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# Is it lunchtime yet?

For lunch today, I'm making three sandwiches:
1. old amsterdam cheese with fresh tomatoes and mustard
2. roast beef with some freshly ground pepper and sea salt
3. boiled egg and red pesto,
washed down with some tea and fruit juice.

What are you having for lunch today?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:08, archived)
# I'm gonna have a Large Papa Johns Alfresco Pizza!

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:10, archived)
# What's on that?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:12, archived)
# tomato and cheese, I imagine.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:14, archived)
# Caramelised red and yellow pepper confit, goats cheese, cherry toms, onions with a balsamic sauce drizzled over the top
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:14, archived)
# holy shit
I mean BRAW!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:16, archived)
# Not very meaty but what it lacks in meat it makes up for with vegetables.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:19, archived)
# Vegetables cannot make up for meat, it's against the laws of physics

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:20, archived)
# ^this
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:21, archived)
# the very idea has made me feel physically sick
I will need to eat some meat to calm my stomach.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:22, archived)
# Obviously not at a 1:1 ratio....
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:23, archived)
# Not even at a 47:1 ratio...
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:27, archived)
# The fact you never mentioned the cheese over the vegetables relegates your status as a foodie.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:27, archived)
# Maybe there's no proper cheese involved, just that goatspunk

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:31, archived)
# But you would have the meat and forget the cheese would you
*shakes head*
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:31, archived)
# meat>cheese>vegetables
Although obviously peppers and tomatoes are fruits.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:34, archived)
# Shit, so I only have 1 veg and some "goats punk"
That's no good at all!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:36, archived)
# 1:1 meat/veg ratio sounds about right

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:30, archived)
# *looks at leftover curry chicken*
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:20, archived)
# Curried chickens migrate?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:34, archived)
# Ignore those nasty people with their meat comments
That is a top pizza and no mistake.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:33, archived)
# S'alright I'm used to it
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:13, archived)
# Yay!
I'm having some leftover tortilla.
It's got bacon, sausage, mushrooms & red peppers in it.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:12, archived)
# Spanish or Mexican type tortilla?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:16, archived)
# Oh Spanish
It's not heated and I'm having ketchup with it
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:24, archived)
# Nice and eggy
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:34, archived)
# Woo!
I am having a nervous breakdown for lunch.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:13, archived)
# bet that tastes salty
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:21, archived)
# I suggest eating chips with that
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:24, archived)
# Nice to have a bit of variation
I don't know what I'm having yet, but there's a high chance it will be a chicken salad baguette washed down with a pint of semi-skilled milt.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:14, archived)
# Mmm...

i mistyped a URL yesterday and ended up at milfhunter.com

it did not satisfy my craving for milt.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:33, archived)
# That must have been terribly disappointing
I suggest you make up for it with a nice creamy pint of full-fact milt
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:37, archived)
# I thought you were a bap man
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:34, archived)
# I used to be very much a bap man
but that sandwich shop closed down after I'd eaten them all out of baps.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:36, archived)
# Try eating the new place out of baguettes
and in the meantime the old place may stock up and the new place will eventually run out of baguettes.

You can then return to your baps.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:40, archived)
# It's always nice to return to some baps
after a run of baguettes.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:42, archived)
# Moral bankruptcy with desolation and anonymity
Served with a side salad of ineptitude and brutal sardonic mockery.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:14, archived)
# No drink?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:15, archived)
# I had that for breakfast.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:16, archived)
# what I'm having for lunch isn't THAT interesting
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:19, archived)
# Maybe not to you
but it will be for us.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:35, archived)
# Out with it
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:37, archived)
# ok
Pressed foie gras with peppered Madeira jelly, smoked duck, peach and almond crumble
Ravioli of lobster, langoustine and salmon poached
in a light bisque, with a tomato chutney
Fillet of turbot with braised
baby gem lettuce and cep sauce
Cannon of Cornish lamb with confit shoulder, ratatouille and thyme jus
.....and one waffer thin :)
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:57, archived)
# Cor
no ketchup though?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:02, archived)
# admittedly it would help it all slide down better
but it's fattening
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:05, archived)
# Yeah, yeah......
But what are you having as a main course?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:24, archived)
# don't know yet
o'm going foraging in the kitchen soon.
It will probably involve eggs. And cheese.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:20, archived)
# Have cheesey eggs
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:21, archived)
# Have eggy cheese
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:24, archived)
# Have cheesey poached eggs!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:26, archived)
# Cheggers plays pop!
no wait..
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:29, archived)
# hahahahanomnomnom!
might give the clingfilm method a try.
Any tips?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:35, archived)
# I have a great tip.
Never use cling film for anything!

