Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"
What crappy claims to fame can you make?
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
This question is now closed.

My mum used to know him when he played for Scunthorpe. Something like that anyway.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 19:10, Reply)

bloodyHassocks and his meeting Chris Bonington tale. I've climbed with Chris Bonington. Twice. Once in the Avon Gorge, and once in Cheddar Gorge.
I also climb fairly often with Stephen Venables (first oxygenless ascent of Everest by silly new route etc etc)
I've talked to Paul from S-Club in the Fighting Cocks, St. Albans.
Have had dinner with two nobel prize winners (Tim Hunt and Paul Nurse).
I've met loads of famous sciency type people through my Dad.
Often walk past Casualty cast members (It's filmed here in Brizzle).
I could go on... I'm so good.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 19:04, Reply)

up until 5 years ago i lived 3 houses away from Bob Mortimers (or reeves and mortimer fame)mum he was genrally a nice guy and would always stop and speak 2 me! rumour has it that he had lived there with her but i couldn't prove that!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:59, Reply)

i work in a big students union, so get to meet the odd c-list celebrity.
on tuesday Goldie (rap geezer and actor, was in snatch and the world is not enough) said unto me 'double vodka on the rocks mate'. i ignored him (mostly because we cant give freebies even to shitty celebs)
i met marco from BB5 (incredibly camp one). He really is that camp-i got a proper 'hiya!' *insert wave here* from him.
and i met Mr Scruff too. top bloke, gave freebies to all the staff.
my job rocks. thoguh probably not befitting of this question.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:57, Reply)

Catherine Zeta Jones - met her when she came to Meadowhall to open the cinema in her darling buds of may days - my how she looks fine in Oceans 12 (go see it just for that)
Sold a wheelbarrow to Zoe Tate (Leah Bracknell) from Emmerdale when I worked at Focus in Bradford (she's fit too)
Sold paint to Greengrass from Heartbeat (Bill Maynard - Not so fit) - also at Focus (in Harrogate this time)
Sold paint and brushes and stuff to Rio Ferdinand when he had just moved to Leeds (Focus in harrogate again)(Fitter than Claude but CZJ still the winner so far)
Was part of the guiness world record longest water bucket chain many years ago with the cubs (Akela was fairly hot...)
Longest chinese dragon - cubs again (same Akela this time)
No Aplogies for length, cos the bucket chain or dragon of course needed to be long.
Aplogied for tenuous fame though!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:54, Reply)

My lucky-ass (and very firm ass, my what fun we had on holiday with his amazing tight clenching ass) mate played guitar with Placebo for a few of their gigs (in Milan, Paris and Montreal no less).
He then sent a few of his songs he'd written to Virgin. Little known efforts "Somewhere Only We Know" "This Love" and "Harder To Breathe". Yes those songs now played by Keane and Maroon 5. He thought he was lucky to be paid a set fee for all the rights to the songs, bet he wishes he'd asked for a commission based deal.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:54, Reply)

My dad has been called a twerp by John McCririck, and he met Princess Diana too. Apparently she was a bit of an icy bitch, hardly the warm person all those ridiculous mourners made her out to be.
Also, it's possible i'm in a staff training video or something for a coffee shop chain (can't remember which one). I was sitting in the 2nd floor coffee shop in Manchester Piccadilly Station with a female friend I hadn't seen for ages, having a coffee and a chat, and these berks with a camera came in, and a director wandering around ordering people about. They filmed me buying the coffee, then came over when we were sitting there drinking it.
"Is that your girlfriend?"
"What made you come here?"
"they sell coffee"
"do you like the coffee and the service?"
"thankyou for your time"
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:50, Reply)

My claim to fame - giving Neversoft the idea to make THE Tony Hawk (top skateboarding guy) say 'dutch oven' in the videogame Tony Hawks Underground 2.
For those that don't know - a dutch oven is when you are with your partner/one night stand in bed when you suddenly fart, push their head under the covers and run away giggling.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:47, Reply)

On the same estate as Des Lynam and nearly moved into John Cooper's old house (which is opposite Des Lynam's), I also know one of the creators of Trivial Pursuit. Ooh, and my Dad is dentist to Jamie Hawkins (the windsurfer)
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:43, Reply)

was given a medal, and was in the papers and on tv for a while:
scroll down to 3rd december
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:43, Reply)

