This week we hand the honours over to DippyFi, who asks:
"Got your girlfriend stuck on your Prince Albert? Had an argument with your tattoo artist mid-tattoo? Piercing mysteriously dissolved the cartilege in your ear? Or worse: decided to pierce yourself while you were drunk? Go on, I wanna hear all the gory details!"
The closest I've got to body piercing was when a friend stuck a sodding gardening fork through my right hand. It wasn't a good look to be honest.
( , Thu 30 Nov 2006, 23:02)
This question is now closed.

Was at the arcade one day and a friend of mine was playing one of the huge crane games. After a few goes she eventually gives up in defeat, but wants one of the balls from the inside, I pop open the exit hole and look in, a win, a ball in the exit! I pop my head and arm in and grab it, on the way out I wind up having a huge amount of pain, The flap had actually pulled the piercing from the top of my ear out, well not out, the ball wound up in my ear and the rest hanging out the back, blood all down my hands and ear. My friend wound up thinking I was mucking about until I pulled my hand away to wipe on my jeans. Since the arcade is on a seafront we had to walk through a park, through a small street and to the only piecing place I know, to find it is shut on Mondays!
After 118, and wandering about we eventually gave up and headed to QnA via bus, fortunately had some tissues to plonk to my ear, but doing everything one handed isn't a fun task. Got there and had it pushed through and removed, its all healed now but I've learnt some lessons
-Always have tissues on you
-NEVER go after the balls in a crane game
-If you do go after them, remember to sodding take it so it wasn't all for nothing.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 7:36, Reply)

I'm afraid you may be right. Too many people get silly tattoos they'll regret almost instantly, and for the flimsiest of reasons. But please, if you will, allow me a rebuttal.
I am tattooed, and had it done when I was young enough to be bawled out by my parents for it, but old enough to have some common sense.
My tattoo is my name: I was named, indirectly, after my mother's father, who died when she was a toddler. Heart condition - he fell asleep on the couch one night, and never woke up. But I digress.
I designed my tattoo myself, and I'm immensely proud of it. It's an armband, and I keep it well hidden. Why? Because I didn't get it done for anyone else but me, and it's my call as to whom I show it to, and when.
Coincidentally, it's a wreath of laurel (formerly bestowed on victors, both athletic and poetic). As I'm only now exiting what I can unqualifiedly say has been the blackest period of my life - and not without a few fresh scars, mind you - I'm happy to say that my tattoo has served me only well, as a reminder of victories to hope for, and of hope itself.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 6:30, Reply)

When I was younger and mentally unstable (more so than I am now anyway) I tried to tattoo the initials of my girlfriend into the palm of my left hand.
With a pocketknife and a felt-tip pen.
The process involved carefully slicing block letters into my palm (not so deep as to draw blood, but into the lower skin layers) and then scribbling over it with the pen to work ink into the cuts.
It actually sort of worked. Of course, it didn't take long for me to realize this was a bad thing. I spent a few days scraping the calluses off my hand (with the same pocketknife) so I could get the ink out. Eventually it did go away, so thank god(s) for that.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 5:01, Reply)

The closest I've gotten to body modification was when, in a fit of tween angst I had a friend cut a (very wobbly) pentagram into my shoulder blade. With a staple.
Now every time I wear anything strappy I get people craning over my shoulder (sometimes from the front) going 'Are you one of those satanists then?' with a blank look on their faces.
I'm planning on covering it up with an ouija board tattoo. For once that question will be answered.
All signs point to 'no way in hell.'
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 3:29, Reply)

I have ten tattoos and several piercings.
Yes I have Domo Kun tattooed on my right forearm and I also have Sunshine Elephant's cartoon version of the is it real picture tattooed on my inner left elbow.
Having your inner elbow tattooed, is mighty painful and also makes your side tingle, due to your arms developing from your sides whilst in the womb.
The only problem I have is the need to cover them whilst at work.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 3:26, Reply)

