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So , anyway. My wife is down in Harlow at a recording studio with her band.
How do you suffer for your art?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:02, 233 replies, latest was 11 years ago)

t se
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:03, Reply)
You're not exactly suffering are you, you get a night off to watch TV and eat chips.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:06, Reply)
alright Al

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:07, Reply)
alright boyce.
How are you?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:17, Reply)
Not too bad pal.
How's the fam?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:21, Reply)
Good thanks. We have a first tooth and it looks like several more are going to along very soon.
How's yours?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:23, Reply)
don't talk to monty about missing teeth...

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:24, Reply)
.... he'll be wanting an eastern gobjob again

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:25, Reply)
*shudders with revulsion*

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:26, Reply)
Absolutely fantastic ta, an utter delight and all access woes seem to be (currently) resolved.
Did you see this?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:25, Reply)
You're a bad man.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:29, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:36, Reply)
i hear that's what his "sex" technique is like
like he's eating too-hot chips. with vinegar.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:07, Reply)
He kind of goes "Hooo-Ha-Ha-Ha!" and juggles it around his mouth quickly?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:16, Reply)
spits it out and gasps for air

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:20, Reply)
Blimey Al.
I thought you were gone for good after that whole Cable Chat thing.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:17, Reply)
I don't think Cable Chat upset me that much.
ALthough I was debating about whether I wanted to get a Youview box the other day.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:19, Reply)
Well worth it, get a cheap second hand one off ebay, I got mine for like £60.
You got a ton of Poor People signing up to TalkTalk/BT broadband but they already have Sky and Virgin so they flog the boxes cheap.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:54, Reply)
I don't at all.,
My various artistic endeavours are a source of great pleasure to me. I occasionally get sore fingers from playing my guitars, that's pretty much it.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:07, Reply)
strikethrough with lolarious results

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:08, Reply)
i suffer nothing for art
it suffers for me
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:09, Reply)
I don't think I have an art to suffer for.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:11, Reply)
The art of manlove is not to be sniffed at, young man.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:12, Reply)
Oh well, Ive never suffered for my sins.
You should always fuck like you're being filmed.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:21, Reply)
I always *am* being filmed.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:21, Reply)
are you a channel 4 documentary?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:22, Reply)
He's on benefits and proud.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:23, Reply)
That ex of yours is even more mental than I thought...

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:23, Reply)
Nah lusty's alright.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:24, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:24, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:25, Reply)
Not as sorry as I am.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:27, Reply)
You haven't split up have you?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:29, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:36, Reply)
really really?
or just internet really?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:37, Reply)
You're SO two weeks ago, Al

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:38, Reply)
I'm astounded I missed this
only, that thing were you're not astounded instead, that's it, I'm not at all surprised I missed this given that I've actually got a job that requires my attention sometimes.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:39, Reply)
Really really :o((((((((((((((((((((

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:42, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:43, Reply)
RIP Lusty

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:43, Reply)
Me hand hurts a bit if I play piano a bit much?
Also when I get super excited and go into turbowank mode and half rip me cock off
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:13, Reply)
Mainly accidental burns from cooking complex dishes.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:14, Reply)
and cramming them in your mouth to maintain that 28" waist

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:14, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:16, Reply)
i think you got those the wrong way around
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:16, Reply)
No, you're thinking of your hips again.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:18, Reply)
nah, they're v narrow
it's the gunt above them that's the problem innit
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:21, Reply)
Any man with a 28" inch waist is probably a woman in disguise.
Happy to help.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:18, Reply)
Seen this?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:20, Reply)
I had a Fiesta as my first car.
I looked ridiculous in it. Like Lurch in a pedal car.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:23, Reply)
greggs hat was proud of his 28 inches

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:21, Reply)
He must have been the height of a child.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:22, Reply)
about my height
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:22, Reply)
Difference being, you're at least technically female.
Men are supposed to be larger than what, 5'5"?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:23, Reply)
I AM 5'7"
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:25, Reply)
the mistake you are making here
is assuming that being male is a positive thing to aim for
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:25, Reply)
it's all he's got

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:26, Reply)
Well, we get better looking as we get older
meaning we're capable of dumping your saggy, wrinkly arses for a younger model on a regular basis.

So, you know, it's not all woe being a man.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:27, Reply)
men looking better as they get older is a myth
*some* do. You're just living in hope
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:30, Reply)
so is thinking that frequently replaced younger models actually have something interesting to say for themselves

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:31, Reply)
^frequently overlooked older model^
What else is interesting is the assumption that younger, more attractive women aren't also just as interesting to talk to. That just sounds like insecurity.

What, women insecure about younger women? That's a new one on me!
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:35, Reply)
mark 3 golf

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:36, Reply)
Sometimes the younger ones are also slower, uglier and fatter, that's true.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:37, Reply)
Not old enough to be 'classic', not young enough to be 'new and exciting'. Very mundane.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:38, Reply)
we need to live in hope, too, you know

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:37, Reply)
dating one younger man/woman is fine, and they can be just as interesting.

constantly changing for a younger model, as you suggest, is pathetic, and leads to you staring desperately at them as they talk about bars and fashions of which you have never heard.

or, you know, fretting because they are going to a party.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:44, Reply)
OK, so one younger man/woman is ok and they might well have something interesting to talk about.
But that's the limit. Any more than that and you're definitely only going to find dumb airheads. Cool beans.

