The best night of my life was spent lying in the bottom of a boat, floating down a river low enough to be under the thin layer of mist gathering at about 3am such that it scudded between me and the stars.
Make us feel all warm and fluffy. Tell us about the most beautiful moments in your life so far.
( , Fri 11 Mar 2005, 9:15)
This question is now closed.

I come over from Canada and trekked around Europe last summer. My companions were an old friend and a girl I unrequitedly believed I was in love with.
The trip was a long succession of beautiful moments (and some not so beautiful). One was at St. Christopher's hostel, out on the balcony at about 6 am and London was absolutely dead, and a pigeon landed on the rail and we stared at each other for a few moments. Dunno why, cause I hate pigeons, but I felt transcendent.
Standing in the cathedral in Seville, looking up at those arches, and realizing that even if religion is sheer bollocks, and even if a lot of really terrible things are done in its name, some really beautiful things are also done in its name.
But the best moment was towards the end of the trip, when I came to realize that my companion was basically a completely self-absorbed cunt and knowing (as opposed to trying to convince myself) that I really was better off without her. I felt utterly liberated.
As another fellow put it, if you can't handle more than a couple of sentences, umm, how do you brits put it... sod off.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 23:15, Reply)

when southgate missed the penalty.
EDIT: please don't mention the 5:1
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 22:20, Reply)

The very first time I heard Led Zeppelin: The "Stairway to Heaven" clip on albinoblacksheep.com. Since then I've been in love with Led Zep.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 21:56, Reply)

She sang, and I played. I looked at her, and for a moment there was no difference between us.
Unfortunately, she didn't feel the same.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 21:51, Reply)

and a bunch of nasty nazis from capturing the Holy Grail, and my Pops called me "Indiana".
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 21:34, Reply)

was listning to Pink Floyd The Wall
and Led Zeppelin 3
and Pink Floyd Division bell
allllll the way from CT to Canada
just watching the trees jump out in the road
watching my siblings and paents arguing bout somthing that managed to look like they were singing the lyrics.
realising that every one of those trees has a soul and that every one of them deserved at least my recognition
and after about an hour of trying to glance at every single tree, keeping them in my memory for at least a second (some of them i dont think ill ever forget) actually envisioning the trees popping out in time to the music.
it was trippy to say the least
but tats the bueuty of self induced phycosis.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 21:26, Reply)

in hospital after recovering from sedatives that kicked in a little too late. There were four other patients, all females, in the room. One of them aged around 30 was awake and rady to get out of the place. The other two were sleeping I just sat up in bed, staring, feeling something oddly bizarre, soemthing which can't quite be described in words. I was sick, starving (was made to fast for 24 hours), really fuzzy in the head with a throat feeling like scorching sandpaper. And yet - for some reason I felt peaceful.
I suppose it was because I thought I was dying. The alleged-tumor-growth-whatever turned out to be something much milder. Why should I have felt happy at the thought of dying? Goa alone knows. Another time would be when lazy days in the sun at College - but that's another story.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 20:54, Reply)

soo sweet... standing underneath a willow tree, stars shining brightly, two overly obsessed, imaginative teenagers kissing on a bridge.. YACK! make me gag! yucko... this is so much better... mm legs wrapped round boyfriend, getting off with him as much as possible... gosh my lips hurt after that day's experience! just kidding, though i know which one i like more........
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 20:37, Reply)

went round an old school friends for a bit of a drinking session didnt know who was going spent the whole night drinking till about 6 the next morning catching up with old school friends that i havnt seen in ages i havnt stopped smileing since.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 20:30, Reply)

(clothed, i might add) with my boyfriend and tracing patterns onto his amazing arms.... this is of course after the wonderful effect of an orgasm... ah, happy days
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 20:27, Reply)

Secondary school:
Me and 4 best mates in Business Studies with teacher who did'nt really care.
Who could shout "wank" the loudest.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 20:00, Reply)

I almost saw god.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 19:49, Reply)

All at Lecturers house in country out back in Shropshire(uni):
(1) Went to lecturers house to celebrate end of exams. The night was drawing in and we were told we could stay over. 15 of us all in an excellently made treehouse at the bottom of an overgrown wood with a stream and carvings of pixies and elves (Everywhere). Somebody said, "hey I bought an ounce".
Everybody went to bed. I was alone in a warm blanket suitably stoned.
Hear a whisper from outside......instead of seeing an Elf beckoning me into his treedwelling to help sort out the problems of the tree-folk (stoned) I saw the girl I fancied coming across the garden in her blanket wrapped around her. Did'nt know her that well but we certainly made sex that night I can tell you.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 19:48, Reply)

