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So, on the day that the lobbying bill* passes, this happens.

How are YOU going to Sort It Out ?

* TBH, I don't have a clue about it, it's just that FB thinks that its a Bad Thing and Pro Banker.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:04, 162 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I think it's a fucking ridiculous waste of money to prosecute these guys

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:06, Reply)
I'm hoping that the judge is thinking it'll be worth proscuting in order to highlight the issue so the supermarkets/whoever decide to do something good about the wastage.
Donno if thats wishful thinking
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:11, Reply)
Judges don't prosecute. The CPS prosecute on behalf of the state, the judges oversee the trial and ensure it is conducted properly
and, if necessary, instruct the jury.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:13, Reply)
Yah', but still, I hoping that's why the proscuters are proscuting tho'

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:15, Reply)
Yeah - how does that work - the judge instructing the jury? Can't the judge instruct the jury to find someone guilty/not guilty as well?
Doesn't that sort of defeat the purpose?
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:19, Reply)
Sort of.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:22, Reply)
And in the case of Louise "Shake 'n' Smac" Woodward the judge disagreed with the Jury's guilty of Murder verdict
and changed it to manslaughter.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:23, Reply)
See - that's what I mean.
I thought it was up to the jury.

I did jury service once - it was ace. At one point, one of the defendants tried to prove that it wasn't him that could have been swinging the bat, because he had a bad arm, on which the muscles had wasted. He claimed he couldn't even pick up light things, like, say, the microphone in front of him, which he demonstrated by lifting it up.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
I think it's only fair that the Eappen family should be given the opportunity to give her recently born child a bit of a roughing up, to see how she likes it.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
He changed the level of the charge
rather than the verdict though, he wouldn't be able to say the jury finds you guilty but you have nice tits so I am saying not guilty.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:29, Reply)
and it was changed on appeal (wasnt it?)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:30, Reply)
Not really, 10 days after the murder verdict he reduced the conviction. It didn't really go through a proper appeals process
If she had been a black American she would still be inside.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:38, Reply)
ah fair enough
I thought there were a few odd things with the case though, didn't her defence lawyers refuse to have manslaughter as an option, saying it was murder or nothing, due to them being paid for by her agency. Which would mean the agency would be liable if a manslaughter verdict was given.

Only vaguely remembered and possibly hearsay
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:49, Reply)
But that would be awesome.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:31, Reply)
I don't think her tits were much to write home about.
Foxy Knoxy on the other hand...
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:32, Reply)
Well it worked for her

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:34, Reply)
In many ways I find the risk that Knoxy might murder me after sexing me even more of a turn on

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:36, Reply)
Darn tooting

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
he can direct them on how to find things
ie, what words mean in a legal context. which is the basis for many criminal appeals.

I am torn about this one. from a human and a moral perspective, if people are hungry and there is food being wasted, it's sickening. but from a social and legal framework perspective, they have still stolen it. and where do you draw the line about that?
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
IE - is it acceptable to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family.

Conclusion: Hitler.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:29, Reply)
what they should have done was to write publicly to Iceland seeking permission
that would have put the directors in a nice difficult position.

of course, terribly inconvenient if they'd starved in the meantime.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:33, Reply)
Indeed - taking out a public letter in a decent newspaper must be at least thousands if not tens of thousands of pounds.
They could spend the money on food, instead.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:34, Reply)
Not really
They would have said no and spouted some legal bollocks to get themselves off the hook.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:40, Reply)
i think directors of a big public company would be very wary
and would have spent a fortune on PR and blah blah
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:48, Reply)
where is the public interest in prosecuting bin divers, sorry?
It said there was one, but neglected to elaborate.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:07, Reply)
Isn't it obvious.
If you prosecute them they will instantly be able to afford to buy food rather than STEALING it which is a terrible crime and causes supermarkets to have to put up all their prices because of the money hemorrhaging from about the bins because of these disgusting thieves. Once they are prosecuted and these thieves start spending their money in the supermarket instead of hoarding it in their offshore bank accounts it will give the economy a much needed boost.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:18, Reply)
Aha the mist has fallen from my eyes

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:22, Reply)
Well don't I feel a fool?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:24, Reply)
It's ok Kroney, educating people is the first step to fixing the problem.
But I think its best not to talk about it too much until we have all the vagrants and undesirables rounded up on the trains and heading to the camps.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:26, Reply)
especially if the crown win
and the defendants are ordered to pay costs. that'll sort their finances right out.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:28, Reply)
I hope my wife becomes a judge so she can...........

