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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Next, you bunch of slackers.
Since it's Frog's birthday, let's all wish him well and suggest a present for him.
He would look well cool on this chinny reckon

Alt. Are you still cool? Follow the trends? Know all the latest stars and fads?
I was shopping at the weekend and was hard pressed to find jeans that weren't skinny fit, ultra slim leg, or some other hipster cunt apparel.
I hate that my fashion is dictated by the horrid youth of today.

If you aren't down with modern life anymore, when did you realise?
Does that new fangled technology continue to baffle you?

Altalt. Lunch.
(, Wed 8 Jan 2014, 12:40, 315 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I suggested Frog pull a sickie for his birthday and was criticised.
Justified? Sickies, bad or good? I'm a partner and can't really, but we tend to turn a blind eye to the occasional one.
(, Wed 8 Jan 2014, 10:13, 268 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
funny names are well lol innit
Sportington knows a Gayatri, H from Lostprophets has the same name as the notorious paedophile, Ian Watkins from Steps.

What funny lol names have you encountered?
(, Wed 8 Jan 2014, 10:12, 8 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
whats your favourite test cricket ground?
(, Wed 8 Jan 2014, 7:12, 126 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 18:41, 58 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
what's your favourite Nickelback lyric?

(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 17:34, 48 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
New Year resolutions/diets/shite like that
How many of you are doing this and what?

Tell the group
(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 15:14, 175 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
How many of you deviants are listed on here?
(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 13:35, 137 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Apparently David Cameron's hairdresser has been awarded an MBE (!)

Yes, for THAT hair...
What award would you give a fellow B3tan?

alt. Favourite pizza topping and/or lunch.
Bolognese for me.

altalt. Last thing you bought online.
Mine was a DVI to HDMI cable. Fascinating stuff.

Or talk, innit. How's your week looking?
(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 11:55, 294 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Tuib mentioned there's a doctor on OT.
That would be me. Please describe your symptoms and I'll see what we can do. STDs a speciality
(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 10:07, 242 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Alright Frogtopic?
Lets talk about me and how awesome I am. Or if you prefer, talk about yourself and tell us why you think you're so fucking awesome, eh? Go on then, you self important pricks.
Alt: Tuesday is pretty close to mid week, how's your week going thus far?
Altalt: Why? and how can that even happen? I can't even begin to think.
(, Tue 7 Jan 2014, 7:58, 158 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Evening prick thread.
Bigotry. We all fly the flag proudly on here (in jest of course), but when was the last time you had it directed towards yourself? Have you felt a wave of oppression towards you lately?
Tell us of your big nosed, midget, fat-faced woes.

or not. I don't care.

Alt. What you having for tea/dinner/whatever you call it? You fat cunts.
I'm cooking a Chicken Kashmiri.

altalt. Evening plans?

Shit off.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2014, 18:12, 187 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I am currently potty training my daughter. If successful I will share tips with Mrs Stunned so she can try training him.

Suggest something new that a B3tan should be trained to do.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2014, 15:41, 191 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I'm not reading all that shit
Hey you guys! Do you count calories? I might be reading it all wrong but it looks like I'll need to go for an hour run tonight to burn off the tin of low fat soup I'm about to have for lunch. Boo hoo woes, etc. Luckily for me they don't put the calories for tonight's dinner on the side of the kebab carton. YAY!

What do you do to 'feel the burn' ?

Alt: Someone at work was telling me about the 'top banter' he had with a girl in a nightclub the other week. When was the last time you had 'top banter' ?

Altalt: What the fuck is 'top banter'?

ALtaltalt: Have you ever taken advice from a celebrity? I have, cheers Pele.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2014, 14:26, 120 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
"news" thread
I know none of you will be watching Celeb Big Bro but last night Evander Holyfeld made some rather unfortunate remarks about homosexuality being "not normal" and it can "be fixed", comparing it to disability.

Religion plays a big part of this but it makes me laugh how religious folk can be so behind this rule yet not other things that The Bible "bans"

What's the last bit of blatant hypocrisy you have ever encountered?

Alt. Lunch?

AltAlt. I'm watching Twin Peaks and Dexter currently, of an evening. What do you watch of an evening?
(, Mon 6 Jan 2014, 12:26, 280 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
What websites do you use on a regular basis? Apart from this nonsense?
Stilton eh? Bought tons yesterday in port and stilton gift packs. Sainsbury clear out, 40p a pop. Unfortunately I'm laying off the booze first a bit.
(, Mon 6 Jan 2014, 10:11, 194 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Good morning to you all.
How are you this morning? Dreading a five day working week for the first time in a while? Knackered from the weekend? Tell me. I'm really* interested.

Alt: Whilst it's highly unlikely you're doing anything remotely interesting this week you might as well mention it if you think you are.

AltAlt: Preferred method for murdering Gokwan?

*May not be interested in the slightest.

(, Mon 6 Jan 2014, 8:06, 114 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Wow I looked at the popular page :(
I wish I didn't.....what did you last do that you wished you didn't?*

Alt: Anyone here apart from me looking forwards to getting back to work tomorrow?*

Alt:alt:So any of you lot made a promise to do something this year that will actually stick?*

*Yes I know, YM
(, Sun 5 Jan 2014, 20:35, 32 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I could start a thread that isn't a Frank thread
Mainly because that gyrating lass below is a tad disturbing.

Think of your own question. I'm no good at thinking of questions because I am incredible and know all the answers to everything anyway.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2014, 18:40, 22 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
yeah hahahahahaha

(, Sun 5 Jan 2014, 15:13, 1 reply, 11 years ago)
Good afternoon OT.
How are we this cold, miserable, fucking manky day? I am doing roast foods.
(, Sun 5 Jan 2014, 12:42, 8 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
yeah hahahahahaha

hahahahahahahaaahahahahahahahahaha ha

(, Sat 4 Jan 2014, 17:18, 4 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Your all gay.
Alt: Pussy or cock?

AltAlt: streaky or Canadian?

AltAltAlt: Did you eat breakfast?

AltAltAltAlt: Is OT/ sadder than the rest of this site?

AltAltAltAltAlt: If one's wife won't suck the crusty sex juice off of one's cock in morning, is it grounds for divorce?(not that any of you losers have ever managed to hold a marriage together).

AltAltAltAltAltAlt: I love Rory.

AltAltAltAltAltAltAlt: Anyone fancy a threesome with me and Rory?
(, Sat 4 Jan 2014, 6:33, 20 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Did you know you can open a beer with a monkey wrench?

Alt: I'm leaving Talk Talk, who does good internet?
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 20:56, 105 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
hahahahaha yeah hahahahaha
hahahahahaaaaa yeah yeah hahahaha

hahahaha yeah






(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 19:18, 29 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Are we there yet?

(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 17:33, 43 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Hang on, we've done an 'alright' thread and a 'lunch' thread, but there has been no WEEKEND PLANS? thread
Alt: Post a BBC news link or summat
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 14:21, 98 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Wet or dry?
Talk or OT?
Lcd or plasma?
Vhs or b3ta?
Slash your wrists or booze and pills?
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 12:48, 33 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 12:44, 30 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
what are you fat fucks going to have for lunch?
You disgust me, you corpulent wretches.
(, Fri 3 Jan 2014, 11:12, 110 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

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