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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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so there's a picture doing the rounds on fb of what a "normal sized" barbie doll would look like
did you have/were you allowed genderised toys as a kid? should we encourage little boys away from toy guns and little girls away from pink glitter, or should we let them play with what they want?

alt: how do you greet people? with a kiss, a hug or a shake? does it matter if the recipient is male or female?

altalt: do you give in to peer pressure?
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:39, 143 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Fuck yeah.
All my toys were war based.

Altalt: I'm the one applying the pressure.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:41, Reply)
pink glittery war?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:42, Reply)
I'm afraid not, no.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:49, Reply)
I don't see why AA's posts get on the popular page when we get gems like this twice a day.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:43, Reply)
it's no string of links to horrifyingly depressing flats because i'll never earn enough to afford a mortgage, that's for sure

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:46, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:49, Reply)
Don't worry, you dad will buy you a couple of places MB

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:49, Reply)
it's funny because i've been asked to recommend someone who does exactly your job for a big city law firm
would have doubled what you call a salary.

shame i don't know anyone who does that who isn't a complete incompetent cunt.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:58, Reply)
Let them play with whatever they want, who cares?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:43, Reply)
Sorry, boring answer
But my eldest son watched me pushing his younger brother in a push chair, so he went through a phase where he wanted to do the same. So he had a little toy pushchair with a pikachu in it.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:50, Reply)
No wait, the other one. Gay.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:06, Reply)
Nah, you're alright you are.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:09, Reply)
Alt: I like to greet people 'Bill-style'

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:45, Reply)
Walking away slowly with a police woman?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:46, Reply)
Aha yes.
But no, this was more a reference to a former b3tan who apparently tended to 'over-reach' when greeting females.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:48, Reply)
Oh my

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:48, Reply)
is he the horrifically creepy one who bought alcohol for a teenage student ten years younger than himself?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:48, Reply)
I'll be honest, I only know two facts about him:
1. Fingers up Roota's bumhole
2. 'Murder eyes'
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:49, Reply)
monty has a bit of a thing about his eyes

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:50, Reply)
Nah, she's making a reference to me.
It's subtle I'll give her that, but it's also fucking mental.
I bought Applebite and Kitty some drinks once it was about 2009, she's upset about it.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:51, Reply)
Is no girl safe from your evil ways?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:53, Reply)
Swipe fucking is.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:54, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:01, Reply)
i don't think he has a clue what "fucking" is, gonz

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:02, Reply)
Yeah' he does, he watches his higher-ups do it to the NHS on a weekly basis.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:09, Reply)
Liddlebitapolitics there

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:10, Reply)
Top story on the 6pm news last night, I'm winning.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:30, Reply)
i have some brilliant gazzes about it somewhere
more than one person mentioned his slidey creepy eyes
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:00, Reply)
I wish you two would give it a fucking rest.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:02, Reply)
Ban her then.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:04, Reply)
you started this
because of your simple inability to accept one point:

if you hurt someone who thought of you as a friend, and refuse to accept you did anything nasty, you are a cunt.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:10, Reply)
post them or shut the fuck up about them, fucking years of "oooh you'll never know what someone said to me"

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:03, Reply)
you want me to post what you said about people too?
i think not.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:11, Reply)
Private gazzes are meant to be private.
Anyone who doesn't get this is 'a cunt'.
Therefore, threatening to broadcast them is either childish or cunty.

I hate to say it swipe, but you're not coming out of this thread well.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:15, Reply)
the guy was a truly nasty piece of work to me, b3th
sorry, but that's how it is.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:18, Reply)
Wasn't just females.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:49, Reply)
to be fair I think the poor boy was simply trying to remain upright by grabbing onto anything he could

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:51, Reply)
I asked him to stop, and he was all like, "hahahahaha nah we're b3tans we like touching each other up, don't we? Ask Clendrix..."
She gave him a look.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:57, Reply)
Fucking hell Bill. :o(

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:58, Reply)
My colon is NOT a handrail.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:02, Reply)
No it's a the end of the new London super sewer

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:16, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:32, Reply)
Masturbating with a cigar?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:49, Reply)
"Will I get to shag loads of birds when I become president?"

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:52, Reply)
You like to reduce them to tears with your halitosis?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:50, Reply)
five point palm exploding heart technique?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:51, Reply)
My brother's godfather to his old flatmate's kid.
She is a right hippy and tried to raise this boy on a 'no tv, no toy soldiers' etc tip - eventually she gave up and gave in. You can't fight it. If you deny your son toy guns he'll just make them out of Lego. Or a stick.

Unless he's a fucking queer.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:46, Reply)
what the fuck are you talking about?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:52, Reply)
'Diff'rent Strokes - UNCUT'

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:54, Reply)
I think I'd be able to spot the super hot chilli on a pizza.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:55, Reply)
I thought that, not so sure though
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:04, Reply)
A little of both, I guess.
Books were my main thing, but I loved my Sindy dolls, and I had a squillion matchbox cars. I remember when I got some money for my sixth birthday, I bought one of those two storey garage things with the lift and the ramp.
Ah, good times.

