We love watching films and we're always looking for interesting things to watch - so tell us the best movie you've seen and why you enjoyed it.
( , Thu 17 Jul 2008, 14:30)
This question is now closed.

Since there seem to be a few on here who like their anime I thought I'd pull a threadjack and drop this lot on y'all.
1. Laputa
This is the film that got me into anime, purely from seeing the last twenty minutes on TV. When I finally got hold of a copy I found out that the rest of the film was every bit as good. My all time favourite Ghibli film.
2. Project A-Ko
Two schoolgirls rowing over the friendship of a third. Since one of them is superpowered and the other one is a genius, if crazed, inventor the results are impressive. Then aliens invade. Marvellously funny.
3 Perfect Blue
Idol singer switches careers to become an actress. Then her reflection starts taunting her and this weird guy is following her around and people have started dying...
There's not a lot of anime that makes the grey cells do some work but this is one of them.
4. Porco Rosso
Mercenary pilot with the face of a pig versus sky pirates over the 1920's Adriatic. As you'd expect, dogfighting there is in plenty but also fits in some scenes that are just plain beautiful.
5. Steamboy
Young 19th cent. inventor takes posession of a super-gizmo from his grandfather and promptly has all sorts of important people chasing after him to claim it. The director of Akira has a go at Steampunk and does a superb job of it.
Honourable mentions to: Macross-Do You Remember Love, Beautiful Dreamer, Millenium Actress, End Of Evangelion, Wings of Honneamise...
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 17:28, 4 replies)

Sadly, this isn't one of my favourite films for the title alone. I won a toss-up in the video shop for this. (The alternative, my girlfriend's choice was 'Thirteen'. I actually believe this is the worst film ever shat into Blockbusters.)
I don't even remember anything about the plot. I don't think there was one. However, my girlfriend was so irritated at my choice of movie that she decided to just cook a great deal of junk food that I could snack on during the film - inevitably, I ended up smearing tomato pizza sauce all over my face and moaning like a proud member of the undead. Whenever I see this film, I feel like I should do that again.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 17:26, Reply)

The first film I went to see with the now Mrs Vertigo.
It's a brilliant movie - an elegaic homage to the end of the wild west, and Clint's best performance since Josey Wales. It's a joy to watch from beginning to end.
But that's not really why it's my favourite film. It's my favourite film because as we came out of it, I asked her what she thought.
"Umm... thing is... I don't really like westerns."
Awkward pause.
"I just wanted to... y'know... go out somewhere with you."
I was smitten from there on.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 17:18, Reply)

1. Rambo - First Blood*
2. Rambo - First Blood Part II
3. Rambo - III
4. Rambo - John Rambo
5. There Will Be Blood**
*(best scene from 1st blood is when, Rambo jumps off the cliff, landing on the tree, and hits every branch on the way down!)
**(best scene from TWBB is the ending .. I drink your MILKSHAKE!!!)
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:48, 7 replies)

this QOTW seems to be drifting further and further away from the actual question
and has moved past a variety of changes and this weeks answers now include;
-best porno scene
-best sex scene in a non porno movie
-best tv shows
-best line in a film
-favourite actor
-a ridiculously big random list of films
-people's own made up films
and other random answers very far off topic
so i'd just like to take this moment to say that my favourite cheese is cheddar
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:48, 6 replies)

Lisa Bonet in Angel Heart. You would, you certainly would.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:28, 2 replies)

is probably Angel Heart, still not sure i understand every single piece of the story. I think this is more to do with me being simple...
Funniest movie ever has to be 'I'm gonna get you sucka', allow me to quote...
Leonard (a thug) was getting beat up by a pre-menstrual women but is saved by his mate (Willie) coming along and hitting her over the head from behind.
Willie: [I] heard you screaming all the way down the alley.
Leonard: I wasn't screaming! Alright?
Willie: Yes you was.
Leonard: I said I wasn't screaming! I was whistling!
Willie: You was what?
Leonard: I was whistling for you!
Willie: You was whistling, "Willie, help, get this bitch off of me"?
Ahhh marvellous
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:25, 1 reply)

