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( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:25, 365 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Screw working! I've got a few (work related) errands to do today, but I can't be bothered!
Smash the state!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:30, Reply)

I don't have enough money not to have to work.
Because I wouldn't. I'd do something constructive with my time, sure, but it wouldn't involve working regular hours for someone else.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:32, Reply)

Once my mortgage is paid off, I'd be more than happy to do a (no disrespect) menial task (i.e shelf stacking, bar work, etc) to pay for my little luxuries. As long as I've got a roof over my head, I'm happy!
Hell, I may even sell the house (once paid for) and live abroad!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:34, Reply)

Got a great start to the week. I'm already behind schedule even before I've started.
Off to do a test in about half an hour - a test I should have done on Friday but we cancelled because of the mist, then spending the rest of the week playing catch-up.
Hope people had great weekends. I had one of those fantastic uber-lazy weekends of doing nothing in particular :-)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:35, Reply)

I had a good weekend, but restful it was not. Managed to get a couple of hours to watch the F1, but apart from that I was pretty busy. I'm glad to get back to work for a rest!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:39, Reply)

I really have no desire to strain myself at work, right now.
I had a good weekend. Played poker with some friends. Came first in the first game and came second in the second game.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:43, Reply)

my ancient Clio flew through the MOT. Must've been the 45 minutes I spent wrestling with the rear wiper blade that clinched it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:46, Reply)

Nothing to do with the backhander to the tester then?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:49, Reply)

I doubt the rear wiper blade had anything to do with it.
What reg is your Clio?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:50, Reply)

Hope we're all doing ok?
Lovely morning here, very crisp and sunny.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:51, Reply)

Do not doubt my wiper replacing power! It's a '95 Clio.
@K2k6 - the mechanic told me it had failed, read me a list of woes including emissions (my heart sank) and bearings and the like, and when I sat down with a cup of tea and a bad mood I suddenly realised he'd given me the wrong paperwork, and when I phoned to tell him he said "sorry, I've a rotten hangover - yours passed."
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:55, Reply)

I am doubting your rear-wiper-blade-installing-abilities!
All joking aside, they don't look for that on an MOT. It's FRONT wipers which are important.
95?! Blimey! I'd be extremely impressed if I had a 95 Clio which passed an MOT! The initial build quality of those things was appalling!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 8:57, Reply)

if I had a '95 Clio which was still driveable, let alone roadworthy!
Stig's right. The rear wiper isn't part of the test.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:00, Reply)

I've got a busy week ahead of me.
Boring at work, fun in the evenings.
Also, it's a Monday, so I'd be more than happy to kill every motherfucker in the place.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:00, Reply)

I hope everyone is feeling sparkly today.
I have to drive to Bristol Airport to pick my sister up today which should be a laugh. It's a bloody nightmare getting there from where I live. If you see news reports of a confused female driving around aimlessly in the West Country, don't worry, it's only me!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:00, Reply)

I know the checks - I was being facetious! :) You don't even need a rear windscreen, do ya?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:01, Reply)

I'm going to spend all afternoon in the pub.
Morning all.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:01, Reply)

I put a mate's old Land Rover in for a test without any doors on it, and it still passed :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:03, Reply)

my Laguna failed its first MoT!
Morning Lusty and Lucy.
Edit - and Kaol!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:04, Reply)

I had an ace time!
I've been laughing so much I actually hurt this morning.
Had a few odd things happen, but apart from that it was lovely and relaxed and I feel all happy now!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:06, Reply)

I think these 'odd things' that you speak of need further explanation!
*hopes it involves boobies in some way*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:08, Reply)

I hate the first week of term. (And the second. And the third. And the rest.)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:12, Reply)

I'm so glad to be out of it.
Although I don't have as many things to dissect now.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:13, Reply)

No one thought I was a prostitue if that's what you were suggesting although someone did ask my if my boobs were real.
The odd things were just random tourists aksing to have their photos taken with us. We have no idea why! I think my friends and I just look like normal people!
I also had a bit of a tiff with a man in a bar because he told me my hair made me look like Amy Winehouse. He wouldn't stop talking and just kept digging himself a massive hole and it took two large vodka and lemonades before he managed to dig himself out of again.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:16, Reply)

I know you were! I'm impressed you know how to change a rear wiper on a car! Most females, barely know where the clutch is!
P.S. That is the end of "car talk"! I always hi-jack the HSH thread and turn it into an "webisode" of "Top Gear"!
@Wanderlust. Hope you had a good time in Hamsterjam. I'm going there in November. There's a couple of joints and magic mushrooms with my name (Mr T. Stig) on it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:16, Reply)

Suggesting that you're a hooker :p
I meant more that if Mr. K wanted stories of tits, Amsterdam is likely to provide them!
EDIT: Stig, that's a bit of a shocking comment. I certainly don't agree with it! Maybe the women you hang around with are retarded? :p
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:18, Reply)

Stories of wanderlust's tits are always welcome, and I did think Amsterdam would be the ideal place for them to come out.
The stories, I mean.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:21, Reply)

That reminds me - I was chatting to one of my boyfriend's acquaintances the other night. He was talking about his new fancy schmancy car.
"Do you drive?" he said to me.
"Aye", sez I, not remotely wishing to get into car comparison stories (well, I'd lose).
I could see him racking his brains for conversation on this topic.
"And what colour is your car?" he asked politely.
I left and went to talk to someone less patronising.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:21, Reply)

They are retarded! That's the only reason they hang around with me!
And listen to you! "ooooh, Stig! That was a sexist comment! Women are just as good a driver as men! I'm Captain PC!"
You just want a shag! Captain Right-on? Captain Hard-on, more like! :O)
Ha! He pitched his "car talk" too low for you? Big mistake! I generaly try to avoid "car talk" by virtue that I won't stop rabbiting on and reveal myself to be a complete and utter car-bore!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:23, Reply)

The 1950's called wondering if you still have all their outdated ideas regarding sex and race?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:28, Reply)

heh - you are the epitome of car-y goodness! But surely all that oil must play havoc with your nails, eh? ;)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:33, Reply)

I don't appreciate being called a fraud.
I'm leaving it at that.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:34, Reply)

And Kaol, Lusty, CHCB etc.
Lusty - Glad you had a good trip! sounds ace.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:34, Reply)

Jimmy Carr called me and wondered if you'd like to learn about post modern mysogony?
@ Kaol. Maybe "Fraud" was too strong a word. How about "Bluffer"?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:35, Reply)

