I wept for my cat last week despite trying to be all hard and manly. What's made you cry recently?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 11:07)
This question is now closed.

If we're going for TV, my Mum and I were caught by those cancer ads a while ago. We'd been watching some animal-type programme, probably animal police/hospital/fire service whatever. Already a little fragile from that, and time-of-month, they throw the full length 'magic mirror' cancer ad at us. We both sat very still and quiet for a minute, then I went to fetch the box of tissues. Damn charities.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:43, Reply)

In general - it's stuff on tellee. I have no soul, but I reckon I'm not alone. Anyway, top two:
That advert where dogs are running around happy and carefree with a narrator saying "This is Toto, he's a happy little dog" etc, only for it to cut to a shot of the same mutt, in the rain, sat in an alley next to a skip while we're told how Toto's former owner attached jumpleads to the dog's nads and used him as bait when shark fishing. Welling up just thinking about it.
But the all time killer? The Snowman by Raymond Briggs. Every Christmas it gets shown, and regular as clockwork, right at the end the poor little ginger sod (who obviously doesn't have any friends, seeing as he's stuck out in the middle of nowhere with just his rather elderly parents) stumbles out on Christmas morning into the garden looking for his magical new best mate, only to find a mound of melted snow, some coal, a hat and a carrot. He looks in his pocket, finds a scarf, that fucking song starts up and I'm bawling like a Tsunami survivor... am I allowed to say that?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:21, Reply)

just now after watching that horrible PETA video...took me about 15 mins to properly stop. nasty, nasty qotw!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:10, Reply)

Re.: AdamLynch's post just made me cry, reminding me of myself four months ago coming out to my rents - fook me, tears a plenty. Seriously, most difficult thing I've yet done (19yrs on this planet).
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:09, Reply)

was during spring break when, due to my actions, my boyfriend was upset at me and refused to see me the entire week. I had wanted to do all sorts of things during the time we were off school, and realizing I had completely ruined our plans by being stupid devastated me. I cried while talking to him on the phone.
The most emotional time before that was in front of my parents. I had been talking to my boyfriend about the fact that my parents were against us being together (boyfriend is a full time college student, and they can't understand the fact that he doesn't have a job, so therefore he must be evil), and the fact that we were going to get married whether they approved or not. He urged me to tell my parents that I didn't appreciate them talking bad about him to me, or trying to bring me down constantly. I did, and no sooner had I gotten the first words out, I choked up and couldn't talk for several minutes. My parents, realizing how upset they had been making me lately, recanted somewhat and have left me to make my own decisions, saying they will be behind me no matter what.
I also cried during "The Passion of the Christ." To my knowledge that's the only movie that has made me that emotional.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 21:08, Reply)

but if I'm on my own I get all choked up about anything vaguely emotional on the shallowest of films or TV shows.
And I came really close once when I was waiting for a bus thinking about - not listening to, just thinking about - the lyrics to 'Do You Realize' by The Flaming Lips
Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face
Do You Realize - we're floating in space -
Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry
Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round...
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:57, Reply)

The last time i propperly cried...
I failed to shed a tear at my god fathers funeral or when my aunt died or when my grandfather died...
Nor did i cry when my past two girlfriends left me (but that dont mean much really)
Does this make me dead inside or is it just that I dont cry a lot?
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:47, Reply)

last night. reading my old diarys, and getting to the page when they told us mum was dying. then when i got the page where i had written that she had gotten through it.
oh and also when i read about a certain boyfriend...some mistakes should never be remembered.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:43, Reply)

Back end of last year me and Mrs Jelly split up. Things had been going wrong for a bit but you never think you and someone who you consider to be your soulmate will split up. But we did. And it was so very hard.
Couple of years ago one of my cats died. it is no exageration to say I was devastated. How people who lose children feel I cannot begin to imagine.
Oh, and the end of Love Actually obviously
(never used to cry, ever!)
More cheerful QOTW next week please!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:37, Reply)

i miss my ex, that makes me cry, mainly cause he's moving away and i'm probably not going to see too much of him after that. i cry a lot about that.
cried at the ends of FF-X and FF-X2, damn those computer generated sprites.
cried at that PETA video.
cried cause my stomach hurt.
cried some more, just in case.
haaa i am lame
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:33, Reply)

