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Two in Deirdre Barlow or one in Ken?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:02, 161 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Roache every time.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:03, Reply)
A sound and justifiable position.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:04, Reply)
all of the corrs or none of the corrs?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:07, Reply)
I'd like to use two of the Corrs as living dildos to fuck the third one
but I can never decide which one.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:17, Reply)
Ken is a 'SENIOR DRUID' so fuck it I'll go two in Ken.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:08, Reply)
Where's the ALT:?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:09, Reply)
Conventions are for the feeble minded.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:11, Reply)
It's ok, this thread reminds me of baldmonkey style talk threads.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:12, Reply)
fuck's sake, you don't make the rules

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:13, Reply)
He's turned into a right pompous twat since he almost lost his virginity.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:16, Reply)
I'm just trying to keep up standards here.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:17, Reply)
Up where?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:18, Reply)
Gush hole

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:18, Reply)
Black Eyed Peaszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:14, Reply)
I've just made chickpeas in a choizo'n'pepper pasata sauce that I plan to bake tonight with gnochi and cheese.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:12, Reply)
is this something about chris huhne?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:13, Reply)
I think it's his dinner.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:15, Reply)
Yeah', Shambles up there reckons the whole thing was totally a use of everyone's time.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:15, Reply)
It's perverting the course of justice.
The points are irrelevant. So, yeah, it's a sensible use of everyone's time.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:22, Reply)
I'd have given the ugly bitch life.
Spiteful cunt.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:25, Reply)
And now the tax payer has to pay for her food'n'board for the next 8 months minus good behavour or whatever.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:29, Reply)
This is true of every criminal, though.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:32, Reply)

criminal MP

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:33, Reply)
Lefty commy red bastard, if it was down to me, except my mates, they'd all starve.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:42, Reply)
I don't mind that.
They can put my tax rate up 5% while she's inside if it helps.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:41, Reply)
Should be done for wasting police time

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:27, Reply)
I'm really not sure how you think the legal system works.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:40, Reply)
Basicly, if me and me mates do it and get caught, it's an unfair law that shouldn't happen. And if anyone else does something, then they should be hanged on a spike at the tower for treason.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:43, Reply)
Typical Jewish anarchist.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:23, Reply)
If you make that, you're prolly looking at a ten stretch mate

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:14, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:15, Reply)
You don't really need to point this out, ploppypops.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:17, Reply)
Fair play

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)

What twists my melon is I’d could get more time for speeding and passing points, than speeding and actually killing someone.

as you were.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:32, Reply)
Exactly, Ringo, you're spot on there. Just doens't make sense.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:44, Reply)
Fucking over the justice system is a big deal.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:47, Reply)
Depends when Deidre last had a bath.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:17, Reply)
She hasn't washed since she paedo'd up that Moroccan kid.
The filthy mare.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:20, Reply)
You have to gargle with her menstrual blood.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:21, Reply)
I reckon that last appeared circa 1970.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:22, Reply)
I bet she's as fertile as Colombia's Amazon Basin.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:23, Reply)
Which is pretty congealed and mouldy given that she went through the menopause some time ago.
Oh yumminy yumminy!
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:23, Reply)
.... and whether she suffers from mumsnet aquatic hooverfanny?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:21, Reply)
My father is back from Belize - you can all relax.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:20, Reply)
I'm going to see a film called The Master tonight.
Has anyone got any clever opinions on it that I can loudly pass off as my own before it starts?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:20, Reply)
I haz that on my laptop along with The Hobbitt
say something about L Ron Hubbard and Tom Cruise
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:21, Reply)
Fuck all else.