A while back, I decided to get a Prince Albert. Fucked if I know why, I was probably going to put my keys on it for a laugh or something.
But anyway, I've gone through having a needle through my cock, and the long, sex-deprived healing period, but I was eventually the proud owner of a Cock piercing with a captive bead ring in it.
But what happens the first time I'm getting some action after getting it? The fucking bead comes loose, and it Gets caught on her flap Piercing, and on the next back-stroke, naught is heard but scream and me cursing extremely loudly. So I look down, and its a fucking horror story down there - And seeing me grimace at the sight, she takes one look at it, and proceeds to throw up.
All over our Still-entangled bits.
And then she subsequently passed out cold. So what did I do? The same thing Any self-respecting B3tard would do - I unhooked the piercings, and fucking legged it.
(Apologies for length)
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 3:24, Reply)

Everyone I meet asks about my tattoo. They ask what it means, I say "nothing" and they look confused. Then they ask, "did it hurt", I say no (it didn't). Then they ask where I got it done and when I explain I did it myself they freak out.
Except my father. When he saw it he said "I do hope you did that yourself". What a star.
Oh, and recently I did this... And no, it didn't hurt, and no, it doesn't mean anything, blah blah.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 2:38, Reply)

I got a special "tat" on my left arm put there by a member of the UVF, to show I was a "friend" as back in the early 80's we had a mobile disco, and one of the jobs we did on a regular basis was in a social club in Belfast, frequented by UVF members. the tattoo It took the form of just 3 simple dots in a triangle, almost invisible to the naked eye, but under UV light clear to see (a bit like the laser sight from predator)
This was fine, but we never told them that our work often took us into the middle of "bandit country" on a regular basis, we never cared who we worked for, as long as the cash was forthcoming :-0
One day in deepest deepest bandit country (well... Dundalk to be exact)I was talking to a bloke on the door when loading up after a gig, he somehow noticed the dots and then went very white for a few seconds.... he looked at me with strange eyes and asked "was i one of them?" I asked what he meant, and he pointed to the dots... eh? said I? (looking for the quickest escape route) what does that mean? he then went on to explain that the local gay community used something like that to identify themselves.
Oh how we laughed on the way home..... from that day on, I have a plaster over the marks. What a choice... show yer "colours" and get shot or bummed.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 2:31, Reply)

Not really sure if this falls under 'piercings and tattoos', but some people consider the above as 'body mutilations'. (For the record, I'm not one of them - I have a large tribal tattoo curling up the right hand side of my stomach, and eight self-done [cartilage and all] ear piercings - [16G sterilised needles and so forth courtesy of eBay, bahaha. It's wonderful to see they're still selling such treasures to kids such as this, or this..)
Anyway. Story.
Stapler? Check. Various body parts of increasing sensitivity? Check.
(For the record, I do NOT own a scrotum. This is a friend of mine. A very drunk friend.)
And so we begin.
Stage 1.
Stage 2.
Stage 3.

[Anything after this, bar the very last pic, is NSFW.]
Stage 4.
Drunken triumph.
I doubt he'll appreciate me posting up pictures such as these, but then again he might enjoy having a b3ta-famous nutsack.
Edit: If Photobucket proves too limp for this, I'll get them on Warrens.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 1:16, Reply)

i peirced my own eyebrow with a 18 guage cannula but it wasnt straight. so i took it out and got my peircer buddy to repeirce it the day after
also have both nipples peirced. tongue, right ear and i havent got round to getting my eyebrow redone after it grew out.
got a design planned for a tattoo, but its gonna cost me about 800 quid just for the ink-time.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 1:00, Reply)

and complained of the fact that his nip piercing has gone septic. Everytime he so much as brused his chest aginst anything, he'd start bouncing arund in pain.
'Why don't you take it out?' I ask.
'It's been there so long, I can't remember how to take it out!' He says.
I tell him to give me a look and discover that this poor sod's nip had grown to the size of a bloody thimble. After trying to unscrew the end of the bar, with no luck, I get another friend to hold him while I cut the end of the bar off with my super strong elecrical sidecutters (snips) causing poor Phil to go white faced and look pretty faint. Then it was a simple case of remove the remains of the bar (the end was a little sharp from the snip, but his nipple was fucked anyway), let him squeeze out the pus (which turned out to be the reason his nip had got so big) and dose in liberal amounts of TCP, which probably hurt more than the rest of the whole ordeal!
Poor Phil.
( , Sat 2 Dec 2006, 0:33, Reply)

