Bacon now removed from menu at Subway
*warning* DM link. I am actually a bit shocked at this. We should start a campaign for them to stock Unicorn meat, our fairy stories are just as relevant!
(Oswald Mosley(((triggering))) right wing cunts on, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:12,
*starts campaign to serve only fish on fridays*
And their bit about the hala meat being stunned is bollocks.
It's stunned true, but the stunning only lasts around 15 seconds afterwards it wakes up to find itself bleeding slowly to death.
(CerebusSticky! Sticky! Stick! Stick!, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:15,
You just described marriage
(BombayMickDogs are better than cats, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:30,
I'm getting married next month.
(CerebusSticky! Sticky! Stick! Stick!, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:33,
wheres our invite then? huh?
or dont you want the whole links mob there incase we confirm your browser history is true?
best thing i ever did was to get married , saved me a fortune on buying stuff i wanted instead of needed
(fluffybunnykillerIs feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:41,
You'll do anything to get your hole.
(Flash_Bastard, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 16:01,
(Alzowouldn't ride your mum into battle, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 18:10,
"185 branches across UK and Ireland now sell halal-only meat"
What I imagine happened is Subway identified 185 stores which sold almost no pork products, perhaps due to most of their customers being Muslim, and decided to save a bit of cash by not stocking pork products in those shops and also to switch to meat their customers would like to buy.
But I guess "COMPANY STOPS STOCKING PRODUCTS THAT AREN'T SELLING!!" doesn't really sell newspapers.
(MrOliis ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:18,
Didnt realise Subway had more than 185 stores in the UK.
I guess there are a lot more stupid people in the UK than I thought! Never had a Subway - I tend not to buy things from American global companies anyway. Much better to get a freshly made sarnie from my local butcher.
(Oswald Mosley(((triggering))) right wing cunts on, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:31,
Agreed. Subway sandwiches are utter shite
They aren't even cheap
(DinivanXHas stinging piss after drinking Pact Coffee, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:35,
We used to have this place up town centre.
Cheaper than subway and absolutely rammed your sandwich with delicious filling. Local places always beat the franchises IMO.
(FadgebadgerSweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:36,
erm yeah , about ramming the filling and that deliciouse sauce.
(fluffybunnykillerIs feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:43,
Is there something you want to tell us about that Subway job you had, Fluffy..?
(MrOliis ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:44,
no nooo ohnononooo
not unless i get exclusive rites to the movie and imunity from prosecution
(fluffybunnykillerIs feasting on the clitoris of life, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:48,
I had no idea either, just looked it up and wow...
"At the beginning of 2012 there were 1,423 SUBWAY® stores in the UK, almost a fivefold increase on the 2004 store count, and 99 stores in Ireland." Source
(MrOliis ugly, but in the morning you will be sober, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:39,
5 years ago there used to be about 10 in Leeds City Centre
then half of them shut down in the space of a year when they realised they were basically just competing with each other.
(lazygamerVS tittybiscuits, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:47,
that's their business model. Starbucks do the same.
They just try to drive out competition. Once that is done, they then start shutting stores down.
($$✅, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:55,
Don't they have more branches than Mickey D now?
Worldwide, to be fair, but we're hardly short on them here.
There are two on Putney High Street. You can actually see one from the other one.
(pineapplecharmD d M Y, H:i, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:51,
shocking a shop alters its stock to meet customer demand
I've never heard the like.
(HappyToastGroat froth, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:25,
I never should have ordered it hot
(FadgebadgerSweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:34,
I have never been
but will now boycott this store.
(spazzcaptainMisses Valin @, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:32,
same, never been and now never will.
(Master_SlobUK minister for cultural appropriation., Wed 30 Apr 2014, 18:55,
That has to be the only food outlet i've gone into expecting to spend about £2 on a toasted roll
and left mystified how a few bits of lettuce and gherkin increased the cost to over a fiver.
But they can fuck off with their halal meat if that's the case
(JahledThree shades of black, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 15:41,
Never used it...
Never will. Utter shite food
(SpinIts a thing., Wed 30 Apr 2014, 16:19,
Only ever been in one for the Subway equivalent of a McShit.
(Marxist PigBetter Red Than Smeg, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 16:51,
I went in one to get a sandwich, saw the prices & left.
No reason to go back their ever again now.
(pissflaps.FSPW, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 17:00,
You're a bunch of snobby bastards
I love Subway, but treat it like Maccy D's or KFC. Eat only occasionally becuase I'm quite sure its bad for you.
Yeah thats right I eat at Maccy D's and KFC you bunch of toffs, and i watch footy!
(retroflyHow about a link to a picture of something funny.., Wed 30 Apr 2014, 19:10,
an food outlet that serves halal meat can fuck off
(Rebel biscuitstercore sumus et nos esse novimus, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 21:47,
Well, I guess I won't be buying Subway any moer.
I don't like the idea of Halal methods, and I want bacon.
(Kung_Fu_Russran out of amusing signatures on, Wed 30 Apr 2014, 21:57,
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