I honestly can't remember the last time I cried. I remember not crying when my grandmother died in July 2003 (and wondering why on earth not), and I don't think I've cried since then. I've come close once or twice, and a few times recently, felt like I was about to break down into tears for no reason at all. I really worry that if I do, I just won't be able to stop.
Apologies for angst.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:33, Reply)

After giving evidence at the Coroner's Hearing into the suicide of a bloke on the railway I attended.
His girlfriend and mother came up to the railway staff involved and thanked us and apologised...
..made me bottom lip quiver a bit...
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:32, Reply)

when my motherboard wouldn't work.
It works now though.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:28, Reply)

remembering the people I havent seen forso long and may not see again
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:23, Reply)

Just reading this lot has tears in my eyes.
I tend to blub watching films (Green Mile, Schindler's List blah de blah de blah) and when I'm reading. I cried my lil eyes out at Jake's death in the last of the Dark Tower books and felt like crap for 3 days after, and Terry Pratchett has a habit of doing it to me too. Miss Flitworth and Death at the dance has me sobbing everytime I read it.
Real life - worst was when my dog of 15 years had to be put down. I took him and held him in my arms as the vet gave him the injection, por old Fluke tucked his head under my arms and I held him as he died, and then had to go home and tell everyone it was over. Then a week later i got a call from my uncle saying he needed me to give him lift to the vets with his dog Beth as she was having breathing trouble. She died in front of me and brought everything back from the week before.
And I sometimes get really tearful about missing a special person, especially when I hear Wish You Were Here by Nightwish and Ohne Dich by Rammstein. Tears of sadness on thinking my soulmate had cancer and then tears of joy days later when we found out she didn't. Love you cl smackity smack
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:17, Reply)

the last time I properly cried was watching John Peel's funeral.
I kept on nearly crying at 8 Simple Rules when Paul died the other week and for some reason at the Games. Sports makes me cry.
I think I may have cried about going back to school and being fat, but no properly, more just whining.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 20:00, Reply)

... in which I stormed out of a party (that I'm going to in June), got in my car, was speeding along a country road and accidentally left the road, smashing into a tree. It was such a horrible image; windows smashed, my hair blowing the in the wind, car and body twisted and little bits of blood everywhere. It make me all shaky and burst into tears. In the middle of a History lesson.
Oh, and the time before that was when I found out my car had been stolen in the night.
I must be sensitive about my cars, or something.
EDIT: Also, how can ANYONE click 'I like this' after any response on the QOTW page?!!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:36, Reply)

Going back a few years (when I was 12/13) to when my old, cancerous dog finally had to be put down. When I recieved the news I responded with....nothing. I felt nothing. I ended up lying in bed trying to force myself to cry because I felt the poor thing deserved it. After about half an hour I got some tears out by mainly because of a combination of scruntched up eyes and the thought that I couldn't cry than from loss of my doggy
length, girth. My apologies
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:36, Reply)

a bit of a lyricist. I was reading some of his new batch of lyrics the other day and the last two lines of one song made me blub. My lyricist friend was sitting next to me at the time. I called him a bastard for making me cry. He didn't mean it.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:24, Reply)

was packing up to leave*
*he is coming back (I hope)
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:23, Reply)

One Sunday night. my family and I were sitting round the dinenr table after Sunday dinner. One of my sisters was there, the other one was in uni.
I got up to leave(to avoid the washing up) but got told to sit down abruptly by my dad.
"Your mum has something to say".
I looked at my sister and we both knew. We'd had our suspicisions for a while and Mother had an affair 4 years previously.(Since then I've had no love for my mother.None.)
"Kids..I..I want to leave." My mum was leaving me and dad alone. (my two sister are in uni).
i joked around here... did the manly thing...stupid. I then went up to my room, and wrote the biggest blog message ever, I cried, the keyboard nearly fried under the river of tears. Its now just me and dad...alone. This house used to be such a happy place...
oh and after watching The Passion of The Christ. once again did the blog thing.
I'm not apologising for the length. Its a memory I find hard to share so appreciate it damnit!
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:23, Reply)

