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I will be meeting some fellow b3tans in London this evening.

In the meantime, let today's chat commence.

Home sweet home
(, Tue 22 Jul 2008, 8:33, 126 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
No comment.

(, Tue 22 Jul 2008, 3:19, 5 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
would be my number. But then again, I did do a four year film degree, so I'm not a total geek... ,)

I thiiiiiiink and hope that my BT phone may now run for longer than 6 hours uncharged as I've spent an hour downloading god knows what software onto it and onto my computer from microsoft and BT. All the installations say it's good, so keeping everything crossed as it's a pain in the arse having to keep it switched off during the day and then charging it all night.

How have your days been?

Edit: DiT, I won, but you win for premiere :)

(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 21:09, 70 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Is there a thread where we can post stories and stuff?
Just stories, not ones masquerading as QOTW? I haven't got the hang on this b3...oooh...new tricks.
(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 21:04, 7 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Manage this!
Is a manager of managment consultants called a consultant manager or a managment consultant manager? And what's the job-title of their bosses? And who does one consult for managment advice when managing managment consultants?
(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 15:14, 5 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Airlines and baggage
With holiday season upon us, once more we will be turning up at the airport with our carefully weighed bags, and standing in the check-in queues waiting our turn. And if our bags are overweight, then it's time to get out the credit card.

Now I weigh under 75kg. I once sat next to a bloke who was easily twice my weight. But he still had a baggage allowance of 20kg. Why didn't he have to pay excess baggage on his belly?

The system is an excuse to make money. I travelled to Tallinn on a band gig a couple of years back. We were charged £240 each way excess baggage (and we were trying to travel light!). Now we claimed it back from the agency for whom we were working, but that's not the point. On the way over, I was reading an article in the KLM magazine boasting about how fuel efficient their fleet was, and it gave a figure (which I've forgotten) of how much fuel they used on average per 100kg, per 100km. I did a sum and it turns out our excess baggage used only an extra tenner in fuel costs!

(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 11:02, 15 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Good morrow QOTWers

How were your weekends?
(, Mon 21 Jul 2008, 8:53, 154 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
I wish to make a complaint.
Enzyme has fucked off on holiday and I'm trying to finish a book chapter that's due tomorrow, and somehow I have managed to write myself into several paragraphs of philosophical musing leading to meandering crap on aesthetics, but now it's too highbrow and pretentious scary for me to deal with and I am totally bluffing, and these people have Humanities PhDs and I'm mostly a scientist, and they're going to rumble me and Kant me in the fuck. Turns out that I made loads of stuff up about realism and some beardy philosopher types had already made it all up before, and now I don't know who to attribute with my ramblings and I need Enzyme. Arse.

Of course, I only have myself to blame as I shouldn't have left it to the last minute, but I still hope it's raining on Enzyme because I had a rubbish holiday and so everyone else should too.
(, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 22:42, 9 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Start the Week Question
To kick start the week early, I'm going to ask a question.

If you ran away with the circus what act would you do and why?

Now I'm going to watch Grey's Anatomy (torrent FTW!) and go to bed.
(, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 21:54, 14 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Evening all
I'm just back from the cinema WHERE I SAW BATMAN!!! I've written my spoilerfree review on the QOTW board, but am happy to discuss it with anyone else who's already seen it.
(, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 20:28, 4 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
A perfect example of trying to close the stable door after the horse has bolted

The light fingered mare.
(, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 17:29, 1 reply, 17 years ago)
Tippecanoe and Tyler Too...
Well, I had the inaugural cruise in the canoe I bought. The Lunatic Artist and I took it to the James River and got into the water with it, then paddled and used the trolling motor to go a little less than a mile upstream to a bridge. I tossed out the anchor and moored us beneath the bridge in the shade where we had breakfast (strawberries, pineapple and melon) and watched a great blue heron and some geese. During our rest I found an old pony shoe lying by a rock, and it's now going to decorate one of our walls.

We then leisurely paddled our way back downstream to the launch point, loaded it back onto the car and drove home. We unloaded it from the car, then took a shower with a beer in hand. (Few things are as wonderfully decadent as a cold beer in a warm shower.)

I can't think of a better way to spend a morning...
(, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 17:11, Reply)
Afternoon All
Another imperious performance from Lewis today. He was phenomenal.
Rough as hell today but still smiling cos I am a right trooper. How is everyone?
(, Sun 20 Jul 2008, 14:57, 35 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Scary child
My 7 year old saw the first few minutes of a hospital show. On the show was a 2yr old boy who had a bad heart. Meg asked me what was wrong with the kid. I told her that it sounded like his heart wasn't working properly. She asked me, "Does that mean they are going to have to euthanise him?"

I checked, she does know what that word means.
Oh dear.
(, Sat 19 Jul 2008, 17:59, 2 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Morning all (just)
I'll be on and off here today as I have some serious lazing about to do that I think I've earned after a busy week at work.

(, Sat 19 Jul 2008, 11:53, 16 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Arse! I'm so sorry, moo-cows.
Just got in from a workout at the gym and have made myself one of those pasta meals with a pour in sauce sachet.

