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rob, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I tend to think you get a certain type of person here on /ot
Now, I'm not going into political leanings and class and all that shite because I find most of your views fucking repugnant and you'll all be first up against the wall come the revolution.
Outside of that, do you assume everyone on here (apart from sportscow, obviously) is white?
Alt: Tanning woes. Why do you feel the need to slow roast your own skin to look like a darkie?
Altalt: Favourite ever QOTW poster. I like that Uglywife fella, he knows his oats.
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 9:54,
162 replies,
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I'm a gook
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 9:57,
Even before I got fat and old, I have always been built fairly big and solid. I'm sure to some people when I'm white I could well be intimidating.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:00,
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:02,
Go black home.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:03,
I don't
Alt. I don't
AltAlt. SpankyHanky obviously.
Peej, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:01,
i wish i hadn't read that as "fist up against the wall"
it distressed me.
i already know what this horrible lot look like. so i don't need to assume. but on /qotw or somewhere, no, no assumptions.
alt: because brown fat is better than white fat.
altalt: that rachelswipe's a genius.
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:02,
surely any fat should be well hidden beneath billowing flocks of fabric at all times, sun be damned
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:32,
No no, leggings and cop tops are what today's gunter wishes to wear. It seems.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:40,
cop tops?
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:44,
jumping frogs?
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:46,
Al Barbeque!
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:56,
That's not very PC
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:45,
Not just white, really pasty and probably quite flabby and all.
Some of them should have horrific sunburn by now too.
Alt: I don't.
Altalt: They're all brilliant.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:02,
I'm as white as a sheet.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:15,
Part of your culture though, innit
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:16,
We're a misunderstood people
I mean, it's crazy that swipe has deny her heritage just because she's a successful lawyer.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:22,
which heritage?
is this a ginger crack??
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:24,
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:27,
oh man
outed by my own brethren :(
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:31,
I do assume everyone on here is white, yes
I am outside a lot so am brown (in a non-paki way). I dont purposely tan
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:02,
IT spod in "goes outside all the time" lies
Can it nerd and get back to your basement
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:16,
In that renowned sunny paradise that is the north east.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:19,
Yep... I am now going to out Sporters
as a fake tan wearing, orange skinned, Oot doon the Toon, resident of Bigg Market.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:22,
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:43,
Its been fucking lovely up here for weeks man
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:43,
+pet man
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:44,
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:45,
This thread is shit, soz. Everyone back to CQ's
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:04,
A lot of people are going to struggle with posting in the second thread down.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:06,
C'mon tangs, these are the brightest and best
Pillars of the internet messageboarding community and sharp as tacks to a man/woman. They'll cope or die trying.
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:07,
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:12,
Everyone on /ot is white. There is no way there are any bredren.
I for one would welcome some dark overlords.
Alt: I like a tan. Looks healthy.
Altalt: Rory is up there. A singularly more offensive individual I am yet to read. Quents is missed too.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:07,
er... up where?
rachelswipe with a fork, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:13,
The top of the list, bbz.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:14,
I'm black.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:14,
Say it loud.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:14,
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:15,
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:15,
All a yall are crackers
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:16,
I met a guy from Hilsea yesterday.
He didn't know you.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:27,
No, he probably didn't
I'm not 'from' Hilsea. Did he say whereabouts he lived?
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:32,
The gutter like the rest of you.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:33,
the outrage
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:33,
Well, he might have done. I was blind drunk you see and the whole nights a but of a blur.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:42,
Racists go home.
I always wanted a black pal. Bit late now, you don't really make new friends at my age.
MEATSNAKE Richard Hammond, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:19,
I'm the only one who has any empathy for the workers.
PsychoChomp, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:23,
fuck you bourgeois scum
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:57,
I tell you what's weird
you're reading a QOTW answer and suddenly you realise - from clues sprinkled through the text - that they're a GIRL.
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:23,
No girls online.
Just men with small hands and breasts
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:28,
Yeah, I think there was a guy James Tiger Woods may have been his name who was black
Going to bashes has born out the all-white thing too. AFAIK we have one Jew and one gay and that's it. The only counter intuitive thing is that the women are actually women and most of us are not that fat.
Alt: nerver seen the point of intentionally damaging your skin. a natural tan looks good on some people and orange spray pain looks good on no one.
AltAlt: Probably someone who doesn't post any more.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:29,
So are you
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:32,
did he ever moan to b3th about pictures being posted on a messageboard which supports images?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:34,
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:35,
Course I didn't.
PsychoChomp, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:35,
That comes up as nothing for me.
Does that mean I'm on 2.0?