The Stig's in trouble.....
There's a blacked out Marina closing in, with a Clio in close formation. Stake, kindling and matches in the boot...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:38, Reply)

And yeah CHCB I do tend to go into work with very oil stained nails. Lucky I work with a lot of men so they don't care what state my nails are in!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:39, Reply)

Cars cars cars
I purrrrr chased a classic 80's motor in the week, it's pimp-tight.
A VW Sciroccoc Scala - 1.8 fuel injected suicide machine. Looks a bit like a Delorean.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:39, Reply)

I'll take that :)
"Fraud" has bad connotations.
People got exciting plans this week?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:39, Reply)

We've got another car thread! Someone tell a rude joke! Anything to stop the car talk!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:40, Reply)

Yeah, they won't worry at your nails. They'll be too busy
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:41, Reply)

I'm just updating my job application spreadsheet (yes, it's so bad I've made a spreadsheet).
Then I'm going to see The Duchess with my mothership at some point this week, and like I said earlier I'm going to get lost on my way to Bristol.
And that's my week!
How about you Kaol? Any plans?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:42, Reply)

Also Stig it's misogyny.
Kaol did you get hugs? *hugs*
EDIT: k2k6 I wouldn't blame them, I have fantastic breasts. I can look at them whenever I want too
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:42, Reply)

1) Stop laughing
2) Do some work
3) A spot of light world domination
4) Do the dishes
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:43, Reply)

I'll wait 'til Saturday to cash 'em in :D
This week...
Got a band practice tonight, going to the cinema on Tuesday, going to a gig on Wednesday, a band practice Thursday, and then another bit of filming on Friday night.
And then I've got a fairly quiet weekend.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:44, Reply)

I'm getting dressed up in a suit and getting pished.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:45, Reply)

A spelling mistake is the best you can muster? Oh well, that's the end of that. Let's move on.... :O)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:47, Reply)

Why oh why do I drink on Sundays?
Only a bottle of kitten tears will make me feel better.
*sitting in the corner giving myself chinese burns*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:49, Reply)

Maybe you should lay off the gin...
That stuff always makes me want to jump off the top of the nearest multi-story car-park.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:50, Reply)

I deleted my facebook account which did have about 20 pics of my.. "assets" ;)
Drinking Jim? Even I don't drink this early on a Monday!
Pinky I can offer hugs and neurofen!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:50, Reply)

I'm a bit zombified this morning, went to see Gojira in Birmingham, then drove home. Somehow I managed to sleep through two alarms, but still managed to get to work on time.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:52, Reply)

It's a holiday here today, so we are all off uni, even though we have had a subtotal of zero classes so far. I expect my work levels to go up considerably from tomorrow though unfortunately.
Plans for this week involve attending uni, sleeping, and trying to get rid of the cold I still have.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:52, Reply)

Didn't you meet up with some b3tans this weekend? How did that go? Or is that next weekend?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:52, Reply)

Was that with In Flames, Lab?
I'm going to that on Wednesday :D
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:53, Reply)

I think it's the cider that's sending me blooty these days.
I might have to grow a beard and start on the real ale instead.
When I say 'cider' I mean 'CIDER' not the strongbow/magners/blackthorn bullshit.
TGB Neurofen and hugs will help muchly, cheers.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:54, Reply)

Yes it was, although we didn't stay to see In Flames, the others had a train to catch at 10, so we nipped off to Scruffy Murphy's instead.
I felt old at the gig, so many youngsters!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:54, Reply)

as "b3ta lazy day".
That is all.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:56, Reply)

We are going to a cider festival! Wooooooooooooo
Oh and pooflake and captain placid will be there. With the cider! Wooooo! *hi-fives*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:57, Reply)

I'm looking forward to it.
Well, apart from the inevitable "I might weigh twenty stone, but I'm still gonna whip my top off, smack into people, act like a twat, then get my back-sweat somehow on your face" people.
I hate them :(
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:58, Reply)

Oh no! Cider makes me soooooooo ill. I get really lairy and then the whole worlds spins in a violent manner and then I vomit. Profusely.
I'm a lager or ale girl. yum.
Or gin. It doesn't seem to depress me like it does other people. I love the stuff!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 9:59, Reply)

Kaol I read that comment as those are the people at the cider festival! hehe!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:00, Reply)

are awesome. I'm jealous that you went to see them. Although I am seeing Carcass, Pitchshifter, Catherdral and Taint in November.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:01, Reply)

I was wondering what sort of fat scrumpy drinkers whip their tops off and manage to cause a ruckus at a cider festival!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:02, Reply)

I thought yew wuz a wezzcunry gurrrl.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:03, Reply)

My ex and a few friends are going to Damnation as well, it looks good :)
Yeah, there were a couple of them, thankfully they stayed away from me.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:05, Reply)

That's the problem, I am! My dad drinks the stuff that still has pips floating in it and I just can't take it. I used to like it when I was about 15. But then 15 year olds can drink just about anything!
So I have to stick with our local ales. I do live near the 6x brewery though, that's quite nice!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:06, Reply)

It's much less fun at concerts. My friend once spend a considerable time being engulfed by a fat mans arm fat-folds.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:07, Reply)

They seem to come out of the fuckin' woodwork in London.
Anyhow, did they play a load of stuff from the up-coming album?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:07, Reply)

Devizes? We've had this Wiltshire conversation before...
I got ID-ed when buying wine in Devizes last week. I'm 32.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:07, Reply)

They played a couple of new songs, but mostly stuck to From Mars to Sirius. Highlights for me were Backbone and Flying Whales.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:09, Reply)

Hell yeah! I got mistaken for a student on Monday was well. That expensive eye cream must be working.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:10, Reply)

Indeed! Trowbridge is only 20 minutes away from Devizes and I used to work there in the summers.
That's a compliment being ID'd. Mr VP is 29 and gets so excited when he gets asked for ID. Bless him.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:11, Reply)

It's nice to be able to get into stuff, never so good when they spam the hell out of new material and the crowd don't know it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:11, Reply)

just thought I'd rub in the fact that I've got a week off, so have just got out of bed am going out to have breakfast :-P
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:12, Reply)

Like... Ever.
I'm gonna look like an OAP in twenty years time.
EDIT: *punches Vipros in the head*
You bastard!
What you having for breakfast?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:12, Reply)

so it might just have to be a fry up
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:14, Reply)