I took a photo Robert Kilroy Silk which made him livid with rage.
Mind you, he was bent double & violently stretching his anus...
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:42, Reply)

my B3TA image for The Face competition actually made the magazine.
Does that count?
I nearly bag snatched Rowetta at a New Order gig by accident once. My coat caught her bag and pulled it off her shoulder.
Got on the barrier for a Prodigy gig in 1997 in Manchester which they were filming for a possible future release... My moment on camera would have basically been me yawning as they swept past the crowd... Video was never released in the end. Darn!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:34, Reply)

he was a total fucunt...
and I met Spike Lee at one of the gigs...
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:28, Reply)

Edgar Evans, the Welshy from Swansea who went off to the south pole with Scott and died on the way back is some distant distant relation. Having the name Will Smith has done me no wrong either.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 18:02, Reply)

my doctor was Harold Shipman. He correctly diagnosed mum's vertigo, and then spoiled it all by murdering hundreds of dear old blue-rinsed grannies. For shame.
Oh, and I was in the Warrington Guardian a couple of years back because I was in a crap band. We were called The Bangees. Enough said.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:58, Reply)

Captain. Semi-finals. Woo.
Oh, and I've met Harold Bishop!
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:54, Reply)

I was on the winning float, and got the pleasure of being licked by shep
a top experience for a seven year old
I was part of a gang which threw eggs at Bros when they were at the Radio 1 roadshow, prompting Phillip Schofield to call us all "a pack of wankers"
and I took part in a failed attempt to make the worlds biggest sandcastle
Norris McWhirter even showed up
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:52, Reply)

nearly ran me over with his steam roller. I was an arena marshall at the RHTS Cavalcade and so it was my job to direct "traffic" such as steam engines around the site. I shouted stop and raised both arms. Unfortunately Fred was (a) slightly deaf, and (b) looking the other way. His wife blowing the whistle is the only reason I am (a) still here and (b) more than an inch thick.
My dad has a rare first edition of one of Terry Pratchett's first ever short stories. It was published in the school magazine and my dad was a member of the school printing club which produced it.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:44, Reply)

once had a fight with only fools and horses writer John Sullivan in a spanish airport.
also, a mate of mine punched robbie jackson, but i doubt that makes much of a claim to fame.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:41, Reply)

that guy who tried to sell his virginity on ebay? Got in most of the big papers, on local radio etc.
I was good friends with him at school. Sat next to him in maths for a year. I don't see him for a while, then suddenly he's on the front page of the local newspaper, on the radio, everywhere.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:41, Reply)

mentioning how someone should make a UK version of jackass.
the rep? none other than lee dainton himself
several years later at a festival, Goat asked him if he masturbates in the shower.
a future claim to fame, but im currently knocking up the new website for The Subways, who are actually mates of mine, having known them for about 5 years (back in the days when they used to be called Platypus, and actually LOST the local rock contest)
i also spent 2 hours drinking beer and talking to the guys who play the theme at the beginning of every episode of buffy.
And there was the very awkward time that i spent 20 minutes chatting to some cunt at a bar, only to find out later that it was pete doherty.
oh, and i also had a drink bought for me by several members of the band Sikth, which consistend of a double measure of every spirit the bar sold. in a pint glass.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:39, Reply)

I shook the hand of a man who had previously used it to fondle Marilyn Monroe.
Er... That is I got to shake hands with Arthur Miller (RIP) when he visited our school to talk about PEN international.
I should have asked him some really intelligent question about his work, but I just couldn't stop thinking about what that hand might have done.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:39, Reply)

Exactly 1 year in 16 hours 46 minutes time. (It's 17:30 now)
However, I've been lurking here ever since B3TA did the Introducing Monday sketch.
How time flies....
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:29, Reply)

AKA Fred Dibnah (RIP). I went to his workshop in Bolton, when he was filming Dig With Dibnah (you know, that one where he built a coal mine in his back garden, as you do). His autograph hangs above my computer to this day.
Oh, and much less importantly of course, I met the Queen when I was about 4. I also appeared on TV twice, on Newsround and a crap game show called Sub Zero when I was about 10.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:28, Reply)

was the guy who took Bill Clintons photos at Loch Lomond Golf Club when he was over here in the not so distant past.
He said Bill was a really nice and genuine guy.
( , Thu 24 Feb 2005, 17:28, Reply)
This question is now closed.