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Fuck that for a game of cards
Have a rant, RIGHT HERE

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:12, 208 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Lance Armstrong says "cheating is getting an advantage over other people, I was just levelling the playing field"
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:14, Reply)
Its OK if everyone cheats
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:16, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:16, Reply)
*corrupt high-fives*

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:18, Reply)
What a cunt.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:16, Reply)
I'm not a huge fan of Lance Armstrong either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:16, Reply)
He also called a woman who spoke out about him a prostitute and a alcoholic.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:17, Reply)
It was such a heartfelt apology, I thought
Also, WTF is going on with Oprah? She looks like she has been inflated
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:18, Reply)
Have you got her number?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:18, Reply)
She's got your number

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:18, Reply)
She's not really an alcoholic or a prostitute.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
i can't believe he would tell such a blatant lie

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)
He should give all the cancer back

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:18, Reply)
he's a cunt but he has a point
pretty much everyone was doing it. this does not make it right, but singling him out as if he was the one evil cheaty cheater is not right either.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:20, Reply)
He was the spokesman for the "clean" riding though

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:21, Reply)
I think the problem is exacerbated by his profile
Winning 7 consecutive Tours de France is a strong contender for the single greatest achievement in the history of all sport, especially after getting diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer. Finding out that he cheated throughout is a real kick in the swingers for everyone who considered him an inspiration. Plus he repeatedly denied doping. Doesn't matter if everyone else was doing it too.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Lance Armstrong admits that he was taking drugs on the Opera Wimpfry show.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:36, Reply)

*Something about Whitney*
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:42, Reply)
I'm recycling this as it didn't get enough response last time.
another thing you never used to hear about was velociraptors. I was into dinosaurs as a kid as were/are many boys, but, while I'm sure they were known they were not like this big, ubercool dinosaur, it was all about the tyrannosaurus rex, although ankylosaurus was my favourite.. And that's another thing, when I was a kid half the fun of knoyi ng about dinosaurs was the long and complicated names, none of this dumbed down T-Rex shite. I blame Jurassic Part on both counts. Damn you Michael Crichton!. /rant
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:19, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:20, Reply)
Did I do it right Monts?
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:21, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:23, Reply)
I would have though that as a purist and a respecter of old things you, like me, would detest the whole 'willie fogg' incarnation. what the hell is wrong with Phillias as a name?
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:29, Reply)
It's just not as good as 'Phileas'.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:35, Reply)
Good point.
annoyingly spell-check did not help me on this.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:37, Reply)
It was one of my favourite books as a boy.
That and Journey to the Centre of the Earth. That cartoon was a heap of shit on a par with those gay-ass Muskehounds.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:47, Reply)
I'm going to have to challenge you to a dual
over this ridiculous assertation
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:51, Reply)
Yeah none of those books had catchy theme tunes though, did they?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:52, Reply)
I totally agree.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:55, Reply)
I miss his mini garlic breads

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:47, Reply)
Dinosaurs are cool but they changed some of the names from when I were t'lad

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:21, Reply)
yeah, aparently Brontosauruses don't exist
Kinda like Pluto, but not.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:22, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:23, Reply)
They corrected the name of one of them.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:23, Reply)
yeah, but to an american name
this is of course wrong.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
*looks up into rain*
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
Some cunt found some Apatosaurus bones and thought he'd discovered a new dinosaur, which he named Brontosaurus.
Then someone better said "Shut up, dick, it's a fucking Apatosaurus - all those kids who grew up in the 70s and 80s now believe something that was never true" The end.
I don't think it was anything to do with Americans renaming stuff, as Wilf says.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:32, Reply)
everything can be blamed on the Americans.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:40, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:41, Reply)
American's are not a race.
they are a rag tag band of mentally deficient religious nutters that we are well rid of.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
That's right. They are all like that without exception.

