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Anyone want to suck my willy?
its not all that but I'm drunk so I won't come
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:53, 101 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
yeah go on then

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:54, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:54, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:01, Reply)
Have you been at it all night?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:54, Reply)
With your mum?
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:58, Reply)
Nice one.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:00, Reply)
I don't think I'd like sucking willies but your willy transcends all barriers
Let us all suck on broadsword's willy of peace
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:55, Reply)
Pass it round.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:56, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:57, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:56, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:57, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:58, Reply)
This is why we've never met gonz, I'd be a bad influence

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:58, Reply)
'Go on Gonz, just try a sip of this beer, just one sip, can't hurt'
Next thing you know he's up a flagpole spinning like a stripper doing a catherine wheel of shit

bad broadsword
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:00, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:01, Reply)
That's up there with "the cheque's in the post" and "I'll respect you in the morning"
in the list of "Great Lies Of Our Time"
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:58, Reply)
Nah, I'm pretty sure he is drunk.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:01, Reply)
Pretty lethal that Bucky

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:02, Reply)
you'll feel better after a bit of a swim yeah

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:58, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 10:59, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:01, Reply)
:( I don't want gay sex with a man from the internet

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:03, Reply)
how about straight sex with a man from the internet?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:06, Reply)
Now your talking !

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:07, Reply)
cool I'll get broady to tuck it so it looks a bit like a fanny

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:10, Reply)
every time you say that
i picture robert carlyle in "the full monty" trying to practice his stripper dance in the shed.

"hot chocolate? now yer talking".
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:11, Reply)
Has battered gone to kill himself ?
it's gone VERY QUIET
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:13, Reply)
He could guilt trip his depressed wife for the rest of her life then !!

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:13, Reply)
he's posting all over the place
are you on 2.0 again?
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:14, Reply)
No, I'm far too witty and popular to be on anyones 2.0
apart from the sixty odd ignorers on this account
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:17, Reply)
2.0 is for pussies

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:18, Reply)
Internet upset is srs business

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:19, Reply)
i do enjoy a good bit of hypocritical keyboard bashing though

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:24, Reply)
I think most people do.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:25, Reply)
someone should start something
go on about tories or strippers/hookers or drugs or something
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:38, Reply)
went to do some work innit.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:22, Reply)
yeah yeah
how many times have we all fallen for that old chestnut
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:09, Reply)
More of an acorn, really

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:11, Reply)
Attn: Tango
Loop have reformed. This is jolly good news. Heaven's End is one of my favourite LPs from the 1980s.

One of their shows at the West Indian Club in Southampton gave my brother lifelong tinnitus and hearing damage. That was an excellent show. They were also very good indeed at a little shindig I went to down in the West Country. It was called The Treworgey Tree Fayre - I really should tell you all about it sometime.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:10, Reply)
i can imagine if i met you in a pub you would be the person who tries to talk to me far too long
about something i have no interest in
and i try to get away
but you just keep going
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:16, Reply)
Yeah like I'd go into a pub in Wales

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:17, Reply)
and i'm sure you have a series of fascinating anecdotes as way of explanation
for not going in a pub in wales
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:30, Reply)
I'm sure you have a series of fascinating half-hearted suicide attempts as a way of blubbing for attention

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:33, Reply)
in wales

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Suicide was last year - they're all about the measles this season.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:33, Reply)
SSG keeps it old skool

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:35, Reply)
i get it

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 12:42, Reply)
I wonder who got further in their cry for desperate much needed attention Hairpot or SSG?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:51, Reply)
i had pancreatic cancer was nobody paying attention?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 12:42, Reply)
I've only ever come out of one gig with hearing issues
I was informed afterwards that I was stood about 3 feet from the bass cab, "which would certainly explain it"