Not only is it evil, but it is also a cunt.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:42, archived)
# *kitchenlols*
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:06, archived)
& add cheese ftw!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:14, archived)
# ok, soon
i'll report back with my findings
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:18, archived)
# I just made 55 biscuits.
Otherwise, I have nothing to add.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:20, archived)
# I think that'll suffice for now
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:37, archived)
# Crunchynut cornflakes
slackers lunch
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:20, archived)
# Shit, that needs to be real
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:32, archived)
# needs more
morgan freeman
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:40, archived)
# Burritos!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:23, archived)
# Ayeeeeeee chihuahua!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:25, archived)
# Flamenco Gin pasties
smeared in sunblushed maidens and roasted nipples
for afters, pudding.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:24, archived)
# I would like to know the location of this fine-sounding eatery.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:28, archived)
# You just want his nipples
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:38, archived)
# I'm having fried egg sandwich with tomato ketchup :D
then going take the kids to the funfair
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:27, archived)
# ;-)
kids to the funfair piss something rotten.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:29, archived)
# fuuuuck!!!!...that's gottta be a first.....getting money OFF the CSA
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:30, archived)
# over pad them :D
bye going to the funfair:D
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:45, archived)
# So basically you paid too much and you're getting your money back
Incredible story
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:52, archived)
# I can't keep up with all these eufemisms for taking a shit
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:40, archived)
# I think it means taking a shit while the toilet is mid-flush
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:53, archived)
# Whooop!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:03, archived)
# Something from Camden Lock
I will be more sure in fourty minutes
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:28, archived)
# Malnourished pike, with turd and shopping trolley?

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:29, archived)
# Bwahahaha!
I need to run you up a new award, I reckon. :)
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:33, archived)
# An overwhelming sense of ennui?
That's what I get when visiting Camden Lock.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:32, archived)
# hahaha
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:50, archived)
# Get something interesting
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:41, archived)
if you don't return we'll know
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:03, archived)
# Home-made salt beef
with mustard and dill pickles on rye bread. And a mug of tea (maybe two)
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:31, archived)
# Nice
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:39, archived)
# Top fact
Oh hang on, it's Dixiepoo!

1. A warm croissant with strangled egg. This will be followed by
2. Mango/pawpaw/kiwi fruit salad
3. Profit.....
4. ......eroles!

I shall end my lunch with chocolate smeared around my mouth and I will be ALL of the happies.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:31, archived)
# Haha, nice
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:41, archived)
# NICE!?
I am eating profiteroles!
At lunch time!

Crrrrrrrikey they are were delicious.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:44, archived)
# Okay, how about: nice and decadent?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:04, archived)
# hahahahahahahahahahahaha

i'm having a ham salad sandwich on home made oatmeal bread.

salt and vinegar hula hoops

pink and white wafer for afters

a cup of tea.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:31, archived)
# I want hula hoops now
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:36, archived)
# ^ This.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:53, archived)
# 'e's 'avin' 'oops!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:37, archived)
# hoops!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:42, archived)
# Fucking hell, that pic was a long time ago hahaha. I can confirm that the rest of the facts are absolutely true.
Grilled fillet of yellow fin tuna with lentils and lemon-chilli vinaigrette, washed down with a ice cold glass of cola diète
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:33, archived)
# You!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:35, archived)
# I'm always there
Like the smell of corpse in a pensioner's flat

;) *waves*
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:36, archived)
# can you stop dripping into the flat below please.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:41, archived)
# That's a bit posh for lunch!
Sorry, Mediocre. I know it's your lunch/facts thread but I cannot stop myself from commenting
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:37, archived)
# It sounds a hell of a lot posher than it actualy turned out to be...
Canteen food.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:39, archived)
# That's a very yellow lunch
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:39, archived)
# The lentils were brown. So the whole plate looked like the inside of a pair of an incontinent tramp's pants.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:40, archived)
# Nice
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:43, archived)
# *drools*

(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:44, archived)
# that's my dinner sorted, then
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:10, archived)
# A panic attack, with a side order of disappointment.
No chips.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:38, archived)
# I'm having that tomorrow!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:44, archived)
# Pancakes!
with bacon and cheese for lunch and then with Nutella and banana for that sweet transition.
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:50, archived)
# \o\ /o/
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:05, archived)
# Is this lunch of the day?
I'm on tenterhooks!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:10, archived)
# Okay, it is then!

It most made me want it was my lunch today
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:33, archived)
# Woot!
Double win!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:46, archived)
# chicken sandwich and a tall glass of V8 vegetable juice
and that's it.

i feel inadequate now :(
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:51, archived)
# I'm sure it happens to every man every once in a while
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:06, archived)
cold left over pizza, pipas, and cold green tea.
no time today! raar!
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 12:58, archived)
# Ended up with jerk chicken in a wrap with salad
in a hot chilie sauce, the heat of which is now being quenched with coke
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:37, archived)
# That sounds nom :(
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:38, archived)
# It was an intence sauce
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:42, archived)
# Not bad!

In fact, wish I had that
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:45, archived)
# This does sound quite tasty.
Was it self made or a Boots Meal Deal?
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 13:48, archived)
# Two guys who said it was their mum's recipe
Very tasty :)
(, Fri 25 Feb 2011, 14:00, archived)