.. that makes me either very clever or a bit thick...
still, so far everybody that's seen it has either faked a headache or actually been a bit thick (like me).
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 23:32, Reply)

.. unlike many people here, My piercings are not about what's cool... they're not done to make people think i'm hard... the'yre done because at the end of each large relationship, I find that i want to do something that's going to keep me from havig re-bound sex. On the flip-side.. I like sex, and above that, I like to please: That's what my steel is designed to do. Those are my reasons.
People who tattoo themselves: I respect that.... I'd never have the guts to get a lasting mark on my body (scars aside)...
Now.. My piercing Trip started many years ago. I'd always wanted a genital piercing because I'd wanted to have something different. Lots of people have piercings to make thier diminutive tadgers look ... erm... special (but much like a chihuahua with a diamond collar, It's still a small piece of meat) ... Me.. I wanted somethin g to make my cock more fun for the lasses.. And.. As I spend a lot of time in the sauna and glittery "look at me" bits of steel would be well.. an intresting change from the norm.
When I decided to leave the big relationship that brought me to Sweden, I decided to take the plunge.
I didn't want a Prince Albert.
My opinion was "well.. how boring can you get? Everyone's got one. Shove needle down jap's eye, and angle downwards once you get to the banjo string. *shove* out the other side.. and chase the hole with a ring. Heals in 2-3 weeks, adds no pleasure for the lass, and you get to piss like a fountain. Cool? No"
To add to my list of reasons aginst it... apparently it adds a lot of pleasure for the owner.. Anythign that gives more pleasure in theory decreases performance time... I think I'll step clear of that! :o)
No... What I wanted was a Frenum piercing: this "Sub-Banjo-String" wonder apparently stimulates as-yet un-chartered parts of the amazon, and is a dead-cert runner for world peace. ... It also alledgedly hits the "G-Spot" when you're in certain positions. Is that true? Who knows. I just like it.
Second up on my hit-list was the "Pubic".
3 words. "Thumb on clit"
We all know how it'd be great to have rubber wrists.. yet we all know that - in reality - this feat only remains comfortable while it "seems" as though she'll come.... after that point your wrist is waving protest banners at you.
Imagine if you will that you have the ability to thump that clit each time you dig deep... Yup... That's what the pubic positioning does..
The pubic piercing is usually a ring that sits twixt Tadger and body. This is designed to hit the clit each time you go balls deep... In my case, it is exactly that. Currently it's a 3.6mm ring (material diameter) but the photo is of when it was *first* done and it was a lowly 1.6mm.
Incidentally... it grew out, and when I had it re-done, A 2.4mm Needle was used. I consider myself to have a high threshold for pain... I nealy passed out when this was done the second time ... I'm gla i'll never have to give birth.
It takes balls to show these, yet, -In the name of drunken friday night entertainment - I do so.
For those who've not got steel or tattoos... it's a deeply personal thing... and while "sharing" them for some is a matter of showing off, For others they're deeply personal. Mine are just that: Few of my friends even know I have them... and noone in my family knows.
Bare that in mind... For me this is personal.
Though to be honest, It's floppy, chilled and in "artistic" Black and White.
*to the people who ACTUALLY know me...* I suggest you don't click on the links... but hey.. you know me. Hit it if you want to. Curiosity is always well rewarded.
Frenum: (NSFW) www.pichotel.com/pic/5760vcBwB/96859.jpg
This goes through approx 15mm of flesh, and took 12 weeks to heal.
Pubic: (NSFW) www.pichotel.com/pic/5760vcBwB/96858.jpg another 15mm, and a shag-free 15 weeks (pure torture)
In honour of the question.... regarding a girlfriend's Hood piercing (clitoris hood for those who aren't familiar with the fact that NO-ONE pierces the clit istelf (unless totally devoid of all freeling there already) ...
She and I were rutting like drunken bunnies when we caught.... she had a "horseshoe"... (much like a ball closure ring, but with an open gap) and I was earing a 25mm diameter ring... and her hood caught on my pubic. Thank crap for big bar diameters (less likely to go "cheesewire" and tear out) It tugged a little, and we giggled like stoned hyenas as we tried to de-tangle.
Length? Width? I refer the right honourable Gentleman to the picture of Flaccid member when compared to Lady's hand. Make your own judgements.
EDIT: while I do regret posting *such* personal photos, the comments in my "b3ta inbox" are proving *very* interesting.. so I think I'll leave it :o)
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 23:23, Reply)