I still have no idea what the fuck that means.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:16, Reply)
Bass speaker innit
close up = high spl and hearing damage.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:19, Reply)
Not the best idea, then?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:21, Reply)
Not really
Proper concert rig chucks out higher sound levels than jet engines.
Roadies wear earplugs these days.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:31, Reply)
I just saw this over on the facebooks
Great band, although that prick James Endeacott once failed to sign my last band to Rough Trade after initially being very excited about us :(
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:19, Reply)
yet another pub band with three facebook followers aspiring to greater things

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:21, Reply)
This was in the days of the myspace revolution
And I'm sure we had four or five followers on there.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:30, Reply)
hahaha I mean :o(

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:22, Reply)
I saw them once I think
dunno, bands, fuck em.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:25, Reply)
alright broadsword

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:15, Reply)
I prefer breasts.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:15, Reply)
Alright CQ, have you considered the open position of Battereds divorce wing man ? You know show him the ropes, assure him that banging a mid forties fat slag is a natural reaction to being dumped by his new wife ?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:18, Reply)
that Rory, I needed a lift this morning.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:21, Reply)
we should all pull together during these emotionally troubling times

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:22, Reply)
like a circle jerk?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:25, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:26, Reply)
I'm not entirely sure if that was approval or not.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:33, Reply)
it's my cum noise

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:34, Reply)
it's rory, he get's less that you do.
of course it's approval.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:35, Reply)
You're right, I need to look at myself and my standards. You me and battered can check out that grab a granny night that you keep going on about

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:39, Reply)
no thanks, I'm taken.
but have fun.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:42, Reply)
No really, if you start taking your medications again you'll discover that the poor woman has been begging you to leave her alone

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:47, Reply)
Why would he need a circle?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:32, Reply)
Christ almighty. I ain't getting back on that horse for a long time.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:23, Reply)
Don't let your figure go battered, binge eating and drinking will really pile that weight on. You need to be ready for that new special woman in your life.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:27, Reply)
Why, she could be reading this RIGHT NOW

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:28, Reply)
ha ha

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:29, Reply)
Stranger things have happened. Cavey for instance ...

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:31, Reply)
Are you over her yet or still struggling to come to terms with it?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:33, Reply)
our bitter breakup saddens me. it's for the best that she doesn't post here anymore

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:35, Reply)
she totally binned us when she got laid

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:37, Reply)
Used us and dumped us

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:39, Reply)
how quickly the sad, desperate and lonely forget, how quickly they forget.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:39, Reply)
Unless he's killed her.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:42, Reply)
nah, she's still on face book occasionally and we're doing a LARP in a few months.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:42, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:48, Reply)
I reckon, right, this is how to sort it. I went on a Club 18-30 once and it was right laugh, this.
We have a "Boys v Girls" night out. The boys go out and watch a football game while doing pints of beer, whilst the girls go to a strip-club. They'll be games like "Who can down a pint of beer in the fast time period before the other people can down their pint of beer in the same time" and "Banana or Willy?".

Then, the two groups meet together in a club, where they'll be more games, like that one where you run aorund a broom really really fast and get dizzy and fall over. And at the end of the night, the very end, we finally determine who won the "Battle of the Boys vs Girls Competition".
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:30, Reply)
No shagging?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:33, Reply)
Of course not. This is Gonz we're talking about.

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:34, Reply)
Do you have trouble sleeping on your own sofa (so far), or is it ok?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:44, Reply)
Do you settee (settle) in for the night?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Is your favorite football player Peter Couch (crouch) ?
Ok, that's all I've got.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:48, Reply)
Suite yourself

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:55, Reply)
I don't think they can legally force you into doing that.
Just make you into a bit of a social pariah.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:36, Reply)
It's well gay on here today.
Man the fuck up!
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:21, Reply)
Fuck men up the bum you mean
har har har
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:24, Reply)
There is nothing more manly
than sucking broadsword's shrivelled drunken winky.
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:31, Reply)
Is this confession Friday on b3ta?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:38, Reply)

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:39, Reply)
Bring the comfy chair?

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:40, Reply)
Well if it is it beats Chicken Thursday

(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:41, Reply)
(, Fri 26 Apr 2013, 11:42, Reply)

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