Apart from fucking millions of them.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Monty? is that you?
are you feeling OK monts, casual xenophobia is usually right up your street.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:54, Reply)
They are making Jurassic park 4

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:22, Reply)
Jurassic Park was an excellent book

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:23, Reply)
true, but the film took all the edge off it and made it waay to cutsey
the sequel book was shite too. but the Crichton's a whore.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
i enjoyed the film, but I'm younger than you

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
had you read the book?
make a difference. as is often the case the film is fine in it's own right but lacks a lot form the book. for example in the book Hammond, rather than being a cuddly but misguided dickie attenborough is an eval shit and you are happy when he get's eaten alive.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)
i read the book afterwards
i enjoy that as well as far as I can remember
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)
in this order I can see why the film would not offend

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:32, Reply)
I love Crichton, I think the only book of his I haven't read is the pirates one, which wont' be my cup of tea.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
did you read the Jurassic park sequel?
I used to like him but he got too formulaic for me about 10 years ago.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:47, Reply)
Yup, I can't remember much of it though, but I remember enjoying it.
State Of Fear and Micro are both very good.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
not read those
but I'm guessing man interfered with nature/technology in a way he really shouldn't, everything went horribly wrong, several people died but it was all sorted out in the end with the hero and either an attractive woman or some cute kids surviving and escaping at the last moment.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
I was made to read one about some kind of nanoplague
it was terrible, sexist and badly written
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:56, Reply)
this is why he's so in demand for Hollywood films

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
Oh for Fuck's fucking sake, 2 and 3 were bad enough.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:23, Reply)
Kids still know the long and complicated names.
Well, mine does at least.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
mine too, but he still says T-Rex and play with a lego Velociraptor
that's another thing, Lego is getting well shite.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
And money doesn't feel like 'proper money' anymore, does it?
'Member when a five pound note was as big as a car?
And another thing...
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:34, Reply)
I remember when coins were a proper size.
5P, 10P & 50P coins have all been shrunk. they feel like toy money.

not dead fond of modern bank notes either, they are smaller and more colourful, more like euros, they don't feel real.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:42, Reply)
Have you noticed how policemen are getting younger*?

*They're not.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
no, they aren't, I'm getting older.
there are an awful lot of PCSOs about now though and they are really fucking pointless.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:45, Reply)
The point of them is that they are much, much cheaper.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:49, Reply)
and, as far as I understand, have no actual powers beyond what a man in the street has.
they are diet police.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:51, Reply)
coins will be extinct in 10 years

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:44, Reply)
You heard it here first, folks.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:45, Reply)
mark my words tangles, mark m y words

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:47, Reply)
I've already printed this page out.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
Make sure you file it correctly.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
no, they won't
they can't even get their act together to get rid of cheques which are totally pointless.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:46, Reply)
Good news.
I've found folk various who want to go to the pub later.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:22, Reply)
I've got five quid to last me seven days.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
i have minus money

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
If our mortgages go through before I get paid, I wont have enough money to buy the house

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:26, Reply)
Sell some stuff.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
Perfectly doable.
Probably shouldn't go for a meal out though.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)
how is that doable?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)
it is one Greggs cheese pasty per day

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Assuming he has stuff in the cuboards/fridge
pack of potatoes, couple of onions, rice, loaf of bread.
Toast for breakfast
very basic rissoto or baked potatoes for dinner.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:35, Reply)
Probably have enough for one Mcdonalds cheeseburger as a treat.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:37, Reply)
what about travel?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:38, Reply)
He's got legs aint he?
/assumption is that he's got a season ticket.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:41, Reply)
He is a big Arsenal fan so probably

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:47, Reply)
Shanks Pony is always there

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:42, Reply)
he was buying himself a bicycle a while back
I dunno if he did, but this would be free if chilly travel.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Depends if you like burgers

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:49, Reply)
what about fags?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:42, Reply)
Leave Darth out of this