Watching an episode of Animal Hospital (there was nothing else on!) when a fox gets caught in barbed wire. I cried til it hurt...
And don't even talk to me about Watership Down.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:15, Reply)

Things that make me cry:
When dads weep at their children's birth. Male tears are moving. A patient had a baby after eight years of being told she couldn't ever get pregnant due to surgical complications. The couple held their breath all through the labor and when the baby gave her first wail, the dad burst into tears.
When sons weep for their mother at her death. I don't know why I can't take that--daughters at mom's or dad's death, son's at their dad's only make me blink hard, but something about a grown man falling on his mother's dead body and crying "Mama, mama," kills me.
Death of children. I had a patient once whose infant died at 6 months. We induced her labor and she gave birth to a dead babe. The husband couldn't take it and left and the doctor didn't get there in time, so it was just the two of us. I wiped off the baby and laid him in her arms and she sobbed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" apologizing for whatever had happened to rob him of life.
That fucking "Little Drummer Boy" Christmas carol. When I hear "Then He smiled at me" I lose it.
Stories by Martin Bell--there's 2 especially, "Barrington Bunny" and "Joggi the Porcupine". I dare you to read them and not bawl.
When my kids do something just incredible and show me what wonderful people they are. My daughter pulled off her mittens at age three and tried to give them to a homeless guy in Toronto. Of course they wouldn't fit and I had to give him mine, but I was so proud of her.
When I realize I missed my chance for true love and it will never come again.
When I scream at my children and feel like the worst mother in the world
Cruelty. To animals, to children, to anything helpless and dependent. There is a special place in hell for those guys laughing and hitting the little raccoon in the PETA video.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:15, Reply)

in Neighbours when summer turned round and punched some fat boy in the face because he cussed her mum... one of those "had to be there" sort of moments.
Sorry thats just really shit isnt it
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:15, Reply)

I had my sad songs playlist on reading this....with all the crap going on in my life at the moment, and hallelujah in my ears, i broke down in front of my entire class...
also last night, at about 5 in the morning, realising that everyone I know, and everything I love will one day die. I have real problems trying to reconcile my beliefs with things i take to be scientific fact....and i really want to believe in eternal life, and all that stuff....but it messes withy my head so much I want to explode...So I cried...really really cried...then fell asleep almost instantly...
and watching my 10 yr old sister sleep...shes been really ill recently, and shes growing up so fast, I just want to suspend this moment in time...
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:13, Reply)

It was five years (and four months, if you're picky) ago that I last really cried. I've cried since, sure, but not with as much soul as I did then.
I cried in a drunken rage as I fell into the road, finally unable to control myself after the hardest day that I had been through up to that point in my life. I pulled myself to the curb and wept into my hands while my friends were buying friday night food. Some girls came up to console me, but for once I was not in the slightest bit interested.
Five years and four months ago, Eddie died. He was not my best friend, but I only because I knew that I was not his - there were other people much closer to him than I and they deserved to bestow that particular honour. That said, he was a great chum, and a great chum to many.
I wept for him more than I wept for my grandparents. In truth, I guess I was closer to him than I was to they. Without fail he could bring laughter, and his incessant friendliness was shown that night, when so many people gathered to say goodbye as only seventeen year olds can.
That night was the last time I cried, and I think, possibly the first as well.
Sorry for length, but I had to vent.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:12, Reply)

When I was watching X-Men 2, I cried at the end. It was so fucking sad.
Time before that was watching Damien Rice play live on BBC3. His performance was profoundly moving.
Time before that was about ten minutes before that, watching Freaky Friday.
I am such a cock.
( , Thu 14 Apr 2005, 19:09, Reply)
This question is now closed.