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Right alcohol related thread
If you could only indulge in one type of tipple for the rest of your life
What would be your choice?

Alt:What drink can’t you stand?

Alt:alt: Hot drinks and alcohol is there an acceptable one?

Did't notice that one Fanks Frank
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:28, 227 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Good whisky
Alt- gin (but I quite like G&T)

Alt alt- of course not ya dippit cunt.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:29, Reply)
Alt:alt: Tea and whiskey works
as does coffee and brandy
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:30, Reply)
If you're putting whisky in tea then it has to be shit whisky. So double fail.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:31, Reply)
are you two flirting again now?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:32, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:34, Reply)
I don't flirt with nobody on here.
Especially not Salacious Crumb here.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:34, Reply)
so is it your turn on top tonight?
or his?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:35, Reply)
Do you mean 'on top' as in receiving, or 'topping' as in giving?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:37, Reply)
i really hadn't given it that much thought
unlike you, it seems
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Ha ha ha

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:42, Reply)
I'm a top, for definite.
HH strikes me as a natural sub bottom.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:45, Reply)
tea is cunt
fuck tea
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:34, Reply)
I don't drink alcohol any more
lol "expectable", like that's a word
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:29, Reply)
Moderation and all Frank
Hows MOMO?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:31, Reply)
he's gone in his cage and fallen asleep, the lazy shit

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:32, Reply)
I think she means 'acceptable'.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:31, Reply)
I accept so

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:33, Reply)
I accept we'll be seeing a lot more stupidisations from this one.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:33, Reply)
i only really drink vodka and champagne/prosecco/cava anyway.

alt: gin. and red wine. and beer. and tea. and coffee.

altalt: no. there are no decent hot drinks. even soup must never be served in a mug. EVER.

i am off to drink vodka in about 15 mins. woo.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:32, Reply)
I don't really understand premium vodkas
Is it just a purity thing? With whisky it's a complexity of flavours thing. How does it work with something largely tasteless?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:33, Reply)
i drink it neat on ice so there is definitely a difference
but not necessarily premium. i like some of the flavoured ones better. raspberry stoli is my favourite. the vanilla one can suck my dick.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:34, Reply)
I only have ice in whisky in bars.
I sometimes add a drop or two of mineral water, depends on the dram. Some need it, some don't.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:35, Reply)
whisky is fucking gross

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:35, Reply)
nah, some of them are, loads are ace.
I'll buy you a nice one when we finally meet xx
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:36, Reply)
it's all rank
but thank you kindly for the offer
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
I reckon you'd like an Auchentoshan Triple Wood.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:39, Reply)
I reckon I'd like to see you take a bullet in the face.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:42, Reply)
I reckon you'd like to be able to see over low walls without having to jump.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:45, Reply)
I reckon you're lucky to be able to walk unaided given your enormous clown feet.
You freak of nature.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:54, Reply)
Leave it owt Batts e ent worf it, innit

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:55, Reply)
I once tried a cocktail of vanilla flavoured vodka with Dooleys toffee liqueur.
It was, surprisingly, quite nice. They called it a 'Cock Sucking Cowboy'.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:36, Reply)
Hi Darth!

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:37, Reply)
Ha ha

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:40, Reply)
Give him a reacharound for me tomorrow night, will you?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:40, Reply)
I fucking properly love coffee I do

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:33, Reply)
you're a drink wrong
sorry but i'd have shat in your coffee if you'd ordered that at the lizzie
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:34, Reply)
I don't think I've ever had a coffee in a pub
fascinating Frank fact there
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:36, Reply)
i have duly filed it away in the book of frank

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Isn’t the world’s most expensive coffee
Something that’s passed through the digestive system of an animal?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Me too. None of that instant shit though.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:36, Reply)
instant coffee is for shitheads

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:37, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Red wine.
Alt: brandy.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:33, Reply)
As far as alcohol is concerned, I'm a fucking pleb.
I like fruit-based cocktails, pina colada and alcopos. At the moment, my go-to drink (with apologies to WP, who will probably hate me for it) is Cherry Sourz with Diet Pepsi. So, yeah. that.