This definitely isn't just symptomatic of the rapidly approaching cat lady histrionics of a woman left on the shelf to rot.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:47, Reply)
it is a simple response to your comment that you can dump girls as they get older and find a younger model.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:48, Reply)
here, in case you've forgotten
Well, we get better looking as we get older
meaning we're capable of dumping your saggy, wrinkly arses for a younger model on a regular basis.

So, you know, it's not all woe being a man.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:49, Reply)
Yep, I remember what I said
What I'm commenting on is your assumption that anybody younger is likely to be vapid. Which blatantly isn't true. What is true is that women are generally jealous of and threatened by younger women. I'm saying it's more likely that you're scared of being left on the shelf than it is that you really think younger women are stupid.

At least, I hope you are. I wouldn't like to think what sort of idiot would genuinely pass off entire generations of people as stupid simply because they're younger.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:52, Reply)
i really think you have misunderstood me
it's probably all the panic over your girlfriend copping off at a house party.

the point is, if you constantly switch for ever younger models, you will look like a twat, you will be shallow and basing it on looks, and you will have increasingly little in common as the age gap widens. meanwhile, what sort of younger woman wants to go out with an older, decrepit man? a bimbo who is after cash, that's what sort.

younger women are stupid. older women are stupid. but anyone whose key criteria is a "younger hotter model" is the stupidest of all.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:56, Reply)
i am neither older nor younger
so that makes me a genius, right?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:59, Reply)
if it's two people finding each other attractive, age doesn't matter
if it's a man going, wahey i'm still hawt, my bald patch looks like bruce willis and my gunt means more of me to lurve, honey... but my bird is 25 now, best trade her in.... well, what's the opposite of a genius?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:01, Reply)
I haven't, you have taken a stupid joke at least semi-seriously, judging by your rather transparent attempts to hit a nerve with the party thing which, also, was a joke.
I am, quite seriously, having a go at you because you seem to have a rather unrealistic attitude about younger women being vapid and stupid which is in itself a rather vapid and stupid attitude to hold.

You didn't say older women were stupid, you specifically said that younger women wouldn't have anything to say for themselves, which is total horseshit as I very genuinely hope you know.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:02, Reply)
if you ditch OG for a younger model when she gets "saggy"
and then again, and then again, you come and tell me in 20 years time whether you think younger women (or men for that matter) have anything to say for themselves that you'd want to hear.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:07, Reply)
I feel sorry for all those younger women you call friends.
If only they knew the true depths of the contempt with which you view them.

Meanwhile, I'll be banging and casting them all aside. YEAH MEN.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:10, Reply)
it's all relative
girls a few years younger than me, fine.

if i go through life ditching my friends for younger ones every few years, however......

.... we're going to have jackshit to talk about!
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:12, Reply)
Oh man, I bet you're beating them off with a stick with all your tales of legal secretarying and life on the mean streets of Kensington.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:37, Reply)
says the man who sticks his fingers up other men's bottoms on the not yet paved streets of IPSWICH

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:42, Reply)
Shittest Transformers ever.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:22, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:24, Reply)
Imagine your cool car turning into a nagging harpy?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:25, Reply)
Eff that, nig. Eff it to HECK.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:27, Reply)
There's just been a fight in my local.
Pissed up idiots going to watch the football I think.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:29, Reply)
I bet you're glad that you're a calm and dignified drunk.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:31, Reply)
He merely moved his triple scotch to one side slightly in case it got nudged.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:32, Reply)
And necked his two pints quickly to avoid spillage.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:34, Reply)
By the time he's finished the second he's forgotten the first so he orders two more "to save the barman time as it's so busy"

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:37, Reply)
Nah. Gone onto the shorts now hasn't he?
don't want to lose his spot going to the bog.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:38, Reply)
It's one of those places where it's "his" stool.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:40, Reply)
And he thinks that the ill-concealed contempt that the barmaid holds for him is actually her flirting.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:43, Reply)
She loves the way he orders a bottle of whatever is at the bottom of the fridge so that she has to bend down to get it.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:44, Reply)
I have been sent the worst bollocks jargon email of all time today, from some tosser at a MAJOR FASHION MAGAZINE:
'Some back story on the project:

*REDACTED*, the World's Biggest Fashion Magazine, is in the process of creating an agile 360 office environment where the Fashion Cupboard is the center of the print magazine and digital workflow. The Cupboard will be a living breathing sub-brand that is alive 24 hours a day – the forefront of content creation. It is a place where we will curate all our content, that all staff can see. The Fashion Cupboard will also be where we take visitors and high-profile clients, such as Louis Vuitton and Gucci, into the office. It will be the physical manifestation of the *REDACTED* brand.

