(He said, initiating a self-defeating argument, because he hadn't either . . . )

AND all fucking FIrstbus drivers with their magic exhaust pipes issuing huge clouds of choking black smoke in your face when you end up behind them at junctions after they go right over to the left to block your access to the advanced stop line.
Some cyclists are cnuts but nice considerate cyclists like me tell them not to drive like twats or skip red lights when they catch the others doing so...
If there are any Lothian bus drivers reading this then perhaps they might like to tell all their bus-driving colleagues that they should allow extra space to their left when heading up South Bridge because of the scaffolding blocking the cycle lane opposite Old College.
Taxi and bus drivers are lethal. FACT
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 5:47,
Some cyclists are cnuts but nice considerate cyclists like me tell them not to drive like twats or skip red lights when they catch the others doing so...
If there are any Lothian bus drivers reading this then perhaps they might like to tell all their bus-driving colleagues that they should allow extra space to their left when heading up South Bridge because of the scaffolding blocking the cycle lane opposite Old College.
Taxi and bus drivers are lethal. FACT

Lothian Bus Drivers are scary cnuts even if you're driving a car. I think I'd need a tank to feel properly safe on the road in Edinburgh
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 21:28,

but it makes me scared because of the constant risk of seriously injuring either myself or other road users/crossers or being seriously injured by some fuckwit going too fast or not paying attention
so kindly fuck off
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Wed 27 Apr 2005, 6:34,
so kindly fuck off

edit: of course, around here, bikes have their very own lanes.

and all you cunts in cars seem to think its fun driving as close as you can to bikes.
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Mon 25 Apr 2005, 14:22,

for your reaction, I wouldn't have understood this picture.
I'm with you Mr Label.
Round my way, the cycle lanes actually do go round pedestrian crossings like that!
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Mon 25 Apr 2005, 14:25,
I'm with you Mr Label.
Round my way, the cycle lanes actually do go round pedestrian crossings like that!

which seems a little silly
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Mon 25 Apr 2005, 14:26,

You're only saying that 'cause you're jealous and your pollutants on wheels don't fit on the pavement!
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 19:01,

if you can scrape em into the gutter and not get nicked for it.
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 10:49,

woo to that.
although, i don't go onto the pavement to avoid red lights, i just go straight through them.
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Mon 25 Apr 2005, 14:57,
although, i don't go onto the pavement to avoid red lights, i just go straight through them.

do occasionally weave across the road on my bike.
Normally when i'm on the way to work in the rush hour and some cnut in a car blocks the cyclepath. That or scrape through the tiny gap they leave... always fun :o)
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 1:52,
Normally when i'm on the way to work in the rush hour and some cnut in a car blocks the cyclepath. That or scrape through the tiny gap they leave... always fun :o)

Where I live they've got cycle paths with trees slap-bang in the middle of them... stupid! /rant.
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:26,

I am a cyclist cunt. I cut through traffic and cut you up. Except today, when I'm a motorist, and I go SMASH DEM BIKES!
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 8:52,

fantastic. I (boringly) wait at red lights just so the motorists next to me have nothing to moan about when I zoom past them 10 seconds later in heavy traffic.
However, most London cyclists are lightdodging cnuts.
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 9:13,
However, most London cyclists are lightdodging cnuts.

being one myself quite often. I also drive a car and ride a motorbike, so I can always take the moral high-ground! Ha!
Anyway, what I can't stand is the cunts on bikes who cycle across pedestrian crossings in Clapham. ARE YOU TRY TO FUCKING KILL US BOTH?!
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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 9:28,
Anyway, what I can't stand is the cunts on bikes who cycle across pedestrian crossings in Clapham. ARE YOU TRY TO FUCKING KILL US BOTH?!

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Tue 26 Apr 2005, 10:43,

i can safely say that all funting taxi drivers seem to operate on the "turn first, indicate..... umm.. ah hang on i know this one.... at a rave??.. no thats not it... ah yes i know NEVER." rule and i did not know one pro rider who rode on the pavement... too many padestrians getting in the way
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Thu 28 Apr 2005, 17:47,