Pancakes. Or waffles.
With bacon and maple syrup.
Well, I've got nothing.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:16, Reply)

I went through Trowbridge on the train last week on my way to Pewsey (for Carnival).
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:17, Reply)

Bacon and syrup? I've heard of that crazy combination but never had it. Is it the breakfast equivalent of ham and pineapple?
Edit - CHCB - It's still a hole. Not a nice place to live.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:17, Reply)

Was supposed to be in training all day.
Got there and they went, you've done this bit. Come back at 1.
Fuck 'em. I'm not working!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:18, Reply)

But all I had for breakfast was coco pops.
I do however have about 4 portions of bolognaise to eat throughout the day.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:19, Reply)

alllll the time!
I have to carry my passport with me as I look like a chav in my driving license. *cries*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:19, Reply)

It has to be really crispy, American-type bacon.
And decent maple syrup.
The sweet and salt really go well together.
I don't like ham and pineapple :p
This is more like peanut butter and jam, I guess.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:23, Reply)

is one of the underated combinations of the century. It's like fried Cloutie Dumpling and bacon. Nomnomnom.
If you were coming to the Leambash LvP you would have the indomitable pleasure of eating said combo in gluttonous amounts.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:23, Reply)

Thomas Hardy used to have brown sugar sprinkled on his bacon. Fact.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:24, Reply)

I was somewhat bemused by the breakfast of pancakes with maple (or blueberry - yum) syrup, eggs, sausage and bacon. All on the one plate.
But oddly it does actually work quite well. Except that American bacon is shit stuff. It's all fatty and streaky, and is a served only a millisecond before total incineration.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:26, Reply)

Any time, any place :D
Oh... I see. Yeah...
It's a type of food...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:27, Reply)

a sausage and mushroom sarnie.
I really don't have a sweet tooth at all so no syrup or jam for me.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:28, Reply)

I fry my streaky bacon in shortening
*arteries asplode*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:30, Reply)

Is that like beef dripping?
EDIT: Unintentional 100! I'm THAT good.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:31, Reply)

You...don't have a sweet tooth?
Is that even possible?!
I think all my teeth are sweet teeth. Not for chocolate though. I could live without chocolate.
But not without sweets or crisps.
Oh, now I'm hungry again and I've already had 4 crumpets for breakfast!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:32, Reply)

I do eat a lot of fruit but not really cakes or chocolate.
I did have a big bowl of apple crumble and custard last night but only cos my housemate offered me some.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:34, Reply)

You don't like chocolate? How is such a thing possible?
Chocolate is the finest sweet foodstuff known to man. And woman.
I could live without eating other sweet stuff, if I had chocolate.
Theobromine ftw.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:35, Reply)

Pah. Could live without it. Potatoes on the other hand...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:35, Reply)

it's any 100% semisolid fat, usually used for pastries. It's never animal based as it would make the pastry taste disgusting. It's got a really high smoke rate so you can fry stuff in it with extra crispy results.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:36, Reply)

Chocolate is ok but I can live without it.
Unlike sweets. Or crisps, as I said.
I always go for a starter rather than a pudding.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:37, Reply)

weekend then.
I may have a full english for my tea tonight because I have a craving for bacon.
I did originally write meat but thought better of it
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:37, Reply)

Sounds amazing!
Although I wonder what'd happen if you fried bacon in goose-fat...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:38, Reply)

given the choice between alcohol and chocolate, I'd take chocolate.
You may mock...
(the above is a rhetorical device, not an open invitation)
Edit@Kaol - you'd have a lovely meal then die prematurely of choked arteries.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:38, Reply)

When I was working in the Middle East they had a 'bacon alternative' because (obviously) they don't like to touch teh ham.
It was veal bacon. I have no qualms about killing and eating the fluffies but I do have a sense of remorse with every mouthful of veal.
Bollocks! What am I going on about it tastes nice, fuck 'em.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:38, Reply)

I love food.
Yesterday I had:
an omelette
a big plate of morrocan lamb casserole
2 bananas
big plate of pasta and home made sauce
huge bowl of apple crumble of custard
And I weigh less than 11 stone!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:39, Reply)

I'm here.
Alcohol is better than chocolate, but that's not fair because alcohol is better than everything. But is smoking better than chocolate?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:39, Reply)

You don't get cool-points for standing around eating a chocolate bar, menacingly.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:40, Reply)

Your day of food sounds ok apart from the bananas.
Fruit of the devil.
And did you have any cigarettes? Do I need to be stern with you?
Clendrix - I'm just going through jobs.ac.uk, thanks again for the recommendation!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:41, Reply)

virtually none of my real world friends smoke. I can think of one. Some used to but gave up.
But you lot, my b3ta buddies, seem to be able to smoke for Britain. How strange.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:42, Reply)

I did yeah:(
smoking is better than chocolate.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:42, Reply)

Duck fat is for frying other meats in :D
Edit: Smoking is cool. James Bond made me smoke, how awesome is that.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:43, Reply)

I do like chocolate, but I like other things more.
Also, best chocolate-based thing ever is Milky Ways. Fact.
Duck fat eh?
*grabs stick and loaf of bread*
I'm going to the park at lunchtime :D
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:43, Reply)

Has chocolate ever made you cough up blood?
I'm not a staunch anti-smoker or anything but you, young man, have a chest infection.
Naughty boy for smoking.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:45, Reply)

Chocolate fucking rocks, but smoking is indeed cool and clever and no one ever said that about a Twix.
Lucy, good luck! You can be quite specific about what you're searching for, so that should help.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:45, Reply)

smoking. Is smoking whilst drinking.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:46, Reply)

I don't eat bananas as a rule. Not because I find them repulsive, but I prefer less sweet fruits.
I have however eaten eight bananas in my life.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:46, Reply)

Not quite... That implies that smoking is better than drinking. Which it clearly isn't.
Smoking AND drinking, is fan-fucking-tastic.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:48, Reply)

That doesn't count. Everyone has had a nasty accident with a Toblerone.
Stupid triangular shaped danger chocolate.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:48, Reply)

Straight from the fridge.
Your gums will die a twisting, impaled death.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:50, Reply)

I feel better today though.
Just a bit of a cough left. The ibuprofen and paracetomol have done their business:)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:51, Reply)

already established nothing was better than alcohol.
So I was saying it goes
Drinking and Smoking
Slovakian cheese strings.
Seriously they are insanely nice!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:51, Reply)

