird stuff have you been made to do "because it's a tradition."
( , Thu 28 Jul 2005, 11:11)
This question is now closed.

I was on the coach from Oxford to London, and the driver was a complete twunt, so I sat down, staring at the back of his head trying to bore my hate into his skull. Then I noticed.
All these drivers wave at each other when they pass going the other way.
Oh wait, these are supposed to be weird. Well, shutup!
Length? I wish
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 15:41, Reply)

the tradition we developed over christmas time at work was this. remember those strange furry jackets without sleeves that all the ladies were wearing recently, well working in a shopping centre we invented a game "spot the ewok" where everytime u saw one you would have to shout "EWOK!!", and score a point
grey/brown coloured = 1 point
multicoloured = 2 points
special gold ones = 5 points
exceptionally rare purple ones = 10 points
matching accessories (bags, boots etc) doubled your points
it gave us an excuse not to do any work at least.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 15:37, Reply)

I've seemed to have started a injury tradition. Re-broke my collarbone on Saturday (for the 4th time)... last broke it in March.
And this is after I've just had 6 stitches removed from my jaw last Thursday.
Yes, I'm known as a Liability.
Woo to painkillers......
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 15:30, Reply)

Wrapped up and put under the tree and everything. Old Yorkshire tradition - it used to be if you were naughty, all you got was a lump of coal, but that's a bit bad and NSPCC so I got my toys AND a lump of coal (which I had to open first).
Oh, and after a happy four years, I just lost the game. Now you've lost it. Hah.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 15:29, Reply)

My friends and I go outside at the stroke of twelve, drop our trousers (just trousers, not kecks) around our ankles and waddle around like penguins. It's been going on for about 12 years now, and in various locations - last year one mate lost £40 out of his pockets waddling round the streets of Cambridge and the year before that we here having lightsaber duels on Brighton beach.
For the year 2000 we were outside saluting passing emergency vehicles with our trousers down when one of my friends whips out a short firework, jams it in the drain-cover at the side of the road and lights it. The thing fizzed for a while then nearly took out a passing ambulance as it fired up a rocket. What we didn't realise was that it was a two-shot firework - the first had blown it through the drain-cover and the second caused a geyser of dirty drainwater to shoot twenty feet into the air, all over us and our celebrating neighbours.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 14:48, Reply)

Like Grrrmachine. I click my teeth to make rythms when bored on the bus ( or if i dont have my minidisc with me )
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 14:40, Reply)

...it became a family tradition that we would be sent to my grandparents' house in Essex for a couple of weeks, where we'd go for endless trips to the beach, the woods and a horrible concrete shopping centre in Basildon.
I didn't realise until I had kids of my own that this was so that my parents could get shot of the little bastards for a fortnight, hold wild parties, get thoroughly pissed and do squelchy bedtime things without fear of interruption in the vinegar strokes.
This, then, is a family tradition that I am keen to prolong.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 14:32, Reply)

We never used to buy a Christmas tree. We always stole ours from the local wood. My dad, as mentioned in a previous post is ex-special forces and would set this up for us as a 'mission' (us being three small children - I was the youngest of the (not very) l33t four person team, aged 7).
My dad would take us for a recce in the daytime to locate a suitable 'target'. After a suitable tree...I mean target, had been selected my dad would post all three of us as look outs, one each of us a suitable distance in both directions down the track and one by him to relay our signals in the event of 'enemy contact' (i.e. normal people out for a stroll, forestry workers, other tree thieves etc).
Once he had set us all up, he would whip out the saw he was carrying inside his jacket, quickly saw the tree down and take it a bit further back into the undergrowth to hide it for later 'extraction'. He would darken the remaining tree stump with mud to hide tree felling activity and we then went home.
After darkness fell he would reassemble the team and we would drive back to the woods to extract our target. After waiting a suitable period to adjust our eyes to night vision, we would head into the (totally dark and bloody scary if you're seven) wood, where the sentry tasks would be replayed and we would then bundle the tree down the track into our car then go home with it.
It's probably worth pointing out that although my upbringing has given me a liberal attitude to property (I saw it, it's mine, I'm having it) and I am on the wrong side of sanity as far as ownership of medieval weapons goes, I luckily remain alive and lacking in serious criminal convictions.
I don't know if this started a tradition of theft in my family but I *did* try and steal a helicopter a year later, at a regiment family day (when I was eight, long story but the reason I failed to get it off the ground and why I'm therefore still alive to tell the unlikely but true tale, is that I didn't know how the collective worked - got the engines started and the rotors going round nicely though - you've never seen an RAF helicopter pilot leg it so fast from the beer tent to bodily smack a small child out of a helicopter).
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 14:17, Reply)