We are the first magazine/website at *REDACTED* to be working across all platforms in a total 360 way with a central closet showcase hub.'

The woman who sent it to me is apparently the 'Workflow Director' - also when you translate it into English they basically want a load of free stuff from me for their offices, and as such can get fucked.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:33, Reply)
redacted is a good name for a magazine, mind

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:34, Reply)
Very funny Cavy. Very, very funny.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:35, Reply)
I see this as The devil Wears Prada
but without Meryl Streep :(
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:38, Reply)
These people are utter cunts J. Utter, utter cunts.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:39, Reply)
Cunts who want free stuff.
Finger down the throat time, bitches. You can WORK for your supper!
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:44, Reply)
Gay cunt.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:39, Reply)
Suck it

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:43, Reply)
Alright wankers what's been happening up there^?
In other news I got on the train without witnessing the violent destruction of a human body, which was nice.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:33, Reply)
I sometimes have to stay up quite late on a week night for my art

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:36, Reply)
I sometimes have to walk to the corner of my road for mine.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:37, Reply)
Smoking a 'j' in the garage isn't art m8.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:38, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:40, Reply)
I don't do any "art"
Most hobby "art" is excruciating.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:42, Reply)
you don't have to put that
paintbrush up your arse, you know
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:43, Reply)
That wasn't so bad, but hopping on the bike to get some milk was a mistake.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:45, Reply)
'I like this!'

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:01, Reply)
I've been waiting for a new gossip album for ages!
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:58, Reply)
Badger's a lesbian?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:00, Reply)
His wife is a land whale
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:26, Reply)
Are they all still comparing each other to shit cars and being size queens up there?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:59, Reply)
Dunno, I can't see.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:00, Reply)
perhaps we can do a thread where we compare ourselves or each other to cars
only I don't know anything about cars. OK, maybe something more interesting than cars.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:00, Reply)
I thought I was going to release a real rip-snorter but shat myself
Oh - for your ..art
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:04, Reply)
Having to be rude to people when DJing. I've had bitches make the needles jump from posing for a picture. Also having to repeatedly state that I won't be playing any dubstep.

That kind of thing.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:06, Reply)
Must be in a pain in the arse when you're trying to segue from "The Birdie Dance" to "Agadoo."

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:09, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:10, Reply)
Urgh. Drunk DJ flies are the worst.
"Have you got.....?"



"Because it's shit"

I had one guy who stood next to the DJ box nearly every weekend saying "Do you like this song..? What about this one?"
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:09, Reply)
the polite response is 'I have it, I just don't have it with me'
The rude one is 'do you want to fucking take over?'
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:11, Reply)
why is almost everyone on here a DJ?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:11, Reply)
chicks dig DJs

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:12, Reply)
DJ's and Drummers. Instant hard on.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:15, Reply)
women are shit DJs
Except Ellen Allien and Miss Kittin.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:35, Reply)
Good way to meet, and throw one up, younger, hotter girls/boys, innit.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:12, Reply)
Worked for Jimmy Savile

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:20, Reply)
so what you're saying is that
people on here are mostly desperate?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:28, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:28, Reply)
A love for music?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:12, Reply)
I'm retired.
Strikethrough retarded lols
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:13, Reply)
None of the cunts have proper jobs innit.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 19:09, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:12, Reply)
have you got that koma &.bones remix?
Which one?

That breakbeat one.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:13, Reply)
The one with the beat that goes
'Beef n cats n beef n cats n beef n cats n beef n cats'
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:17, Reply)
nah, ent got that one
I have The Wall though, I'll play it later, yeah?
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:21, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:27, Reply)
Every now and then I get sore fingers from playing guitar
That's about it right now. I used to get injuries when I was a fairly serious martial artist (sprains, the occasional broken bone but nothing major)but the cumulative damage led to the aforementioned spinal surgery.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:18, Reply)
Alright 'Bonnie Tyler'

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:23, Reply)
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:36, Reply)
Turn around

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:38, Reply)
im too clever for this place, I really am.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:46, Reply)
I think GJ may have been propositioning him rather than getting the joke

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:48, Reply)
oh is he a gayer?

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:50, Reply)
Don't be jealous.

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:51, Reply)
I'm up at 5am tomorrow for a shoot.
That's suffering, cold wet and grim. That's just YM too.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:21, Reply)

oo i
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:26, Reply)
Poor pheasants :(

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:32, Reply)
Nah cameras and people.
They want an early morning urban cityscape look, which will be nuts being freezed off. Just deciding on locations now, probs canal side.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:42, Reply)
anyone got an update on tonights time for the anus and bumhole thread?
I missed yesterday's :-(
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:55, Reply)
go for it
this one's getting stale
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:56, Reply)
nah im not allowed because I done one with emoticons and smileys

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:59, Reply)
Cavy - the floor is yours

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:59, Reply)
i don't want the floor
it's flawed. You go
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 19:04, Reply)
Dozer has gone to the kebab shop for a veggie kebab
He's started it.
(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 19:08, Reply)
As long as it doesn't involve classical music I'm all ears until I fall over

(, Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:59, Reply)

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