It probably wouldn't be allowed to be made in the EU because it contravened some sort of health and safety legislation. :)
Also, smoking is fucking minging. Feel free to disagree. And I know you will.
Actually, I don't really have any issues with smokers. So long as I don't have to breathe their smoke, I don't care. Just have no intention of doing it myself.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:51, Reply)

burn of a quality spirit combined with the toasted lung burn of a Lucky Red.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:52, Reply)

"Stupid triangular shaped danger chocolate"
That gotta me laughing.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:52, Reply)

I shall let you off then.
Only just though. ;)
TGB - Whats so great about Slovakian Cheese Strings?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:53, Reply)

Driving fast and hard
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:54, Reply)

and got stroppy with me because I didn't know where her class was taking place - I explained it was a different department but she seemed to think that I should know every fucking class time and location for the entire college.
Consequently, I have drawn up a new list:
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:55, Reply)

the cheese.
I dunno exactly what it is that makes it so damn nice but it is! And I have been informed my next delivery is here! WOOOO!
cheese cheese cheese cheese
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:56, Reply)

I think my list would go:
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 10:58, Reply)

I love cheese too.
Goats cheese especially. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Or brie.
Or, well, you get the picture!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:02, Reply)

is sometimes massively disappointing.
Masturbation ftw then drinking/smoking combos, cheese then sex.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:02, Reply)

Blow jobs
Cider AND cigarettes
*edit* receiving BJ's not giving. I do not play the pink oboe.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:05, Reply)

I'd end up burning my equipment.
I don't know how, but it WOULD happen.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:05, Reply)

Me too.
I'm very accident prone.
Singed pubes at the very least.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:07, Reply)

And I don't really fancy masturbating in the garden.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:07, Reply)

I could kill for a fag and a pint followed by a curry!
But I must stop smoking, drinking and eating fatty (tasty) food or I will die soon.
My advice ... go fucking mental while you can because your body falls to pieces after 40!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:07, Reply)

It would have to be
Driving like a tit on a track (such as me here about 18 months ago for some press pics.)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:08, Reply)

Alcohol worryingly far down the list there.
Mind you, if you're a petrolhead you can't be turning up too wobbly.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:10, Reply)

is fucking awesome and everyone who includes it on their lists are fucking awesome too :p
Duckie stop making everyone jealous of you!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:11, Reply)

They go together perfectly though.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:13, Reply)

Most of the day-to-day stuff is nothing at all to be jealous of.
Have you ever tried driving for 5 hours around a circular track at a constant 50km/h? You don't know the meaning of boredom until you do...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:14, Reply)

I went ragamuffin in the farm shop and have a whole shelf in the fridge dedicated to cheese.
I've been having a lot of lucid nightmares lately, cheese is trippy stuff.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:15, Reply)

*hugs back*
It was top-hole thanks!
i went fishing and caught a mackerel. i was proud. we nommed it.
also did about a squillion other things, so I'm having this week off as well. huzah!
how are you all today my pretties?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:16, Reply)

I didn't have nearly enough when I was in Hamsterjam.
Clendrix, I'm not at work today...Do you want to come round for cheese, cuddles and drink based enjoyment?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:16, Reply)

I've been to visit a school today where I am applying for a job.
Got home to find that I've had a tax rebate for £150! Hurrah
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:16, Reply)

( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:18, Reply)

Although running the teeeeny risk of it turning into a car discussion....
How sexy is the new fiesta!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:19, Reply)

And the prize for "making Kaol laugh on a Monday morning" goes to DJtrialprice.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:20, Reply)

is rather like rubberduck's. Except that I'd swap cheese and chocolate.
Morning, HLT. Top hole, you say? Haven't heard that bally expression in yonks. Spiffing!
*waxes moustache*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:22, Reply)

I see your constant 50 and raise you back-to-back sessions with the Ford Ka, Fiat Cinqecento and VW Lupo. On the bowl at Millbrook. There were frigging Transits on test there that were swooping past me.
And I don't eat chocolate, and too much cheese gives me a squirty tummy, so I'll vote for crisps. And pork scratchings.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:23, Reply)

and good to have you back!
Big laughs caused by djtrialprice
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:24, Reply)

In no particular order
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:28, Reply)

twas an absolute corker! No rain (a fucking miracle for the west coast), and I got sunburnt!
have now read the thread and see we are making lists.
here is a list (in no particular order)
pints of real ale (in half-pint glasses)
and everything else.
oh and cake and kittens, obviously. and cheese. and fishing. and driving. and driving to the place where the fishing will be done.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:28, Reply)

The Transits are awesome. We've got one of the 200PS 5-cylinder jobs in the fleet here, and it's surpringly rapid.
There's much amusement to be had in burning off Darren the photocopier salesman's BMW 320d with a van :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:29, Reply)

Sorry my refresh is so shit I tend to run a way behind the convo!
Woo for catching fish! And eating fish! nom nom nom
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:30, Reply)

I luvs it I do, what sort?
I love fly fishing because I can dress like a twat with a waistcoat and poncy hat. It's my guilty pleasure.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:31, Reply)

Spices and herbs!
You're funny. I'm coming round for dinner.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:31, Reply)

Two points about your list:
1 - wot, no sex?
2 - A pint of real ale in a half pint glass is either a miracle of biblical proportions, or would result in a 50% spillage.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:32, Reply)

It seems to say pints in multiple half pint glasses, so it seems to work ok.
Also, morning HLT. I had just wandered off to get my printer working and print my timetable for this year, as my department managed to not print enough for us all at our induction on Friday.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:34, Reply)

How dare they take me away from OT?!
I can't decide whether I prefer sex to masturbation, both have their ups and downs *fnarr fnarr*.
So, my list would be:
Food (especially cheese, like Mexicana *drools*)
Adrenaline (through jumping out a plane, or rollercoasters, rather than the Pulp Fiction method)
Salt & Vinegar Kettle Chips
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:35, Reply)

and I plan on doing so until my miraculous metabolism deserts me when I'm 30.
Any of you are welcome to come over for dinner.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:35, Reply)