But I mean LOTS of acting. Fucking shitloads of it. You rarely see that much acting in a film without Ben Kingsley or Daniel Day-Lewis in it.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:21, Reply)
I hate acting.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:25, Reply)
Yet love "film"

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:25, Reply)
I love a bit of MASSIVE ACTING me.
That bit in the oilfield in There Will Be Blood where he's all like "stand back, motherfuckers, this actor is about to motherfucking ACT"

I fucking love that shit.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:27, Reply)
not seen that, is it any good?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:30, Reply)
He acts the shit out of that film. He totally smurfs it.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:30, Reply)
Is that the one with Javier Bardem?
I spent most of that film laughing at his hair.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:31, Reply)
That would be a completely different film with completely different actors based on a completely different book.
So yeah. No.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:33, Reply)
that was "No country for old men" DUH!

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:33, Reply)
I'm sorry, I'm not really into film, okay?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:33, Reply)
No, it's not OK.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:39, Reply)
You thick cunt.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)
That's No Country For Old Men.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:34, Reply)
Bardem isn't cosummate enough an actor to even try to act in this film. Bardem acts to a tenth grade level whereas Day-Lewis is doing a PhD in how to act the fucking fuck out of it. Day-Lewis act bukakes all over Bardem.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:37, Reply)
It's a pretty decent film already. And then Daniel Day-Lewis just shits acting all fucking over it. There's acting in its eyes and its mouth and dripping down its chin and all over its tits. ACTING.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:32, Reply)
Fucking actors.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:27, Reply)
Say that Scientology is bad.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:36, Reply)
I don't know who either of these people are I'm afraid

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:21, Reply)
One of them is paying his dog to talk to psychics
the other is I don't know.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:22, Reply)
That's difficult...
Either lez up or shag an old man?

Decisions, decisions...
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:21, Reply)
You have done both so I think it's OK for you to abstain.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:22, Reply)
How very dare you?
I have never lezzed up.

Not saying I'm ruling it out, mind. But still, not with Deirdre.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:23, Reply)
Calm down, Chinny.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:24, Reply)
Just imagine those massive spectacles mangling against your quivering thighs.
Oh boy oh boy!
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:24, Reply)
Don't stop...

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:25, Reply)
I reckon she'd put on her 1980s bubble perm wig for you to grab at.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:28, Reply)
I'd steam her glasses RIGHT up.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:29, Reply)
She could play her like a vuvuzela

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:25, Reply)
Flaps would vibrating like a cicada's hindquarters.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:26, Reply)
"Oh baby, don't stop, oh baby"
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:27, Reply)
You mean
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:28, Reply)
I bet none of you can stand up now.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:28, Reply)
I am standing on my desk glad handing the stiffest erection I have had in many a year.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:29, Reply)
A diamond cutter, if you will.
the hardest erection known to man
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:35, Reply)
It's harder than that.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:38, Reply)
But not as hard as Badmons Dukaz

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:40, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:43, Reply)
not without the help of a small crane

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:29, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:30, Reply)
Did the crane break?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:30, Reply)
Stop laughing and call the fire brigade.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:31, Reply)
There's a woman on the checkout in my local supermarket who looks exactly like Deirdre Rachid.
I struggle not to point it out every time I see her.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:29, Reply)
She'll always be Barlow to me.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:30, Reply)
Barlow par, more like

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:30, Reply)
You can shove Jason Orange up your cock end and shit out a can of tango

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:34, Reply)
Fyfe Dangerfield's etc etc

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:35, Reply)
who would you rather be bummed by
your dad or your brother?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:38, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:42, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:43, Reply)
"Lucky sportscow"

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:44, Reply)
I reckon it would be pretty cool if they could both get up there.
There are some logistical problems but I've seen it done in a porno and I'm relatively limber for a man of my years.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:44, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)
shut it dirty daddy

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:48, Reply)
That's what you said. To your Daddy.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:49, Reply)
For the fatties.

185g unsalted butter
185g best dark chocolate
85g plain flour
40g cocoa powder
3 large eggs
275g golden caster sugar
6 Cadbury’s Crème eggs cut in half.