Alt: Apple juice, cider, or dark spirits (brandy, whisky, dark rum &c.)

altAlt: what the I don't even...?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:34, Reply)
soz, didn't realise you were 14 years old

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:35, Reply)
When it comes to alcohol or shit pop,
Yeah, I might as well be.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:36, Reply)
I'd make your shit pop any day of the week

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:40, Reply)
i ordered cherry sourz on our last team night out
the team disowned me :(
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:35, Reply)
Fuck me, exactly how working class Scots are you?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:36, Reply)
I don't drink Buckie, if that helps?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:37, Reply)
It doesn't help at all. Sourz with diet pepsi?
Do you shop at FarmFoods?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
: (

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
It's Netto, isn't it?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:39, Reply)
I have never been in a Netto
outside of Germany.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:40, Reply)
there's another kind of scot?
which is ironic as there isn't any work there...
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:37, Reply)
Aberdeen has got fucking loads of cash sloshing about, ACTUALLY.
Energy capital of Europe etc etc.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:38, Reply)
Edinburgh has investment bankers and fund managers all over the place too.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:48, Reply)
Alt: Wine.
Never found a single one, red or white, that wouldn't try and start a fight with the contents of my stomach.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:37, Reply)
So what do you drink?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:39, Reply)
Mostly beer and whisky.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:40, Reply)
I will inflict the wrath of PD for saying this
But I like Jamesons whiskey
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:42, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:43, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:43, Reply)
Which whiskies do you prefer?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:43, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:44, Reply)
Wholesaler-brand stuff.
It's cheap and when it's diluted enough, it stops tasting like shite but is still strong enough to get me pissed.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:45, Reply)
oh man :'(

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:46, Reply)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
That will get him going,I can sense the steam coming out of his ears already
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:46, Reply)
nah, I'm not angry, I'm disappointed.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:47, Reply)
you fancy getting pissed on decent whisky in Leeds or Bradford sometime?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:47, Reply)
Sure, if you pay the tab.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:50, Reply)
Like that's going to happen.
Rounds, Wooders, rounds.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:51, Reply)
Sorry pal, there's no way I could take out a loan with my credit rating.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:52, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:51, Reply)
You should see a Dr about this terrible affliction.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:39, Reply)
Whisky of course, I'm not a puff.
If it had to be only one sort I, for the rest of my life, it'd be Johny Walker Black Label. It's tasty enough to sip, is good as a session whisky, and it mixes well.

Or Orange and Pinapple squash, that's good too.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:40, Reply)
bud light
We've had a love affair for ten years now
alt not a huge fan of liquor, maybe shots of vodka, three is my limit

Alt alt not a fan of hot drinks, but a hot toddie is where its at when you're sick
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:44, Reply)
Bud light= beer for fatties who don't really like beer.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:46, Reply)
i can drink as much of it as I like without becoming a spasticated mental

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:57, Reply)
That's because it's barely alcohol.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:57, Reply)
so fucking what

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:01, Reply)
It's up to you what you like to drink. I'm hardly in a position to look down on anyone else's taste.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:02, Reply)
I once got bladdered on scrumpy
In somerset
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:05, Reply)
i fucking love a good bit of bud light
Im going to have pitchers tonight
its going to be amazing
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:08, Reply)
I *have* been known to spend an evening with Michelob.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:10, Reply)
Guess you don't want to know about my drunken night on scrumpy?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:13, Reply)
Sorry, Harters.
Do tell me all about your drunken night on scrumpy.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:15, Reply)
We were playing Kickball against a bristol team
Stopping just outside Glastonbury, local place sold Real Scrumpy....
We all ordered a pint of Scrumpy...... "Not from round ere are ye" says landlord
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:18, Reply)
"Nope" says we.
"Well I'll give e then in this glass then" and pulls out a shot glass,
after drinking five he allows us to buy a half pint, after drinking that i said to one of the lads"bit hot in here I'm going outside for a bit of freash air" as soon as i went outside I blacked out and face slammed the floor
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:20, Reply)
Haha you got patronised by a worzel.
A new lifetime low.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:22, Reply)
He was a great landlord
back there the next night but I stayed off the scrumpy
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:23, Reply)
That's because it contains almost no alcohol.
Edit: fucksticks.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:58, Reply)
In your own time

