B3ta's very own Fraser was once a cycle courier. On one job out to docklands his radio gave out, so he had to find a public phonebox to ring back to base.
He'd just located one when it began to ring. Picking it up, it was (obviously) a wrong number, but Fraser recognised the voice. Turned out it was a mate of his he hadn't seen for ages.
What spoooky* coincidences have you encountered?
* spoooky should always have three o's. 100% fact
( , Thu 8 Feb 2007, 14:07)
This question is now closed.

I was just about to post a completely made up and unfeasably shite answer to QOTW when I actually read the other replies and found that every single one had beaten me to it.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 9:16, Reply)

At a pub quiz and trying to think of a witty and not crap name for our team. The quizmasters favourite association football team had just finished up in 5th spot in the league, so we called ourselves "Hope we don't come 5th". Frightfully witty, and we came 5th.
Next week we thought clever and came up with "Hope we don't come 1st". Ended up joint first facing a tiebreaker and - guess what! Came second.
Gentlemen always come second.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 9:09, Reply)

My last three posts. Life is one big bloody co-incidence if you ask me.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 8:03, Reply)

For the last year or so, I'm at home right - and then spend about eight hours with the same people. It's bloody mad. I've even started speaking with them.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 8:02, Reply)

For the last year or so, I go on the same websites - and then spend about eight hours with the same people. It's bloody mad. I've even started speaking with them.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 7:57, Reply)

For the last year or so, I make the same journey - and then spend about eight hours with the same people. It's bloody mad. I've even started speaking with them.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 7:56, Reply)

but I was born on the 8th November, at 8.11pm, and was 8 lbs 11 oz.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 7:46, Reply)

When my son was about 2 1/2, he had just learned to speak and was busily exercizing this new skill. We were driving and he started to cry in the back seat. I asked him what was wrong. He told me he was so sad because Baby Jack had died. I was completely taken aback and tried to explain I'd never lost a child. He said, "No, no, before."
I got all goosebumpy (again) and asked more questions. Apparently, we lived long ago and Baby Jack got very sick. We didn't have any money for the doctor and Jack "took sick" and died. James had a different name then and I was married to a different man than his current dad. I was so sad Jack passed away I went down to the bridge and fell in the water. I had a long dress and it held me down and I died, too.
I asked James where the bridge was and he said "You know, the really big bridge. By the really big clock."
He doesn't remember this story now. The odd thing is, I absolutely love England and I'm unreasonably terrified of drowning.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 4:38, Reply)

Whilst drinking in my local establishment (i say local, more like a 45 minute walk away, but it was the only non-scummy place in the area), a young lady came over to me. Now this is unusual in itself as i'm an ugly bastard, so i was a little confused already. I became worried when she said "Excuse me, is your name *my name*?". A little confused i confirm that her assumption was correct. At this point i'm a little worried: do i know her from school? Did i brutally murder her cat?
Things took a more creepy turn when she said "Is your mother's name *her name*?". Now at this point I was ready to report her as a stalker, but confirmed her second assumption. "You used to live in Gibraltar didn't you?" was her third comment. Now by this point I was dumbstruck, some of my closest friends don't even know I lived in Gibraltar, it's just not something i mention much (for no particular reason, i just don't feel the need to tell people).
At this point I believe she sensed my confusion and said "I think my dad was in the navy with your dad. He owns this pub".
Dear lord! Turns out i'd been drinking in an establishment owned by a good friend of my dad's for years and not known it! Turns out my dad didn't even know he still lived near us and was just as shocked as me.
I still don't get free beer from the place though.... bastards.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 4:36, Reply)

Having just got an offer at work to move to California from the London office, I decided to go slum it with the septics for a bit. After a month, I had to fly back to England and decided to take the girl on a week holiday to Prague in the Czech republic. As we were walking through the old town, appreciatinng the astrological clock, my boss (from california) walked right by. We did a double take each and then realised, yes, we were indeed seeing eachother.
He wasnt supposed to be in Prague at all, he was actually supposed to be Skiing, but his friend broke his leg, so they all came to prague instead.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 4:27, Reply)

He knew the exact time, date, location, and manner of his death in advance.
The Judge told him.
(and the noose used is still on display at lancaster castle)
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 3:36, Reply)

On occasion my penis goes all big and hard. It seems to coincide with whenever I'm thinking of Scarlet Johanssen.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 2:01, Reply)