Yes, that's not a typo, Snakes On A TRAIN.
I bought it for £3 in Woolworths when SOAP was in the cinemas.
It's by far the worst piece of shit I've ever seen.
Here's a summary:
- Woman gets cursed and her internal organs start to turn into snakes.
- Fella takes said woman onto a train from Mexico to L.A. to find a Shaman who can help her.
- Some bandits are also on the train, have various fights with fella while woman is coughing up snakes and then swallowing them again.
- Woman starts to turn into a snake, so train stops in the middle of nowhere, everyone gets off. Snake/woman proceeds to grow about 100ft tall and eats train, then a tornado appears and sucks her up.
The End.
P.S. I do realise this QOTW is 'Best Films Ever' but I wanted to know if anyone else has seen this abomination
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:21, 5 replies)

I hate film snobs who make a point of saying they only like films that are worthy, deep and make you think etc, and dismissing films that are just funny or entertaining, just so they look like a cool filmo.
Films like The Fountain. I'm sorry, but it was just shite. I endured the whole film and at the end just thought "WTF! What a waste of 2 hours of my life". It just seemed like a load of arty bollocks to me. There are loads of people online who go on about how clever it is and how it has so many levels. Nope, sorry. Just one level. SHITE!
##### And relax #####
I don't really have a single favourite film as it kind of depends on what mood I am in at the time. However my list of faves would include:
Starship Troopers (great fun with its tongue firmly in its cheek)
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Matrix 1 (not 2 and 3)
Band of Brothers (not technically a film but very, very good if you ask me)
South Park the Movie (Uncle Fucker!)
Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:17, 5 replies)

The original one, not the remake.
Many may not have seen it, and its brilliant.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 16:10, Reply)

How come no-one (as far as I can tell) has mentioned these yet??
Maybe there aren't many b3tans with kids of the right age. I admit that I wouldn't have gone to see either of these if we hadn't a daughter of the correct age, but I'm so glad I did.
There aren't that many films you can sit and watch as a family and all enjoy, but these you can. I still say that in these two films, Tom Hanks gives his best screen performances and he is supported by a strong cast and superb script. Also, these were made at the time when the technology was good, but no 'so good' that it didn't look like proper animation. TS2 if anything is even better than the original, again, if you've a daughter that has grown past the cuddly toy stage and abandoned her erstwhile bestest, inanimate buddy, that scene/song is guaranteed to make you cry for lost - or fading - innocence, and the incontrovertible evidence that you are getting old...
I find these two much better than the oh-so-clever-full-of-in-jokes-for-the-parents films like Shrek or Monsters Inc. They make the mistake of putting the animation and the jokes first and then hang them over a loose plot, like an ill-fitting seat cover. Toy Story starts with the story then adds action, songs and jokes where appropriate. Real class; re-watch them if you don't believe me.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 15:51, 7 replies)

An awesome zombie movie with great lines such as "I kick ass for the Lord!" and "Is that the one with the donkey and the chambermaid?" not to mention an iconic, and somewhat bizarre, weapon of mass zombie dismemberment; a lawnmower.
It was cheap, it was nasty and it was awesome.
Length? About 104 minutes according to IMDB.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 15:30, 3 replies)

....but how about your favourite sex scene in a non-porno movie?
Mine (at the time anyway) was definitely the subway scene in Risky Business. Rebecca de Mornay was filthy!
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 15:12, 11 replies)

Chopper Chicks in Zombie Town
I don't understand why every one else thinks they're sh*t.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 15:07, 1 reply)

Clerks - classic
Hockey on the roof
Jay and Silent Bob
The old guy in the bathroom
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 14:31, Reply)

