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Rob writes, "My photoshop claim to fame: the way the crop tool greys out the rest of the image? That was my idea. I sent it to the Abobe features request thing back in ooh probably about 1998. (After spending a frustrating day cropping images for a dull
website, and wishing the tool worked better.)"

What crappy claims to fame can you make?

(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 12:49)
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Oh yeah, had forgotten.
The guy who's playing Peter in the upcoming "The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe" movie goes to my old school. Cocky little bastard, if I remember rightly...
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:26, Reply)
Rebel Scum
I have, safely stored in an envelope in my room somewhere, an autographed photo of Mr. Barry Holland.

"Who he" I hear you ask.

Well, as well as playing a guard in *all three* Indiana Jones films, he also is the Imperial Officer in Return of the Jedi who captures Han Solo and, while pointing a gun at Solos' chest, says:
"You Rebel scum!"
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 23:04, Reply)
very little conection i meet a few bands that are famous in some circles but no one myself my dad went to school with the guitar player who left jimmy hendrix band before they were famous (doh!) and i know someone who has been an extra in alot of movies (happens to come from a town that got a alot of filmakers making movies) errrrrr my cousin is in the latest harry potter (an extra) ummmmmm ... nothing much else i think oh yea meet orlando blooms mum.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:52, Reply)
claims to fame
My Girlfriend has her own mornin radio show,
highest rating regional show in the country :)
YAY Frank !!

she was also on big brother

I once sold Barry manilow some software for his mac,
sold Coolio a playstation,
told the south african rugby team to play as any team but sth africa in jona lomu rugby as they were "shit" funny guys tho, they can take a joke
spoke to Bill Clinton on the phone.

thats me
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:48, Reply)
is a game by Derek Smart that came out a few years back called "Battlecruiser Millennium",only discovered last year that some voice over work I had done for a long defunct commercial quake 2 modification had been used on it, was quite weird to hear my voice on one of the music tracks as I had forgotten all about it.Thing is though its very shit as it has nothing to do with the game and was taken right our of context.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:44, Reply)
my dad was an extra in the film'the charge of the light brigade'
and my grandad was the second allied soldier to walk into Belsen
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:42, Reply)
My friend's mum is Terry Pratchett's dentist
Given my friend is obsessed with Discworld she was very pleased when he had toothache as it gave her the opportunity to shout "My mum's pulled things out of Terry Pratchett's orifice!" at great volume.
There are a few other more direct ones -- I had a trick done on me by Derren Brown, my dad made a lovably crap joke in front of Ross Noble, a family friend's dad went to school with Timmy Mallet, my mum hung out with the Osmonds -- but none with such promise for orifice-based humour.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:39, Reply)
I got my name read out on Channel 5 late night baseball!
I ridiculed the style of the presenter's shirt...it had nothing to do with baseball.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:37, Reply)
Bond and Saint
My father-in-law was a lighting engineer at Pinewood studios. He worked on On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Diamonds Are Forever and Live and Let Die. He also worked on Space 1999 and has a diary given to all the crew from Martin Landau and Barbara Bach. He worked on The Mackintosh Man and has an ashtray etched with the names of the director (John Huston) and the star (Paul Newman).

Via my Norwegian Mum I'm a distant descendant of St. Brigitta of Sweden. ( www.boydell.co.uk/51157270.HTM )
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:32, Reply)
And another one
My dad was at school with Neil Kinnock - even in his class!
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:26, Reply)
My Auntie was the first person in the world to have Botox treatment,, she worked as a receptionist for the doctor who came up with it all (somewhere in Canada).
The idea sprang to his mind when he noticed that at the begining of the day she was fresh faced and an ideal representative of his business, by the end of the day her face drooped and actually physically scared the patients...
She got to do some tv shows in the states last year for Botox's anniversary. (cnn i think)

She also has massive tits!
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:24, Reply)
a few, mostly music related
*i went to school with the bassist from Athlete
*I went to Uni with the drummer from Gorky's Zygotic Mynci
*My dad's cousin is Liona Boyd who's only kind of famous (mostly for an affair with the canadian prime minister), but she does live next door to Ozzy

edit: I forgot,

*I'm also somehow related to the captain of the titanic
*i went to uni with someone who was in Star Wars (as an imperial guard)
*I went to school with the kids who enter the going live 'search for a star' thing and came second to the kid singing 'Donald where's yer troosers'
*My brother was in a film with some famous people, including admiral something from Star Wars (i think its the one who gets strangled)
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:22, Reply)
Not me but my mate
stepped on Gareth Southgate's mum's foot.