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
Stop smoking.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
and cognac?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
Lusty owes me a hundred quid but she's been stitched up by her employer so won't have it for a few days but we'll survive.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
You should probably cut her to show you mean business.
Don't want her taking the piss, eh?
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:51, Reply)
Thats nearly 72p per day
You greedy bastard
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:28, Reply)
Who books a fucking meeting at 11:30 on a Friday?
*shakes head*
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:22, Reply)
me? What's wrong with that?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:22, Reply)
I am hungry, that's what

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:23, Reply)
for Peroni?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
I really, really want pie and chips

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
The Spice Girls later attempts really didn't grab the girl power market
I have 3 pitta breads, a red pepper and a small piece of spicy cheese
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:26, Reply)
worst lunch ever

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)
Oh god, i've not had pie and chips in years.
That's dinner sorted tonight, thx bro'
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:40, Reply)
A nice Fray Bentos pie.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:48, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
I'm beginning to worry that there's something seriously wrong with me because I can't comprehend anything that happens at my job
I think I'm losing the ability to understand other human beings. They've become monsters with human faces and nothing going on behind the eyes. Help. Send help.

Alt: I dunno, going to Kafka's. Probably. At 1. I'll know more then.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:22, Reply)
Alt: That's novel

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
Ye I dunno why they named a fairly shit cafe after an influential author

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
I'd ask but the boss woman there is terrifying

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
They could have at least called it
Flans Kafka, and sold a range of Quiche.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:34, Reply)
That's going in their suggestion box

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:38, Reply)
I hope he 'booked' AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Kind of TRIAL and error these jokes AHAHAHAHAHAHAA
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:38, Reply)
alt: I suspect you will end up there
but never really know what's actually going on
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:57, Reply)
I really should've read some Kafka before mentioning the place name
I'm never gonna win at internet at this rate
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:15, Reply)
one of his famous ones is about a dude being arrested
who has no idea why and no one will tell him.

There's another one where a guy wakes up one morning to find he's a giant beetle. I hope that doesn't happen to you there
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:21, Reply)
Your kind wishes that I remain unbeetled are a shining light in this dour world of ours

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:24, Reply)
I'm posting from my bed with a cup of tea and some hob nobs, I guess this is what it feels like to be B3th
except I can leave the bed whenever I want
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:24, Reply)
I already had a Sausage & cheese baguette with brown sauce and mustard......
I think a pint and a nap would go a treat.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
I may go and work in the pub on their wifi as my house is full of babies

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:25, Reply)
+ 1 bent spastic

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:26, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)
on the stair

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)

b r
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)
Sausage and cheese are not an acceptable combination.
say "incorrect" if you agree
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:27, Reply)
If the cheese is grilled after being placed on the sausage, it's excellent.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:28, Reply)
this sounds ok
kind of like a cheeseburger, except with a sausage.

no horse puns pls
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:29, Reply)
It's like you don't know food combinations at all Chompy

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)
You know what works well?
Frankfurters with darylee slices on top, microwaved until the cheese goes crispy, then put on bread with raw onion, frenchy's mustard and ketchup.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:37, Reply)
Known as 'The Crohn's Special'

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:40, Reply)
You're making me more and more convinced that Chrones isn't genetic.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:40, Reply)
That sounds ace
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:40, Reply)
Also the naysayers below

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:42, Reply)
We can't all live on fois gras with truffle foam.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
I reckon we're dealing with a bunch of salad munchers here

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:13, Reply)
Pretty sure it doesn't.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:41, Reply)
My brother's coming to London today from Bath.
South West trains have already cancelled services "in anticipation of extreme weather".

He bought his ticket on Monday, because if you buy a ticket on the day of travel you get raped twice.

If he tries to cancel they'll charge him for the refund.

He's got to get back tomorrow evening for work on Sunday.