I had an office on teh 43rd Floor of the Credit Suisse Building on 49th Street and Fifth. I was working late one night, oblivious to the views (they get boring after a while) and while I am talking to a client in Alabama, I glance up and there is a MASSIVE storm slowly creeping across New Jersey...NYC was light and dry and just across the Hudson, I could see the darkness brought on by clouds and the flashes of lightning. I told the client I had to go...hung up the phone, grabbed a beer from the communal fridge and sat there, watching for over an hour as the storm slowly moved into NY.
It was amazing.
I later emerged from the building into a torrential downpour with no umbrella and walked home in the downpour...my suit drenched, but with a great big smile on my face, smiling at the people in shops and restaraunts as I passed. They thought I was mad...
Sic Semper Tyrannis!
Annapolis, MD
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 18:32, Reply)

at Uni, realising I'd never have to take another exam in my life.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 17:41, Reply)

Had a lot of problems in my life at the time and was very unhappy. Was in a job I hated and which it was highly likely I would be made redundant from in the near future, unable to find a new job due to economic situation at the time.
Father-in-law just died, so wife away looking after mother-in-law. Without my wife around I didn't really feel like eating or sleeping, and hadn't done much of either in a few days.
Gave lift home to co-worker who bored me hummousless with tales of her boyfriends. It was then it hit me, the solution to all my problems. I would be better off without the world and the world would be better off without me. A wave a great peacefulness and happiness washed over me. I dropped colleague and headed for B&Q.
4m of rope purchased, and looped round my neck, I felt wonderful, perfectly calm, perfectly happy and never more sure of anything else in my life.
Then my wife phoned to see how I was, and the spell broke.
But to be honest neither before nor since have I ever felt better.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 17:29, Reply)

this time when me and my mates failed to come up with the amount needed to save our house from being repossessed and bulldozed by some evil local developers only for our hilariously Spanish cleaning lady to find enough pirate gems in my marble bag where I’d hidden them from the Fratelli crime family.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 16:13, Reply)

i think the highlight of my life was after closing time in the pub i work in...
1.30am, cleaning up sick and various other wonderful things, just check the ladies toilets to make sure they're still there and not completely gutted...walk in to find this moleste unconsious ginger bird, legs wide open, no pants on and enough piercings in the 'lady genital region' to make you wish you were blind...i did attempt to scratch my eyes out but to no avail...however, on reflection i think that you'll all agree that it was a beautiful moment and one which i shall treasure for the rest of my life
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 15:58, Reply)

Finding out my housemate and best friend of 3 years actually fancied me (aswell as me secretly fancying her!)... Now we are seeing each other and all is well after both suffering from previous terrible relationships!
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 15:37, Reply)

Exactly what I was going to say! - Same goes with molesthes against Vicenza a few years back.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 15:17, Reply)

.......when i caught an std and wasn't able to fuck what was then my pig ugly girlfriend.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 14:48, Reply)

in San Simeon, California. Lying in bed with my wife in my arms, a log fire in the corner with its flickering light reflecting off the ceiling and the sound of the waves lapping at the nearby beach.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 14:02, Reply)

watching wayne's world in the park with my best friend and headbanging to queen with a beer in my hand.
being kissed by surprise on my last night of holiday last summer and letting it last forever.
driving in the mountains in cyprus in a rainstorm watching the lightning hit the sea
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 12:51, Reply)

Using the urinal in a pub in Worcestershire and realising that I was stood between Robert Plant and Jockie Wilson. Never happen again I expect.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 12:51, Reply)

I spent Christmas 1999 in New Zealand to get away from all the Millenium crap that was going on at home. Also it was the first Christmas since my parents died. I didn't want to be at home.
I went on an organised tour of the South Island which took us past Kawarau Bridge. No-one else on the tour wanted to try a bungee jump so I, afraid of heights, decided to do it.
The magical moment happened at the bottom of the jump, just before the rope snatched me back up. There was just me and no-one else in the whole world at that point. There was no noise apart from the noise of the river gently gushing past beneath me and that was so close I was able to reach out and touch it.
You would never get me to do it again but it was marvellous.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 12:25, Reply)

- birth of my son
- every time he says 'I love you Dad'
- summitting Aonach Mor yesterday in the brilliant winter sunshine with crystal clear views of Ben Nevis
- doing acid on Jura, 2003
- Ritchie Hawtin, T-in-the-Park dirty filthy techno
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 12:05, Reply)

watching Powerpuff Girls whilst off my tits on morphine, which I could self administer at the push of a button.
Happy days, indeed.
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 11:46, Reply)

Watching Wayne Bridge kick the wining goal for Chelsea that put Arsenal out of last years Champions League.... still puts a lump in my throat... sorry kids(x2)
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 11:34, Reply)

its my first post so be gentle! (break out the vaseline!)
been lurking for a while...hangs head in shame....bout 2 or more years!
i have to say one of the most beautiful moments ive had was as such.
warm summer evening lying in the back garden with my then gf on the garden table
looking up at the sky listening to the blackbirds singing their merry tune, warm wind blowing in my and her hair a low sun warming our faces, wind chimes dancing and creating a mood so serene that we both carry that as one of the best moment in our lives, arm in arm we kissed laying and discussing random things
absolutely off the scale
hope it conveyed well! :D
( , Tue 15 Mar 2005, 11:31, Reply)
This question is now closed.