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:58, Reply)
And again
So fucking what
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:02, Reply)
Regardless of its alcohol content
it tastes like somebody ran piss through a soda stream.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:13, Reply)
You feeling better yet?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:14, Reply)
A little bit, yeah.
Well enough to go out and infect half the board, I suspect.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:15, Reply)
+ with AIDS.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:17, Reply)
I am notoriously slutty.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:18, Reply)
etc etc
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:23, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:25, Reply)
You should try some other beers. America's got some good beer if you look.
Even a proper lager would be a step up from that Bud Light/Michelob shit.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:25, Reply)
I didn't say I haven't had others
But this is the one I love
I like killians and new castle, theres a brewing company somewhere around here but I love my bl
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:28, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:35, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:37, Reply)
You're Mum.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:40, Reply)
He is mum?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:44, Reply)
That's right.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:46, Reply)
listen mate
I know you like a fair bit of chinese, handholding and hollyoaks and these things are spot on, keep up the good work
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:38, Reply)
Yeah', well, yeah', well..... You're Dad got an STI off Battered in Poland while twos-upping a downs-syndrome girl who wanted directions to the abortionist.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:44, Reply)
im going to have to murder

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:49, Reply)
clickin dis

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:50, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:52, Reply)
Its an imitation
I love PP and think he's wonderful
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:56, Reply)
Pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:57, Reply)
At least drinking something so weak means you won't end up in the recovery position, no matter how much you consume.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:28, Reply)
Haha oh man
This is a classic!
call me fat now! Haha comedy gooooold
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:33, Reply)
Ok then.
You are fat.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:08, Reply)
Wow fastest Zing in the west

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:09, Reply)
Ooooh buuurrrrnnnn

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:22, Reply)
Bishops Tipple

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:49, Reply)
That makes sense
Hello bluenamer
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:52, Reply)
If I'm in a real ale mood I tend to go for a John Smith's Smooth.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:52, Reply)
Ooh. That reminds me.
Back in my student days, I used to drink McEwans 80/-
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:56, Reply)
Or mr B3th as it is known

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:59, Reply)
John Smith's Smooth for a real ale?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:05, Reply)
Like fuck it is

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:13, Reply)
Loaksy you should know better
If you say it's white he will argue it's black
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:15, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:18, Reply)
lokesy dear boy
You're agreeing with me here. Of course it's not a real ale.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:19, Reply)
We were referring to the Brigadier further up.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:23, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:24, Reply)
I'm sorry, what?
I am, admittedly, two inches of beard hair away from joining CAMRA, but I had thought that it was pretty common knowledge that shit like John Smiths and Caffrey's is as close to real ale as I am to pulling Olivia Wilde.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:18, Reply)
This Brigadier chap is trolling I think.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:20, Reply)
This is the only possible conclusion.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:21, Reply)
We don't see you on here in the evenings much.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:22, Reply)
I'm usually out or high end gaming by now.
Being sick has stopped me doing either of these things.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:22, Reply)
Sad times.
I'm caning the MP on Halo 4 at the moment.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:23, Reply)
It'd have to be wine. I like beer but I love wine in all of its forms except for the alt
Alt: Sherry. Got pissed as a tramps mattress on it as a teenager and can't stand the smell of it now.
Altalt: I quite like brandy in coffee.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:55, Reply)
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 18:56, Reply)
Blueberry wine is amazing
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:09, Reply)
I would go for a Dark Rum as my only tipple*
Alt: White spirits and me don't agree

