"... well, people pay for the flight across, but if you don't want to sit on the floor it's an extra £25 for a seat... and also the ticket is for YOU, but not your clothes so that's extra... also if you have done a really big poo into a bag before you get on the flight, that's extra..."
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:03,

maybe he'd give me a job...
I retract that thing I said about him being a tinker... he's a genius entrepreneurs of the stature of ... erm... Siranlun
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:07,
I retract that thing I said about him being a tinker... he's a genius entrepreneurs of the stature of ... erm... Siranlun

No, not you sir, you didn't pay the £5 lifejacket fee. Just put your seatbelt on and pray. Oh, no seatbelt? £3 too much, was it?
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:09,

"Those of you who haven't paid for seats just sort of huddle together at the back of the plane"
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:11,

from our inflight catalogue..."
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:17,

without spending a further £10 on these special lenses ... which go very nicely in our £8 frames..."
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:22,

we'll see if we can lure a pilot away from the airport bar
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:23,

you can pay to have the air steward stop teabagging you in the face... or not :)
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:26,

I'd like to see how they'll enforce that, will they let you piss yourself if you can't pay?
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:03,

I can think of no greater conglomerate of steel and metal
I can think of nothing less likely to fly
There are no wings more weighted
I too have felt a heaviness
The stare of man guessing at my being
( ,
Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:08,
I can think of nothing less likely to fly
There are no wings more weighted
I too have felt a heaviness
The stare of man guessing at my being

Top stuff.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:04,

I do like the idea of not checking in though. I haven't queued for a flight in an age and there is no need for it.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:04,

for blind people who dress themselves.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:07,

I now only use them if I absolutely have to, even if they are the cheapest, I'd rather pay £30 more just so I am not lining Michael O'Leery's pocket.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:06,

Dont ryanair only fly europe tho?
So as long as you dont drink loads you wont need to go as the longest flight will be, what, 4/5 hours or so?
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:07,
So as long as you dont drink loads you wont need to go as the longest flight will be, what, 4/5 hours or so?

and then be kept waiting 45 minutes on the runway for a flight that then takes 90 minutes. I can guarantee I'll be pissing in those circumstances.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:09,

Then Ryanair will wonder why their planes stink of piss and then take the coin slot off the door :D
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:10,

I flew back from Suisse on Ryanair and had 3 wees. However, that was due to a copious amount of boozing :D
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:09,

Either that or spend the money you spent on booze on a more expensive flight with BA or virgin or someone like that
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:12,

It costs me 30p to have a piss at London Euston and I don't get to see Madrid when I've finished doing it.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:15,

charing x and st pancras are the only ones I use and pancras has free toilets :D
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:17,

Which I've actually seen someone do once. It was tragic, really.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:20,

i don't see the point of using anyone but the no frills for short haul. However, when I went to New York, I am damn glad I flew business class on Virgin. I miss work :(
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:16,

That was the last time I remember using a plane
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:18,

Naturally flying to Rhode Island and calling it New York City.
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:10,

People want to pay tuppence to fly abroad they should expect a few extras to additional cost
And VERY woo pic too!
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Fri 27 Feb 2009, 13:07,
And VERY woo pic too!