My addiction has been cured..... oh.
Hmm, Best Films ever eh?
Top Gun 1986:
Kelly McGillis Yum yum, even though I was only 12.
The Lost Boys 1987: Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It's fun to be a vampire.
Who wouldn't want to be a Vampire with a tag line like that?
maybe this film explains my fetish for Suicide Girls.
**I watched 'The Lost Boys 2' last night, one word: Shit!
The Crow 1994:
If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever. - If I swung the other way it would be (an alive) Brandon that would float my boat.
In his words:
"Because we do not know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, and yet everything happens only a certain number of times ... How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood ... that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps 4 or 5 times more. Perhaps not even. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless."
I know that's a kind of a roundabout way of talking about it. But we tend to take a great deal for granted, because you feel like you're going to live forever. It's only if you lose a friend, or maybe have a near-death experience, that many events and people in your life suddenly attain real significance. When you take into account the fact that that could have been the last time I would ever see that person [or] do something so mundane as go out to dinner ... This is where this character [Eric Draven] is coming from. He realizes how precious each moment of his life is.
Yours Sincerely
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 14:08, 6 replies)

by Bert Sexmonkey, aged 26 and three quarters.
To save on cash, rather than actually see the latest Batman film everybody seems to be raving about (and because I know I will be bitterly disappointed if it doesn't live up to all the hype you lot have been propagating), I've decided to make up my own Batman film. In my head. For FREE.
*Opening credits*
A dark, shiny bat symbol appears over a grey, cloudy cityscape, and the theme music begins ever so softly and quietly in the background.
*dunananananananananananaNANER BATMAN!*
A poor defenceless young lady is being mugged by a gang of hoodlums with knives, the Dark Knight swoops in and engages them in bloody combat.
Young lady who has now been rescued: Thank you, Batman. You saved me!
Christian Bale: dunananananananananananaNANER BATMAN!
Failed circus entertainer and drug addict Heath Ledger (sounds like a fucking mossy overgrowth on a window sill if you ask me), is deeply upset with life in general, decides to go a bit emo and covers himself in silly face paint.
Heath (to his parents): You don't understand me!
His mother (played by Una Stubbs): That's because you iz a bit mental isn't it? lol.
Heath: Raaaargh!
Heath then kills his parents using an umbrella that fires poisonous purple gas
Bale arrives home at Wayne Mansion.
Michael Caine: Awright guv'na? How are ya, me old china plate?
Christian Bale: dunananananananananananaNANER BATMAN!
Michael Caine: Crivens and gadzooks and lawks-a-mussy! There appears to be some trouble down at the old green poison gas factory!
Bale lifts the head on a bust of William Shakespeare, and slides down a pole to the Batcave.
dunananananananananananaNANER BATMAN!
Bale kills the Joker (without actually meaning to), Morgan Freeman provides wise words about life, that bird in it fancies the pants off Wayne and Batman but can't decide between them, Police Commissioner Gordon smokes a cigar, the Batmobile jumps some orphans, and Harvey Dent accidentally answers the iron.
Dent: Yeeeeaaaarrgggh!!
Bale: dunananananananananananaNANER BATMAN!
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:54, 23 replies)

