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# linkin park - i tried so hard and got so far
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:31, archived)
# jimmy saville allegedly kickied my pussy in
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:33, archived)
# Neck tastes great
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:51, archived)
# This reminds me of when I was a child, that old guy who asked me to flick back the top of his veiny Pez.
I never could get it loose :(
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:54, archived)
# fix it
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:57, archived)
# The Seppuksons
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:50, archived)
# Wow
Just, wow.......
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:52, archived)
# thank you for your comment
i am now goign to go to sleep good bye now
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:00, archived)
# I'm not very comfortable with the child porn on display here
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:52, archived)
# bart simpson is 47 years old is a husband and mother two three beautiful kids
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 12:56, archived)
# And crippled by debt from his meth addiction.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:00, archived)
# Ohh, I see
As you were
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:18, archived)
# He is adult, this is not school uniform, this are sexy nun bunny waitress also cosplay
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:17, archived)
# He is adult
Has explained above
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:18, archived)
# but fictional child porn is OK, i think.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:25, archived)
# hypocrisy clearly is
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:30, archived)
There's a real division here, the zero tolerance crowd vs the Spongebob CDC crowd :(

From dA she rises, creating armies on either shore, turning b3tan against his brother, until /board exists no more
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:42, archived)
# to be fair there's quite a difference between lovingly-drawn pictures of underage squirrels with food jammed up their arses
and dd's scribbled bart simpson. one can get you sacked even seen from a distance of 15 metres and is pretty disturbing in all ways, and the other looks like a scribble until you're really quite close and is obviously drawn with different intent
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:44, archived)
# Finally, some common sense
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:50, archived)
# I saw moggy's arse burger picture, and whilst disturbing, it didn't look paedoriffic.
I got a bit of the opinion that people were making a fuss because it was moggy posting something weird, and making an easy accusation. Frankly JJ posts yiff just as strange every week and no-one bats an eyelid.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:52, archived)
# I think someone would be more willing to sack me for Moggy's stuff than JJ's
Well, than Sequential Art, anyway. Some of the other stuff... yeah.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:54, archived)
# The picture was linked and marked NSFW
Mountains out of fucking molehills
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:56, archived)
# Mainly I just find her drearily tedious
and JJ links most of his yiffier stuff too.

UNLIKE BOURBON FOX. Kill the yiffer!
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:57, archived)
# so put her on ignore
people leapt at the chance to attack her on Saturday, it was quite disturbing.
And no one stopped to check that she was saying what she meant, because she's always been so fortunate to have accurate translation tools.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:00, archived)
# :( I didn't actually want a massive discussion, this isn't anything like as big a deal for me as it seems to be for some
i do have her on ignore, and ad-blocked, i took her off ignore when she vanished and now she's back on it
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:03, archived)
# "I just came a little" still has me bursting out in random giggles.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:03, archived)
# I think someone would be more likely to sack me for DD's posts than Moggys
the crazed scribble is far more disturbing than someone with a lot of artistic talent drawing something that is acceptable in their culture but not ours.
Moggys never posted anything on here herself as far as I remember, the same can't be said for a lot of b3ta users, mongychops's Dora the Explorer will forever give me the fear
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:57, archived)
# Hmm, maybe so
It doesn't look pornographic though, til you get close.

(In any event I tend to take the view B3ta is entirely not work-safe, and am glad my screen points away from everyone else so they can't see what's on it :) )
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:02, archived)
# For the record, yeah, I've currently adblocked DD's Bart posts.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:02, archived)
# I've seen much more actual yiffy nudity from JJ, hands down no contest.
That's fine, to be honest as much as I give young Foxworth a hard time, I don't really give a shit. And moggy is utter batshit mental. I just dislike it when people get themselve all riled up over fuck all, which is what seemed to happen this time.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:01, archived)
# haha i like foxworth
i always have a go at him about this, i think he takes it in the way it's intended

anyway, my opinion means jack, i barely even contribute *any* pictures to b3ta anymore
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:04, archived)
# Thank you, Mu.
Moggy is not being treated fairly.
She is a good artist, and deserves some credit for that.
The troll mob can go fuck themselves. I've seen worse images on here by
lesser beings.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:07, archived)
# I am baffled as to why she so desperately wants to post here though
when it's such a conflict of cultures.
Has she perhaps been banned from all Japanese forums?
Or is she actually still obsessed with JJ?
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:15, archived)
# Because in Japan she blends in to obscurity, just another yiffer
On this forum she stands out a mile and courts controversy

