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Morning dudes,
How's it going? That Nancy Sinatra was on TV last night, got the impression she was a bit of a nob. What other famous celebs are kinda nobs? Monty is limited to 4 name drops in this thread, the big boasting wanKer?

Alt: I've got some sweet overtime this week, what frivolities shall I spend it on? Hard drugs? Soft porn? A box of choccywoccynommywommyyummmycaekz?

Altalt: dozer.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:18, 124 replies, latest was 10 years ago)
I've seen the knobs of Chris Evans and David Dimbleby

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:19, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:22, Reply)
It was like watching a leprechaun being thrashed by an old elephant trunk
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:23, Reply)
Well if we're boasting about naked celebrities, I've seen Sylvester McCoy bollock naked and shaven.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:24, Reply)
I've sat in a jacuzzi between Victoria Wood and the Great Suprendo

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:25, Reply)
+piff paff
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:26, Reply)
I'm surprised there was any water left...

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:33, Reply)
it was mostly sweat and spunk by the end

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:37, Reply)

of you wouldn't believe
+on heat in the car park of the northbound car park of Keele Services
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:25, Reply)
Ridley Scott's most ridiculous Director's Cut yet

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:27, Reply)
June 1988 Penthouse

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:21, Reply)
May 1995 Playboy.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:24, Reply)
Christmas 2000 Razzle

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:25, Reply)
Easter 2001 Asian Babes

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:25, Reply)
The Bunty Annual 1979

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:26, Reply)
2000AD Annual 2000

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:28, Reply)
And I'm spent.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:32, Reply)
Mornington Crescent?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:25, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:26, Reply)
More often than not, being a nob seems to be a prerequisite of becoming a celeb.
Alt: Records.

Altalt: n
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:26, Reply)
my friend tells me that tiny little comic ronnie corbett is an absolute twat IRL
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:27, Reply)
your friends are idiots
I spent new year with him a while back and he was the loveliest dwarf you could hope to meet
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:29, Reply)
well, my friend and her mates were offered a fiver by him to watch his car when she was young
they stood and watched over it carefully. and when he got back he told them to piss off and drove away without paying.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:31, Reply)
i lent ronnie corbett £250 for school uniforms, 5 months later, having chased the debt many times, I finally get the money back.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:35, Reply)

school uniform k handle
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:44, Reply)
pointless stuff for pointless cunts.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:29, Reply)
^ has already dropped £2k on his silver pussy ^

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:32, Reply)
bumped into someone who looked like Mike Rutherford
he seemed angered by his own lack of awareness but chose not to apologise and walked off.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:30, Reply)
You should post this here to warn others
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:33, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:34, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:35, Reply)
I once saw Michael Gambon outside of a theatre.
I really wanted to say hello, but he was loudly berating his assistant, at the time, so I decided that he'd not be very receptive to any requests for photographs. Not sure if this makes him a nob, though - maybe he was just having a bad day.

Anne Widdecombe once have me a withering look. I didn't really think much of her to begin with.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:32, Reply)
John Leslie definitely didn't try to violently force my mate to nosh him off behind a theatre

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:36, Reply)
Who blew Peter then?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:43, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:53, Reply)
Mouth dry skip?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:55, Reply)
"Go Down," +

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:57, Reply)
She looked like a corpse
I once knocked Craig Bellamy (Welsh no-necked footballer) flying on Northumberland Street in Newcastle. He wasn't looking where he was going and I had just enough time to brace myself, hence he bounced off me and ended up on the deck. The little fucking horrible cunt

I've had so much overtime recently its unreal. I'm unfortunately spending it on extension
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:43, Reply)
yeah a penis extension hur hur

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:46, Reply)
3' high and rising

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:48, Reply)
the magic number

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:51, Reply)
yeah, old people are grim aren't they?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:05, Reply)
When she smiled it actually looked like she was dead

