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street's on fire
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:42, archived)
Guess we better evacuate then
Come on guys, let's abandon this fire
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:43, archived)
It would have to be pretty hot for the street itself to be on fire
what's the burning temperature of asphalt?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:44, archived)
It's flashpoint is about 370deg C

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:47, archived)
The mob would be fairly well pacified at that temperature
this song is a lie
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:48, archived)
Much as I like Clutch,
I wouldn't take their lyrics as necessarily true.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:25, archived)
let alone coherent
to be fair, I found them after looking for a digital copy of Riddley Walker, wasn't expecting a whole lot of sense.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:27, archived)
Oh mns.



(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:23, archived)
What? Have you never had oven-baked asphalt before?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:07, archived)
I mean maybe if you're enough of a beaker
the person who started the fire just won't let you see it anymore.

Or it'll just die all by itself of cot death.

Or it will fail to really have any impact on the people around it because it developed autism that was poorly dealt with because the neglectful parents were too busy making music videos for the internet to catch the early warning signs.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:18, archived)
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:33, archived)

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:47, archived)
Ashes to Ashes tonight
and Doctor Who tomorrow night.

/happy jenpots
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:46, archived)
Are you looking forward to anything that's not on TV?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:47, archived)
Karate/Kickboxing training, starting my new job and meeting mates for a few drinks.

How about you?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:48, archived)
Nothing in the short term
but my friend is eager to reshoot my film as soon as he's got his camera.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:50, archived)
I'm looking forward to exactly the same
apart from the Karate/Kickboxing training.
I moved teams at work yesterday and went out with my new team-mates last night
Also, I'm looking forward to meeting some secret mates for a few secret drinks in a secret location.
It's a secret.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:51, archived)
Secret you say?
Steady on! Someone will get a panic that there's a secret b4sh somewhere.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:53, archived)
There is a secret bash somewhere.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:54, archived)
is there?!
ZOMG! I should be invited to a secret bash.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:55, archived)
i'm signing up to it, i love going to bashes

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:11, archived)
I'm personally looking forward to Two Pints of Lager not being on telly.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:50, archived)
Oh b3ta
one of the few places on the internet it's still normal to own a television
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:51, archived)
Do you normally frequent amish forums?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:55, archived)
No, just places not full of middle-class englishers

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:58, archived)
the thing is, having an over-inflated sense of self is not patented by the English
the fuckers exist everywhere.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:01, archived)
we certainly do

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:02, archived)
you've lost me here, what class of people are on the other forums then that makes them not own tv's, or are you chatting to people in mud huts?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:03, archived)
I dunno
I guess a class who grew up with the internet rather than televisions.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:05, archived)
a "class"?
How far down do you have to drill before life choices stop putting you in a class structure?

I don't like mint sauce, which class is that?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:09, archived)
I really don't give a shit

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:10, archived)
cor, you do talk some cobblers.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:17, archived)
I talk perfect sense
it's just my brain moves in weird ways.

I am aware I may often be talking shit, but the line between arguing because I want to uphold a point and for the sake of it is a thin one for me
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:01, archived)
what type of mint sauce, english mint sauce or indian mint sauce? or both?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:12, archived)
by indian mint sauce, do you mean the stuff with cream?
I'm actually quite partial to that

I'm talking about the runny guff normally on Lamb Sunday roasts. I'm a bit of a foody and that's the only thing I can remember shuddering at the taste of

EDIT: I don't know why I captialised Sunday and Lamb...
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:31, archived)
it's pointless trying to reason with him hubare
he's a mental
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:13, archived)
Can I just get something out in the open here?
I don't fancy you. At all. If I wanted to actually stalk you, you wouldn't know about it. Get over yourself.

edit/ I don't think I'm mental but then I probably wouldn't anyway.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:15, archived)
why did you assume I thought you fancied me? :)
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:16, archived)
Well, you've been sniping constantly since I pointed out you weren't hiding your details online properly
that kind of reaction says to me that you're trying to put me off you with continual brow-beatings.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:18, archived)
no, I don't assume everyone fancies me
and not hiding my domain name details was on purpose - I wouldn't buy from somewhere that didn't have a registered address I could access. It's all about common sense and making your customers feel they're not being scammed.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:20, archived)
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:22, archived)
are you saying that everyone who doesn't think they're being stalked is being stalked by you?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:17, archived)
watch out Doveston, he'll post a picture of your next door neighbours and pretend it's not creepy

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:18, archived)
It's only creepy if you think I fancy you.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:18, archived)
i think you fancy me.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:21, archived)
I don't know how sexy the Doveston is
it's entirely possible he's irresistable
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:21, archived)
How do we find out?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:23, archived)
we could go on a date.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:24, archived)
pick me up at 8. I'll be in the pink miniskirt
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:28, archived)
No, really
it's creepy whatever your motivation.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:23, archived)
it's something that could have been solved simply and without fuss with a gaz.
I don't get it, honestly.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:25, archived)
Hindsight m'dear.
Although other people on the board seemed to understand what I was doing.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:26, archived)
explain it to me, with diagrams if possible.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:29, archived)
And make sure the man has a beard
and no labelling in Latin.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:31, archived)

