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Alt: Last film you saw at the cinema?
AltAlt: Best teacher that ever taught you?
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 12:52, 110 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
Making a English brekkie pizza. Bacon, sausage, black pud, egg fresh tomatoes. Cooking with daughter :-)

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 12:56, Reply)
Egg on pizza is win

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 12:56, Reply)

win disgusting and unnatural
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:23, Reply)
Well done
You've managed to be a strikewrong and and foodwrong in the same post
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:25, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:29, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:30, Reply)
You dun fucked up your strikethrough then ninja'd it

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:31, Reply)
Sounds excellent

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 12:57, Reply)
Had this before. it's well nom.
Velvet restaurant in manchester used to do it
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:01, Reply)
Got a viewing on the house tonight so time for more finger crossings

Skyfall I think. Or a Tinkerbell one with the kids

Mr Tokell, my physics teacher. Proper old skool, tweed jacket, yellow stained fingers, the lot. Made physics funny, interesting and a joy to go to
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 12:56, Reply)
I was just saying the other day, if they taught physics by showing people falling over, I would have listened more

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:00, Reply)
I remember using newton weights to stretch fishing line in pairs
He walked past and cut one of the lines of another group when they weren't watching
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:08, Reply)
Chicken in peppercorn sauce

alt. X Men DOFP
altalt. All my English ones judging by my grades.
Mrs Allport was my form teacher and she was ace too.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:00, Reply)
I though DOFP was rather good

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:01, Reply)
I really enjoyed too.
Did you stay for the post credits scene?

Singer deserves an Oscar just for erasing what happened in 3
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:01, Reply)
But if he's erased 3, he's arguably erased 1 and 2 as well.
Most importantly he's erased Origins: Wolverine.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:11, Reply)
Those time travel stories are always dodgy
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:27, Reply)
Yep, was very happy about it!

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:13, Reply)
I didn't
wha' happen?
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:17, Reply)
Introduced a character for the next film

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:18, Reply)
it's on youtube

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:27, Reply)
Lunch: sweets stolen from the cinema.
Alt: Can't remember, I was too busy stealing sweets.
AltAlt: Mr Antichrist. He taught me to steal sweets.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:06, Reply)
Nick n' Mix

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:07, Reply)
Stop being Haribol to AA

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:11, Reply)
Migdet gem started it
Pontefract - Home of Haribo
Fact fans
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:14, Reply)
there's a meme in there somewhere.

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:29, Reply)
Its all mememe with you lot ent it?

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:30, Reply)
Chicken Wraps
Alt Days of Future Past
AltAlt Mr Dove

Great thread AA!
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:12, Reply)
Yes thanks
Ham salad ciabatta
Alt: X-men days of fuchsia past
Altalt: they were all cunts. Except Mr May who taught Chemistry and thought he was John Cleese.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:16, Reply)
Alt: 12 Years a Slave. Good, but a bit racist.

Alt alt: prolly Mr Heaven.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:28, Reply)
My kids school had a Miss Uren

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:30, Reply)
cool story bro

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:31, Reply)
Are you taking the piss, etc?

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:32, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:33, Reply)
I don't know, AA. I just don't know.

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:31, Reply)

Mr Strump.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:31, Reply)
my bestest teacher was mr television especially johnny ball

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:32, Reply)
I can think of a number of facts he taught me

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:34, Reply)
tv or ball?

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:35, Reply)
I dont like to dress up so I'll say ball

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:41, Reply)
He taught me which half of a shit to eat as one is toxic and poisonous and the other is delicious

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:42, Reply)
Which half? QUICKLY!
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:44, Reply)
Sorry he said it was our secret

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:45, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:48, Reply)
The facts of life?
I knew it would be just a matter of time before Yewtree caught up with him.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:36, Reply)
I would do a massive SAD if this happens

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:42, Reply)
How 2 taught me how to put a duvet cover on without climbing inside.

... and this was just last week.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:38, Reply)
I can't remember the last film I saw at the Cinema.
Might've been Filth.

I'm on call this week so might go and see that new Ken Loach film.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:34, Reply)
I enjoyed Filth a great deal.

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:39, Reply)
*obligatory YM joke*

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:45, Reply)
Lunch: Soup and a roll
Alt: Maleficent at the weekend, which was actually much better than I expected.

AltAlt: Ali Trotter, my maths teacher. Typical wee Glaswegian wide-o sense of humour, and a fucking great teacher. 20+ years after I sat my Higher Maths paper, I was able to help my eldest with his revision for it. Turns out that I can still remember enough of it to be able to pass it myself.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:35, Reply)
I've got a bloobloosnifflecold so it doesn't matter as I can't taste anything
Alt: I saw Godzilla. It had a nice slow burn build up to all the crashbangwhallopstomps that I like but everyone else complains about. Unfortunately they populated these scenes with one note characters and drawn out reaction shots. The one decent character that might've given some emotional heft and had an actual character arc got unceremoniously bumped off early doors which left you with one of the Olsens greeting all over the shop and Kick Ass doing some bland action scenes.

Altalt: I can't remember any. I think I had a northern English Lit teacher that said 'onomatopoeia' a bit funny. He was no 'Mr Chips'
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:38, Reply)
My other favourite teacher was robin williams when he made us stand on our desks and pull our trousers down while he walked round twanging our winkies with a ruler

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:41, Reply)
Head Poets Society?

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:43, Reply)
"The Bell Ends of St. Trinians".

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:46, Reply)
*Well 3"
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:47, Reply)
I believe he may have glansed at it

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:49, Reply)

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 13:50, Reply)
the fucking prick

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 14:05, Reply)
not had time for lunch yet
or breakfast.

alt: that irish one, "calvary." it was excellent. v disturbing. prior to that, "wolf of wall street". also excellent.

altalt: my amazing lovely history teacher that i loved with a burning passion as a teenager. the gay bastard. also i had 2 spectacular english teachers, and then an all-star land law lecturer at law school. and a fair few crap ones.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 14:09, Reply)
Imma have a dead early lunch tomorrow.

(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 14:17, Reply)
Wolf of Wall Street was excellent.
Christ, we've agreed on something.
(, Tue 10 Jun 2014, 14:24, Reply)

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