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:31, Reply)
suck them off behind the bins??

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:48, Reply)
Isn't it illegal to go through people's bins anyway?
I mean - I'm not sure I'd like it if I found someone going through my bins.

The amount of used jonnies from doing YM alone would be embarrassing.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:08, Reply)
As they are being tried under a vagrancy act
I would guess that the legality of going through the bin would have sufficient doubt that they couldn't go down that route.

I did think that it belong to the producer of the waste until such time it was being disposed of.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:21, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:21, Reply)
I think it would be in the public interest if these men were acquitted and this case was able to highlight the increasing problem of food poverty and the ridiculous situation of tonnes of food being skipped daily.
I'm going to do my bit to sort it out by posting ill thought out comments on the internet and arguing with others who disagree.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:13, Reply)
People should learn to cook properly they'd be fine then

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:17, Reply)
Yes, there is a lot to be said for teaching basic household skills, such as cooking, budgeting and reducing waste.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:24, Reply)
Do they still teach Home Economics at school?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
Eighth, teenth, etc.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:28, Reply)
I'm sure it exists in some form.
How effective it is, I do not know.
It's likely that most schools focus more on core subjects though.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:31, Reply)
Cool! Me first!
Ent it all about insurance? I seem to remember our local Tesco injecting the bread with inedible blue dye.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:17, Reply)
I think it's more to do with tedious quality standards, such as the BRC Global Standard for Food, etc. that the retail industry insists upon.
But I'm not convinced we could have anything remotely resembling an interesting conversation around this, so instead I'll just call you a bender.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:23, Reply)
Good call, for a prick.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
I tried to do my bit by writing to my MP about food poverty, the increasing use of food banks and the vote against investigating it.
I got a reply quoting MAGIC STATS that prove without a doubt that everyone has plenty of food and the food banks make sure of this and that the government are in favour of food banks and approve.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:21, Reply)
37% of stats are gay.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
42% are made up

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:31, Reply)
I heard it was more like 56%.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:42, Reply)
It's a disgrace that in such a supposedly civilised nation there is a growing underclass that cannot even afford food. Food banks are a great idea, but there should be no demand for them in the UK.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:23, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:25, Reply)
This thread is really missing Rory's input at the moment.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:25, Reply)

this thread your mum

alt: your wife isn't missing his input right now
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:28, Reply)
I dun a great zing on you in the last thread, but nobody seemed to notice
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:40, Reply)
go on, link me up
i'll validate you like a parking pass
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:49, Reply)
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
only if you reproduce with them
which I have no intention of doing.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
No-one in a civilised and wealthy country should go without food, water, healthcare, shelter and education.

+ciggies and sky TV
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:25, Reply)
+ two weeks in Spain every summer, a massive telly & a DFS sofa on credit.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:26, Reply)
I have a feeling that
a lot of the bin divers are doing it as a "lifestyle" choice as well as a need.

Freeganism, I think
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:27, Reply)
There is some of that, but I suspect the majority are doing so because they have to.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:28, Reply)
^^the cunt is a fucking web designer FFS

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:33, Reply)
*Freelance* web designer
Would you employ someone who looked like they spent last night going through the bins outside Iceland?
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:35, Reply)
Actually, the more I think about this...
I'm a web developer and I work mostly from home...people maybe think that I am like this cunt. Sad times.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:44, Reply)
If it helps, I think you're a cunt.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:50, Reply)
Thnx bbz xxx

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:07, Reply)
A "freelance web designer" who lives in a squat
In other words, a middle-class tree-hugger type who says he wants to "smash the system", thinks the world should come to him, but doesn't want to do any work.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:38, Reply)
It's probably his own fault.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:39, Reply)
I don't get it, he's not 'too proud' to say he eats of bins, but is to say that he's unemployed.
I don't think you can realisticly design websites from a squat.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
this is the vast majority of the squatters that i have to deal with at work
some genuine sad cases, some genuine communes who have beliefs, but mostly middle class drop out druggiez.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:57, Reply)
I'm not convinced that there are many people who can't afford food, if they changed their spending habits.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:30, Reply)
I bet they smoke