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:31, archived)
Oh, let someone else
I can't be bothered to defend myself right now
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:32, archived)
can you put together a venn diagram which shows your feelings on the matter?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:33, archived)
there you go
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:40, archived)
that's because it's indefensible behaviour.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:33, archived)
it's more to do with the chemical contents of my belly

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:41, archived)
pics or gtfo

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:51, archived)
I've already filled my vomiting quota for today
and the webcam won't stretch to the sink
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:52, archived)
SL posts a picture from google maps of my next-door neighbours house
saying "if this is familiar to anyone, (i can't remember here, either "gaz me" or "consider protecting your address online").
It was my house, from my online shop. Which, as all domain names are, registered at a UK address.

It creeped me out because:
1) Why not send a gaz to say: I found your address by looking up your IP (why he was looking up my domain name, I still don't know), maybe you should hide it?
2) Why be so cryptic?
3) He's caused trouble for cr3 before and to be honest, he weirds me out.
4) Still no apology for said weirdness, either to me or cr3, but then he is a proper aspie so I can let that one go.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:36, archived)
I'm always cryptic and creepy
it's not personal. I can hardly apologise for being myself. Better that than pretend to be someone or something else, eh?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:41, archived)
i like the line "i can hardly apologise for being myself".
imagine if that worked in court!
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 18:01, archived)
can you express this in the form of a pie chart?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:43, archived)
I've got an irrational fear of circles

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:00, archived)
but they're the best shape!

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:02, archived)
aww shit
are you in the bushes outside my house?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:21, archived)
yes. I'm on here via your wireless
do what I say or I'll make them ban your IP
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:23, archived)
this house doesn't even have wireless
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:30, archived)
I know! I was just testing to make sure it was the right house
I actually have a cable going through your garden to your router
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:33, archived)
you're not a very good stalker if they know now are you.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:33, archived)
I'm not stalking anyone right now

I should probably mention that I do "stalk" you lot occasionally. I don't keep records or anything, it's just good exercise. Generally it's pretty simple to tell who's going to be better hidden just from behaviour on here, spangolin just surprised me.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:37, archived)
"I'm between stalkees right now"
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:41, archived)
I have no idea why people think you are creepy.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:41, archived)
Creepy is as creepy does.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:43, archived)
i'm so glad i don't post that much
god forbid you might find my facebook account from the picture in my profile
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:44, archived)
that's just basics, david

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:45, archived)
ahaha, nice edit
i stopped rehosting pictures when i saw the wisdom in cowfoot's statement:
"oh man i totally made a facebook account so i could have my privacy"
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:51, archived)

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:52, archived)

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:54, archived)
That probably makes sense but I'm not really in any state to work it out right now

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:55, archived)
Ashes to Ashes is back?
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:54, archived)
Tonight on BBC1 at 9pm.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:56, archived)

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:00, archived)
And Doctor Who tomorrow
You're excited, hubare.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:19, archived)
The new doctor was on Radio One this morning, he seemed very nice.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:50, archived)
don't care, i live on an avenue

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:51, archived)
I've never lived on a Street
Avenue, Gardens, Rise, Terrace, Avenue (again), Road and soon to be Lane
But never a Street.
/fascinating insight into my life there
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 14:53, archived)
well, let the stalking begin, yov'e narrowed it rightdown for me mwhahahahahahahaha

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:00, archived)
a grove, three streets and a road

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:01, archived)
Well I'll be.... neither have I

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:02, archived)
I live on a 'clos' at the moment.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:09, archived)
It's, like, symbollic maaaaaan!
all the pee-pole in your street are, y'know like, taking Es and that maaaaan!

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:10, archived)
it's a fucking conspiracy, or something to do with wales.
the 'C' has been vandalised, it looks like pac man.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:13, archived)
we should start taking photos of all the pac men in cardiff.
i spotted one on the millenium bridge which was disguised as rust.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:28, archived)
have you seen this guy?
Remi Gaillard, he does some funny stuff. This pacman one is one of the better though.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:50, archived)
I'm furious at the guy with the golf club.
That really boils my piss that does...
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:26, archived)
a court, then an avenue, now a drive
it sounds much posher than it is
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:17, archived)
A drive, a road
then a street, then another road, then a close, then another road and now another road. WOOO
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:21, archived)
A view, to, a, kill, a, mockingbird, on, a, wire.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:23, archived)
i've lived in 3 roads, a court, a coed and now a clos.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:26, archived)
which is welsh for close.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:26, archived)
how do you pronounce it?

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:40, archived)
the o is like the aw in awful.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:42, archived)
it's more like the 'o' in scone.

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:45, archived)
depending on how you pronounce scone i suppose.
stupid english and its variable ways of pronouncing things.
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:56, archived)
wait is this "clos" or "coed"?
claws. Rawr!
(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:02, archived)

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 16:10, archived)
Street, street, road, way

(, Fri 2 Apr 2010, 15:29, archived)