I have the feeling he's going to have a really shitty time of it, and all because South West Trains are absolute cunty fucking cunt cunts.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:30, Reply)
I don't think you can blame them for the weather.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:32, Reply)
I can blame them for not being able to fucking cope with it and just giving up like a bunch of jessies, though.
The cunts.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:37, Reply)
But cancellations in anticipation?
Also, if the weather is shit and they aren't running services you should be able to get your cash back.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:38, Reply)
I think if he's booked on a train thats getting cancelled he should probably be able to get a refund without a charge.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:42, Reply)
This sounds like the plot to a particularly dark 'Graff Nov'

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:52, Reply)
You know that "Utopia" on C4?
Yeah I wrote that.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:20, Reply)
My boss has just said that if this snow keeps up I can work from home this afternoon
Which I will.

or an

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:35, Reply)
Fucking snow.
That's about all I have, really.

Alt: Chunky chilli.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:43, Reply)
I fancy a Pizza Express pizza for lunch.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:47, Reply)

a Pizza Express pizza getting pissed
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:49, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:49, Reply)
Nah, Torchlight.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:51, Reply)
is that the one with goats cheese?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
La Reine.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:55, Reply)
I think they do a calzone these days, perfect for a cold snowy day

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:56, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
Who's that?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:59, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:01, Reply)
My mum has grey pubes.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:05, Reply)
We all know that.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:06, Reply)
I get this

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:01, Reply)
Please can you remove this picture, in order that I may see more clearly?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:06, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:07, Reply)
Voucher Cloud
Usually have a Pizza Express offer going.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:52, Reply)
Their pizzas are too small.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
So is your penis.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:54, Reply)
Beadle said the slices were too big.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:54, Reply)
But on the other handZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:55, Reply)
Never go to Pizza Express hungry.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:57, Reply)
i always ensure I've eaten at least half a loaf of bread before I go to any restaurant

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)
Fat fucker.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)

It has stopped snowing here.

If only Monty had bet me a fiver that this would happen.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
No rants here
Feeling quite mellow as it's FRIDAY!!?!?!

Got some mates from home visiting tomorrow so a good weekend on the go.

Alt. Whatever soup is in the canteen and a tuna crunch baguette.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:50, Reply)
planning a daisy chain?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:53, Reply)
Is this some gay thing?
They're lesbians so probs not
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:54, Reply)
sad times
one of my best friends is a lezza, tru fax
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:56, Reply)
It's a boarding school thing.
It's not gay if they do it after lights out.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 11:58, Reply)

lights candles
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:01, Reply)
It's on;y gay if you push back

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:02, Reply)

lights cocks
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:04, Reply)
Legless has just put up a classic reply to QOTW.
It really is gold.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:08, Reply)
the cunt has me on 2.0

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:10, Reply)
Ken Oath is your mate as well isn't he?

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:12, Reply)
I like Oathsy
He's a decent chap.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:18, Reply)
Linky please
I found it don't bother
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:10, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:11, Reply)
hahahaha bedlols

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:12, Reply)
Yeah like I'm gonna open that at work
*takes note for later*
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:14, Reply)
it's the second one down
and it's shit
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:11, Reply)
Yep it's WTN

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:15, Reply)


Can't believe I bothered to log out to read that.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:16, Reply)
I now love snow even more.
I have been told to go home for the rest of the day.

this is awesome.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:18, Reply)
In London?
That's disgraceful. It is a light dusting. It's not even settling properly.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:20, Reply)
He'll never be a 99%'er with that sort of workshy attitude.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:22, Reply)
No wonder they had to let some of their "top operatives" go last year.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:25, Reply)
TFL says no problems as yet

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:22, Reply)
Problems at London Bridge.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:25, Reply)
Badger on the points - East Cheam

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:26, Reply)
Trouble with my balls - Turnham Green.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:29, Reply)
Thatcher on the line - Barking.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:31, Reply)
Battered on the line - Epping.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:32, Reply)

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:34, Reply)
lol and click

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:40, Reply)
yeah, totally ridiculous
I'll be sure to complain
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:31, Reply)
Buses cancelled and schools closing round here
It's actually beginning to look dodgy on the roads too. Good job I'm at home drinking tea and eating biscuits.
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:26, Reply)
I'm tempted
(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:29, Reply)
do it

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:30, Reply)
New thread.

(, Fri 18 Jan 2013, 12:29, Reply)

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