Alt:alt: already said

*although I am partial to Whiskey Mac
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:10, Reply)
I learned from this thread that people like to drink alcohol

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:22, Reply)
This is almost as popular as a food thread \o/
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:24, Reply)
fuck off you liar

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:26, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:32, Reply)
alright kazoo

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:46, Reply)
And chickens.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:44, Reply)
I have drank two chickens whilst reading this thread

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:46, Reply)
At the moment I'd drink this forever

alt: cheap&nasty fizzy piss masquerading as beer or cider.

altalt: brandy coffee
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:22, Reply)
I still need to order some of the Brew Dog stuff

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:27, Reply)
You can get their Punk IPA and Hardcore IPA in Tescos
although it's relabelled as Tesco Finest Double IPA.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:40, Reply)
You told me about this quite a while ago
I'll order some from the website
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:42, Reply)
There's a Brewdog bar in Birmingham.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:03, Reply)
real ale.
Alt: gin

Altalt: tea an whiskey is excellent.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:29, Reply)
Yes get in there
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:31, Reply)
bells in an early grey for breakfast was amazing when I was staying in a lovely hotel in Gloucestershire.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:46, Reply)
My Grandmother* swore by whiskey in tea as the universal cure all
*God bless her soul
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:48, Reply)
does your pub do single malts and other high-end whiskies?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:32, Reply)
Off the top of my head, Macallan 10, Laphroaig 10, Highland park 8, Oban 10 and a few more, plus a ton of bourbons and blended. About 25 whiskey/whisky types.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:45, Reply)
I love a good whisky. I can suggest a few an' all.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:34, Reply)
I like proper beer and wine.
Alt: tequila.

altalt: various spirits in coffee are nice, especially the almondy ones.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:36, Reply)
I'd have to go with real ale, a la Windy.
Or possibly red wine.

Alt: whisky. Or John Smiths - foul, chemical-filled stuff. this chicken seems to like it, mind. www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&gl=GB&client=mv-google&v=1rnFf3iFN6Q&feature=related&nomobile=1
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:36, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:39, Reply)
Just your average happening in the north.
Even the chickens are pissed up.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:41, Reply)
That could be a marketing sensation
Self marinating chicken
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:43, Reply)
I quite like a smooth flow once in a while.
Murphys red is ace.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:48, Reply)
As a Pro. whats the best beer you have ever served?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:49, Reply)
I've got through so many real ales over the years, I've probably forgotten some of the best.
But my favourite breweries are probably XT, dark star and Itchen valley.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:51, Reply)
Any from Castle brewery?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:52, Reply)
castle rock?
Yeah, they've got a good couple if I remember rightly.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:54, Reply)
Yep they do some really nice ones

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:58, Reply)
I tried a lovely one a couple of years ago that had coriander in it.
Sadly the only local pub I've seen it in recently got knocked down to make way for a Morrisons. Sometimes, progress sucks.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:53, Reply)
I was at a CAMRA beer festival with a friend from the CID
as we drunkenly stumbled out he got one of the local cop cars there to drop us of home, the fucker made him turn on his blues and two's outside my house. my wife still raises that one when I go out with him for a drink
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:57, Reply)
Which ones are you getting in for Windy Pub bash?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:10, Reply)
I dunno.
I'm looking at dates for it now though.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:23, Reply)
Good man.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Never heard of Murphy's red, let alone tasted it.
Some can be OK, I don't know what they put in John Smith's but it gives me a crippling hangover so I try not to touch the stuff.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:51, Reply)
it's where guiness stole the idea for red guiness.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:55, Reply)
There's a red Guinness? I feel so provincial.
There was a red Irish ale that I used to like years ago; not seen it in ages. Beamish red, that was it.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:56, Reply)
that is good stuff, similar idea.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 19:58, Reply)
Might look out for it then, cheers Windy.
Normal Murphy's I quite like; I tend to drink it when I have a sore throat as it's nice and thick and eases any irritation.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:02, Reply)
I've only seen it in Ireland, and one irish bar here,
But yeah, good stuff.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:06, Reply)
Good beer.
All types: bitters, IPAs, stouts, porters, strong dark ales, light golden ales.
I love them all.
Although I love decent beer, I wouldn't rule out drinking any old shite if the alternative was no booze.
Wine I can take or leave, I can rarely tell the difference between a decent one and plonk.
Spirits tend to be more palatable the better quality they are.