She clearly adores the attention
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:23, archived)
# She obviously likes a challenge, and maybe pull a few strings.
And gets attention, but probably not what she intended. The mob is fueling her fire. They can't wait for the next chance to jump on her. Regardless of what she posts, they will start in again, pointing fingers, and making false accusations. Any misquote is taken out of context and used against her. Just like on Saturday. Fucking cowards.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:23, archived)
# Lol you love her
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:25, archived)
# I love b3ta...but sometimes it needs a slap.*
*and/or whipping, clubbing, crushing, destroying.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:30, archived)
# No, it was not child porn, or even animal child porn.
But moggy has consistently posted borderline content in an unlinked form, dare I mention cameltoe child waitresses, naked boy with a turd for a cock, etc. The only reason I can think that a ban resulted from this one post over any other was the statement about fictional child porn being okay.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:07, archived)
# I played no little part
in the affair, so I'm probably the bad guy. However, I did not contact any Mods or call for a ban. In my opinion, it was child porn and I wanted him to stop hosting it on B3ta. Moggy has in the past drawn horrific child anal rape scenes and although he never posted them here, any move in that direction and I was going to speak out. I apologise if I played a part in spoiling the always entertaining Moggy threads, but sometimes there is a line, even on B3ta.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:28, archived)
# It wasn't remotely child porn. It was a squirrel, with an extremely "mature" body, with a burger shoved up its chuff.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:32, archived)
# Flat shoes = child
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:32, archived)
# I only stated my opinion
Like I say, I didn't call for a ban. I'm not very up on child porn, but my perception was that it was, and therefore said so. Yes, I was predujiced because I know this person draws worse child porn for their entertainment, I admit that. But that is who I am and I'm not going to change anytime soon.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:41, archived)
# Moggy's never drawn anything that crossed the b3ta line, even the stuff she didn't post
as this image testifies (very NSFW but note not linked or complained about, and was part of a series)

So the question is has b3ta got to tone itself down because what people consider acceptable has changed, is the incredibly debatable and difficult definition of humour the key, or was it just internet bullying.
It'll never get solved, not on here anyway.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:36, archived)
# You are a Mod
and therefore know I did not run to the teacher. I just said what I thought, which is what we do here, I believe. Then everyone makes up thier minds, for better or worse.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:45, archived)
# I never said you did
I'm just joining in with the conversation here
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:47, archived)
# I know
And I suppose it all comes down to perception of art. I try to draw pin-up style art; a lot of women find that offensive; many don't, and most don't care either way. I, personally, found some of Moggy's art disturbing. And I said so out loud; perhaps I shouldn't have.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:56, archived)
# there were plenty of others voicing similar opinions
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:03, archived)
# I just don't know why
he posted it. I expect there is a place for that kind of thing on the 'net, but experience would surely have told him it wasn't here.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:10, archived)
# SHE probably posted it because it's similar to the stuff JJ does
and there is clearly a massive fanbase for that judging by the picture JJ has just this second posted
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:17, archived)
# Toasty
Moggy is not a she. Not in a million years. Women just don't draw that way, even in Japan. His pictures were always about power, control, and innocence, usually corrupted.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:38, archived)
# Nah, they don't make men that mental
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:40, archived)
# ^__^
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 17:08, archived)
# What difference does Moggy's gender make?
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 19:14, archived)
# We (that is, the male users) all let it get away with murder because we think it's a cute, misguided japanese young lady, as opposed to a freakish male shutin with feminine hands and paedophilic tendancies.
There, I said it.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 19:32, archived)
# Quite a lot n this context.
Anyone who starts conversations about sexual content with a lie about their own gender screams ALARM to me. But perhaps just me.

If I had a 15 year old daughter who was talking to a 40-year-old man pretending to be a 15 year old girl about sexual subjects, I'd rip his face off and ask questions later.

Maybe you wouldn't, although I seem to remember you getting pretty wound up on the way people talked to your daughter.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 22:14, archived)
# I thought her stuff technically very good, good use of colour although some of the proportions etc were downright bizarre.
However the subject matter often left a lot to be desired. But then is acceptability much like humour: entirely subjective? There was an excellent point made the other day about the normalisation of illegal fantasies, the more cartoon paedophilia that floats about on the net the less impact it has and therefore the more accepted it may become. But does this mean that all dA users want to go out and fuck wild animals? I would hope that most healthy, sane individuals can distinguish between images made for their own titilation and going outside to do the real thing.

None of ^this means I encourage the creation of fictional child porn images, I'm just saying what has been said over and over the last couple of days - the issue is a very tricky one. Either we stamp all over everything that could cause offense (including mongychops' kids tv stuff), or tread carefully and judge each case in isolation, the latter of which is always going to cause upset when different people's standards vary.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:14, archived)
# I can't argue with a single word of that.
I believe there are studies that link porn and sex-crime, but it appears it is entirely down to individuals, not the content.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:25, archived)
# :)
See also - a few mentally ill kids playing violent computer games or watching action films, then going out to hurt or kill people resulting in a ban or age restrictions for everyone else.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:29, archived)
# mongychops is a paedophile, just saying
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 18:04, archived)
# HappyToast is clearly also a paedo for having a link to that picture.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 20:01, archived)
# /board is shit and full of dull spastics and you should all fuck off and kill yourselves you massive nonce cunts
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 18:57, archived)
# It was just her yiffy riff on this old chestnut:
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:37, archived)
# Then we'll have to completely IP ban Japan, because that's what's acceptable over there.
And with the translation issues "okay" could easily mean "not illegal", which, in Japan, it isn't.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:29, archived)
# Not for much longer ...
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 14:32, archived)
# fictional hypocrisy is ok?
*makes notes*
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:50, archived)
# pfft!
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:55, archived)
# wow i guess anything counts as porn to someone!
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 18:11, archived)
# would you mind if I printed that post out and wanked over it?
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 18:16, archived)
# this explains a lot
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:01, archived)
# Proper arts!
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:53, archived)
# fuck to the yes
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:56, archived)
# He really should get that looked at.
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 13:58, archived)
# fuck just got real
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 15:41, archived)
# Ooooh you went there
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 16:36, archived)
# Naked skateboarding with a knife makes a statement
(, Mon 15 Oct 2012, 17:56, archived)