How's it going this morning?
I'm still in pain after Saturday night, it now burns when I pee which isn't good.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:37, Reply)

so some sort of stick with a thin bit of string, a hook, and a worm. no wait, not a worm, a bit of another fish.
the funniest thing about the whole holiday was the laminated instructions that were all over our rented cottage. little square cards of doom that said various things, ranging from:
"Please don't pour fat down the sink as it clogs the drains. wipe it off with a bit of kitchen roll and dispose of it in the bin provided."
and (in the bathroom)
"Please leave the window open slightly ajar as much as possible in order to avoid the build-up of condensation"
"DO NOT dispose of anything other than loo roll down the toilet as the sewage pipes are very narrow and will become blocked if anything else is put down the toilet"
which are all fairly reasonable, and sane.
then we found this:
"IMPORTANT NOTICE (in 36pt, and underlined)
(then in bigger type and underlined twice) CUSHIONS MUST BE PLUMPED DAILY
These cushions are filled with man-made fibre which, whilst as comfortable as feather-filled cushions, can easily lose their shape and sit if not plumped on a daily basis. Please ensure you plump the cushions regularly."
edit@k2k6 - well, duh, of course sex! it's me! oh, and it's monday today isn't it? *blows kiss*
and the real ale, well, if it is real ale it will know how to fit itself inside something that is too small for it.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:39, Reply)

I don't have any food :( I am eating out at least 3 days this week though *glees*
Batman what did you do!?
hehe cushion pumping
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:40, Reply)

In Scots parlance, the word 'fly' can also mean 'sneaky'. Hence a fly cup is a cup of tea imbibed while working or on duty. And doing something on the fly is not, as in standard English, doing something while in motion or in operation, but doing it without anyone knowing about it.
So fly fishing always makes me smile, as it suggests poaching.
Edit@HLT - I thought the sex might have been taken as read, but I needed to make sure!
*plumps cushions*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:43, Reply)

Mackerel are most yummy, if eaten on the same day they're caught.
Where were you? I had a couple of days out of Whitby in July and we gots loads of mackeral, whiting, codlings and ling.
BBQ heaven
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:47, Reply)

I was out in St Andrews on Saturday night and obviously ended up steaming drunk. Somehow, and I have to stress I have no idea how or why, we went to the beach and ended up...frollicking in the sea which a Dutch girl.
I woke up yesterday morning on the beach with a bemused child staring down at me asking if I wanted to build sandcastles with him. Since tea time it's been burny burny down there.
The other guy I was with passed out mid-way through sex and woke up to discover his cock had been coloured in green with permanent marker by his rather disgruntled beau.
Funnniest part of it though is any time he tries to scrub it off he gets rather...excited and ends up collapsed in a heap in the shower, if you catch my drift.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:50, Reply)

the mackerel was eaten within two hours of being caught and it was divine!
We were on the coast of mid argyll, opposite Jura, at a little place called Duntrune Castle. Twas lully, and really warm - got back on Saturday, can't believe how cold it is on this side. Bbrrr!
*arranges scarf strategically*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:50, Reply)

You can eat them raw if you've just caught 'em.
Apart from Bass, they're the best eating fish there is IMO.
HLT Jura is the home of some of the finest single malt whiskey, did you get to sample any?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:51, Reply)

No, I didn't! What a wasted opportunity!
right, I'm off again. I might see you all later this week.
be good now!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:56, Reply)

Thanks but it's really sore :(
People in St Andrews had never heard of Jagerbombs before so I felt we had to educate them. Which resulted in us getting bought bloody hundreds (may be an exaggeration) of the buggers.
Jagermeister is bad.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:57, Reply)

@HCFB - how the fuck did you survive? Apart from the blood/alcohol ratio, of course.
As for the burny burny, you have probably been the victim of the Lesser Northern Weaverfish, a very, very small relation of the normal weaverfish. This little chappie has jaggy dorsal spines that are moderately venomous, and as a species are attracted to warmth. If, during your frolics, your dangly bits were exposed and errm radiating heat, the fishy may have zeroed in on the warmth, and swum up your todger. The spines jam about half way up the urethra, and every time you attempt to piss, it will show its unhappiness by jabbing/wriggling, hence the unpleasant sensation.
Hope that sets your mind at rest.
Unfortunately the only way to dislodge the fish, is to lay your old fella on a handy work surface and thump it with a mallet. This will stun the fish and it will slither downstream until it plops out. Have a pair of pliers on standby to grab the tail just in case it wriggles back up. Moderate tear-age may occur.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 11:58, Reply)

I miss the Scottish vernacular. I miss using the word "how" when I'm asking the question "why".
Still, Herr Doktor Lemminge told me you work in Dundee. I don't miss it enough to work in Dundee.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:01, Reply)

Or maybe you've just picked up a dose of the clap after all.
Edit@djtrialprice - That's not fair. There are worse places than Dundee.
Basra for example.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:02, Reply)

more at your mate trying to scrub it off in the shower.
Now I am laughing at Osok's post and my boss is looking at me funny
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:03, Reply)

St Andrews is my favourite place in the world!
Have a pint (or several) in the Cellar bar and a pizza from the KFB for me.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:03, Reply)

I never thought I would want to have the clap so much if that's possible.
I actually had a pizza from the KFB, my mum and dad own a flat directly opposite that. It's one of the best places around, chocolate pizzas aside.
EDIT TGB Yeah I texted him this morning to see if he had any luck with it he replied "Red raw but still green...4th date with Sarah tonight, she's in for a nasty surprise"
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:04, Reply)

Very curable.
Not like the old days when it'd eat away at your skull, leaving sores that you could actually poke your brain through.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:08, Reply)

Well, it's more plausible than the recruitment websites I'm slogging through.
(NB salt water can irritate 'delicate' membranes, especially if they have been a-frolicking. Not quite as bad as getting sand into the equation but there you go. Keep the mallet on standby, just in case)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:09, Reply)

No way, that is weird. I spent a lot of time in St Andrews when I was kid, absolutely love it. It was heaving at the weekend though, the pubs really couldn't cope with that many folk being there.
Loads of shops seem to have shut down over the summer as well which is quite sad.
Osok...mallet has been looked out. I'll keep you informed.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:17, Reply)

On the topic of cars on tracks, that is me in my limo hammering it round the Nordschleife *yeys*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:19, Reply)

Ethelred that limo is awesome! You're not too bad either ;)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:23, Reply)

You and I have been here for so long, we're now finding ourselves comfortable with silence!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:24, Reply)

Its my little (read: big) toy :)
You can hardly see me, its all shadowy and stuff :P
Shame the guy only got photos of me before and after getting it sideways on that corner :(
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:25, Reply)

