You can save yourself loads of cooking time and energy by, just not bothering and putting it straight in the bin, and make yourself a sandwich to start with...
(The invisable manIs having a long lazy soak in search,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 20:47,
a sandwich out of real meat too
with flavour!
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 20:48,
Toooooo right there!
(The invisable manIs having a long lazy soak in search,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 20:49,
infact, fuck it
let's slaughter a few baby seals
it's winter, man
it's cold!
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 20:49,
That sounds like more fun than the government advice of drinking plenty of hot fluids....
(The invisable manIs having a long lazy soak in search,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 20:53,
eek! hot fluids!
you could get burned!
(discomeatsThis canoe,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 21:02,
Alcohol sounds safer..
(The invisable manIs having a long lazy soak in search,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 21:13,
"If meat is murder, is Quorn wasting police time?"
*gets an attack of coffee splurted out through the nostrils*
(Troutman RoflcocksA glass of port... don't mind if I do.,
Tue 31 Jan 2012, 1:00,
Is it veggie-bashing night?
Quorn isn't horrible, just not very similar to meat. As most veggies don't like meat, that isn't generally a problem.
(notoolsovernightyou're all luvvly an' 'orrible,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 21:32,
I love meat, but also really love proper veggie dishes too.....
But why spoil proper lovely veggie dishes with something as revolting as quorn? it's not meat and meat eaters hate it, and it just spoils lovely veggie dishes....
(The invisable manIs having a long lazy soak in search,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 21:37,
Quorn isn't marketed at vegetarians, it's for meat-reducers, slimmers and fussy teenage girls
I've been veggie 20 years, have never touched Quorn and don't have any veggie friends who eat it.
(IHateSproutsis baking a huge pie shaped like an enormous pie,
Wed 1 Feb 2012, 13:27,
I used to ear Linda McCartney sausages
then I got one of the haunted packs they tried to recall :(
(gaijintendoRegular Member,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 22:21,
Linda's sausages taste like sawdust
and I wouldn't want one in my ear.
Veggie frankfurters taste pretty much like meaty ones, but mainly because there is about 0.001% meat in the average Frank so leaving it out is not much of a loss.
(notoolsovernightyou're all luvvly an' 'orrible,
Mon 30 Jan 2012, 22:42,
Before I saw the Quorn packet
I thought it was going to be about Kisses on the Bottom