I am 3 or 4. Not an especially violent kid. Pretty verbose - at that point I was talking as much as I can.
I am in the back of my parents' car, talking about my daycare lady, the snow, birds, and anything I can think of, and illustrating with my hands. Parents are half-listening, because driving in Montreal is not such an easy thing in the winter.
I stop talking about whatever subject it is has my mind, and say "And then there's a man on a bike, and woooom he slips and goes up and bang, and then he's dead", or something quite similar, waving my hands through the air. My parents give it the same regard as they give all the other nonsense I come up with.
A few minutes later, they drive past a motorcycle accident.
Since then, no more clairvoyance. A shame.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 1:50, Reply)

Used to make a few crank phone calls as a kid. Dial a number, any number, make up some nonsense and see what happens...
Dialled a number, woman picks up, conversation goes like so...
Me: Hi, just me. Can I borrow your car?
Her: Hahahahah, did you want to speak to 'insert name' (the duaghter)?
Me: (Flummoxed) Yeah, thanks!
Daughter: Hi, how are you?
Conversation ensues.....as if we actually know each other
Me: So tell me your birthday again, I've forgotton
Daughter: 8th of July
Me: (a bit freaked out now) You don't know me but my birthday is 8th of July as well.
I then hung up. My birthday is 8th of July and that was probably meant to be my soul mate or something, surely these coincidences don't happen that often!
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 1:06, Reply)

I'd been looking for a new job for a while when I ran into Lord Goldsmith at White's.
Bugger only offered me a place in the Lords' for 500k!
Took it of course.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 0:54, Reply)

some streetlamps seem to turn on or off when i walk/drive under them
this has been happening for a few years now and has been witnessed by a few people. There is a street lamp on the road my parents live on and everytime i approach it it turns off then back on again as i walk off... I've had other people walk under it and its not happened, unless i walk under it with them. Recently another lamp further down the road has started doing it when i drive past.
Plus once while driving in Wales i sneezed and a whole row of steetlamps went out, this was witnessed by 3 passengers in my car... it was freaky as hell... guess i have some weird telepathic thing with lamp post
i know this reads like the ramblings of a mad man!
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 0:51, Reply)

One night, I was awakened by a very peculiar dreamlike thing. It was a ghostly face, large and translucent with a blue hue, hovering in my bedroom staring at me. The only thing I can liken it to is the faces of the ghosts that come out of the ark at the end of the movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark." It wasn't a scary experience, but it was quite startling and it seemed that it only lasted for a second or two. Having work the next morning, I looked at the clock and saw that it was 02:15am.
At 07:30 the next morning, I got a 'phone call from my Mum who told me that my uncle had died that night... at 02:15am.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 0:10, Reply)

Two of my aunts share the same birthday (being twins and all) 25th February. One of these aunts, has two children, born three years apart, but both born on 25th February.
You might think this makes things a lot simpler, but in reality it means we all have to buy four lots of presents, cards etc for the same day, although we have often simplified by writing one 'happy joint birthday' card. It also meant that she spent two of her birthdays in a maternity wing, which can't be too much fun.
A slightly spookier coincidence (but still not enough to justify a third o) is that I have been informed by my dad that my first words were exactly the same as his mother's last words.
Other than that, there haven't really been any truly remarkable coincidences in my life yet.
( , Sun 11 Feb 2007, 0:00, Reply)

...at a Mercedes dealership in Paris about ten years ago, when who should walk in but Prince Philip! He gave me a case full of money to cut the brake leads on the car of some fat Egyptian gangster.
I did it of course, though I was always worried that it could have lead to an accident...
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 23:45, Reply)

The Rapper Notorious BIG died on my birthday, which in itself isnt very impressive but, what if I told you he was my favourite rap artist of the time??
He wasnt, he was my second favourite rap artist of the time but still..
Pretty damn spoooky eh?
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 23:28, Reply)

A fellow b3tan made me think about this one. Thanks StokeGirl :-)
I had a rubbish day 2 days ago on the 8th Feb. Couldn't work out why - was it the stars, the moon - was I hung over. Again? ??
No, it was my Dad's birthday. Or it would have been had he not died suddenly 16 years ago.
I fully expect another rubbish day on the 4th March.
A coincidence? Maybe. My subconcious telling me something? Maybe. Does it happen every year? Usually - I always realise a few days later.
Does this bring the humurous tone of this QOTW down? I'm not sure that I care, but I'm venting my spleen. Or something.
Goodnight Seattle - We love you. (From "Frasier" in case you didn't know).
No joke here I'm afraid.
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 23:06, Reply)