I overslept today, so didn't have time to make lunch. Therefore I shall go to the sandwich shop around the corner and get a freshly-baked baguette, with bacon, brie and cranberry *drools*.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:29, Reply)

Are you like the "Locals" then?
Also, lunch. I'll be having a cigarette or three, a double espresso and a baguette of some kind.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:30, Reply)

Talk about anything other than cars or food, can't stand the former, and stupid me forgot my wallet this morning and thusly am unable to buy the latter.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:32, Reply)

no Kaol ChallengeTM this week then?
How about an orange challenge, seeing as you like oranges? One today, going up to five on Friday lunchtime.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:35, Reply)

One bag of Kettle Chips
One box of yum yums
4 wispas.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:36, Reply)

Well, I'm glad that your remembered, Herr Dok!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:36, Reply)

That limo is awesome. I've always loved old-school mk2 Granadas. Is it the 2.8?
The Nordschleife is most excellent. I was out there a few months ago and even managed to get snapped by some magazine spy photographers. Can't see a lot of me mind 'cos of the helmet...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:37, Reply)

If you're local,
you're not going to say,
"You ain't from around here, are ya boy?"
or tell me I got a purty mouth?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:37, Reply)

No I'm not, cos I didn't watch any of that programme :)
But I am going to ensure that my regular seat is free and that any inappropriate behaviour is dealt with.
*frowns, Kaol-style*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:39, Reply)

I like the idea of an Orange Challenge!
Consider it taken up!
By "Orange" I mean tangerine, clementine, mandarin or whatever.
No Grapefruits. EVIL.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:40, Reply)

It is indeed a 2.8 V6 on a carb bigger than my head. Good for around 15MPG usually!
Goes alright for a 3 speed auto weighing 3 tonnes though :)
That track is superb, its just such a rush when you're flat out at 90mph, and there are cars hammering past like you're standing still!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:41, Reply)

I've had 4 clementines today already. They're just right - so acidic they make your eyes bleed when you're eating them.
Nom nom nom
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:42, Reply)

people remember me, though I don't know why!
Clen that quote is from the film Deliverance, if you want to see the League of Gentlemen, I'll loan it to you.
EDIT Can I start that challenge with 3 tomorrow?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:43, Reply)

What about a chocolate orange challenge,
on Friday you have to wrestle Dawn French for one.
*books ticket for ringside seat*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:45, Reply)

15mpg! I get better than that out of my blown 4.2.
Your car is crying out for the 2.9 24v Cosworth V6 from the Scorpio, or the 4.0 V6 from the Ford Explorer. They're both Cologne engines so they'll drop straight in ;) You'll probably get better economy too...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:45, Reply)

Chocolate oranges are... To chocolatey.
I think I'll have a challenge-free week this week.
I may start the Absinthe Challenge the week after.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:47, Reply)

I didn't realise the Explorer was cologne based, I shall enquire...
The 15MPG was with 5 people, each with a tent, 4 days worth of camping kit and the roofbox...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:48, Reply)

I haven't seen any of either, but you know, I think I'm OK. I seem to have so much to watch and read at the moment, that I'm feeling quite stressed about it all.
Thanks though!
And hello!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:49, Reply)

Oh yes!
And if you go for a post-'97 one, it'll be OHC rather than pushrod too. :)
*Slaps self for car talk*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:52, Reply)

Is it still ok to hate Mondays?
I'm in a proper shitty mood here at work and, to make matters better, my colleague has rung in leaving me to deal with everything that comes in.
Still, moaning's boring so I'm not going to carry on. I'm going to take a wander around town in a bit and see if I can find a decent reason to spend some cash on rubbish!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:53, Reply)

Monster Munch have re-issued the old 1980's packets, I'm in heaven.
It's all falling into place for me, first I buy an 80's classic motor and now Monster Munch have gone retro. Mega ace!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:53, Reply)

Don't forget Wispas!
And this uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SQLRQL43654
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:57, Reply)

I am very jealous of your 'Rocco mate. I very nearly bought a GTX myself last year. Black, le castellet alloys, looked like a bargain.
Unfortunately it was a complete dog. Needed brakes, sunroof seal had gone and let half a pint of water in underneath the roof lining meaning that needed replacing too. Engine seemed ok, but when it's been neglected that badly it didn't seem worth the risk.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 12:58, Reply)

The lodger interview was a success!
We'll all miss psycho-nut, I'm sure.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:03, Reply)

You'd weep if knew what I paid for it.
It is bog standard - not been 'boyed up' mint condish full veedub service history (20 years) even the parcel shelf is intact - no speaker holes or anything. Taxed and tested.
Now here's the crunch, the kiddy selling it couldn't afford th £2,500 to insure it and wanted to sell it to go to Newquay with the money.
I left it until 2 hours before he went and said 'You can go to Newquay with no money or you can go with £200 in your back burner.' He accepted.
'Kin bargain, it's almost a form of rape.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:04, Reply)

S'OK you can get them anytime you want them.
Ancrenne, Yup I got home safely, I take it you did. The excitedness had worn off by the time I got home, but that was just the cold, so the nipples were still erect.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:09, Reply)

Even I'd have bought that, and I don't even really like VWs that much.
I'd have been VERY upset though if you'd managed to get your hands on a Rover SD1 3500 Vitesse for that sort of money. A large part of me really badly wants one, especially if it's in Moonraker Blue.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:13, Reply)

@Kaol - by 'orange' I meant the large ones. Navel, or Jaffa. That kind of thing. Clementines, tangerines, satsumas etc are all yummy but if you're doing the challenge with them they're so small you'd need to double your intake.
10 tangerines on a Friday lunchtime should be more than enough for anyone.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:13, Reply)

I might go for a croissant and a pretentious coffee in a bit, with the skyrocket parked outside of course.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:13, Reply)

I've always fancied a Scud.
I haven't had a car for 3 years and had no intention of buying one, but this was too good an opportunity to pass up.
"moonraker blue" I like it! The other 70's/80's colour was "hearing-aid brown" - Allegros, maxis, metros, etc.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:15, Reply)

*smacks everyone talking about cars including herself*
On a (surprisingly for me) girly note I just bought some awesome new eyeshadow! And am eating chocolate :D Living the dream
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:18, Reply)

Haha! You're such a girl!
*ignores the oil under TGB's fingernails*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:19, Reply)