And I once met Chris Eubank in Brighton railway station. Just standing there he was. His head is much smaller than I imagined it to be.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:15, Reply)
pb donnington frenzy
was in the hospitality all day(blagged it ...dont ask) met james whitham and his loverly chick and let all and sundry present(all emap journos)that carl fogarty was a cnut for not showing,to the agreement of all the other blaggers and embarrasment of the hosts.i supped all their ale and met THE ronnie smith.i even bought him a pint!!!i think i worried him a bit as i was drunk and loud.

best i could come up with im afraid.sorry.

oooh,one more.i won "MR FIESTA"at a hotel in magaluf.had to drink beer quickly,make a fool of myself on stage,then prance about in my partners clothes(im 6ft and on the big side,she is 5ft and petite) i am ashamed,but i was a king amongst men for a week!!!
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:13, Reply)
Let's see
I've stood next to Gary Numan at the bar in the Shepherds Bush Empire.
Had a piss next to Dwight Yorke at internal flights departure lounge at Heathrow.
erm struggling now . . .
My ex-girlfriends aunties friend was Angela Lansbury's PA.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:11, Reply)
Claim to teh fame.
I went to school with Jill Halfpenny. Well, i should say i went to school with Jill Halfpenny when she wasn't bunking off shool filming Byker Grove anyway...
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:06, Reply)
my grandad was in breif encounter
and he is the only one still alive who got paid.
thats right encounter not encounters
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:02, Reply)
i almost
tripped up robin cook on tuesday as he got off the tube at notting hill. and he didn't know where he was going cos he had a map with green hilighter over it.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 22:02, Reply)
Is originally from my estate in Dublin, his old gaff is just up the road.
there you go!
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:56, Reply)
I put the 'me' in Ameoba,
I ruled the primordial soup,
I was the first ever zygote,
and made little creatures from gloop.

I was the king of the dino's,
greater than any t-rex,
I saw the start of the stone age,
and Adam and Eve having sex.

I was the hairiest cave man,
with the largest of all overbites,
that and a big club's what made me,
the king of the old troglodytes.

I lit up all the dark ages,
the history that noone could see,
the darkest of all mankinds pages,
we only had candles y'see.

I was King Henrys food taster,
from chicken to large artichokes.
I dabbled with one of his ladies,
and he cut off my bonce with a stroke.

I led the French Revolution,
And stormed at the Bastilles great gates,
I didn't know then my solution,
Would end up as a new-fascist state.

I was Will Shakespeares ghost writer,
and penned all the best of his work,
Infact all the stuff that he's written,
is the kind Barbera Cartland would shirk.

I popped a cap in Duke Ferdinand,
and created the worlds first drive by,
I charged the guns at the battle of somme,
and shot at the whites of their eyes.

I designed Hitlers square moustache,
to make him look totally gay,
I brought an end to the nazi's,
and shagged Eva Braun on the way.

I was the man who killed Kennedy,
as I shot from the old grassy knoll,
I got lots of cash from the mafia,
and a shag off a nice gangsters moll.

I came all over Lewinski,
and ruined her nice summer dress,
but who would have thought that my jism,
would cause Mr Clinton such stress?,

I was behind 9-11,
it's reasons were far from insane,
Bush told us to kill all the muslims,
despite his complete lack of a brain.

So after all this I'm quite knackered,
I've been busy I'm sure you'll agree,
so next time I'm reincarnated,
I want to come back as a tree...

Mikee, aged 30 & 1/3rd
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:45, Reply)
A couple
I went to school with the son of the guy who wrote "Build me up, Buttercup".

Oh, and every other week I have a singing lesson immediately after Steven Hawkings' ex-wife. She's very nice.

That's crap really, isn't it?
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:42, Reply)
but if you ever met her you would agree that this was pennance enough for her very existence. Besides, I believe cruelty and ridicule lie in the very spirit of this website and should be encouraged at every possible oppertunity.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:41, Reply)
You seem like a bit of a bell end
but you're actually really f*cking funny!
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:39, Reply)
But if she was here to defend herself...
it would be hilarious.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:36, Reply)
Apologies for rant before
It was to Mr Beef, who was a bit of a cnut as this Gemma girl isn't here to defend herself. You've left school I presume, move on and give the girl a break!
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:33, Reply)
I'm a celebrity (in my own right)
There's a picture of my big fat gleaming face printed on a library/truck hybrid,which was taken when i was about 9,at some weird poetry group or something, which tours as far as maidenhead and even windsor (if i'm lucky)

P.S if you want an autograph just email me
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:33, Reply)
Going to a 'posh' boarding
school does not necessarily mean you are intelligent. Besides, i didn't think this board was exactly a bustling senate on the technicalities of the english language and other shit.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:32, Reply)
Going a bit too far
a.m. MEANS in the morning. So, when you write am, you don't need to add IN THE MORNING, it's completely redundant! Coming from a posh boarding school, you should know this.
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:29, Reply)
not me...
but a mate of mine has a "claim to fame" by spilling a double vodka* over catherine zeta jones's dad**, and ii was there when he did it and i pissed myself laughing.

*may have been a single im not sure
**yes i did say that

EDIT - just remembered that my mothers boyfriend is a distant cousin of her
*runs off to grab coat*
(, Thu 24 Feb 2005, 21:28, Reply)

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