being the bearer of many tattoos ranging from a photorealistic rendering of a neolithic dagger to biomechanical circuitry, and having sported a PA, cheek, lip,nipples and nape of the neck piercings, all i can say is 'short is the pain, long is the ornament'.
these days i've lost the facial piercings as i'm now training as a psych nurse and don't want to scare the patients, still have a great love of tattooing culture, i design my own and the odd one for others.
Getting my first tattoo at 18, a standard off the wall chinese dragon on left bicep...could have made a worse selection as i put about as much thought into it as putin signing the bushwhack ticket for that KGB fella...remembered to not go sunbathing pissed on the beach before the next one too...said dragon was only a 60 minute job, but with rapidly worsening sunburn not a pleasant experience at all.
Getting a PA was approached with great trepidation - i'm into the art of body decoration/ modification and view the pain as an inevitable part of the process, but thankfully a brief one - however, after being nagged by my girlfriend of the time to get one, i finally relented.
actual procedure was brief, the piercing itself was painless; the squirting of the lignocaine (local anaesthetic used by dentists)was more of an 'eye opener' as it were. i don't know if they keep that stuff in the freezer, but it felt like it. by the time i stopped wincing from that the job 'twas done.
advised to piss with the afflicted appendage immersed in a pint glass full of warm water for a few days to minimise the stinging, got some funny looks in the pub khazi though. healed extremely quickly, your own urine being sterile apparently.
apologies for length, it's the weight of the chrome.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 23:05, Reply)

Over the past few years I have had 7 body piercings and 4 tattoos that were done professionally and a fair number of body piercings that were done after drinking too much and it seemed like a good idea at the time. The worst of these was probably the branding that I gave myself with a gas-powered soldering iron. After far too much to drink I decided to carve a pentagram into my left upper arm with said instrument. I have vague recollection of the living room smelling of barbecue and of going over it twice to make sure that I had done it properly. Oddly enough it didn't hurt- the combination of alcohol and seared nerve endings saw to that. Next day I woke with a sore arm and a lovely red mess on my left arm. In fairness it turned into a dark scar of a pentagram which later washed off as it healed to leave the white branding scar- but it still looked pretty fucking stupid. I had it tattooed over with something much more tasteful a few months later.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 23:01, Reply)

so I livened it up a bit by chopping a chunk out of it taking a bit of fingernail with me. Well, that and the fact me and knives don't mix
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 22:56, Reply)

I had the top of my ear pierced as a guinea pig for people training at work. Cue major infection, 10 courses of antibiotics both oral and Intravenous, 3 stays in hospital 3 operations and a series of reconstructive operations coming up which will put cartilage out of my ribs and skin from under my scalp to make my ear again.
Moral: Never volunteer for ANYTHING!
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 22:30, Reply)

But I have huge fuck off scars!
The best on is a huge deep scar running from my left ear, up to the top of my head and down the back, courtesy of a Brain Haemorrage a few years back.
The others are about 6 scars on each side of my body thanks to both my lungs collapsing at different times!
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 21:32, Reply)

I had my ears pierced at 13, against my mum's wishes - according to her, natch, this is why it went horribly wrong. I'm hypersensitive or something. Severe infection, three general anaesthetics and earlobe recon later...and I have no piercings.
partle to prove that I am not a wuss about needles, but also cos i wanted it..i now have a lovely koi fish on my l arm. full hiroshige style with water flowing over it's back!
the funniest comment I had was a german guy i worked with in India, who said, deadpan, 'well, if you are kidnapped and beheaded by terrorists at least your corpse can be identified with ease.'
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 21:15, Reply)

one big jack off scar! sorta fell off a skateboard and fractured my arm or so i found out 3 months later eep! so corrective surgery pins and a plate it is!
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 21:13, Reply)