Alt: anything mixed with coke.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:00, Reply)
Alt: so Monty then?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:02, Reply)
People on cocaine are usually obnoxious pricks.
Monty claims it doesn't affect him in that way and he seemed alright to me.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:05, Reply)
He is annoyingly likable

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:07, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:09, Reply)
I'm looking for a sugar Daddy
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:10, Reply)
It depends upon the circumstances you're forcing me to spend the rest of my life in
If it's a warm day - any wheat beer.

If it's an evening out - any well kept pale ale.

If it's an evening in - a French or - rare and correspondingly expensive - Swiss Chablis.

What am I saying? I'd scoff paint stripper if the mood took me.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:12, Reply)
Evening TD
Anything new on the portfolio yet?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:14, Reply)
I'm no property mogul, you know.
I have a few investments, either mine or jointly owned.

Now I just fleece other landlords for a living.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:19, Reply)
Shame, I just done quite a bit of work on the side for a company as a favour
If it all pans out I'll get 1% commission
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:22, Reply)
Get any leads in West or North Yorks and we can talk

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:25, Reply)
My line is purchasing and getting the best bang for buck.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:27, Reply)
But you're still talking to people who might need a bit of local specialist marketing.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:30, Reply)
Yep I suppose I do
what are you getting at?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:34, Reply)

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:34, Reply)
Or sales.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:39, Reply)
What neck off the woods?

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:41, Reply)
As above - West Yorks and North Yorks within A59/A1.
I have some contacts elsewhere but that's my territory.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:44, Reply)
Domestic and commercial properties?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:46, Reply)
I specialise in domestic (because the insurance premium for commercial makes it unviable)
But I work with agencies who cover both.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:50, Reply)
No promises but if I hear anything I'll pass it on

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:52, Reply)
This was my point

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:20, Reply)
We went to a party recently, and the host had got in frosty jacks.
It was alright.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:22, Reply)
More alright than not drinking at a party.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:26, Reply)
When the wife and I go to a party I choose to not drink
It's weird to see people getting drunk whilst you're sober.
I think this is WP's view most of the time
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:32, Reply)
it's different if you're serving, or socialising.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:34, Reply)
I never looked at it this way

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:37, Reply)
And I expressed it more articulately.
OK Tangled?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:23, Reply)
Phone fail :(
Alright TD
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:24, Reply)
I'm off tomorrow so yes, I'm good.
Rather pleased that we got our Unknown Mortal Orchestra tickets before the rest of the world discovered them.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:28, Reply)
I've been far too busy to get to any gigs recently.
I like to get to at least one a week if I can usually.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:37, Reply)
I make time - I wish I'd made more before
Next for me is Stiff Little Fingers next weekend.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:42, Reply)
This was my point
While I like and appreciate good booze, I'd settle for any port* in a storm

*Taylor's 10 year old tawny, if I can choose.
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:24, Reply)
See it's not that hard to choose one

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:25, Reply)
Tonight definitely feels like a pomegranate martini night
But my wallet is screaming beer
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:27, Reply)
pomegranates are winning.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:36, Reply)
its hard to get a good pom martini
Most places dont have the vodka, they have syrup and its shit
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:41, Reply)
I've got a Cannonball IPA right now.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:36, Reply)
I've got stoopid budweiser.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:36, Reply)
It'll do.

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:39, Reply)
Bud black crown is okay

(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:43, Reply)
I think this thread is dead
Can someone start a new one?
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:40, Reply)
ya doss prick
(, Tue 5 Mar 2013, 20:44, Reply)

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