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someone had to
bunglist ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:48,
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she's fucking lovely
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:49,
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She is.
ClanSoul ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:49,
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she's gorgeous
she's sexy she's clever she playes the piano she sings she knows Naomi Lenoir what's not to like!
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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Piano, you say?
ClanSoul ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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She's brown?
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:52,
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She can't cook
Rebel biscuit stercore sumus et nos esse novimus ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:53,
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She is unstable for 1 week of the month!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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ClanSoul ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:53,
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She also knows how to play aerodynamic on piano :D
she is D-REEM-E
The_Queen_Is_Dead Scooter Is A Blonde Haired Fuck-monkey ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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piano meat-flute
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:21,
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gravytrain ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:50,
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Her back looks very shopped in that advert.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:50,
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it's actually my back
i waxed it special
gravytrain ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:53,
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Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:50,
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i fucking hate that advert
they wanted to say NICE TITS TOO so badly but it doesn't have anything to do with hair
gravytrain ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
archived )
She is
annoyingly. Clever/talented people should be ugly. Bitch. I shall jealous all over her face.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:50,
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Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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Hot spurts of envy dripping off that perfect wee nosey of hers.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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back in a mo!
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:56,
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I know a girl who doesn't find her attractive.
I mental'd all over her.
ClanSoul ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:52,
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Oh I wouldn't, don't get me wrong
she's a bit thin and innocent for my liking. But I do think she's a very pretty little thing.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:53,
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I meant, at all.
I was all "HOW!?"
ClanSoul ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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That's putting it mildly
I do admire an intelligent, talented, good-looking woman who isn't ashamed to stand around in her pants for money
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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If I looked like her in my pants
I'd be doing it too. Why write a book for 200 grand when you can flash some groin for the same?
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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What I don't get
is when thick people stand around in their pants for money, they get abused for being thick people who can only stand around in their pants for money. It's all they've got...
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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Perfectly reasonable way of earning money.
If I wasn't under qualified I'd be doing it. Plus the world needs more naked people.
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:56,
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theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:51,
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Who is?
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:52,
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she's the clever one out of Hear'Say
I love Hear'Say
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:53,
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Pure and Simple
is a WONDERFUL pop song and I'll defend it to my grave
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:05,
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Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:13,
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So she is a member of a popular musical group then?
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:17,
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she's a little bit too clean and bright for my liking
but she's dead pretty and can play the piano Universal truth #57: woman + musical instrument = x5 sexiness
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:52,
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Do they have to be any good at the musical instrument?
Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:52,
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grade 8 skin flute
gravytrain ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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You ruined my joke =( Ha ha. Great filthy minds and all that
addickted has attained freedom ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:56,
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I heard
she plays a mean skin flute...
addickted has attained freedom ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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gravytrain ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:55,
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saxphone is good
cf The Zutons
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:55,
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Cor yes!
Abi Harding FTMFW!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:57,
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Abi(g) Hardon more like
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:59,
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Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:00,
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Captain Wow currently being a cunt in Infamous ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:58,
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The Pink Picalo?
Finite "Aardvark sorted out my shit!" on ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:56,
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although being good brings them into a whole new band of sexiness... at which point it gets complicated because a) there such a thing as being so sexy it's unattractive and b) no one likes a show off and c) being too good may be intimidating... which might be sexy again. It's VERY complicated.
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:56,
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"if she can hit a triangle without missing it, that's good enough for me"
theoriginalsteve <this space intentionally left blank> ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:55,
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you're just discriminating against
the mentally less well off!
Prof UnderCover evitable ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:58,
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Her and Sheryl Cole in a marmite sandwhich
Victor Meldrew ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:57,
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She does look unusually delighted, doesn't she...
cenaris Is dividing 3 by waffle ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:49,
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she would so get it
she might even get it twice before the taxi arrives
Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:49,
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i honestly have no idea who that is
Hello b3ta :D
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:52,
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Griffin Saver Something, something, 2006, something. ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:54,
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oh well now i know...
but now i need to google "hear say" or whatever that was
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:57,
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...nope still non the wiser
oh well
SkUG >_O i got a couple of stitches in my eyeball... ow ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 13:57,
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they only had one good song
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:00,
archived )
Wobbly Bloke Hello, did I miss anything on ,
Mon 30 Mar 2009, 14:21,
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