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:43,
Ignore, Winders.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:45,
Alrizzle Wilf?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:33,
aight doze.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:59,
There is more than one Jew. Also a couple of shortarses and a clown.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:33,
Jews...Gonz, Chomperz and Swipe, right?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:35,
Stunned is also a Red Sea pedestrian.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:35,
I'm Northern Irish Catholic tobesure
PsychoChomp, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:36,
With a bit of Yorkshire
(explains the vouchers I've just realised)
PsychoChomp, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:36,
but the jewfro and the penny pinching indicate Hebrew heritage.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:38,
Yorkshiremen could teach Jews a thing or two on the meanness front.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:44,
*hangs used teabags on washing line*
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:48,
People hate me because I'm a strong black woman.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:34,
No Tessa, it's beacause you weren't as good as Fatima
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:36,
Q: why did Fatima Whitbread fail the drugs test?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:38,
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:40,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:45,
I can't believe I actually lolled at that
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:49,
I thought it was because you're a cunt?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:37,
Always with the racism, you - you're just jealous of my freedoms.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:40,
Move along, Rosa Parks.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:41,
I am a massive, sweaty coon.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:37,
Alright Ainsley.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:37,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:38,
Ah it's Ainsley Akabusi everyone!
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:39,
*drops tweed dungs*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:40,
Good morning Bwana!
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:39,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:41,

Two Hats 🎩🎩, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:44,
Are all your IRL friends white Mince?
Do you cross the street when you see a crowd of 'coons' walking along with the same 'sneakers' as you with all the phat tunes that you wax lyrical about on here playing from their 'boombox'? The common ground is there Mince, it's right in front of you! Go and say hi whydontcha.
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:41,
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:43,
Sorry, 'friendlings'
Reginald Donkeyfuck, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:43,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:44,
I have a couple of sambo pals. No pakis though.
Smelly food, you see.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:44,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:46,
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:48,
*reconsiders that post*
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:49,
Just having a conversation about holidays in the office
Have you ever been on an all inclusive holiday?
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:53,
Fucking great it was! 4 optics in the room and a fridge full of beer
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:54,
I want to go to Mexico. My Mrs really rates it.
I have 3 weeks in the US in a few weeks time! Hahahaha.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:59,
It was excellent
Drove a speedboat through the mangrove swamps at about 40mph out to sea then snorkelled with loads of fish
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:02,
I took a day trip into Tijuana when I was in San Diego.
Fuck me, that was a scary place.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:03,
I've been to Tijuana, it's a hole.
I will be in San Diego in a few weeks and the Mrs said are we going to Tijuana? I said she could if she wanted to but I am not keen.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:06,
I dived off the Mexican Coast, but have never properly been to Mexico.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:13,
I have been to paradise
but I have never been to me.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:17,
I want to dive the cave systems.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:40,
While I was about 15m down
I found myself surrounded by a huge shoal of fish, thousands of the fuckers - they just parted around me. Bloody awesome.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:48,
You should get your Advanced ticket.
You'd love it.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:58,
I haven't dived in about 6 years.
Club I was in disintegrated through petty in-fighting, dwindling membership and therefore dwindling finances. When I joined there were 70 people in it; when it folded there were 15.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:00,
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:09,
*Donkey Shows*
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:06,
I also did this. It's a shit hole.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:12,
It really is.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:14,
Me too - the historical stuff they have there is fucking incredible.
Plus, loads of weed and coke and tacos.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:07,
I've only been on a couple of 'traditional' sun holidays and never will again.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:55,
Go to the right hotel in the right place and you'd love it.
Right up your street.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:57,
They seem to be the polar opposite of what I want from a holiday.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:59,
The prospect of being tied to a resort because the booze and food is free fills me with dread.
See also deliberately seeking out British bars and food because you don't trust the local stuff. That's the whole fucking point of going on holiday you buffoons, not sitting in the Sunburnt arms watching videos of Mr Bean and drinking lukewarm John Smiths.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:02,
The best holidays I've had have been in private apartments rented off their owners,
This has been far and away the best thing for my kind of holiday. There are of course plusses to the luxury hotel thing but I don't think it's 'my thing'.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:04,
Every time we go to Kos
we stay with the same family in one of their apartments. They're as basic as hell, but that really doesn't matter. It's on the edge of Kos town, there's a bar and pool on site if you want to make use of them and loads of tavernas nearby. Plus, unrestricted access to loads of ruins and stuff.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:07,
Long haul, quiet resort, has to be some stuff to do outside the resort
but otherwise high end booze and food on tap 24 hours!!
