My office this year is having Christmas lunch. In the office. On some desks we are going to clear the monitors off. The computers underneath will keep running as we are behind on some deadlines and need to keep rendering.
OK, so some people aren't getting anything, but how Scrooge-like are your bosses when it comes to Christmas?
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:42)
This question is now closed.

Has stopped any money raising for people's birthday's from now on, so any one who put money in everyone else's over the year and has a birthday in Dec is stuffed! All because he had to buy us dinner, with I might add, only 6 bottles of wine which went round the table twice. We were left to buy our own drinks from then on. We didn't even get pud...
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:58, Reply)

I got a email invitation to the work "Winter Festival" Party.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:56, Reply)

My watermeloning tourettes has been bollocking sanitised.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:54, Reply)

Mind you, I might be working at a pub if things go well on Saturday.
Only problem is Ill have to argue about working on christmas eve to boxing day.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:54, Reply)

..on a cranberrying Tuesday night then moaning when all the staff are either off sick (sacked) or puking into their bin all watermeloning day.
Stupid happy baby orangutans.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:53, Reply)

celebrated by buying us all pizza
which we ate while working
and got no lunch breaks as a result, meaning we worked 10 hours straight
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:52, Reply)

the boss of whom promised us a party a few months after christmas (due to various factors).
Still not had it and I left a year ago
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:51, Reply)

i think it was christmas one year when we'd done particularly well in the store and were hoping for big end of period bonuses
however in that same period they MADE us work sundays (no extra pay, no day off in lieu, and was told that if i refused they would make it very difficult to have days off that i wanted)
So we all await our tasty bonuses....which we didn't get due to going over on staff costs (due to sunday working)
the galling thing is that the bonus came to about what i earned for the extra days work...so i kind of did those for free :(
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:49, Reply)

Was baby Jesus born in a go kart? Who knows?
We got entered into a gokarting competition at an indoor track, by our boss.
We even had to pay for it ourselves. We came 2nd out of 18 teams and our boss kept the Champagne for him and his wife to drink on Christmas day. Cranberry in a Chrismas hat.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:48, Reply)

not even a christmas decoration in the office, no christmas party, nothing.
i work for myself
(i did buy my hamster a new wheel, he lives in my office, does that count?)
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:43, Reply)

Had a big party in London. Everything paid for including hotel in Kensington. They flew guys in from all over europe.
Everyone should work for a company who over pays their tax bill by £85k
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:25, Reply)

Last year I worked Christmas day.
Extra pay ? no
Extra Time off ? no
We didn't even have a xmas tree in the classroom.
The feeble excuse ?
I was working in Muslim country, and everybody was working, plus we'd had a 100 dollar bonus and 10 paid days off 2 months previous in Ramadam.
This year it's on a Saturday WAHEY !!!!!!
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:18, Reply)

I used to work for in the country-side.
Great folks one and all (all being 10 when I left).
I was there for two chrimbo's and both times we'd work chrimbo eve-eve and organise so we didn't have to drive any-where.
Around 11am we'd get the beers out then in the evening some of our local customers would come round to look on bemused as we drunkenly swore at each other and our joint inability to play quake.
Thinking back it was watermeloning great and pisses on any ritz type affairs I've endured since, even with drunken MD antics in Bath or cocain fueled debauchery (not mine) in Prague.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:11, Reply)

means I get the stunning amount of one whole day off at Xmas.
I also have to work till 8 on Christmas Eve and till 6 on Boxing Day.
What do I get for this pleasure?
Well apart from aching joints and an utterly rubbish Christmas, I get....wait for it.....a bottle of Moscato.
£3.99 rats piss that wouldn't get you drunk even after about 100 bottles.
I gave my last years bottle to the tramp that lives outside the shop on a bench. As he peered at the label I heard him cry "Whassis shite you fuggin bastard" He then threw the bottle as far as he could and carried on drinking his Frosty Jack.
The Co-op......So ruddy cheap, even tramps won't drink their Xmas offerings.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:11, Reply)

every year we get a voucher for ten pounds worth (retail prices) of frozen food - produced by the company we work for, that works out in actual costs to produce the meals at about 3 quid each...
oh, and im working xmas day and boxing day for no extra money, damn annual hours............
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 16:03, Reply)

I work in and office that needs to be open 24/7 365 days of the year, and yes that does include Christmas Day. Last year guess what the boss sent in for the people who lost the draw and had to work Christmas Day?
Thats right nothing at all- not even a sausage.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:55, Reply)

...I don't work there, but a mate does. Staggered in, thoroughly bladdered to see wrinklies dancing to Wham. We proceeded to get kicked out by my mates boss for singing Smiths' songs a tad too loud. And I stole a plastic snowman. A good time was had by all.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:46, Reply)

Ok, so many people are complaining about their respective companies being tight and having their xmas parties very early or late to avoid steep rates. Mine's no exception. However, another store in the company reportedly had their Xmas party in August... from the xmas before.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:43, Reply)

Our christmas do at work we have to pay for the pleasure of going and then some unlucky ones will have to come in a do the 7am start on the following day Xmas day
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:35, Reply)

My work has its festive party at the end of October. The only reason for this can be they are too tight to pay the premium Xmas rates! Cracker anyone?
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:35, Reply)

No such hijinks for we self-employed types.
On t'other hand, it was a nice sunny afternoon yesterday, so I went for a stroll through the woods with my lady, thence to the pub.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:34, Reply)

I was pissed off at not being invited on any of our departments christmas parties this year (not just me, a few others too) but then I thought "hang on, there aren't that many people i'd like to socialise with anyway).
But last week we got a gift of £50 worth of high street shopping vouchers as a christmas pressie. Which was nice.
True, just not very interesting.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:19, Reply)

Our party was limited to one 45-minute period.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:18, Reply)

We had a mask party and the best mask got a nice digital camera, fair play I hear you say...
But the CEO award the prize to himself due to him thinking his was best...he bought his for £2.00 from the newsagents.
Roll on him collecting the prize and about 3 people clapping...
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 15:16, Reply)

I use to write porn for a 24 hour text message service. I'm a man, but I'd pretend very convincingly to be a woman as I replied to men paying premium rate charges to text a woman that didn't exist in the hope that their feeble cocks would eventually see some daylight. Basically, I was fuelling their wank fantasies.
Christmas party day, they told me to man the computer. Whilst they ate, drank and were merry, I tossed about 500 men off, via the medium of SMS. Crying. Alone.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:56, Reply)

buys his christmas cards from M&S. We think he's getting paid too much
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:54, Reply)

A big one at that, had a tradition of giving each member of staff at their Head Office:
1 x Samosa
1 x Can of Lilt
Bight Tastards!
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:54, Reply)

I used to work for a computer company who moved all their staff christmas parties to July - because it was cheaper...
Now THAT is tight.
( , Thu 16 Dec 2004, 14:49, Reply)
This question is now closed.