Richard Feynman died just 196 days before I was born, and I like physics.
Weird or what!
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 22:53, Reply)

I was masturbating hard when the image of Liv Tyler going down on herself popped into my mind.
What a coincidence that not only does this happen to be an ultimate fantasy of mine, but that I should have almost simultaneously shot my hot milky load over my pale, spotty thighs.
What are the chances, eh?
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 22:36, Reply)

I went to Florida in about 1996 (you can tell how much I enjoyed it by how well I remember it) and was playing crazy-golf with my parents at the hotel when I hear "Maladicta? Is that you?" I looked up and saw two kids from my school, one a year older than me and one a year younger.
When I was 16 I was sat next to a slutty girl in my year in chemistry when she said "My boyfriend says he knows you..." "Uh, who is he?" "Jon *******". She was dating the son of one of the kids from my (different) primary school and now knew everyone I'd been to school with through him. Yup, Leicestershire is incestuous.
Uni is six degrees of separation, I could go on forever with that.
My boyfriend is someone who, oddly enough, I met through QOTW. He messaged me last October just before I moved to Switzerland about one of my posts, and happened to mention that he had a friend near to where I was staying. When we got together I met up with her in town for a drink.
I have run out of ideas so I'll end this post now. Which is spoooky again really.
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 21:12, Reply)

So there I was, scrolling down the B3ta homepage, reading this QOTW and not thinking that anything had happened to me. So I scrolled down further, and saw this image. When it appeared at the bottom of the page, some decks-style music came on the TV. When it disappeared off the top of the page, the music stopped...
Well, I thought it was a spoooky coincidence...
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 20:48, Reply)

And I was working behind the bar one evening, and it was nearly the end of my shift, I was just waiting for the manager to come down and take over so I could go home. It was fairly quiet, as it was mid-week, and I was chatting to a guy stood at the bar. He happened to turn around and spot someone at a table, and he said 'That fella looks like me! I should introduce myself!', and off he went.
He got to the other guy's table and pointed out that the two of them looked very similar, to which the other one agreed. The guy I had been speaking to asked "Where are you from?"
"Cork" came the reply.
"Me too, which road?"
"Andrew's Lane"
"Andrew's Lane? That's where I'm from too! Which number?"
"Number 23"
"I don't believe it, me too! What are your parent's names?"
"John and Sarah"
"Incredible, so are mine!"
At this point, the manager came down, signifying the end of my shift. "Anything happen?" he asked me. "No", says I. "Oh, but the O'Malley twins are drunk again".
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 20:13, Reply)

I was driving home when I saw a mate walking. I knew she was heading to work near the station a mile or so away, so I offered her a lift.
After I dropped her off, I realised that I'd turned the wrong way and was stuck in rush-hour traffic outside the station.
This was especially galling as I was expecting to be driving back there in a couple of hours anyway to collect the then Mr Quar.
The traffic crawled along and I found myself stopped at the station zebra crossing, where I spotted Mr Quar ambling across!
I honked the horn and he turned and nearly fainted from shock at seeing me, then jumped in the car.
The course he was on had finished early and he'd thought he could get home before I did. No chance, Sucker!
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 20:06, Reply)

My sis had a bouncing baby boy. Today just so happens to be the anniversary of my gran's death.
Oh sorry did you expect funny?
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 20:03, Reply)

My Grandfather fought, and was killed, in the the Battle of the Somme in the First World War. From a letter he posted on the day before the first big push, we know that he put his wedding ring inside his ration tin and buried it the trench. This way, if he died, the Germans wouldn't steal it from his stiff, dead fingers. Well, he and all of his mates were mown down by German machinegun fire and neither the tin nor the ring were never seen again.
Cue me going on a Historic Battlefields tour with my parents just a couple of years ago. We were very sombre at the Somme, especialy as it was raining hard and very dismal. Then ... what should I see but a ration tin poking from a muddy puddle.
I reached down and pulled it free with a squelch. I prised open the mud-clogged lid and carfully looked inside. There was a piece of newspaper from 1914, and a small object inside it . With shaking fingers, I opened the newspaper and saw ...
... the Action Man helmet I'd lost in 1983. Spoooky? I shat my pants there and then.
( , Sat 10 Feb 2007, 20:02, Reply)
This question is now closed.