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:33, Reply)
You're an idiot then.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:34, Reply)
What makes you say that?
Perhaps I should have qualified that with "in Britain".
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:35, Reply)
Well, leaving aside the fact that there are many people who cannot afford to feed themselves and their family properly, perhaps I should qualify it by saying it would be a disgrace if there were *any* people "in Britain" in this situation.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:39, Reply)
I'm not convinced there are many people in Britain who, if they changed their spending habits, couldn't afford to feed their family.
Whether or not it would be a disgrace if there were such people in Britain is moot.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:42, Reply)
I'm sure queuing at a food bank is the immediate first choice for these lazy people.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:43, Reply)
He is clearly aware that you don't just turn up to food banks looking for a snack but need to be referred to them
but he doens't let that stand in the way of his argument.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:45, Reply)
How does one end up in the situation of needing to be referred to a food bank?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:47, Reply)
Your doctor, or social worker, or the police identify people who are in serious trouble and refer them

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:50, Reply)
I see. Are their finances and financial obligations and habits assessed?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:51, Reply)
The DWP also issue referrals. So yes.
You fucking spastic
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
That doesn't necessarily mean they assess their financial habits.
But you seem terribly upset. You might find a cup of cocoa and a lie-down helpful.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:55, Reply)
Nah, they just choose people who look a bit grubby

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
Poor Monty.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)
I bet he stinks now lusty isn't there to give him his bed bath.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:55, Reply)
he smelt fine when we saw him on fri
but i'm fairly sure he would have stunk by the time he got up on sat morning
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
I'm seeing him on Friday, you have reminded me to take a nose peg. Thanks.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
As do Job Centres I think.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:51, Reply)
I'm not.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:47, Reply)
But you are by impication convinced that there are some people in britain who cannot afford to feed their family's even with changed spending habits
but apparently you're cool with that. Most likely because you're a cunt.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:44, Reply)
No. I'm saying I'm aware of them - homeless drug addicts, for example.
I didn't say I'm cool with it at at all.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:46, Reply)
So why, when you are aware that people in 21st Century Britain are actually starving to death
are you saying that people that are nearly starving to death should stop complaining and just budget better. They should never have anything fun, they shouldn't have anything to look forward to, they shouldn't have new clothes, they should just budget for their food and simply exist hand to mouth until they die.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:49, Reply)
Because they're below me and they need to be shot.
And I'll be willing to bet a food bank that the majority of them are pretty ugly, too.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:50, Reply)
if they can't afford their kids
they should eat them. both problems solved.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:49, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:50, Reply)
You are a fucking idiot.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:51, Reply)
That's a modest proposal

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
It would stop you shagging them I suppose.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)
I think that people prioritise having things like mobile/ media accounts etc.
but when you think of how much energy bills, etc. are then it is not as black and white as that.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:19, Reply)
Maybe if they cooked with local fresh produce
or grew their own, instead of being lazy and microwaving expensive ready meals, they'd be able to afford to eat properly instead of having to steal the ready meals they crave but have no money left for?
This would also support local farmers instead of greedy supermarkets whose chief execs get paid via their wife's tax haven status.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:24, Reply)
The bin divers should be rewarded by the supermarket
The supermarket has to pay to have the food taken away. These guys took it for nothing. They should bill Iceland.

If waste food could be properly processed, then it could be fed to pigs again.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:30, Reply)
+ or used to entice small children away from the playground. 'I've got some recyled Tangfastics in my car'.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:32, Reply)
Who the fuck would throw away good Tangfastics?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:32, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:34, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:35, Reply)
Some excellent hand-wringing going on today

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:52, Reply)
What's the answer then Sporters?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)
The post office deliver cake twice a week to all families on less than £10,000

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:54, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:55, Reply)
The Marie Antoinette strategem

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:56, Reply)
Most witty.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:59, Reply)
I'm trying to head off starvation here

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:02, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:58, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:03, Reply)
I'm glad that this has made headlines.
The guys will probably get off with it, I'm sure good briefs wanting to make name for themselbes will offer their services free. Food wastage is a fucking crime anyway.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 10:58, Reply)
I probably throw out about 30-50% of the food I buy
I reckon the #1 thing that would stop that for me would be my local supermarket selling food'n'stuff indivdually.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:01, Reply)
For example, peppers, nobody eats the green one, it's rank in compairson.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:01, Reply)
I eat green peppers

