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May the sweet lord have mercy on us all...
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:36,
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ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:37,
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emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:43,
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riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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Aphex The Mink Snackless ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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yeth. and i'm only twelve
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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...and girth?
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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forget him,
what about Wayne?
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:48,
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party time!
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:50,
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I actually asked my best friend what came before part B yesterday
talking about housewarming. I am so sad. Back in ten chaps.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:50,
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I read that as
back in ten chaps , rather than back in ten, chaps. P.s. hellooooo
Mockingbird Practitioner of SCIENCE ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:33,
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'lo Rob
How's it going?
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:51,
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Not too shabby
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:52,
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Oh grand ta.
I looooved the long weekend. Went walking, had picnics, drank loads....
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:59,
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Yeah same here
My sister came down from the Midlands and we had a great weekend...bought Lego Star Wars II for the PS2 :)
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:10,
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b3ta would have been proud
hockey festival this weekend saw our token brown bear, who had a ski mask on and sword, running around the camp site with two of us chasing him shouting "war on terror" and him shouting "Jihad Jihad!"
EriX I like toast ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:08,
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this is getting better all the time
on the next one, add some sexy nuns
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:37,
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*phones Turok*
*asks if he's busy...* :D woo!
The King of Hats Cone of shame ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:37,
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apparently he shat himself
and is hiding behind his feathered head dress
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:41,
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i suspected as much!
The King of Hats Cone of shame ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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Does anyone remember the 'Dinoriders' (think thats what it was called) cartoons? They were great.
cooler_king That's no moon! ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:38,
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*puts hand up*
yes... i think that's what they were called. They were great.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:39,
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can't remember if they were really great though but it had dinosaurs in it, so I prolly watched it regardless
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:39,
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I had the plastic tricerotops and the pterosaur
chenobble rocking his explorer beard on ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:40,
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It was pretty good
The good guys had the veggie dinos and the bad had the predators. Never felt fair some how.
cooler_king That's no moon! ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:42,
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that's such a stereotype!
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:57,
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i had some of the toys but i melted the rider on my lamp bulb then blew it my pouring water on it to put the smouldering remains out...
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:41,
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I like your story
It has everything... Drama, Fire, Heart ache... Can you make it into a short film for me?
cooler_king That's no moon! ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:43,
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needs more Nazi bees
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:43,
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Can they be...
Commi-Nazi bees?
cooler_king That's no moon! ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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not really, all i have is paint and no skillz...
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:45,
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I made the mistake of using cocktail sticks as weapons with all my he-man figures. Really regret it. Burnt one with a magnifying glass too. I wish I'd just self-harmed.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:43,
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what a lovely childhood story
discomeats This canoe ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:45,
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speaking of childhood stories
This may be my last period of creating them- I may be being a Grown Up soon and getting a wee loan. *scared*
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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NEVER grow up!!
i'm 27 i have a 10 grand loan thats killing me, but i still find time to act like a kid!
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:48,
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*doesn't want to get a loan*
Vorderman will be round to break my kneecaps.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:49,
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*fears greatly*
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:52,
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Ours should only be for £1600 at the most
moving, you see. Well, maybe. If the inside of the house is as nice as the outside. Actually, I don't care. It's not next to The Busiest Traffic Lights In Aylesbury, and it's got a garage.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:49,
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the garage can double as your toy room!
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:51,
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loans are good for you
if you pay them off proper like
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:50,
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That's what I'm planning on.
Shouldn't be too much, going with Northern Rock, I think.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:00,
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what do you mean childhood?
I was 21.arf! no, make that 22.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:48,
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its certainly less embarassing...
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:45,
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he-man? or my sadistic treatment of he-man and his many friends and enemies?
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:51,
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all of it.....
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:53,
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don't make me
Power of Greyskull your ass to fuck.
drbroon abloooobloobloo ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:56,
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i'd like to see that over-come the
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:59,
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It wasn't on here,
but I did have the toys!
[sic] You're ad here? ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:59,
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holy crap
that dino doesn't know what he's let himself in for
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:38,
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and the carnage continues...
now make one the other way round :D
pzyko Query failed. ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:38,
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That Stegosaurus looks somewhat nonplussed
like he's not sure how he came to be there
chenobble rocking his explorer beard on ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:38,
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now that's a killing machine!
makes my bear with a chainsaw in it's mouth look obselete.
serge-fabrizio taught the Talk to Frank robot to call him father ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:38,
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Hah! I cunningly foil your robot ploy with my bin lid initiative!
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:39,
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does that make the rest of the crew invincible captain?
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:42,
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Not on your life
Pirates must be hard on their own as well as in groups. Like mongeese. Pirates are very like mongeese.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:44,
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mong geese?
ok *drools*
ivesb Highly specialised Clinical Physiologist crapbag ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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The English language is a cunt.
How are you? Haven't spoken much recently.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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i been busissiyy
mictoboy shitting in your cunt since ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:55,
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Baby or work?
suppose that's not much of an 'or' situation, really.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:02,
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oi fae
(see what i did there? classic)
Aphex The Mink Snackless ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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Oi John
(similar to what I did there)
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:48,
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yeah but mine was more jewish sounding
Aphex The Mink Snackless ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:51,
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Funny, considering you're just a big scot.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:02,
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here is my mate
on my boat. I don't think he's a mong goose but you never know.
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:55,
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He's certainly a scurvy dog an' no mistake.
Where do you keep yon boat, squire?
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:01,
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In Canning half-tide
dock, Liverpool. here's me waving at you with my tits out.
Pasanonic 's been known to cause insanity in laboratory mice ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:09,
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May the lord have mercy on arseholes!
riverghost servicing your mum since ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:39,
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...ness Oh Woo by the way
Fenristhewolf ..back once again on ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:40,
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Is it the dinosaurs with guns
or the robots? /pedant
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:46,
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slow moving
and relentless
Milkman Dan ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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- D - SharkTrousers ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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I like robots
I like dinosaurs I like these
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:47,
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excellent lighting if I may be so bold
bilbobarneybobs I'll be 14 in b3ta years soon. ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:53,
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Dinosaurs + Robots = Aces
This makes me very happy
Sunburnt Tiger Herbie goes Piranhas! ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 14:56,
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i want this to be a real film or cartoon
lemonhead ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:04,
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General Electric M35 minigun - only 6000 rounds per minute. *dodges*
Afinkawan Yes I can hear you Clem Fandango ,
Tue 10 Apr 2007, 15:37,
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