I have 5 holes (2 in ear lobe and one on top) and one tattoo.
I had to go to the hair dressers not long after having my top hole done. It really didn't matter how many times I told the stupid bint about it she still insisted on ramming her plastic comb jaws of pain through it. No bleeding, but definately streched.
My tattoo is three little stars on my hip. I got it way before every emo ever had stars. Might get it modified in a few years, colour or shooting stars. I spent the whole time giggling, because it was hitting a nerve that tickled me so much!
Blokey had a tat done on his bicep and nearly passed out, cue teasing rights.
I've also been thinking about trying something I've not seen before... using a blunted needle and thread to sew a button on my lobe, through my existing holes. Can't find anything on the net... anyone know if its been done before?
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 21:05, Reply)

I had one of my nipples pierced a few years back, getting it done was the easy/painless part.
The pain involved taking my T shirt off that night and catching the ring and pulling it straight up still brings a tear to the eye.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 20:50, Reply)

So I ended up getting my tongue pierced three times downwards, once across (edge to edge, horizontally). One fight later and I'm left with a worthened lithp and a thcar.
I also discovered I was allergic to nickel after the fucking sods in Camdem did me a surface piercing and I ended up with what looked like a sodding boil on my face.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 19:06, Reply)

When I was in school, one of my friends had braces, as is fairly normal for kids.
His girlfriend at the time had her tounge pierced
One kiss later and they were stuck together...
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 19:00, Reply)

i have my tongue pierced, and as such, people often ask if it makes oral sex more pleasurable. why would i have left the house if i could reach!
also a guy i used to know decided to pierce his own testicles, fair enough if you know what your doing, i can see why you wouldnt want someone else mucking about down there. i just dont see why he needed to do it on the bus
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 18:46, Reply)

The wife & I both have our nipples pierced, we did it together many moons ago when we got engaged (she also has her clit pierced, I don't have either a clit or a clit piercing) - Anyhoo, whilst waiting to have our nips done a young bloke came out of the "surgery" (piercing room, whatever you call it) looking very pale and sweaty.
He sat down next to us for a few minutes looking ill and shaken. I asked him what he had done and it turned out to be a Prince Albert (bellend for you non-pierced) - A few minutes later, he got up and wandered off to the khazi.
Silence for about 5 minutes until we suddenly heard a shrill scream like a 9 year old girl followed by a thud. He had tried to piss and promptly passed out cold.
As for our nipples, doesnt really hurt getting them done but took about a month the heal up and the wife's nipples have grown and are alot more plumper then pre-piercing.
Mmmmmmmm...plump nipples........
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 18:43, Reply)

A guy I used to play rugby with years ago was known to be what we like to call deadpan. Despite his apparent grumpiness, he was not lacking in an admittedly dark sense of humour. Anyway, one Saturday we're in the changing rooms getting ready to play and someone says 'what the fuck is that?" pointing at his shoulder. He had a small 3-D rectangular shape tattooed there. Yes, you guessed it, years before he went out and got a tattoo of a chip on his shoulder because lots of people had said that about him.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 18:26, Reply)

lest we mention the infamous 'I LOVE MEN' tattoo?
Don't get tatts with writing, kids.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 18:15, Reply)

Can it be that easy?
That ranks along side the "Woo I'm on the first page brigade"
Big fucking deal that isn't the point.
Right that off my chest onwards with a relevant post.
I am heavily tattooed, a good way into a full sleeve on both arms and sketching out a design for my back.
I just can't get on with piercings and I have tried, lots.
I had my lip pierced in the middle with a very nice ring... and got smacked in the mouth and had to get it removed at casualty as my lip had swelled either side of it.
I had the top of me ear pierced again with a ring and got it caught on a hanger when I worked at a trouser warehouse, It fely as if my ear was being ripped off.
And finally I had my tongue done and swallowed the ball off the bar.
Crap pointless cock "joke" here.
I was thinking about getting my nipples done but with past experiences being as they are I will stick to Tatts and possibly inserts, if they didnt make the missus feel sick.
( , Fri 1 Dec 2006, 18:06, Reply)
This question is now closed.