Preheat the oven to 160C and grease a 20 cm square baking tin.
Melt the butter and dark chocolate together either in the microwave or in a bowl over boiling water.
Break 3 large eggs into a large bowl and tip in 275g golden caster sugar. With an electric mixer on maximum speed, whisk the eggs and sugar until they look thick and creamy, like a milk shake. This can take 3-8 minutes. You will know it's ready when the mixture becomes really pale and about double its original volume.
Pour the cooled chocolate mixture over the eggy mousse, and then gently fold together.
Hold a sieve over the bowl of eggy chocolate mixture and sift the cocoa and flour mixture, shaking the sieve from side to side, to cover the top evenly. Gently fold in to the mixture.
Pour into the baking tin and cook for 15 minutes then take out of the over and gently press the cadburys crème egg halves into the mix, spacing them apart evenly. Put back in the over for another 5-10 minutes.
Leave to cool before removing from tin and cutting into squares.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:40, Reply)
That doesn't look remotely appealing.
In other news, I bought the wifes easter eggs really early this year so there is no chance of me fucking up and forgetting.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:41, Reply)
I might make her this for easter.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:44, Reply)
It looks fucking horrible

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:44, Reply)
I don't agree.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:46, Reply)
You think Milton Keynes is a great place to live
your opinion has little value here.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:46, Reply)
Then you're a fucking moron.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:46, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:46, Reply)
It's brownies, with melted chocolate and pure sugar in the middle.
What's wrong with that?
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:48, Reply)
Have you seen the picture?
It looks like a chicken has burst mid bumming
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:48, Reply)
No, they look totally different.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:49, Reply)
I'm trying to think of a better description than this and I can't.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:52, Reply)
Brownies are just shit cakes invented by americans because they're shit at baking.
This recipe has done the impossible and made them even shitter. You probably have lucky fucking charms for breakfast, you fucking infant.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:50, Reply)
I have marmite on brown bread.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:51, Reply)
They ARE magically delicious.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:51, Reply)
That looks like somebody took a shit in your mum.
Sorry. I mean you look like somebody took a shit in your mum.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:41, Reply)
your words hurt.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:44, Reply)
The truth does that.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:49, Reply)
That sounded fine until it was ruined by the creme eggs.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:42, Reply)
MMmmmmmm abortion

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:42, Reply)
Can you batter and deep fry it then serve it with a buttersktoch dip?

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)
You can do whatever you like!

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:45, Reply)
Gonz, speaking as a diabetic, you need to wind that shit in.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:47, Reply)
Gonz isn't diabetic though.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:50, Reply)
That was my point.
Diabetes and his diegestive issues would not good bed fellows make.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:52, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:54, Reply)
Senor Drueeed.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:55, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:58, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:53, Reply)
*looks at watch*
Aaaaaanny seconnnnnd...........NOW
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:54, Reply)
Calm down Skooly D

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:55, Reply)
I have seen Schoolly D live twice.
The first time, he did 'Saturday Night'.

Three times.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:56, Reply)
I used to love the artwork on his first album
very shit yet great at the time
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:58, Reply)
'PSK' is one of my favourite hip hop records of all time.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:00, Reply)

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:58, Reply)
I've seen him 4 times.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:59, Reply)
Course you have, 'Johnny Fiveskin'.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:00, Reply)
Last time was in Elevenarife.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:01, Reply)
I thought it might have been.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:02, Reply)
I'm only exaggerating for comic effect.
Steriods fucked up my pancreas last year, there was a fuck-up and I was on the heighest dose for 6 weeks instead of 1.

Oh well, at least I got some lovely pens, a cool little machine and I don't have to pay for my prescriptions anymore.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:01, Reply)
Medical exemption certificates RULE.

(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:02, Reply)
Plus it's a total cure for needlephobia, those things don't even count in my books.
Can't even feel them as long as you change them every few days.
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 17:03, Reply)
I'm Solid gone
(, Tue 12 Mar 2013, 16:58, Reply)

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