That is the closing line from 'Amadeus'. I've not had a chance to read all of the posts this week so I don't know whether anyone else has this masterpiece in their top ten. If you like drama, good acting, costumes, music, timeless classics and wigs, then this film is a must.
[Was that OK for an opening? I'm new here so please be gentle with me, even if it takes a while]
The first time I saw Amadeus was in 1985, soon after it came out. I was still on the rebound from my first real love, a charming love-rat called Sean who had robbed me of my virginity on the floor of the stockroom in WHSmith and then kept me available for him despite being engaged, then married and the store manager to boot. After 18 months of this, I had told him not to bother me anymore and moved jobs and to a bedsit in Brentford without giving him my new number. So, I was still bruised and hurting when Ben turned up.
We were both temping at the DHSS at the time and, despite me feeling pretty blue I could tell he fancied me: I kept catching him looking at me whenever I turned round, whereupon he would blush and look busy. When we were working together, I'd chat to him and listen to his traveller's tales, laugh at his jokes, flirt in a gentle way and enjoy the attentions of boy my own age (21) who seemed carefree and vulnerable as well as sort of self-assured. He was also pretty good looking.
Eventually, I had to ask him to lunch as he seemed too shy to ask me. We did the old eye-gazing thing at a pub near the office in Ealing. Things gradually warmed up and he asked me out one evening to a film. He lived with his parents in Chiswick as he hadn't sorted out anywhere else since returning from his wandering, and as the film was in Hammersmith, I went to his place first. His Mum answered the door and invited me in; not wishing to appear rude, I accepted. His Mum sounded much posher than Ben did and I became very conscious of my East London accent, so I mumbled a bit and let them do most of the talking. Ben's Dad was away on business in Japan I gathered.
"So, what are you two going see?" she asked.
"Amadeus", I said, "it's about Mozart." As soon as I said it, I knew I'd sounded like an idiot. As if she didn't know. But I wasn't ready for:
"Oh, I really want to see that film, I've heard some very favourable reviews, but I know Daddy won't want to go." she said.
'Daddy?!' I thought!!
"Well," I said out loud, "why don't you come along?" knowing she'd not want to be a gooseberry.
"Oh, I'd love to, if you really don't mind". This is where I was hoping Ben would say something like: 'Tell you what, if it's any good, I'll take you at the weekend'. What he actually said was:
"You don't mind do you?" to me! Now what could I do?
"Of course not."
The film was magical, I was sat next to Ben with his Mum the other side of him. When the lights went down, I reached for his hand, which was on his lap, and throughout the film, I played gently with his hand, feeling the effect this was having in his 'lap'. After the film we got the bus home, his Mum getting off at Chiswick while Ben 'saw me home'. Once she'd got off the bus, I turned to him and planted a long, slow, gentle kiss on his fevered lips. More of the same plus a little light stroking went on as the bus thundered past Kew Bridge and we nearly missed my stop.
I asked him in for a-coffee-in-inverted-commas: my favourite blend as it happens. What then transpired I will not describe in detail, but he was only the second man I'd slept with, and the first for some months. He'd had a few girlfriends, but none like me. I didn't want him to leave and he didn't; we went to work together the next morning and were a couple from then on.
Skip forward four years or so, we're married with a baby and Amadeus was on the telly. As well as making sure we had a new tape in the video machine, we also made sure that the baby was staying at Gran & Grandad's for the night. That evening involved showers, candles, Italian food, plenty of wine, soft music and plenty of lovin'.
Now we had the film on tape, we tried to watch it at least once a year, and each time we'd pack the kids off to Gran & Grandad's for the night, or wait until they went off on school trips and sleep-overs. In 1991, I finally made it to university, having messed up my 'A' levels first time around. Ben was still at the DSS (as it now was), in a fairly senior position and being a student allowed me to look after the kids almost full time. As I got more and more into my History studies and made some good new friends amongst the mature students, I found it harder to really talk with Ben. I thought it was just me, but gradually I noticed he was distracted. I decided an Amadeus night was called for, so made all the arrangements and even bought some new, if highly impractical, underwear; well, sometimes you have to make the effort.
It was a Friday night and the onions and garlic were browning in the pan, the wine was open and I'd had an early glass when Ben got in. I was solicitousness itself, poured him a glass, made sure he was comfy etc, then got out the video. I knew something was wrong when he said he didn't fancy watching it tonight.
To cut a long story short, that was the night he told me he'd fallen in love with a girl at work. There was quite a scene and I gave him his marching orders; he slept elsewhere that night. I'd pretty much kept myself together until the moment he walked out of the door (though his recolection might be different) but did a pretty dramatic breakdown as soon as the door shut. I watched that damned video that night anyway and drank two bottles of wine, though I didn't bother finish cooking the meal I'd started. I was cried out by morning.
Now, I'm over the worst and the second worst, but if I ever feel really down, I still get in the wine, cook myself my favourite comfort food - a big dish of pasta with onions, garlic, mushrooms, bacon, cheese, olive oil - and sit down when the house is empty to watch Amadeus with the volume up really loud. I don't bother with a mammoth sex session these days, well, not usually anyway.
I'm still on good terms with Ben's Mum, and one time I invited her over and we watched it together. She's a good stick and felt really bad when Ben left. My only wish now is that he doesn't watch the film with his new woman; that would really feel like a betrayal somehow.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:53, 4 replies)