Whenever the name of the esteemed but now deceased Laura Ashley is mentioned, for some reason - I know not why - I have to cross my self and mutter "rest in peace".
~shrug~ ... who knows.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:56, Reply)

When I worked in Tesco back in my heyday there was an odd tradition between the shop floor boys for announcuing the presence of a good looking girl by passing the message "Bonnet de Douche" (thats shower cap for those of you who have not studied the packet of a shower cap in a european hotel)
"Bonnet de Douche aisle 3" was even heard over the tannoy on one occasion
(Del Boy may have inspired this but i always found it amusing that a hot girl was being compared to a plastic cap)
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:43, Reply)

... so we usually drive accordingly. swift, but not unsafe.
when i still lived with my parents our neighbours would complain that we are going too fast on the little communal driveway leading to our and thier houses. it's barely wider than a normal car and has fences on either side. about 50 yards long.
so i introduced the tradition that all of my friends as well as my brother's friends would do little drag races on that tiny strip of tarmac.
imagine _every_ friday and saturday night around 1130 pm a car going down that little strip with screeching tyres. sometimes backwards. you can still see some of the skidmarks...
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:41, Reply)

whenever it is mine or a friends birthday we always go out somewhere (that's not the bizarre tradition) the odd thing is that we always go into the toilets at the said place and pose and take pictures.
Just realised how bizarre that is and I now wonder why and how it started.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:28, Reply)

fully intending to shout "White Rabbits!" like so many others in this QOTW but I completely forgot.
Sorta "the tradition that never really took off under my roof."
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:20, Reply)

that myself and two brothers are in the same car together, when one of us needs the loo, the others always say Splish, splash, splosh n mimic dripping noises. This stems from (no not mental illness) but from when we were younger and my brother, lets call him hippy, was sooo bad at bladder control that me and the other brother used to wind him up by making stupid noises.
Sorry about the crap answer, Ive been poisoned by air freshener.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:16, Reply)

a couple of years back i super-glued a cowboy hat to the helmet i wear when im on my scooter. which resulted in me acting like a cowboy whenever i am in reaching distance of my scooter e.g. saying "howdy ma'am" to any body who walks across the pedestrian crossing while i am waiting foy the lights to change.
sadly last year,whilst drunk, i decided to ride around the pub car park with my cowboy hat aflame resulting in just havind a burn mark on top of my scooter helmet. i still act like a cowboy on my scooter though.
which is fun.
sorry for length and what-not
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 13:04, Reply)

I always post a really stupid smartarse reply about ice cream vans, wanking on biscuits, cups of tea and rubbing chilli into my cock.
Then I make a crack about the size of my cock.
Apologies for length.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 12:52, Reply)

Whenever I go to a local dive of a pub/ bar (my friends seem to like it there) called Seymours, i always piss all over the floor in the small one cubicle only toilet, just to annoy the cleaners.
My mates think i'm a right bastard.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 12:39, Reply)

Actually, I've another tradition. Twice a year I'll get muntered and do a fire-breathing show. Only twice a year because the bloody parrafin tastes absolutely vile. Here's me in action....

( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 12:33, Reply)

always used to say 'White Rabbits' on the first of every month. Naturally I developed this tradition too. It's supposed to bring you good look for the rest of the month if it is the first thing you say. It doesn't work - but the thought of flluffy white rabbits is enough to get me up on a morning.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 12:23, Reply)

I live in a city with a large transient population of workers who travel up mon morn and sod off fri afternoon. Most works do's are therefore organised for a thurs night so they can attend otherwise no b*gger would be there.
There was a tradition at one place to pick up and take the biggest horror to the xmas bash, the winner getting a prize.
One year a new guy chatted up a pig-in-knickers in a local bar at the start of decemebr, they were getting on like a mouse on fire till he dropped the question of inviting her to said do, when she decked him and said "You C***, I won it last year"
Its small but it works quick
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 12:02, Reply)

My ex-girlfriend's Dad used to come in the back door (errr the actual back door) carrying a lump of coal every NYE (after midnight, so for you time pedantic types that's actually New Year's Day really).
I never asked him what it was about because, if it doesn't involve Brandy Butter, I don't give a fuck.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 11:39, Reply)

Had to think long and hard about this QOTW but finally came up with something.
When I used to live in Manchester it was a tradition of the pack of reprobates I knocked about with to have an annual bet on who was first to Fuck-A-Fresher. The competition was quite keen and we all bet a pint, the winner taking all. As there were about 15 of us in the competition it was worth winning. ( To be honest though, there were only ever about 4 of us in serious contention every year. The rest of the lads weren't really much cop at chatting up the ladies...)
The year that stands out in my mind for sheer class was the year Bob won it. Bob was a part time barman in one of the Halls Of Residences for Manchester University so he had a natural advantage in the annual competition but this year he excelled himself. He saw some random slapper on the first Sunday of Freshers Week who was being dropped off by her parents. As she and her folks were struggling with her luggage Bob , being a gentleman (yeah, right,) pitched in to help. After a couple of hours all her luggage had been stowed away (with Bob copping the odd feel here and there to which the young lady didn't object in the slightest) and her parents kissed goodbye to their lovely daughter and headed back to the car for the long drive home.
Before they had even started the engine good old Bob was up to his nuts in the guts of their virginal young sweetie and easily won that years competition. He'd scored before we'd even gathered for the hunt.The cunt.
I know that he didn't cheat and his story was true as he brought said fresher out with him that night to verify his story.
I remain,as usual
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 11:23, Reply)

i used to work in a factory that used a steam boiler for various operations. if anything went wrong with said boiler, an alarm used to go off.
every single time i was compelled to run around with my arms in the air shouting "Weeeee!! Playtime!!"
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 11:04, Reply)

ive lost like a bigillion times reading posts, 3 months i went and now its all runined
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 10:57, Reply)

third ciggy from the left on the back row - every time. and i always replace a pack when i'm down to three.
all my blog or board posts are in lower case. not sure why but it's been going of for so long, it's kind of a tradition.
if i find money in the street i always give it to my 8 year old daughter.
friday drinking. addiction is a strange thing. few and extremely far between are the fridays that are 'non-drinakge' fridays.
whenever i read the word 'elaborate' i always have to say it out loud in a dalek voice - regardless of where i am. if fact this holds true for any word that starts with 'e' and rhymes with 'exterminate'. 'exfoliate' is my particular favourite.
my life is weird.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 10:35, Reply)

Whenever Kevin Phillips name is mentioned on the TV or radio I just HAVE to Say "bonnnnggggg" afterwards ala the monty python sketch.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 10:25, Reply)

Whenever a vending machine rejects a coin, before I put it back in I bang it against the machine. The fact the coins usually accepted after I've done this makes me refuse to stop it, depsite the strange looks I get.
I thought I was strange until I started my new job, then found my boss licking coins after they'd been rejected. Now I'm just afriad to take change from the coffee machine at work.
( , Mon 1 Aug 2005, 10:11, Reply)
This question is now closed.