Now I'm halfway through munching away, thinking "The quorn mince in this tastes a bit odd" so I retrieve the packet from the bin.

'Contents 21% Beef'

I've been a vegetarian for five years...
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 20:34, 22 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Saw this on /links

So which one of you did it, huh?
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 19:23, 6 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Mm, it's evening
Shall we in here?

I can't do that nice piccy of a home, but that doesn't mean it's not cosy.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 18:52, 197 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
This is where I went for lunch according to my GPS.
I look well pissed.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:55, Reply)
A quick Friday Afternoon question to those of you still here
Aside from the sex, if you were to be able to change your gender for a month say, what would be the best thing about it?

I can't promise to reply much - I'm off to the cinema soon to see Mamma Mia! with my best (female) friend.

But for me, if I was a man for a month I'd love being able to go out without worrying about make-up (yes, I know I *could* do this as a woman, I choose not to), I could be quick in the loos - no queues and I would be far more 'assertive' in real life than I am now bet that'd scare you!

So, what about you?
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:07, 45 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Dammit, just a few days too late for last week's QOTW...

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 16:05, 5 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Timetable of past QOTW bashes part 1
EDIT: This list is starting to get a bit long and unwieldy, so I've started a new one here. Also, I have added some dates for past bashes to this list.

Wed 5 Mar 2008 - London - Mini QOTW Wear a Carnation London Bash!
Thu 19 Jun 2008 - London - Mid week mini practice-for-August bash
Fri 4 Jul 2008 - London - Impromptu QOTW Mini Bash Thing

For those of you who missed the announcements, here's a list of upcoming QOTW bashes.

Tue 22 Jul 2008 - London - London QOTW minibash - a minibash for QOTW'ers in London
Sat 26 Jul 2008 - Exeter - Vipros' band supporting Hijak Oscar
   Sun 27 Jul 2008 - The train from Exeter to London - Train bash on 15:20 train from Exeter St. Davids to London Waterloo
Fri 8 Aug 2008 - London - Londonvillage QOTW OT mini bash with MM's pooch
Sat 23 Aug 2008 - London - QOTWers bash type thing (This is the big-'un)
Sun 24 Aug 2008 - Washington DC, USA - Washington DC Bash!
Fri 5 Sep 2008 - Dublin, Eire - Dublin bash
Wed 10 Sep 2008 - Chappel, North Essex - Beer Festival, Chappel, North Essex
Wed 10 Sep 2008 - London - Davros returns to London, somewhere in london
Sat 13 Sep 2008 - Leamington Spa - Leamington Minibash
Thu 18 Sep 2008 - London - Ethelred's London Mini-B3sh
Sat 20 Sep 2008 - Southampton - QOTW based bash
Thu 25 Sep 2008 - London - The Resident Loon's bi-annual escape from the land of the free and the home of the brave.

EDIT: Edited to include the Washington DC bash in the USA.

EDIT2: Added the Dublin Bash and the Sep 18 London Bash.

EDIT3: Added the Davros G returning to London bash on Sep 10.

EDIT4: Added the Leamington Spa Minibash and the 25-9 London bash

EDIT5: Started a new list and moved the bashes after the list was created there. Also added some past bashes, so this post is now just a list of past QOTW bashes.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:07, 6 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
We're at our skintest since 1946
You're the chancellor.

You're also £57bn in the red and that figure is going to climb due to falling tax revenues as spending is squeezed due to a shrinking economy.

Do you:

a) Slash government spending
b) Hike taxes make up the shortfall
c) Redraft Treasury rules so that you can borrow more

(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 13:10, 25 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
I just heard on the radio
that a group of 30 teenagers attacked two policemen in Croydon.

What. the. fuck.
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 13:04, 23 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Can people stop..
..posting bloodgy great long lists of all the films they like? I doubt you're impressing anyone. What people want is a bit of juicy blurb about how cool the films are, not just an impotent list of titles compiled by glancing over at your DVD collection. So maybe put things right and do a bit of editing?
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 13:03, 3 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
As it's a friday, everyone in the office usually does something different for lunch, be it a kebab, a chippy, McDonalds, etc etc.

I was quite looking forward to lunch, as I'd agreed on a kebab with one of the lads.

10 minutes ago I was asked if I wanted anything picking up from Tesco, as one person is getting Spicy Sausages (tasty!), I declined, looking forward to my kebab.

2 Minutes later, my kebab-buddy remembers that he has to meet his wife for lunch today, and so no kebab!

I tried to phone my Tesco bound friend, and he's left his phone in the office.

That's right, I've now had to trade a kebab for....a Subway.

Disappointed? You fucking bet!
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 12:50, 2 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
So about the evolution vs. ID thang...
When we left off Enzyme thought I was starting to troll him because I posted this site. Pournelle has a lot of very interesting things to say on the subject, as do his readers- you can go through the links on his front page and find links to a lot of the debates, not to mention interesting things in the mail archives. I think it's well worth a look.

(And no, I'm not trolling you, Enzyme. That ain't my style. *grin*)

Anyway, it's an interesting subject. So let the debate run again!
(, Fri 18 Jul 2008, 12:05, 28 replies, latest was 17 years ago)

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