Absolute classic.
Pre-requisites: Beer and smoke (oh, and it helps if you've seen Menace to Society and Boyz 'n the Hood as it's mainly a parody of those two films).
Anyone seen it? It's one of those cult classics that's only ever shown once every 5 years or so. An absolute belter.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:50, 4 replies)

When people say they love Donnie Darko and the Usual Suspects and whatever I'm never sure whether to believe them, because I can never understand what the hell is going on.
We were driving home from the Sixth Sense and I said "yeah I enjoyed that. One thing though - why do you reckon his wife left him? I thought she'd be pleased that bloke didn't kill him".
There was a bit of a pause, then "they did kill him, Alex. He was dead all along".
"What!?!? But the little weird kid could see him!"
"yes Alex, the kid could see dead people".
That's why my favourite film is That Darned Cat.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:39, 1 reply)

My top five is always a constantly revolving list based on twenty or so of my favourite films and pinning it down is always a right bastard.
However, there's one film that is as enjoyable every time I sit down to watch it -
Miller's Crossing
I'd like to say that in terms of dialogue, cinematography, casting etc the Coens peaked with this one, but ignoring the double "eh?!" of Intolerable cruelty and The Ladykillers, they just keep cranking out the genius.
I won't waste space recommending specific bits and pieces; I doubt I could do it any kind of justice anyway, just know that if you're any kind of film fan it's pure gold from start to finish.
To quote Barry Sonnenfeld
"...A handsome film about men in hats..."
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:38, Reply)

a classic, particularly if you like nice cars
mmm, ferrari daytona
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:16, 3 replies)

Here's a few of mine, bearing in mind that I have a penchant for offbeat films and am not a fan of most Hollywood / action films at all:
City of Lost Children/ Delicatessen - spectacular French escapism from Jeunet et Caro
Harold And Maude - One of my personal top two ever, the story of the relationship between two radical outsiders - a 17 year old boy and an 80 year old woman
Naked (dir. Mike Leigh) - The other one in my top two - gritty, sometimes grim but also stunning - David Thewlis has never been this good again
Made In Britain / The Firm (the Gary Oldman one not the Tom Cruise one!) Alan Clarke kicks arse - he's also responsible for Scum. The films that first made Tim Roth and Gary Oldman's names respectively
The Butcher Boy - Excellent Irish film about a boy whose inability to deal with his chaotic home life turns him psychotic. Shares many actors with The General, which is also excellent
Anything at all by the legendary Czech animator Jan Svankmajer - the greatest animator of all time, no question.
Search For The Wrong Eyed Jesus - Part fantasy, part biography, amazing music. A glimpse into the real American south.
Anything by Bill Plympton - the greatest 2D animator of all time to my mind!
Dead Man's Shoes or pretty much anything by Shane Meadows - but I guess you know those by now!
Pink Flamingoes - Made for peanuts, John Waters has never done better
Clerks - Kevin Smiths' only masterpiece
I really could go on all day - so many films get made and then lost in the tidal wave of shite Hollywood constantly foists on us and the glare of the resultant publicity.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 13:00, 1 reply)

loved this as a kid - about spies, dinosaurs, little old ladies and peter ustinov (RIP) camping it up as a chinese evil fella.
Great Saturday afternoon tv with a pot of tea and a jammy crumpet.
IMDB page
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:55, Reply)