You jammy git! The one I was looking at was for 500 quid.
If I'd had a grand spare, I'd probably havebought the GTX and risked it. I don't see that many coming up these days.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:20, Reply)

Whats permanent, my erect nipples or me being cold?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:22, Reply)

Ha! Hearing-aid brown - brilliant! I remember some old bloke down the road had an Allegro in that very shade.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:23, Reply)

Yup all pink fluffiness and...erm... glitter and stuff for me
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:24, Reply)

by Wookiee. Just Dok's nipples though, so that's OK.
Well, he and Dok seemed to think so...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:29, Reply)

mmmmm SD1... I thought I was alone in my perversion...
My P6 was lovely too, despite being 'Heavy Smoker Phlegm Yellow'
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:29, Reply)

just jealous, and anyway he loves them. (Nipples that is)
And when somebody wants to stoke your nipples you should never say no, it would be impolite!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:33, Reply)

Back again?
Devil's back!
Tell a friend!
*cool, calm, just like your mum, with a couple of valium inside her palm*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 13:59, Reply)

As I said last week "I have fingers of uselessness" as far as typing goes!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:00, Reply)

I try to be Miss Drixy.
I don't succeed very often though.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:03, Reply)

I don't recommend washing up liquid if you're gong to be soaping up.
It has nasty astringent properties when in contact with 'sensitive' skin. Or so I'm told.
@Kaol - how do you maintain this constant awesomeness? Does it take a gargantuan effort?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:04, Reply)

I'd offer you a game of hang tough but I dunno where John Anderson is hiding *shifty eyes*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:04, Reply)

Are you missing a comma, or are you confessing to unconvincing transvestism? Frankly I'd believe either.
Afternoon everyone :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:07, Reply)

but he's just not bitter enough.
He's bitter!
Just not enough...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:08, Reply)

Just trying to work out how to work iMovie... :S
Sod it, TGB, let's hang tough anyway, I'm at home today and the flat is Anderson-proof!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:08, Reply)

Life is back to normal - after a week of virtually no b3ta time, thanks to an ill child.
How are you all?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:11, Reply)

conveniently already have rings hanging up in here as well DiT
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:12, Reply)

I'm missing a comma. My grammer sucks, almost as bad as my spelling.
Damn the Phonetic Spelling method!
'noon Witchy
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:14, Reply)

I thought nothing was Anderson proof.
*watches DiT and TGB going at it in spandex*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:17, Reply)

hang tough song in my head... I want to say.. new kids on the block did it?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:19, Reply)

I'm 99% certain you're right there. I can't believe I remember that!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:26, Reply)

Haven't a clue what you're talking about. I've just got John Anderson saying "Gladiators..READY!" going round and round in my head while listening to Avenged Sevenfold. It's weird.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:27, Reply)

V it is NKOTB Hangin' Tough. Feel free to youtube it and rock out to the 80s goodness
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:30, Reply)

*Rocks out*
In other news. Work is a nightmare today. Why can't I go back to my carefree manic weekend? That was awesome and carefree.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:33, Reply)

my bread hasn't risen. My water was to hot and I've killed the yeast.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:38, Reply)

check this out - uk.news.yahoo.com/skynews/20080929/tuk-chef-dies-after-hot-chilli-dare-45dbed5.html
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:46, Reply)

Well, they'd be dead anyway by the time they were eaten, from cooking in the oven.
It's just that they hadn't had time to do their CO2 thing yet!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:50, Reply)

Eating them doesn't always kill them.
Yeasts are awesome lil' fellas!
In other news, I posted a QOTW story.
You can read it here if you want.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:51, Reply)

I forget what my point was.
My housemate is reading world war z and I am reading the zombie survival guide so now we are planning our escape route should anything happen.
He suggests: "I think all the panicked seaside residents will have already taken [the boats] by the time we get to the coast
I was thinking head off to the airport and steal a plane... I'm sure we could figure out how to fly one with sufficient motivation
like say being chased by zombies"
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:55, Reply)

I'm so glad I know how to:
a) Sail a boat
b) Fly a light aircraft
c) Fire a gun
d) Use a machete to devastating effect
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 14:59, Reply)

The last thing you want to do is visit anywhere with a dense population. All airports will be crammed with people trying to get on a plane to anywhere, which will draw zombies like flies to a turd.
I'm heading somewhere isolated with a low population. Like the Highlands or Caledonia. There I shall eke out a miserable existence in an effort to out-last them. This is assuming they're 28 Days Later style infected human "zombies". If they're Dawn of the Dead style shufflers, it'll be a small fishing village for me. Probably on the South Coast. There I shall find some kind of boat and head for an island. Zombies aren't known for their swimming abilities.
Either way, I guarantee you that the panicked public will cram into airports, train stations and the motorways.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:02, Reply)

head for my friend's croft in the Highlands (they have guns and grow their own food) then wait until the zombies all kill/eat each other, and come back home.
Mind you, getting there might be a problem with no car ....
*heads back to drawing board to formulate Plan B*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:05, Reply)

People slow you down. I couldn't handle having to leave people behind, so I'd just solo it from the start.
Unless they were 16 year old cheerleaders or summat.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:06, Reply)

but my friend owns a plane and I know where it is stored on a very very quiet "airfield" (read: field) in a hanger that could quite easily be broken into.
Bonus 2: He is now in Exeter meaning I will get to the plane long before he does!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:09, Reply)

My friends have a huge farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, with big fields for growing crops, and a larder that's constantly stocked with months worth of food. He also has quite a few shotguns, and a scythe (for ultra cool zombie dispatching).
I'm going straight there at the first sign of zombies, I know plenty of routes to get there, and have cars and bicycles at my disposal.
*has thought about this more than once*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:09, Reply)

A friend and I have a pact. We leave together and work together but only under the strict understanding that we absolutely will trip each other to save our own skins if necessary.
it's best to go into these situations with your eyes open. Especially something as serious as a zombie apocalypse.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:10, Reply)

You've pretty much got to concentrate on survival.
No time for talking/fucking/getting sad when they die.
You've only gotta worry about food for one, as well.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:10, Reply)

I was just wondering what I'd do if I found one.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:11, Reply)

I'm far to lazy to bother fucking around with all this survival shit. I'd just become a zombie.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:13, Reply)

the zombification of the populace would just be a necrophiliac's wet dream?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:15, Reply)

I'm safer than all of you.
Middle of fucking nowhere, surrounded by fields of corn, beans, woods full of rabbits and deer.
Next door to a Medieval church, built like a fortress. That I've got a key to.
EDIT: I might have a couple of weapons knocking around somewhere too...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:16, Reply)

