Found a problem on B3ta? Want other features that we don't currently offer? Type your ideas here with your finger-mouths. (We don't promise we'll act on any of it, but we will read it and your words could even prompt us into action.)
( , Wed 1 Nov 2006, 11:48)
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an option for those with broadband to be able to view posts over a certain size if they so desire, and an option to switch it off if it's costing you a fortune in money and time waiting for humungous posts to load up?
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 12:25, Reply)

Firefox 2.0, javascript enabled, was the same in Firefox 1.x also.
I use large fonts, but before I did, only part of the button was available anyway
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 11:17, Reply)

But I can't be buggered to read though all the requests in order to see if someone else has posted it on here:
Is it possible to automatically insert a "my first picture post on b3ta" f3ature into the profiles -- in order to make noobs see that even the smelling grandpas and board nazis have started out with maybe-not-so-funny-pictures at one point?
Thank you, Doyle!
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 10:43, Reply)

a newsletter submission bin. so we can see what crap you have to filter out. And judge you retrospectively :0)
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 10:33, Reply)

can you make the 'Random Quote' go to its position in the whole thread (like clicking 'more' on the Popular page) so we can see the context?
I'll think of more later
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 10:31, Reply)

...on the QOTW, so stories like:
"Well, like i woz wiv er and she dun it and I sed fukkem, and we laffed an laffed until some1 snapped my txting fng3r for being a hoodie cnut"
can be slapped by pedants like me.
Also a "Shut the f*ck up" button for repeated bullsh1tters on QOTW.
In fact, why not add a "Snopealizer" indicator which blatant urban legends can be tagged with the appropriate link to snopes. These can then contribute to a lie / gullibility meter for that poster so when repeat urban legend offenders post a QOTW story, a little icon indicating they are a known liar / idiot appears.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 10:29, Reply)

So there would be no inside jokes or rude stuff, meaning you can send a link of it to your own mother.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 10:19, Reply)

When poor grammar is used, a giant hand should come out of the monitor and bitch slap the offendor....
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 10:02, Reply)

automatic changes of:
'would/could/should/might of'
'would/could/should/might have'
and perhaps something in the FAQ about how to use apostrophes properly.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 9:50, Reply)

- A button to the Links Board on the FP (at the moment you have to go via the Main Board)
- A proper 'b3ta Personalised Pages Google app' with the latest FP Image, quick links to the Main Board, Talk Board etc. At the moment the only 'Personalised Google Homepage b3ta app' gives you a link to b3ta.com and the text from the latest FP image
- A b3ta NSFW page, so all the naughty stuff (tagged as NSFW that we can't look at work) will be in one place for us to fwap over when we get home!
- A "Debate of the Month Page". Everyone will have the option of arguing one side or another of a debate for 3 weeks and people vote as usual with the 'I Like This' buttons. The two people with the highest votes at the end of the third week have one week to submit a final rebuttal upon which we all vote again on who we think has the best arguement.
- We could fund the 'Debate Page' through Telephone / Text voting, plus, over time, we could debate b3tan national and foreign policy and start a political b3ta party! Imaging "Labour, 18,841 votes....Tory, 16,638 votes...b3ta, 34,108 votes *cheering*"
- Then all we would have to do is invent a religion (I vote for Furtive to be our God and Teh Fear to be the Devil) and buy a small Island
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 9:41, Reply)

Id everyone out of their frickinmins. Looks likr might be the end, too much pride, going the way of the greeks.
mod: Pardon?
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 9:15, Reply)

Turn the QOTW into the /talk compo. Conversely, a separate compo board for all the image challenges, video challenges, music challenges etc.
A bit on the front page for links to good stuff people have made recently (that doesn't get into the newsletter for whatever reason)
A bit in your profile to say how many of your links got to the popular page, or how many you made yourself.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 8:39, Reply)

so that people know who to be gentle with. a message board can be a scary place for a newbie, and the l-plates let people know they may need a helping hand.
i'd like to see a giant spurting cock in the logo...
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 8:34, Reply)

Stop being so crappy to noobs. I don't like this idea of making them have a sign next to their name until they've posted loads of times...
What the hell kind of problem do people have anyway?!
Being a tit because someone is new = childishness. Ye gods and fishes it's like being back at school sometimes.
That's what ignore buttons are for.
On a lighter note...I'll just do a poo thanks.
EDIT: To the person above: I wasn't referring to the L-plates but to another suggestion in this board saying that noobs should be made to suffer more with another sign next to their names until they've posted 5 o 6 times without being beaten. Meh. Sorry for confucianism.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 8:31, Reply)

I think it'd be nice to have a 'new posts' button so the reader doesn't have to slog through pages of stuff they may or may not have already seen. A quick way to cross-reference would be nice too.
Oh yeah, and avatars would kick arse.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 8:20, Reply)

other than that leave everything alone, I love it.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 6:40, Reply)

on the front page?
Other than that, all good!
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 5:30, Reply)

Although some sort of CDC filter might be nice
Maybe an "i don't like this" button would be handy, but surely that's the reason my hominid ancestry gave me prehensile digits with wich to type "you're a fuckwit"
also, keep it grey. You want colour, post a picture of dale winton with a rainbow coming out of his arse
Oh and lots of the requested features are already available via glassco.cx/ so perhaps some clearer link to that would be nice
oh and a scone, a blowjob and a million dollars as well, ta
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 4:26, Reply)

is that b3ta appeals to me as a message board because it is NOT like every other message board on the planet where individual posts take up two screens worth of space. whatever you do, please don't introduce anything that will cause extra clutter.
avatars, titles, font colors, and other generally pointless shit
i'd also like to be given a shot at winning a furtive icon somehow...
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 4:03, Reply)

they don't work unless you do all the HTML annoyance
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 1:42, Reply)

the who likes me thingy... would like to see how many people clicked on 'I like this'
teh cck
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 1:30, Reply)

bit pissed. but would be cool 2 see you avatar
it up withb yer mugs.
Dirty filthy bar stewards that you are
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 1:25, Reply)

(for eg, 4rther dictionary is borked yet linked to)
stats for links board maybe?
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 1:20, Reply)

I'd like to see a "My Threads" option on the navbar next to Main Board, Talk Board & Links Board that shows the recent threads from all 3 boards interleaved and filtered to those in which I have posted the original topic or a reply.
This means users can quickly check for responses without having to page through the most recent 2 or 3 pages of 3 different boards.
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 1:04, Reply)

It doesn't always notify me when I have a reply. Sometimes it does. It seems random.
And for an idea - this may already happen... but can we post coloured text?
I think it would be fun.
And finally, I reside in /talk and I wouldn't like collapsible threads there, so if you made it could it be optional...
( , Wed 8 Nov 2006, 0:00, Reply)

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please (etc) can you fix it for me to have an ignore button on the Question Of The Week, like the one on the messageboard? I would like to filter out the people who post brazilians of fake answers every week.
Yours Sincerely,
Age 10,
North Southampton (or is it South Northampton?)
PS: Please can my mum have your autograph?
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 23:33, Reply)

And maybe a nicer way to rate things than the "I like this" opening in a new popup window.
A links board link on the main homepage!
Feedback-wise, the message system is a great thing to have, top job!
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 23:25, Reply)

www.b3ta.com/p3te instead of www.b3ta.com/users/profile.php?id=40700
I expect this will mean (wait for it) preventing people from changing their names (gasp!)
ROCKER EDIT: www.b3ta.com/~p3te
Also, can you pleeease get rid of the flaming 400px wide div in the profiles, or at least give it an id :¬)
( , Tue 7 Nov 2006, 23:24, Reply)
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