Battle Royale (only the first one, second was crap)
Platoon (the scene where they all get stoned is just awesome)
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Pretty much any Kung Fu film.. but especially the older Jet Li ones
*pop* chose a crappy qotw for my first post :D
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:53, 2 replies)

'I'm a Derek, and Dereks don't run'; 'I'm Barry, let's go!'; '...and the moon'; 'jeez, they come to bits easy!'; 'I'm coming to get you bastards!'; 'I've been reborn!': I use these phrases all too often...
Plus the scene where Derek pretends his gun is loaded, the hammer-handing-out scene, the exploding sheep - too many to mention. Just watch it!
Then watch the credits and see how often the names are repeated. Peter Jackson's mum and dad fed the cast and crew (often one and the same) on baked beans to get the film made. Genius.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:35, 2 replies)

cameo appearance of The Grinch in the film 'Signs'...
tell you what though - he scared the bejesus out of me when he walked passed that kids party driveway...
starting to think he might be a pedo.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:27, Reply)

A couple of weeks back I returned home from an exhausting session at the gym to enjoy some junk food in front of the television, where I normally display the attention span of a gnat and watch whatever channel for half a minute before clicking to the next. Now, I stopped in my tracks for the remake of the Italian Job which was about to start, mouth moist with expectation.
I mean, why? Seriously, why?
The original Italian Job rewards with charm, uniquely British humour and of course the various cars in all their roles, from the utterly fabulous Lamborghini Miura being given some stick while Matt Munroe croons away, to the plucky little Minis being chased by Alfa Romeo Carabinieri around the landmarks of Turin. Yep, it was a showcase of British talent and an opportunity for British Leyland to thumb it's nose at the Italian car industry (oh, how ironic now), but we still loved it.
So why would the remake be a fetid bucket of donkeywank? Well for starters, it's got as much charm as Norman Tebbit. Gone is Matt Munroe and in it's place is an irritating techno rock soundtrack - the one played to death by Sara Cox a few years back, which punctuates every single notable event in the film. By the time the first Mini appears, you want to slap the television. Then there's the frustrating techno plot that meanders for ages without getting anywhere. You simply want to watch Minis being thrashed around a picturesque Italian city, but instead you're given multitudes of technobabble about hacking computers and breaking safes. Grr...
Of course, the New Italian Job must have something going for it and indeed it does. Donald Sutherland, the sole member of the cast with more than an ounce of mischievous charm. However, he's killed in the first fifteen minutes and replaced by the pretty but unengaging Charlize Theron.
Had I paid to have seen this utter tosh in a cinema I'd have left in disgust halfway through. So I'm left wondering how many Hollywood remakes are any good second time around? Let's have a quick shufty through the statistics shall we?
The Poseidon Adventure
Get Carter
Wings of Desire / City of Angels
The Manchurian Candidate
The Omen
Planet of the Apes
It's not all bad, after all we have Ocean's Eleven and a few films you probably didn't realise were remakes like A Fistful of Dollars, Never Say Never Again, Payback and Meet Joe Black. However, the odds are stacked against the forthcoming remakes of Barbarella, The Birds and even the original Star Trek currently in the works.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:21, 9 replies)

Fairly unknown, but one of the creepiest films I have ever seen. I seen it so many times, but it still makes my skin crawl. Robert Carlyle is fantastic and the film wouldn't be half as good without the soundtrack. I always have to make sure the sound is turned right up when the wolf-pit scene rolls around, truly nausea-inducing.
I will always love Serenity, as it is the film that first got me into sci-fi, despite the terrible thing that happens towards the end, for which I will never, NEVER forgive Joss Whedon. Ever.
Pans Labyrinth is another of my favourites, one of the darkest films I have ever seen. That thing with the eyes in its hands, despite prompting many impressions haunted me for days after.
Oh, and Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion is one I use as a pick me up, as well as my guilty pleasure, The Mummy. Both of which I know almost off by heart.
( , Tue 22 Jul 2008, 12:16, 2 replies)
This question is now closed.