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:03, Reply)
for a stir fry or pasta bake or something, it doesn't really matter
for a salad or dips, I prefer the taste of the red/orange/yellow ones
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:07, Reply)
Needs context.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:14, Reply)
I chop them up and put them in my mouth
I like them in tuna sammiches, in mexican tortillas, raw, the lot
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)
Tuna is fucking vile and disgusting. It's not fair, it's not right and it _should_ be against the law.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:34, Reply)
You should try it with green pepper

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:46, Reply)
I'm going to politely decline your offer, i'm afraid.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:58, Reply)
Green peppers are lovely in a chilli. Diced.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:23, Reply)
And you should throw out at least 50% of what you cook

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:10, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:12, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:13, Reply)

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:14, Reply)
It was an easy set up mate

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:15, Reply)
You can buy nearly all fruit and veg individually

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:44, Reply)
All this talk is making me hungry.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:13, Reply)
i had a handful of peanut m&m's and a handful of pretzel m&m's from a colleague's trip to new york
americans get better sweets than we do
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:20, Reply)
Not overall.
Their chocolate is awful.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:22, Reply)
But their sweets are much better, things like Willy Wonker and all that.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:41, Reply)
I take it all the "about the bins" jokes have been done?
Late to the party as per.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:14, Reply)
I dunno
Give one a go and we will all judge you
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:15, Reply)
I do like a good judging.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:15, Reply)
Y'all judge me anyway

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:25, Reply)
SUBTHREAD - If anyone takes their Online Identiy seriously, this is worth a read.

TLDR: Don't use a personal/company domain name for logins.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:15, Reply)
^ Running dog of the capitalist pigs ^

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:17, Reply)
Bet he's wishing he'd taken the original 50k....

the last 4 credit card digits as verification should never have been done though, those are on every bill!
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:57, Reply)
So, someone made a test-order on a website* and used one of my domains as an email address...
... so I replied saying basicly "I don't want this, I don't know who you are, is this fraud?" and after a bit of back'n'forth and them looking me up online, they've asked me to apply for a job.

* It's quite an established name, one that lets you book things online and this site acts like a store-front.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:39, Reply)
You ordered something you didnt want and claimed it was fraud?
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:44, Reply)
Nah', basicly, someone used an email address that goes to me to do a test-order on their system.
So I thought it might be a fraud thing, so I emailed the company asking what it was about.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:46, Reply)
Ahh, OK
That makes more sense
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:47, Reply)
Why the fuck would they do that? Surely they'd want to test whether the system emails them or not.
I gave someone a bollocking for "sanitizing" our users table with my email address on our dev system.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:49, Reply)
They say it was their customer rather than them who did it, maybe they were testing out other areas or something.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:52, Reply)
Bin dipping Iceland displays a frightful lack of ambition.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:46, Reply)
^ This

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:56, Reply)
fucking hell
my friend whom i'm seeing tonight has just told me that she is selfishly up the duff. no sushi and no booze for us tonight. gah, couldn't she wait til next week :(
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 11:57, Reply)
Why don't you ever introduce me to all your friends who put-out ?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:02, Reply)
Probably as she wants to remain friends with them.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:03, Reply)
Not _all_ of them surely?

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:04, Reply)
they're all married

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:04, Reply)
That's OK, I don't mind extramartial affairs.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:05, Reply)
A continuing debate in English usage is the question of when to use who and when to use whom.
According to formal grammar, who forms the subjective case and so should be used in subject position in a sentence, as in who decided this? The form whom, on the other hand, forms the objective case and so should be used in object position in a sentence, as in whom do you think we should support?; to whom do you wish to speak? Although there are some speakers who still use who and whom according to the rules of formal grammar as stated here, there are many more who rarely use whom at all; its use has retreated steadily and is now largely restricted to formal contexts. The normal practice in modern English is to use who instead of whom (and, where applicable, to put the preposition at the end of the sentence): who do you wish to speak to?; who do you think we should support? Such uses are today broadly accepted in standard English.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:04, Reply)
"standard" english is for thickos
it's no wonder other countries now speak it better than we do
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:05, Reply)
That's because the broad standard of English is spoken by forrins, drop outs and morons.

(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:05, Reply)
Couldn't it be argued that 'formal grammar' doesn't really exist
Due to the constant evolution of language?
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:29, Reply)
Can we have a new thread please?
Preferably one that contains some more hand wringing.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:03, Reply)
i think they've all left
apart from tuib, but I think he fakes it, and lives in a tory mansion really.
(, Wed 29 Jan 2014, 12:05, Reply)

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