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:09, Reply)
Sexy as fuck.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:44, Reply)
Paddy McGuinness is a complete egomanic, so I guess that makes him a knob
Alt: classic car restoration? or the help "HHs new house fund"?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:51, Reply)
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:09, Reply)
Yo Baby, How's the house improvements getting on?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:11, Reply)
Getting there
Leccy's here today doing first fix
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:13, Reply)
oh, so you've hired a sparky.
One you don't know.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:14, Reply)
I bet he's not even an ex-publican either.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:15, Reply)
Well I bet they wouldn't actually get any work done together
they would just gaze longingly into each others eyes
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:17, Reply)
Sub contractor innit
I'd have chosen Pig Industries
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:18, Reply)
that's alright then

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:52, Reply)
Sounds good, I get the keys to my new house on the 11th

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:16, Reply)
Kitchen warming party!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:22, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:23, Reply)
midland bash

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:27, Reply)
Yeah, just what I need, move to a new house so Stunned can pee on the floor

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:36, Reply)
he only does that when he likes you

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:37, Reply)
You're suggesting that he was marking his territory?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:48, Reply)
with a fine arc of musky tom cat spray

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:54, Reply)
Fucking hell mate
Get some help
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:57, Reply)
But if he had some help he probably wouldn't get the overtime Derrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 9:59, Reply)
what's up baggy?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:03, Reply)
just trawling the dark net for child porn, you know, the usual!

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:14, Reply)
Wouldn't it be easier if you turned the light on?

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:26, Reply)
Michael Flatley is a lovely bloke.
However, his wife is a grade-A twat.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:04, Reply)
serves her right for marrying a homosexual

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:05, Reply)
She's probably angry that he'll only put his penis in her bottom.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:07, Reply)
I met Mr. Flatley in a bar in Cork.
He paid my tab. Nice fella.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:08, Reply)
^ sucked Flatleys cork for drinks

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:32, Reply)
Coco Star was a bit of a nob.
original qotw entry thing before it was ruined by bullies and trolls
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:21, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:41, Reply)
Can't see why. The code is fine. Fuck it.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:44, Reply)
No its not. You have b3ta.com in it twice for a start

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:49, Reply)
Yeah, but I go to the edit tab, and it's only there once.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:09, Reply)
All of them?
I hate wannabe celebrities even more. I'd actually watch big brother if for the next series they said yes to every single person that auditioned to be on it, no exceptions. Cut the lot of them off from the outside world so they have no idea whats happening. Then every day stick an equal number in to the big brother house as if it were the first night and they were the winning cunts. Get them settled, and then pump in the Zyklon B. The ratings will skyrocket and the country will be a much nicer place to live.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 10:40, Reply)
I've not met any proper celebrities
Except Roger Taylor when I was a kid in my first band and he was very nice and said we were really good. What a prick eh!
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:00, Reply)
all the celebs Ive met are lovely.
I bet Bruce is a cantankerous old bastard though.
alt. soft drugs and hard porn. Maybe some new clothes.
altalt. n.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:17, Reply)
Bruce who?
Willis? Lee? Jenner? Springsteen? Dickinson?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:20, Reply)

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:27, Reply)
oh, yeah, he's a right old scrote.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:43, Reply)
Ive got a bit of a dicky tummy today.
Who else likes dick?
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:28, Reply)
I like mine.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:30, Reply)
a nice pink arse and no hair on his balls

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:32, Reply)
especially after all that spunk
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:36, Reply)
The Chicago sequel felt a lot more crass...

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:39, Reply)
They call me Mr Semen-face

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:48, Reply)
looks like Keith Harris is dead, I bet he was a nob.
Edit: too slow pig
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:42, Reply)
this article was on the side
poor old baggenfock

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:44, Reply)
rumours going round on twitter that orville has died

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:45, Reply)
When fisting goes wrong.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 12:39, Reply)
I wish I could fly for Xmas number 1!

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 11:47, Reply)
I just heard Keith Allen had died
Imagine my disappointment when I realised the cunt is still alive.
(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 12:11, Reply)
Hopefully he'll take his daughter out with him when he goes.

(, Tue 28 Apr 2015, 12:39, Reply)

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