Not Cancun or it's like. Or Europe. That's for cunts.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:03,
I just don't like 'resorts', not even 'high end' ones.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:05,
The posh hotels aren't like resorts these days.
They rooms tend to be villas on their own.
Everything else is like a restaurant.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:07,
TBH as stunned poster says
you can get some great ones. I would generally agree with you regarding resorts and have done some cheap horrors out of desperation, However I have been on a couple that were great, and you could travel around etc. free of the resort but it was handy to have it as a base.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:08,
I've done 2 Maldives holidays that were spectacular
but it is two weeks doing absolutely NOTHING.
I don't have a problem with this but some people need to do stuff.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:13,
The odd day of doing fuck all I can cope with.
But a whole fortnight of it would drive me crackers.
Davros' Granddad a voice of calm reason in a world of spastics., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:15,
the jamaica one
I scuba'd, horse rode... walked along the beach to a local bar and drank heavily, etc. as I said lower down it just depends on the type of resort really.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:23,
Yeah, fair enough.
My bird's the same.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:27,
Yeah, me.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:53,
I like the ones where prostertution is legal and the age of concent is nice and low, about 12 does it.
The trouble is with a lot of them, homosexuality is illegal... win some lose some.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:29,
From the pre-pubescent boys of the third world there is a collective sigh of relief.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:39,
I think I'd rather chew my own leg off than go on a 'package' holiday.
I've seen videos of them, and they look 'proper rank'.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:58,
Only on a cruise.
If you don't care about drinking house labels, it's okay. If you buy the drinks packages, you have to go some to gt your money's worth.
Saying that, I can't imagine you'd have a problem there.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:57,
Fucking smash it everytime.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 10:58,
Are you thinking of going somewhere posh?
Splash out on the extra butler service. I'm assured it's worth it.
b3th Not shit. Not mod., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:00,
Been there. Done that.
It's great.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:04,
Been on a few, some were shit
i.e. north Africa.
However the best of them all was Jamaica, same as with everything if you get a decent one then they are good and good value.
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:04,
Fucking hell, this is the first time I've had a chance to breathe this morning.
I spoke to a guy called Jeremy this morning. He pronounced it "Jeeeeeerrrrrmy", do you reckon he was white?
Kroney, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:10,
I spoke to Jeff Winn this morning
sporters I’m sincerely gratitude to you, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:11,
Did he spell it c-u-n-t?
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:12,
I suspect he pronounces "house" to rhyme with "mice".
Kroney, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:19,
no he probably just thought you were thick
so he was spelling his name out for you
Bonzodog29 is an unemployed sponge of the worst kind, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:12,
They've pulled Swipe out of a sewer.
Kroney, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:36,
I already know that's the fatberg story without clicking, you horrible man
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:37,
She put a hose on a dust-buster
and threw the other end down a sink. A few days later, Kingston council workers are scraping her arse off the ceiling of a sewer with shovels.
Kroney, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:05,
That's rank.
Says alot about peoples eating habits.
It's all those chicken places just emptying their friers into the sewer.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:46,
Some eejit told to just put Faroe Islands in the Country field of some records that didn't actually need a country, and we've now got a request to fix a bunch of records where the country is "Pharaoh Islands".
A+ for being able to spell Pharaoh, D- on Geography.
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:39,
What a spanner.
I hope you are mocking him.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:41,
Fucking right, new nickname: 'Tutankhamun'
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:49,
I want someone in the office I can call "bitchtits"
but there is no one suitable.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:51,
You know what they say
if there's no-one in your office you can call bitchtits then that person is you.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:54,
That makes me a lot of unpleasant things.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:55,
Having never met a person, how do you know they are all thick?
The population of the earth is MASSIVE. Like every planet it has it's share of wankers and great people and also it includes Winona Ryder so that wins everything.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:42,
Thieving bitch.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:46,
Having never met a bitch, how do you know they are all thieving?
The population of the bitches is MASSIVE. Like every gender it has it's share of wankers and great people and also it includes Winona Ryder so that wins everything.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:52,
For clarity
Winona Ryder is a convicted thief.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:53,
Are you calling Winona Ryder a bitch?
if so I thing Vag will be upset at you.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:55,
If you are a thief you have lowered yourself
on the social niceties ladder to the point where you are fair target to be called names.
I would postulate she is also a dirty slag.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:57,
That puts her back up a point surely?
PsychoChomp, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:01,
I would make an hypothesis to my learned friend,
namely that Winona Ryder loves it right up the shitter.
Kroney, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:04,
The prosecutions concedes this point.
Set your faces to Stunned Bigly, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 12:08,
Two Hats 🎩🎩, Tue 6 Aug 2013, 11:57,
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