Alt: I'm far too repressed for that.

AltAlt: not really. Unless everyone else is, then maybe.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:53, Reply)

Books Cakes
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:54, Reply)
You know 'words', Tangles?
Sometimes they hurt.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:56, Reply)
Bit of comfort eating should ease that pain.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:58, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:59, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:02, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:03, Reply)
*puts down chocolate guiltily*

*backs away slowly*
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:59, Reply)
+ *steady beeping noise*

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:04, Reply)
Oh, you cunt.
That made me lol.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:06, Reply)
As long as they don't spend hours and hours "gaming" in a dimly lit room
Alt: Kiss girls, handshake boys. Although more and more boys to for hugs, this annoys me

Altalt: if the lords demand it, then the lords get it
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:57, Reply)
I don't like that weird American combination handshake hug thing that blokes I don't really like started doing a few years ago.
D'you know the one I mean?
Where they do a sort of high-five handshake that turns into a grip, then they sort of pull together, clasped hands, arms crossed across their chests and do, like, a man-hug with all patting on the back and that.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:03, Reply)
Yeah, I'm not black though

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:12, Reply)
You don't like it because it gives you a rod-on and when they come in for the hug they can feel it jabbing them in the thigh

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:17, Reply)
Is that a fertility totem in your pocket or are you just please to see me tuip?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:21, Reply)
Oh I don't mind that so much

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:21, Reply)
I used to give in to peer pressure but then I stopped one day and lost all my peers.
Now I'm dressing up as Samwell Granger Of The Black from Game Of Thrones in a comic and movie expo with regenderised Captain Marvel.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 9:59, Reply)
I tried to read that for a third time.
There is a character called 'Mance Rayder'.

That is without doubt the shittest name I've ever heard.

'Mance Rayder' FFS.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:02, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:10, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:18, Reply)
The only Rayder I like is Rayder O'Rylie.
brb, off to download the whole of M*A*S*H, i'm gonna get stills of Hotlips.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:11, Reply)
Fucking hell, Gonz
She's older than I am.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:12, Reply)
If that's the fat guy, he's younger than me
Fucking hell.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:06, Reply)
Kids should be allowed to play with what they want>>>
And that Your Honour explains why I had my trousers round my ankles.

Alt... I say Hello.

Altalt Ask Southend
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:03, Reply)
The only toy I remember was an action man
Alt: Business/first time meeting people - Handshake. Friends - Hug.

AltAlt: Never been one to, really.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:05, Reply)
You gave into peer pressure and handed out your pin number
And you've been a fiscal mess ever since
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:15, Reply)
I'm quite glad I never bothered with the whole FB thing.
alt: In accordance to each situation.

alt:alt: Yes and No, but mainly no
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:11, Reply)
The rigid surface would be easier to clean and take more punishment than my inflatable, I'm all in favour of this

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:14, Reply)
i don't think anyone has ever argued to encourage boys away from guns or girls away from pink glitter,
the views tend to be either, encourage boys away from pink glitter and girls away from guns, or let them play with what they want.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:27, Reply)
i greet people with a hug

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:28, Reply)
nah, i have some annoying friends who maintain that all toys must be gender neutral
let the kid pick its own toy ffs!
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:29, Reply)
i suggest sneaking in very non-gender-neutral toys into their houses

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:30, Reply)
or just leave em to it

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:30, Reply)
The whole Swipe/ Chomp stuff going down (no pun intended)
Is well lol.

Thing is though, Chomp has some balls here, taking Swipola off 2.0 has unleashed all the blackest forces of hell.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:31, Reply)
i wish someone would just post links to the relevant bits so i know what's going on

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:32, Reply)
Chomp and Swipe flirted via gaz.
They met up, had excruciatingly bad sex, Chomp expected Swipe to pay for everything and was a bit of a cad. Maybe if he hadn't been so cripplingly bad at sex she would have overlooked the cheapness and lack of gallantry.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:35, Reply)
wait is any of that true?
i don't wanna be party to some internet rumour mill
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:41, Reply)
I have Gazes to proove it.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:46, Reply)
Not from me.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:47, Reply)
no, not from you.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:01, Reply)
alright CQ

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:03, Reply)
so prove it

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:47, Reply)
B3th has decreed this would make me a cunt.

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:01, Reply)
so why should i believe you?

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:08, Reply)
He hasn't got the stones to back up his words
just like every other mewling cunt round here
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:10, Reply)
and why should I care if you do?
I could forward you the Gazes, but that's easily faked.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 11:12, Reply)
wait, why would anyone care whether you care if i do?
all i want is some evidence, that's what i'm asking for and i still haven't had any.
you saying that you have the gazes to prove it is a completely pointless thing to say to me unless you have some actual evidence.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 13:01, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:34, Reply)
A black family have moved in to my street.
This is good news on two levels: it's nice to have some multiculturalism in York, and they aren't living next door to me.
(, Wed 3 Jul 2013, 10:37, Reply)

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