Plan A is to barricade myself inside the house with 30 days of food/water/ammo.
Plan B is to run for the hills, and find a defendable cave site. But what if the rabbits and sheep get zombified as well? There's only so much ammunition you can carry, and zombie rabbits, weasels and so forth are small and nimble enough to dodge the machete/broadsword.
I have now developed Plan C. Pop down to the local barracks and tool up with as much assorted nastiness as possible in addition to my own modest armoury, not forgetting the sword of course. And the bayonetted Lee-Enfield. In fact everything from Swiss Army knife to Extremely Large Guns. Load into the back of 'liberated' truck.
Drive to a nice open space, crushing everything into bloody paste as I go, then....
Neck bottle of 20 year old malt, light Cuban cigar and scream incoherently "come and have a go ya zombie bastards" in best Embra accent, before firing wildly and indiscriminately in beserk foaming rage.
Gotta be a winner, shurely?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:17, Reply)

I did consider a wee side trip to Dreghorn to 'tool up' before heading for the Highlands ....
I also have an urge to try for the Castle - you could have some fun if you could get the cannons to work!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:20, Reply)

other mate on gtalk who is black he said "If there was a zombie invasion I am going to get in a group of all black people because we all know if get together with you white people we get killed off first. bastards"
I said I should join that group as well as my odds would be massively improved :p
He is now quoting south park human shield things at me. hehe
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:21, Reply)

But I'd love it if there was actually a minor zombie 'incident'.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:23, Reply)

I now want to watch a film called Shaun of the peg. No idea what it'd be about.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:31, Reply)

It'd be about a door-to-door Gypsy clothes-peg salesman.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:33, Reply)

Are you lurking or are you actually doing some work?
Edit: erm, sorry everyone - carry on as you were...
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:36, Reply)

whereas I was actually just catching up with the thread after a fit of the works.
In case of zombies, my plan is to steal a motorbike to get to the other side of the M25, then hijack a combine harvester and thresh any bugger who gets close.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:41, Reply)

Knew you were there.
I don't have anything to say to you though.
Edit: actually I do - steal a combine harvester? FFS.
*laughes hugely at thought of Wookiee at controls of large machine*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:42, Reply)

and Ancrenne finally finds a harvester to hijack, only to discard it for lack of correct shapery.
I like your style. Never disregard one's own ideals and principles.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:49, Reply)

Get combine-harvested.
Enough to fuck a kid right up, that was.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:50, Reply)

I do feel a bit bad for encouraging Wookiee back in and then contributing to his abuse.
I may never see him again.
Until pub time.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:53, Reply)

I'm off to get wood...
Into a van.
It's going to be hard work.
Catch you folks late tonight/morning tomorrow :)
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 15:59, Reply)

but I love the idea of playing Carmageddon with real zombies and a combine harvester, and handbrake turns are an integral part of this fantasy. Thus all-round protection is unnecessary.
Also I would quite like to mix it up with a bit of Mad Max-style sawn-off-shotgun-from-the-driving-seat action, and for that you need to let the zombies get a little bit closer.
Midget in a coach? I'd much prefer to be a bald man in a boat, so screw you guys, I'm going for a smoke.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:00, Reply)

We've got our completion date and move in on friday so huuuuuge thanks to Rachaelswipe and N03l for their help :D
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:13, Reply)

Because of the way your b3taday is calculated, it was actually yesterday.
So you've missed out on your candle. :(
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:17, Reply)

I'm back! I made it to the airport and back. I only made a slight, delicate, loop de loop, which only added a tiddly 10 minutes on to my journey.
How is everyone?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:18, Reply)

A steaming pile of hotspur!
My birthday is the date I was born not the date before!
I demand to be wished a happy b3taday anyway dammit!
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:18, Reply)

For some reason the candles seem to appear the day before the actual birthday.
So you missed it I'm afraid :p
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:19, Reply)

nope yesterday was Sunday so I was busy packing things for the move and having sex. Next year my b3taday will be a work day. I come on b3ta mainly when I'm being paid too.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:20, Reply)

When I was doing my PhD, I worked as part of my training with an industrial partner. I wasn't exactly overworked, although they were only paying me £200 a week, so it's just as well.
But their toilets were superb. Nice and clean, spacious cubicles with pot plants and a selection of industry journals. And a copious supply of Dixcel kitten-soft toilet roll (which I must admit disturbed me a bit, as the picture of the cute kittens on the packaging made me think I was wiping with baby cats).
I used to have two trips there each day, for at least 15 minutes. The most comfortable dumping ground ever, I reckon.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:35, Reply)

Happy B3taday :p
Sorry you missed your candle.
I am still running on TGB's Work Internet time. Which is about 5 mins behind everyone else
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:46, Reply)

My line manager let me go for a sleep in the server room when I had a particularly bad morning after my birthday hangover.
Weirdly enough he was a twunt at every other possible occasion.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 16:56, Reply)

I hate my pissing fucking arsing machine sometimes.
How are we all doing this afternoon? Zombie apocalypse over?
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:00, Reply)

Pissflaps. I was hoping for a sodding break and all. Oh well.
*breaks out deathmobile*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:06, Reply)

*watches Wookiee go past, churning up road and students*
*cheers loudly*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:06, Reply)

Excellent. I'm all for the banning of the grotty little shits.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:08, Reply)

and delivered to halls of residence kitchens, to be fed to those who escaped.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:11, Reply)

then later with nvCJD will have to do.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:17, Reply)

Arseholes. Ruining my fucking day.
I'm off to the pub. They'll be in there too, but I will have beer and tobacco and fists.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:17, Reply)

I'm off home. What should I have for dinner tonight?
Answers on a postcard please.
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 17:27, Reply)

a few quid for a Beer-a-gram for you too.
What do you mean there's no such thing?
*ponders gap in the market*
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:05, Reply)

Has anyone ever looked up what was number 1 in the charts the day they were born?
Me and some friends did a while ago. My ex's song was "Que Sera, Sera". Another friend's was "That'll be The Day". All very apt and pithy...
And then I looked mine up... "I've Got A Brand New Combine Harvester"... :(
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:05, Reply)

gap has been pondered. Liscencing laws will not allow for it.
fuzzy- mine is
( , Mon 29 Sep 2008, 18:07, Reply)
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